Superior Spider-Man #8

Writer: Dan Slott Artist: Humberto Ramos Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: April 17, 2013 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 20 User Reviews: 22
7.8Critic Rating
8.2User Rating

“Troubled Mind” Part 2
Peter Parker takes a stand! With a villain acting like a hero and a hero acting like a villain, one man has decided that enough is enough! More with Cardiac! More surprises! And a moment that will break a lot of hearts! To save the life of one of Spider-Man’s enemies, Peter Parker fights to regain control of his body, his mind, and his destiny! Is this the beginning of the end for Otto Octavius?

  • 10
    Comic Vine - Mat 'Inferiorego' Elfring Apr 17, 2013

    SUPERIOR SPIDER-MAN #8 is a fantastic issue that is actually quite touching. Dan Slott really makes a possible game changing move at the end of this issue that for sure will have readers guessing what is going to happen in the next couple of issues. Ramos does a stellar job in the art department as well. It's one of my favorite issues from the series thus far.Overall, I highly recommend this issue. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    AIPT - David Apr 17, 2013

    On top of all that, this issue was drawn by Humberto Ramos and does he do an incredible job. He draws Spidey and Spider-Woman in this issue with elongated limbs and torsos which add to the arachnid quality of them. It's a lot of fun and it helps differentiate Spider-Man from normal people. Ditko was great, but he tended to draw Spider-Man like any yokel in a costume. Note the image below and how his torso is twisting impossibly. It's great stuff, which makes every panel that much more interesting. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Hugo Robberts Lariviere Apr 19, 2013

    Dan Slott still manages to makes Superior Spider-Man a hit thanks to the good number of development added to the multiple parts of his bigger story. In this issue, we get some good character moment, some great art from Humberto Ramos and the promise of even bigger events down the line. I daresay that this is indeed one of the superior titles that Marvel is publishing right now. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    One Quest - Chris Cobb Apr 19, 2013

    Boy oh boy, Dan Slott just keeps piling it on with this book. One page I absolutely hate Doctor Spidey, and in the next I'm thinking he's not such a bad dude after all. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Henchman-4-Hire - Sean Ian Mills Apr 20, 2013

    This was definitely a cool issue, and it looks like bad news for Ghost Peter. If I had to guess – and my guesses are usually wrong – then I think Slott is going to get rid of Ghost Peter in the next issue. He's going to destroy all hope that Peter Parker will ever come back. First of all, I think that's pretty stupid, since Peter Parker is going to come back one of these days. It's going to happen, no matter how much Slott tries to convince us it's not. Second of all, why even introduce Ghost Peter if he was planning to get rid of him in nine issues? It's not like Ghost Peter has really done all that much in the series so far. But it's Slott's story, so he gets to do what he wants. Either way, like I said, Peter will eventually return as Spider-Man. Until then, I'm more than happy to sit back and see what Slott does with Otto. The rest of the issue was cool too – other than that one Black Widow line. Otto stepping up and saving that girl was pretty fantastic. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Read Comic Books - Derek Baker Apr 17, 2013

    Superior Spider-Man took a step back last issue, but issue 8 works to correct this. For the most part, the overall story achieves this, but the whole side-plot with The Avengers is too mindless to be ignored. Theres much to love about Superior, but Slotts story telling problems like to pop up from time to time. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Marvel Disassembled - Kyle Mc Apr 18, 2013

    It can get weird reading this series, sometimes it feels like Otto's spell as Spider-Man is coming to an end but there are moments like when he does his best to save a child's life which make me want him to be around for a lot longer. By far the strongest reason to come back is in the final page which looks to correct issues raised in past reviews. Read Full Review

  • 8.0 - Ben Silverio Apr 21, 2013

    Seriously people, if you're still on the fence about this series because of what happened in 'Amazing Spider-Man' #700, you need to get over it quick because 'Superior Spider-Man' is a pretty great read so far. I'll even say that it's one of my favorite books on my pull list right now. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Jan 10, 2015

    While this mini arc hasn't exactly thrilled me with the use of Cardiac, I do like the overall idea of it and it'll be interesting to see if it gets any further play or not. The internal conflict of Octavius is what's making him a compelling character, and should make him a compelling villain in the future, and it's fun getting Peter's frustration with him alongside all of it. The best bits for me were the ones with the Avengers though in seeing them trying to stop him for a bit to run some tests. With that and an extended sequence with Black Widow that has her opening up to him in a way that drives Peter crazy is just spot in its absolute sense of fun. And Ramos really captures the look of the characters in a way I like with his line work and sense of dynamic styling, so it's all good all around for me. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Barron Network - R.Barron Apr 18, 2013

    I dont like how the Avengers conflict was blown up as a major issue in Superior but that wasnt the case at all. It just felt like the Avengers conflict was a little blip in Ottos otherwise perfect life. Luckily for Peter the Avengers are not the only ones suspicious about Spideys new attitude. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Population Go - Population Go Staff Apr 22, 2013

    It's been a bit of a strange period for Superior Spider-Man at the moment. Issues #6-8 haven't had the same fanfare as either #1-5 or #9 onwards, and yet they have proven to be some of the best issues of the series. It just goes to show that there's never a dull moment where Slott is concerned, and even the most throwaway of issues is part of his tight plotting, even if it doesn't immediately look as though it will be. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Barron Network - Robber Barron Apr 18, 2013

    I dont like how the Avengers conflict was blown up as a major issue in Superior but that wasnt the case at all. It just felt like the Avengers conflict was a little blip in Ottos otherwise perfect life. Luckily for Peter the Avengers are not the only ones suspicious about Spideys new attitude. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Analog Addiction - Jideobi Odunze Apr 19, 2013

    For a while now the biggest complaint about the series has been Peter's side conversations as he tried to take back control of his body. But, as all things come with patience, Otto has now realized that Peter is still up there and has been pulling his strings when he didn't agree with his actions. It was a nice twist, though now that they both are able to recognize each other we can feel that there will be a fight for absolute control rather than Peter trying to expose him. It was a good issue, but just good at best. There wasn't much to say that could make this issue stand out among the others, but it did well enough in setting the stage for something bigger to come. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    X-Man's Comic Blog - Jason Todd Apr 19, 2013

    I was conflicted about this issue. I enjoyed it, especially the end since it seems like Doc may be around longer than some of us expected after Peter's return in issue one. I also enjoyed the scene with the little girl giving Ock her toy, it was very sweet and helped show that he's not a total heel. Hell, I enjoyed most of this issue but the thing that annoyed me was how stupid the Avengers came off here. Spidey's acting weird so all you do is see if he's a Skrull? You don't bring in Strange or a Telepath or anything to even see if he's a clone or something? They explained it by saying Pym and Stark weren't there, so the rest of the team didn't notice Doc's brain anomaly but it still seemed odd to me. I mean, if you're willing to fight him to make sure he's who he says, giving him the Skrull test only didn't seem like enough. Read Full Review

  • 7.3
    Culture Mass - Jonathon Jacobs Apr 20, 2013

    Dr. Otto Octavius is still in control of Peter Parker's body, but for how much longer? The Avengers aren't the only ones close to figuring out the truth about the Superior Spider-Man. Plus, does Doc Ock find his soft side? Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Resources - Doug Zawisza Apr 19, 2013

    "Superior Spider-Man" #8 is par for the course in this Marvel NOW! era where Spider-Man is not quite himself. Slott brings some surprises to the issue, does a little character work on Otto Octavius and continues to remind Peter that it's called "Parker Luck" for a reason. This issue moves things forward substantially, with dynamic results on tap for the next issue. This might not be your daddy's Spider-Man, it might not even be your Spider-Man, but at least it is anything but predictable. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Apr 17, 2013

    We've yet to see an issue of Superior that isn't burdened by some storytelling flaw or another. But even with issue #8's flaws, I'm pretty confident that Slott is pushing this book in the right direction. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Newsarama - David Pepose Apr 18, 2013

    Big ideas rather than big execution win the day here. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    A Comic Book Blog - Geoff Arbuckle Apr 17, 2013

    Like I said, this issue is better than the last but it does reveal one weakness that the series can't seem to shake. Not each issue seems to have a consistent feel. We're too often moving from one issue to the next with completely different feels as if the series is showing more of an assorted series of vignettes of Doc Ock as Spider-Man instead of a one series that has a consistent feel from one issue to the next. Yes, I understand that this is paralleling Ock's own journey straddling the role of a hero and what his own hubris feels he should be. However, that's been lost in the unevenness of the scripts and plots. It feels more all over the place instead of having one thread with a true arc based on a series of events that Ock has handled in particular ways. Until that consistency can be found, it's hard to know what to expect out of this series and that makes for a not-always-pleasurable reading experience. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    Crave Online - Iann Robinson Apr 17, 2013

    I'm in no way giving up on Superior Spider-Man, nor do I expect to be let down once the story plays out. Issue 8 is just a bad day, a stumble on the path towards greater Spider-Man glory. Read Full Review

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