Swamp Thing #17

Event\Storyline: Rotworld Writer: Scott Snyder Artist: Andrew Belanger Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: February 6, 2013 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 9 User Reviews: 9
5.7Critic Rating
6.3User Rating

The epic finale of ROTWORLD continues from this months ANIMAL MAN #17!

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Resources - Greg McElhatton Feb 6, 2013

    "Rotworld" may have come to a close, but of course the big wrap-up/epilogue is still to come next month. So while the saga as a whole can't be evaluated, does "Swamp Thing" #17 bring this chapter of it to a satisfying conclusion? I'd say so. The last page here is one that almost every reader must have seen coming (at least in terms of an end result, not in how it happens), but Snyder, Lemire, and Belanger made the way that it happens a fun one. With the setting of "Rotworld" laid to rest in a dignified manner, it's even one that has resulted in a nice little surprise or two for the reader. Snyder and Paquette will bring it all home next month, but until then, I think this has delivered just what was promised to us as readers. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Imagination Centre - John McCubbin Aug 5, 2013

    This was a decent end to the Rotworld crossover, but was still disappointing. I wouldn't recommend it to newer readers, as it would give you a bad image of the series, which is brilliant, so I'd recommend them waiting till the next issue, or even the issue after that when there's a new writer meaning a fresh start. I'd still however recommend the series overall to newer readers, and would also recommend this issue to anyone who's been following the series, or Rotworld already. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Addicts - Anubhav Dasgupta Feb 11, 2013

    Although it has a story that tries to be more epic than it actually is, and an ending that is more of a copout than anything, Swamp Thing #17 is quite enjoyable and a very fun read. But don't forget to check out Animal Man #17 before you read this one. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Barron Network - R.Barron Feb 6, 2013

    The art here was pretty good except for the way Animal Man was drawn. I dont know if its because I am use to Steve Pugh style or what but Animal Man looked off the entire issue. I know thats a minor issue but I just hated that. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Population Go - Population Go Staff Feb 10, 2013

    Swamp Thing has been a strong series since the get-go, but for the first time I think it has made numerous missteps in one go. Not only does it not conclude the storyline it set out to conclude, but it suffers from inappropriate artwork, and for the first time ever has left me disappointed. Hopefully Scott Snyder will be able to remedy that with his final issue next month. Read Full Review

  • 5.5
    IGN - Poet Mase Feb 6, 2013

    I want to make it clear that I don't blame Andy Belanger for the failure of this book. Belanger's work would be a boon to a different type of story, but the decision to have him take the reins on the final issue of a horror arc was a mistake. As it is, this issue is a huge disappointment. After months of build-up, the final issue of Rotworld peters out without a fitting conclusion. The Swamp Thing saga will, of course, lurch onward, but I certainly feel less enthusiastic about this title after having been burned on this finale. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Read Comic Books - Cody Mudge Feb 6, 2013

    Awkward would be a good word for Swamp Thing #17; I suppose. While the first part found in Animal Man #17 is marginally better, these final chapters have got to be the most disappointing yet, which is saying something. This will be one of the few times where readers will be very glad that Scott Snyder is leaving the series, it's apparent that his heart just wasn't in this series anymore and it has taken a massive dip in quality accordingly. There will still be an epilogue of sorts in both books next month, however there is cause for hope that both of these Dark titles can once again be the gems in DC's crown that they have been in the past. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Minhquan Nguyen Feb 9, 2013

    How far the mighty have fallen indeed. At this point, you're just white-knuckling your way through the next month to get at the next arc, hoping a fresh start will bring back the magic of the series again. Read Full Review

  • 3.0
    Den Of Geek! - Marc Buxton Feb 9, 2013

    The art plays a huge role in the book's failings. Swamp Thing has been defined by great artists since the character's inception. The Rotworld saga has featured some of the most disturbingly visceral art of the past few years. Andrew Belanger creates some unique page designs, but his faces and figures are incredibly cartoony. Cartoony doesn't complement a story about giant cancer monsters rending apart the very fabric of nature and reality. The transformed Maxine should give the reader a sense of innocence tainted, a horrific combination of purity and putrescence. Instead Bellanger renders something that looks like a cross between a Muppet and a cabbage. Bellanger is capable, no doubt, but his style is so wrong for Swamp Thing, it makes one wonder if editorial is paying attention at all to some of these assignments. There are horses for courses, and a clean cartoon style just served to further derail a story muddled in its own disorganization. Read Full Review

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