Batman and Robin #18

Writer: Peter J. Tomasi Artist: Patrick Gleason, Mick Gray Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: March 13, 2013 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 33 User Reviews: 20
9.4Critic Rating
9.6User Rating

You dare not miss this issue! Its the BATMAN AND ROBIN story of the year!

  • 10
    Comic Book Therapy - Cody "The Thorverine" Ferrell Mar 13, 2013

    This issue deserves all the praise it will undoubtedly receive. I go as far to say this is the definitive issue for the fallout surrounding Robin's death. You have Batman and Alfred completely devastated, but carrying on because they have to. Pick this one up. Easiest time I've had giving a grade in a while. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Barron Network - R.Barron Mar 13, 2013

    What made this issue so special was it was the embodiment of Batman mourning. No words were necessary for the audience to gauge his pain and the little words we did see came via a letter from Damian. The letter from Damian put my emotions completely over the top just like Batman because it's so unfair for a kid so young to have his life snuffed out like that. Read Full Review

  • 10
    WhatCulture - Christopher Jones Mar 13, 2013

    So how do Tomasi and Gleason cheat the system of delivering a wordless comic book? With a large panel of a letter written to Bruce by Damian before he took off to fight, and die in battle against, Leviathan. The letter is short, but delivers a huge impact and is the catalyst for catapulting Bruce into the anger stage as he smashes the glass cylinder containing Damian's Robin outfit and cradles the costume recalling the images of Batman holding the bodies of Jason Todd and Damian Wayne. Read Full Review

  • 10
    IGN - Melissa Grey Mar 13, 2013

    The only words we read in the entire issue come in the form of a note Damian left for Bruce before leaving, never to return. It's almost too tidy a farewell, considering the character's story arc since his first appearance but it's a neat juxtaposition to Bruce's wordless grief, masterfully illustrated by Gleason, Mick Gray (inks), and John Kalisz (colors). When Bruce clutches the costume of yet another fallen Robin, I can't help but be reminded of Marius' solo in Les Misrables when he sings "My friends, my friends, forgive me, that I live and you are gone. There's a grief that can't be spoken, there's a pain goes on and on." Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Watch - rfisher1 Apr 19, 2018

    Batman and Robin #18 is an intensely delicate exploration of grief, memory, and anger that will resonate with anyone who has ever lost a loved one. I strongly encourage you to get a copy and really take your time to reflect and admire the level of intricate and emotional detail artist and storyteller Patrick Gleason provides. He does an incredible job of capturing Bruces grief at the loss of his only son. While the death of his parents is the tragic driving force behind all Batman does, that loss pales in comparison to the loss of a son. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comicosity - Gavin Craig Mar 14, 2013

    It's almost unbearable. As it should be. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Book Revolution - Kevin Mar 14, 2013

    It is rare for me to read a comic book that I would label as perfect as soon as I reach the final page. But that is the exact thought that I had when I finished Batman and Robin #18. Peter Tomasi and Patrick Gleason delivered a comic where the reader is able to be part of the emotional rollercoaster that Bruce Wayne is on after the death of his son, Damian Wayne. The issue continuously built up to the point that when we got to that final page with Bruce holding Damians Robin costume in his arms you cant help but sad for Bruce and for what Damians fate turned out to be. That final splash will certainly live on as one of the most iconic Batman pages. So if it was not clear before, Batman and Robin #18 is a comic that is not to be missed by anyone. This must-have for every comic book collection. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Batman-News - Andrew Asberry Mar 13, 2013

    Batman and Robin is a terrific series to read right now. Between this, the last issue, and the Annual, I would even go so far as calling it my current favorite of all the Bat-titles. Issue #18 is such a superbly illustrated, emotional comic that I'll likely flip through it a few more times before the week is out. Nearly all of the bat-titles feature the "Requiem" tagline this month but no other comic will make you feel the pain of loss as hard as Batman and Robin #18. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Modern Age Comics - Alexander Moser Mar 14, 2013

    Everyone has been saying good things about Peter Tomasi's Batman andRobin, and issues like #18 are the reason why. A terrific combinationof writing and art, this comic really makes you feel what Batman feelsthrough good storytelling. Read Full Review

  • 10
    X-Man's Comic Blog - Jason Todd Mar 17, 2013

    Amazing. Simply amazing. Tomasi scripted a hell of an issue in pure silence basically, which seems like a very hard thing to do. But he and Gleason, major props to Gleason, manage to show so much emotion through these pages. You can see the hurt on Alfred's face, the regret on Bruce, as well as not just his anger but his depression and the somber tone of the issue. You can even see the sad and bit of scared look on Titus' face while watching Bruce breakdown at the end of an issue. There's so many issues of comics that I love because of the dialogue, hell Batman #18 was one of them, but this took the opposite approach and gave me the same result, a comic I thoroughly enjoyed. This issue was perfect as far as I'm concerned. Read Full Review

  • 10
    One Quest - Chris Cobb Mar 15, 2013

    There were so many powerful scene's in this book describing them couldn't even begin to give them justice. The most powerful part of it all is that even recalling it to write this is making me pretty damn depressed. If only the other Bat-Family books could have had this kind of emotional impact. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Vine - Gregg Katzman Mar 13, 2013

    Whaaat? No, I'm not tearing up. There's... there's just something in my eye, that's all. Seriously though, BATMAN AND ROBIN #18 is a huge accomplishment. The impact of death in this medium has certainly been reduced, but this issue defies that belief on every single page. You'll feel Batman's excruciating pain, and that is a truly amazing feat from this creative team.Once you're done with the issue, take a moment or two to gaze at the image from an older issue below. Try not to shed a tear. Go on, I dare you. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Imagination Centre - John McCubbin Aug 7, 2013

    Probably one of the most touching issues I've ever read this is the perfect follow-on from Batman Inc. #8, and in my opinion a better issue. Although the whole Requiem concept has interested me, with some very unique takes, this has been the one that's showed the loss of Damian the most, and I don't see the remaining series' beating it. I would easily recommend this to anyone, whether you follow this series or not, as it's brilliant, and very emotional, and even if you just wanted to read this issue you wouldn't need to get the rest of the series. Read Full Review

  • 10
    ComicBuzz - Graeme Emmett Mar 15, 2013

    I could really wax lyrical about this issue all day and talk about the little bits about that are so amazing but I would literally be here all day thats how good it is. The best bat book on the market has delivered the best issue of a comic you will read all year and by far the best issue of anything in the new 52 I have read since it started, I can not recommend this enough, every fan of comics not just Batman needs to read this. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comics Are Not Dead - Comics Are Not Dead Mar 15, 2013

    If DC publishes another collection of The Greatest Batman Stories Ever Told, this must be in there. This is more than just a comic, it's a masterpiece, Tomasi and Gleason's magnum opus. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Behind The Panels - Richard Gray Mar 16, 2013

    Yet Tomasi's requiem issue is as close to a perfect single issue as any you might find. If Batman #18 was caught between violent response and finding human connection again, then Batman and Robin #18 is the mournful silent scream of anguish. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Book Resources - Doug Zawisza Mar 13, 2013

    I bought this digitally as I couldn't wait to get to the comic shop today to get started on my reviews, but I must confess I plan on buying the floppy of this book as well. Maybe I'll hold off for the hardcover, maybe I won't. At any rate, Tomasi and Gleason deliver a fantastic story of grief and despair that is certain to prove noteworthy, shareable and perhaps even timeless. Tomasi has gone on record to explain that Batman will share the title with a number of partners over the next few months, but what truly becomes of this book following that run of guest stars remains to be seen. For now, "Batman and Robin" #18 is one of the best single issues of Tomasi and Gleason's collaboration. Read Full Review

  • 10
    CHUD - Jeb Delia Mar 16, 2013

    Patrick Gleason beautifully portrays all of this from a Peter Tomasi script; the feelings of hurt, the outrage and at times, the indignation. Gleason's Batman/Bruce Wayne is a man on the verge of breaking. Gleason, with the final page, leaves you with nothing but a man. Gleason on one page strips away Batman and Bruce Wayne and leaves you with a man I thought I'd never see; a man without answers, a man trying so very hard to deal with what he's lost. In that final page, he's never been more of a father. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Book Bin - Alexander Jones Mar 13, 2013

    When a comic book truly utilizes the medium a masterpiece like Batman and Robin #18 is created. For any writer to evoke a sense of loss this devastating is truly incredible. A perfect score is awarded to the best collaboration between Tomasi and Gleason on a Batman title. Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Minhquan Nguyen Mar 14, 2013

    About the finest depiction of life after loss in a superhero comic as I've ever seen. This is Tomasi and Gleason at their very best working on material that not only plays to their strengths, but also goes beyond the contours of the costumed caper genre. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    The Pop Cultist - Josh Elliott Mar 13, 2013

    It's a gut-wrenching Requiem not only for a sidekick, but for a son. Words can't capture the feel entirely; you'll have to read it for yourself. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Newsarama - David Pepose Mar 13, 2013

    Batman and Robin #18 is a comic that makes you feel the wounds, the loss, the lack of direction that Batman himself must feel after one of his greatest losses. This is a beautiful comic, a powerful comic, yet it is also a comic with no answers. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    AIPT - Russ Mar 13, 2013

    This is what we needed. Not some brief scene of characters sobbing near a tombstone but real emotion. Real pathos. This issue was depressing, gratifying, and cathartic all in one. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Crave Online - Iann Robinson Mar 13, 2013

    Batman and Robin #18 s a powerful issue; I just hope this requiem isn't for both Damian Wayne and the series itself. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Geeks Unleashed - Mark Brassington Mar 16, 2013

    Peter Tomasi, Patrick Gleason and Mick Gray knocked this issue out of the park, I think I've read this comic like five times now. Although there were no actual words there didn't need to be and the art team of Patrick and Mick told a story that words didn't need to. This comic is a masterpiece – well done guys.  Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Culture Mass - Brian Martin Mar 20, 2013

    Batman and Robin #18 is an emotional send-off for one-half of this book's titular duo, and an example of a "silent issue" done right. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Addicts - Vikram Bhargava Mar 18, 2013

    If you haven't read this one, I demand you do. Read Full Review

  • 8.8
    Multiversity Comics - Zach Wilkerson Mar 15, 2013

    We have a few more weeks to wait before Grant Morrison has the chance to deal with the fallout of Damian's death. However, “Batman and Robin” #18 does a wonderful job of capturing Bruce's grief at the loss of his only son. The death of the Waynes is the tragic driving force behind all Batman does, but the loss pales in comparison to the loss of a child. “Batman and Robin” has at times struggled to remain relevant among the handful of other Batman books, but issues like this go a long way towards proving its worth. Read Full Review

  • 8.2
    Graphic Policy - Brett Schenker Mar 14, 2013

    It might be the one issue that has the least amount of words, but it does the best job of getting through the emotion that missed in many others. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Den Of Geek! - Marc Buxton Mar 15, 2013

    The star of any "silent" issue is the artist, and Gleason portrays violence with the same acumen as he does intense emotion. The looks of pain on Bruce and Alfred's face turn this book into a very human tragedy, where under the pencils of a lesser artist, the book could have descended into overwrought melodrama. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Henchman-4-Hire - Sean Ian Mills Mar 16, 2013

    It's a solid issue. The art is up to Gleason's usual standards, and Tomasi and Gleason come up with a nice little silent story to show off Batman's grief. Calling back to the family portrait was a nice touch, and the scene on the GCPD rooftop where Batman drops off a whole pile of criminals was fun. The rest is the emotional stuff that's expected, like Batman grieving over Damian's Robin costume. So it's a good comic, has some nice art and a few entertaining scenes. I wasn't blown away, but perhaps other people will appreciate the issue more than me. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Razorfine - Alan Rapp Mar 15, 2013

    On one hand, the issue puts Damian's loss at the forefront and showcases the toll it's taking on Batman. On the other hand it's still a bit of a cheat as the hard but necessary conversations after such an event have still yet to take place. However, the set-up certainly makes the only words we do see, Damian's final message to his father, certainly have a greater impact. Worth a look. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Major Spoilers - Matthew Peterson Mar 16, 2013

    In short, this issue does good work with the concept of a Batman shattered by loss. What undermines the issue comes from the shortcomings of the creative team, with Pat Gleason's Batman looking almost Judge-Dredd-like and grotesque throughout the issue. The sequences of him wrestling a monstrous tank-like Batmobile work in a bombastic way, but the emotional sequences fail under his pen. Likewise, Tomasi does a good job with the story here, but deciding that this should be an entirely silent issue puts additional strain on a plot that's pretty basic. All in all, though, Batman and Robin #18 acquits itself pretty well, even with the difficulty in grafting emotions onto the ultra-grim-and-gritty New 52 Batman. Read Full Review

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