Graeme Emmett's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: ComicBuzz Reviews: 23
6.7Avg. Review Rating

Aquaman (2011) #13

Nov 5, 2012

So was it worth the extra months wait? Absolutely it was. Arthur has grown as a character through some fantastic story telling and we have new issues to explore in the future of this comic like the relationship between Arthur and Mera and who exactly was Manta being a puppet for? There is now way to say yet where the story will go or if it will be as good as we have seen but you can bet anything that it will be fun finding out.

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Batman and Robin (2011) #18

Mar 15, 2013

I could really wax lyrical about this issue all day and talk about the little bits about that are so amazing but I would literally be here all day thats how good it is. The best bat book on the market has delivered the best issue of a comic you will read all year and by far the best issue of anything in the new 52 I have read since it started, I can not recommend this enough, every fan of comics not just Batman needs to read this.

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Batman Incorporated (2012) #9

Mar 29, 2013

It's another quite emotional issue which broadens the effect the events have had on different people and the funeral in particular is done extremely well for a comic book. Morrison continues to do a very good job with this and it feels like we are on the build up to something massive to end it all and we are just waiting on Grant Morrison to light the fuse to set that powder keg alight and finish Batman Incorporated in blaze of glory.

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Deadpool (2012) #2

Dec 23, 2012

For old fans of the Merc with a Mouth or fans looking to get back into him or people just looking for a comic thats fun, full of action and doesnt take itself too seriously and most of all is entertaining I would recommend to give this a go. *Takes off neutral hat*

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Deadpool (2012) #4

Jan 28, 2013

Overall this is another solid issue full of humour and violence which most people will enjoy and continues the titles strong start and leaves me wondering what comes next after the dead presidents are gone story line wise, not that Im worried in the slightest Im just going to enjoy the ride. Highlight of Deadpool #4 has to be Wade Wilson dressed up as Marilyn Monroe and flashing his junk at zombie JFK. Now go back and read that last sentence, think it over and ask yourself can you do without a comic book with a scene like that in your life? I know I cant.

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Deadpool (2012) #5

Feb 25, 2013

A disappointment maybe for the writers but far from the end of the world, it will be interesting to how it goes from here as it has been good so far but Deadpool #5 is sadly a let down even with the fact that Wade fights monkeys in space you would think it must be good if that describes some of the issue but alas it is a let down only saved by Tony Moore but lets hope they conclude the current arc in the next issue on a high like they have done up until now issue 5 excluded of course.

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Deadpool (2012) #8

Apr 26, 2013

Overall it's another solid entry of Deadpool laying the foundations for the story ahead but with a twist at the end, my one hope is it doesn't drag on as much as the dead presidents arc seemed to at the end but I have faith that it wont.

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Deathstroke (2011) #17

Feb 15, 2013

I'd urge people to pick up this title while they can and to enjoy it. Its an issue which shows just how badass Slade Wilson is and how even against a throng of ninja warriors you would still consider him a heavy favourite which reminds me that I enjoyed the sub heading on the front cover which actually reflects quite accurately to the contents of the comic but of course its not 10,000 ninjas but a hell of a lot of them, they may as well as wrote ronseal on the cover as it does exactly what it says on the tin.

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Deathstroke (2011) #18

Mar 15, 2013

Overall it was good fun and an above average issue and towards the end there is a suggestion of a better storyline and one with possibly more depth however the question is with not much time yet for the title one wonders if it will be given enough time to flourish.

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Flash (2011) #13

Nov 5, 2012

Overall it feels that the creators spent the time assembling the ideas and strands earlier in the series but now are struggling through them all and not putting much thought behind it. There is way too much going on in this issue and sadly this is at the detriment of the main character who at times seems to blend into the background. It seems to mark the point where The Flash title has fizzled out and the big question can a fire be lit back under it and bring it back to life. I think it can and will be done and the issue would have been seen as better if only there was less going on and things were less frantic but in the grand scheme of things especially when compared to previous issues has to be classed as a let down and a mediocre issue of everyones favourite Scarlet Speedster.

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Flash (2011) #18

Mar 29, 2013

It's a return to form in a way in my eyes mainly because I wasn't a fan of the last arc and it'll be interesting to see where they take this and if they can make me care about the Trickster however its a solid start and has me looking forward to reading the next instalment with the added bonus of reading Trickster's dialogue in my head in the voice of Mark Hamill.

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Flash (2011) #19

Apr 26, 2013

Other then that there's nothing really negative to say about this issue, it's strong and finishes off the mini arc nicely, we some more character development and a sneak peek at the next story it seems which looks weird but weird can be good and I feel confident the creative team on this are up to the task.

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Green Arrow (2011) #16

Jan 14, 2013

In all it was another story arc that felt a bit flat, not necessarily bad but below average, my hope is with the upcoming JLA title coming out that Green Arrow will be part of it may lead to better solo stories for the Emerald Archer.

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He-Man & The Masters of the Universe #4

Dec 23, 2012

In all once again it was an issue with more questions then answers however it has moved the story forward a bit more which it surely had to with only two issues left and Skeletor getting some decent face time is never ever a bad thing and the appearance of Man At Arms was also a pleasant blast from the past. As decent as this was though I feel they really need to up their game when #5 comes around or we could be left with a damp squib of a run of what could be a nice little title.

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Justice League (2011) #14

Dec 23, 2012

Over all the past two issues have seemed like filler before the upcoming Throne of Atlantis crossover that will appear in the pages of Justice League and Aquaman. We also have Cheetah mention Black Manta towards the end of the issue which could be setting up for the upcoming arc or maybe something else altogether, it's something we will just have to wait and see what happens.

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Masters of the Universe (2012): The Origin Of Skeletor #1

Nov 5, 2012

All in all it was a by the numbers origin story and though some people may criticise my comparing it to the old cartoon whilst I understand that in my view the majority of people who will purchase this and the current He Man arc will be those who were fans of the show and are getting it due to nostalgia from their childhood, basically it reads as average with good art but fans will enjoy it. Also Im sure I wont be the only person who while reading it read Keldors lines in the classic Skeletor voice.

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Saga #7

Dec 23, 2012

This has been possibly my favourite title of the year so far and it is great to see that Brian K. Vaughan and Staples have come back even stronger after their break and pick up exactly where it had left off and it looks like Saga will still be top of most peoples lists come the new year as well.

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Saga #9

Jan 21, 2013

An honourable mention also has to go to Lying Cat who shines more in this issue then all his other appearances combined. Anyone who likes comic books really needs to read Saga. Consistent, awesome, funny and violent are the buzzwords I would use for it and thats not hyperbole it really is that good and even the letters page is brilliant and has a real community feel about it.

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Savage Wolverine #1

Jan 21, 2013

Overall this could go either way on the barometer from extremely good to pretty poor, more focus is needed on Wolverine in my opinion but the artwork and colour does save this from being very average. For fans though I am sure it will keep them occupied until the release of Paul Cornell and Alan Davis Wolverine in a few months. However if you like action and violence you could do worse then pick this up.

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Savage Wolverine #2

Feb 25, 2013

I've been meaning to do a purge of my pull list and have been struggling to pick what to get rid of however this issue made it a simple enough choice, there are much better comics out there and due for release that can take its place, you only have to look at the Wolverine due for release next month and that's what I did and made the choice easier, there are many better comics out there and this really isn't worth anybodies time that's why I am dropping now before my ever optimistic nature gets a hold of me and tells my brain to just wait it'll turn the corner soon while I've wasted months getting something that I plain don't like.

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Superman (2011) #13

Nov 5, 2012

Once again Im left feeling flat by this title but I will continue through Hel on Earth because I somehow have confidence it will turn around although some would call it blind hope and not confidence. It does feel more and more though like a title I will end up dropping soon and continue with Justice League where we get to see the Man of Steel as we want to see him and it will save money at the same time. Heres hoping this has all just been the boring calm before the awesome storm.

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World's Finest (2012) #8

Jan 14, 2013

Like other titles I have given this a chance as I have already said however there just does not seem to be any redeeming features at all and despite the minor improvement in the last two its a return to form for Worlds Finest and with nothing to draw anyone in I really dont see the point in it at all.

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World's Finest (2012) #9

Feb 11, 2013

Its nice to see an improvement in a title even if it is nothing major and more a tightening of things, the question here is what direction will it be brought and can the creative team use this as a launching pad to make this as good as it can be. Huntress is written really well again the first aim is to write Power Girl as well as Helena and take it from there and hopefully this will just be the beginning of the titles renaissance.

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