Part 1 of “THRONE OF ATLANTIS,” crossing over with AQUAMAN! Don’t miss the debut of IVAN REIS and JOE PRADO (AQUAMAN) as the new JUSTICE LEAGUE art team! Can the Justice League band together to battle the forces of Atlantis? And in the backup feature, Shazam comes face to face with Black Adam, and Billy makes a decision that will shock his friends!
The cover claims it's the beginning of a "bold new era" and they're not kidding. Ivan Reis and Joe Prado joining Geoff Johns with Rod Reis still on colors is a great addition to the title. This issue has an epic feel to it. We have a big battle between Atlantis and the surface dwellers. They are going to attack and it's not going to be a light one. The Justice League was formed to take on big threats. It's up to Johns to show us how big of a threat Atlantis can be. The Atlantean War Plans hinted at here will definitely pull you in. Aside from the big action, there is more character interaction being built. We see more on Superman and Wonder Woman as well as Batman's run in with Aquaman and Mera. It's a bit of a let down that DC released only a few comics this week but with JUSTICE LEAGUE and AQUAMAN, what more could you ask for? Read Full Review
Quite suddenly, Justice League is as enjoyable a read as Aquaman has been. And while that's due in part to the fact that it poached Aquman's artist, there's a general sense of improvement in the storytelling and character dynamics too. Readers who might have dropped this book at some point in the past 15 months would do well to give it another look. Read Full Review
Comic fans hitting the shops this week might be disappointed in the narrow range of available new comics, but with gems like "Justice League" #15, those same fans are sure to enjoy the books they do pick up. This is what "Justice League" should and can be: heroic adventures, world-threatening calamities and human interaction. Johns has found his stride on this book and it certainly helps that the art team of Reis, Prado and Reis have come along for the adventure. So if you find yourself with a little extra cash on this slow new comic week, do yourself a favor: grab "Justice League" #15 and dive into the "Throne of Atlantis" storyline. You might even want to snag a copy of "Aquaman" #15 as that is part two following "Justice League," but the art, characters and action in "Justice League" #15 are exactly what Justice League titles should deliver. Read Full Review
Overall this was a great issue and it really feels like we're in for an epic after the rather disappointing 2-part Cheetah story. Throne of Atlantis is shaping up to be a pretty cool event and I can't wait to sit down with Aquaman #15 (which also came out Wednesday) and see what happens next. Read Full Review
The Shazam backup features, um, more of Billy and Freddy being goofy with superpowers. Until the last page, when Black Adam FIIINALLLLY shows up. Looks like things will get serious next issue. Read Full Review
I really enjoyed this issue, so much show that I have bought Aquaman #15 as I have been informed that it carries on from where this book left off. Considering I have never read any Aquaman, this is a pretty big achievement for this book to make people like me do this. I am very interested in this major event, and I am just hoping that a level of consistency can be reached month to month in order to keep me interested. This is something that I have found JL to struggle with in the past, and I am really rooting for them to succeed this time around. Read Full Review
Overall, Justice League #15 is a perfect jumping on point (especially if youd left the book behind at some point in the past year) for finally getting to know these heroes and their relationship to each other. No longer gods in the sky, these heroes are now truly growing into a team of peers (if not friends), and that is a welcome development to watch unfold. Read Full Review
So, great comic, outstanding art, highly recommended - even if it feels a little familiar. Read Full Review
Justice League #15 is an exceptional release that continues to prove this title's worth in theNew 52. Highly recommended. Read Full Review
A good start, and I hope that this will be a great crossover. I would highly recommend this issue, as well as Aquaman #15, which was also out this week, and am looking forward to Justice League #16, and the continuation of the Throne of Atlantis storyline. Read Full Review
Overall this issue was a mixed bag. On one hand there is the best start a Justice League arc has had so far, some development in the controversial Wonder Woman/Superman arena, Shazam!, and good art on both fronts. The other hand however was that Johns' writing is still only a little on par, being the "best" of an area so low already doesn't mean as much, and overall the main story is only built up so as to float on the main Aquaman series " which is where the meat of the story is split up against, a small annoyance. Though, when judged according to itself, it is an appreciated rise. Perhaps it could even be classified as the start of a rise in general quality, but only time can tell. Read Full Review
Two impeccable art teams elevate what is otherwise a merely decent story. Here's hoping that the arc will produce more than just appealing visuals. Read Full Review
But the main attraction is the Justice League and their portion of the issue, while not perfect, at least lived up to this book's potential more than any issue prior. Read Full Review
No matter who the foe, the Justice League will always find a way to win, which makes winning jaded readers over with just action a hard sell " but Geoff Johns's strength isn't just concept, but character. Just reading this issue, even with the undersea adventures, it's clear to me that seeing just what makes these newly rebooted characters tick is where DC's future truly lies. Read Full Review
Awesome start to the crossover, with some absolutely fantastic art by Reis. We're talking ‘Bryan Hitch on Ultimates' quality art, and that is high praise indeed. There is a two-page splash of the tidal wave hitting Metropolis with the aircraft carrier sticking out of the wave that is absolutely breath-taking. And Reis does such a great job with the smaller scenes as well, especially the date between Clark and Diana as they blend in among regular folk. That scene was a real standout. I've often felt there was a certain disconnect with Johns' Justice League book, a feeling that the characters were just brand identities instead of actual characters. That is starting to change thanks to some really strong character moments in this issue, though it's not gone for good. Aquaman feels the most natural, but that's probably because Johns has been writing him all along. Great start to the crossover. Read Full Review
The good outweighs the bad, in the end. Justice League #15 has some glaring weaknesses in terms of basic premise, but Geoff Johns' solid character work makes up for it. Additionally, bringing on the stellar Aquaman artistic team of Ivan Reis and Joe Prado was a dynamite choice on DC's part. While Jim Lee's pencils are good, I've always liked Ivan Reis' facial expressions and Joe Prado's depth in shading. I'm excited for "Throne of Atlantis" because I really like stories like this, and I'm confident Johns will do it justice. Read Full Review
The backup story about Shazam is pretty good. And it looks like next issue is going to be the first epic fight between Billy Batson and Black Adam. Weve got some great art, but Im glad its a backup story. Mostly because, with this characters history, it probably would have been cancelled if it was its own title. And, quite honestly, I might not have ever given it a try. This particular part is well done, but it does seem like something that would be better suited for a backup in DC Universe Presents, because it sort of detracts from the cliffhanger in the Justice League title itself. That being said, Im still pumped to see what happens next in Throne of Atlantis. Im sure Geoff Johns wont disappoint. Read Full Review
This is an excellent addition to the Justice League series and a very promising start to the Throne of Atlantis story arc. Geoff Johns is doing some interesting things, story wise, and the new artistic duo is proving more than capable of delivering a very aesthetically pleasing book. Pick this one up. Read Full Review
Writer Geoff Johns seems to know the story he wants to tell, but he's in too much of a rush to tell it. I'm also not thrilled with his writing for Justice League. Clearly, he has no idea how to write for Batman. Nothing Batman says sounds or feels like the Dark Knight. It's as if Johns feels the Justice League Batman should be much different than the caped crusader from the pages of Batman or Detective Comics. I haven't read the mess that is New 52 Superman or the new take on Wonder Woman, but both characters have identical voices to them in Justice League, and both come off with dialogue that "sounds" clunky. Read Full Review
Justice League #15 was a good starting point for the "Throne of Atlantis" crossover. The conflict is quickly established and big events are already taking place in this story. Problems with certain scenes being unnecessary and the Superman/Wonder Woman pairing boring pace kept the issue from being anything but average. The lack of presence from other Justice League members than just Batman and Aquaman also takes away from the grand scale this book that is a collection of the greatest DC Comics heroes should have. Read Full Review
Johns and Reis pack an awful lot into these twenty pages, and "Throne of Atlantis" looks like a winner. I'm a huge fan of Ivan Reis, and this story just reminded me why. Realistic without being overly detailed, dynamic without being too stylized, Reis tells terrific superhero stories. He's a perfect fit for Justice League, and should have no trouble filling Jim Lee's shoes. Read Full Review
Meanwhile, Ivan Reis is a much more capable artist than Jim Lee is, as he keeps a very even feel through the book. Joe Prado's inks are solid, and gives the issue a very distinctive look. However, Reis' facial expressions sometimes look so overdone, it's almost ridiculous. Case in point: Diana's face on the "Clark. It really works" panel. Read Full Review
Geoff Johns and Ivan Reis could bring back readers to Justice League in a big way with this storyline. I feel Throne of Atlantis is a solid turning point for the Justice League series. I was lapsed on the title and even I found myself rooting for these characters again. Far from being perfect though, the way the Atlantis storyline weaved in and out was awkward at times. If youre curious about Justice League or lapsed on the series like me, the time is right to check the team out again. One of the few times this pun actually works; jump right in, the water is fine. Read Full Review
Nothing really stands out here and trully feels like a filler but that doesnt mean it sucked. I liked this issue because of the promise it brings for this series. I fully expect the next few months to be something epic Read Full Review
This was a very odd issue for me, I know it served to set things up for Aquaman but it made the League seem very... weak. I mean a giant wave came and it had to kill a ton of people in Metropolis since Superman and Wonder Woman were preoccupied with the carrier. I mean... in one panel WW says there are people in the streets who need their help, the NEXT PAGE, Vulko jumps out of the water with Lois, and Superman and Wonder Woman go talk to Lois... they NEVER GO SAVE THE PEOPLE!!!! But that aside this was basically just a set up issue so I won't judge it too harshly. The back-up with SHAZAM was actually the best part of this it still perplexes me he doesn't have his own series... Read Full Review
This is the first time since the end of issue #1 that I haven't been ashamed to be seen reading Justice League in public. I am hoping, if Geoff Johns must continue to write the book, that it stays at least this good. Read Full Review
Instead, Johns and Reis deliver a dark, stormy story about heroes struggling to deal with each other, with major threats, and with sustaining an enjoyable comic. While there is a place for a story like this, “Justice League” doesn't feel like that place. Read Full Review
Unless you're a huge Aquaman fan anxiously anticipating this new event (i.e. your name is Geoff Johns) there's almost nothing here for you. No Flash. No Green Lantern. Batman saved by Aquaman. The art's not bad, and we get a little more of Superman and Wonder Woman together on a date, but that's about it. Pass. Read Full Review