Invincible #98

Writer: Robert Kirkman Artist: Ryan Ottley Publisher: Image Comics Release Date: December 5, 2012 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 6 User Reviews: 9
7.4Critic Rating
8.6User Rating

The countdown to issue #100 begins here - with the story that will change EVERYTHING for Invincible! Mark's powers have finally returned, just in time for every life on Earth to rest in his hands. But what will happen when everyone learns that what is happening... is Mark's fault?

  • 10
    Barron Network - R.Barron Dec 5, 2012

    I have nothing bad to say this week about Invincible because its finally bringing back the heat and I love it! Read Full Review

  • 8.3
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Dec 5, 2012

    This issue manages to balance a high degree of tension with some nicely rendered action courtesy of Ryan Ottley. In true Claremont fashion, Kirkman is even able to touch on a seemingly unrelated but quietly looming conflict. In short, the series is able to shrug off the ill effects of last month and quickly move forward again. But with the violence sure to only increase in the coming months, hopefully Kirkman can continue to offer bloodshed that actually furthers the story and not just provides shock value. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Therapy - MrComicBook Dec 6, 2012

    Invincible is looking to have one epic of an anniversary issue. If you haven't been reading it, #98 is a good issue to start reading. The first arc is quite accessible to new readers. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics: The Gathering - tskavlan Dec 6, 2012

    If you’re one of the many readers who usually waits for trade paper back compilations for Invincible, I would highly suggest that you make the switch to floppies in time for issue 100. I think these next three issues are going to be some of Robert Kirkman’s best work he has ever done and will be something you’ll regret missing in monthly format. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Unleash The Fanboy - Zac Boone Dec 6, 2012

    After all the hype about issue #100, I was hoping the first installment of this important story would feel more, well, important. Maybe after the plot catches up to where it needs to be, things will even out and the story will improve, hopefully in time for the big anniversary issue. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    X-Man's Comic Blog - Jason Todd Dec 11, 2012

    This issue.... was... odd. I don't understand it... I mean, Bulletproof clearly wanted to be his own man and not in his brother's shadow, so why would he continue to take another guy's Legacy? That was weird to me, then the fact Dinosaurus planned on flooding the planet is just... absurd... I mean... why? And it really makes me hate Mark more than anything else because he broke the guy out, and now he's upset that he's going to the extreme. You KNOW he's an eco-terrorist. He already obliterated Las Vegas! And lastly... you're flooding a planet, that has Viltrumite's living on it... so is he planning to make it so only the super-powered people and the Viltrumite's live there? I just didn't understand why any of the people here made the choices they did... Well Angstrom Levy popped up here, so that was awesome. Read Full Review

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