Phantom Stranger #2

Writer: Dan DiDio Artist: Brent Anderson, Scott Hanna Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: November 14, 2012 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 7 User Reviews: 4
5.3Critic Rating
7.2User Rating

The Phantom Stranger comes face to face with PANDORA!

  • 9.0
    SciFiPulse - Patrick Hayes Nov 15, 2012

    Okay, I'll go another issue after this, but I'm far more interested in his family more than his so-called adventures. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Entertainment Fuse - Elvis Dutan Nov 14, 2012

    One noticeable fault in this issue is the return of the inner monologue, which was last seen in the Zero Issue. I have problems with this because not only does the series work better without it, but that Dan Didio still hasnt worked out all the kinks with it yet. Its better utilized here, but not well enough to justify its existence.Other than that and the more inconsistent tone, the rest has stayed at pretty much the same level. The art, by Brent Anderson and Philip Tan, has improved somewhat as the line work has become more consistent and detailed. The series does seem to be on a rise with each new issue, but will it continue? We will just have to see. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Vine - Mat 'Inferiorego' Elfring Nov 14, 2012

    THE PHANTOM STRANGER is a book I really like. It's a book I now look forward to every month. However, PHANTOM STRANGER is not everyone's cup of tea. The art, can be rough, at times, even thought I find it a unique mixture of the old and new. It's the weakest aspect of this book.This can be a tough character for readers to latch onto; however, it's a character and book people should give a shot. It features some incredibly cool and interesting characters from the DCU that you may or may not know, and the events that happen here may eventually lead to some answers of what happened after Flashpoint.This issue isn't as strong as the first one, but it's still pretty good. I give this issue a mild recommendation. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Read Comic Books - Derek Baker Nov 14, 2012

    The Phantom Stranger can be an odd series to place, but Dan Didio is working to give this book a purpose. Its a shame that the art isnt getting any better, though. Its hard to suggest this book to anybody other than hardcore DC fans. Read Full Review

  • 3.8
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Nov 14, 2012

    I've given Phantom Stranger three issues now, and it remains one of the weakest books in the New 52 lineup. The prospect that the series is building towards Trinity War and other important storylines really isn't enough of a selling point anymore. Read Full Review

  • 3.0
    Eye On Comics - Don MacPherson Nov 17, 2012

    I was thrilled when Anderson was announced as the regular artist for this series, and when he inked his own work in #1, it looked great. But for other issues, he's been paired with inkers, and the result has detracted somewhat from his otherwise strong style. How his art should look is evident on the cover, which he inked himself, but Philip Tan's "embellishments," as the credits call his work, sometimes overpowers Anderson's style. Texture is added where it wasn't really necessary. The end effect is the art looks a bit like the result of Bill Sienkiewicz Lite, and while I enjoy Siewkiewicz's work, I don't want a watered down version instead. While Anderson's cover is clean and boasts a classic look, Ethan Van Sciver's variant cover is a little awkward, mainly because instead of looking like it's adjusting his hat, the title character's hand looks more like it's just waving around his head. Read Full Review

  • 2.2
    Multiversity Comics - Brian Salvatore Nov 16, 2012

    Personally, it is an apt set of symbology for my relationship to this book. You see, I find soccer mind numbingly boring to watch, play or even think about, and this book falls right along those lines as well. In soccer, there is a lot of holding, passes that result in nothing, turnovers, and periods of seeming inactivity. Sound familiar? This issue is one giant holding pattern, story wise, while introducing you to characters new and old that don't really make sense, teasing things, only to dismiss them, and to do so in the blandest way possible. This comic is in the World Cup of Dull, with pretty good odds at taking the whole enchilada. Read Full Review

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