Loki: Ragnarok and Roll #1
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Loki: Ragnarok and Roll #1

Writer: Eric M. Esquivel Artist: Jerry Gaylord Publisher: Boom! Studios Release Date: February 19, 2014 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 14
7.6Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

WHY WE LOVE IT: Up-and-coming writer Eric Esquivel first caught our attention with Thor: The Unkillable Thunder Christ, and wowed us with his work on FREELANCERS. When he told us he wanted to bring those sensibilities to the trickster god Loki, we had to say "Yes!" Pairing him with FANBOYS VS ZOMBIES artist Jerry Gaylord sealed the deal.

WHY YOU'LL LOVE IT: Loki steps out of the shadow cast by his thunderous brother as Norse mythology crosses over with the only thing on Earth as wild and crazy...rock and roll!

WHAT IT'S ABOUT: What happens when Odin banished Loki to Earth? He finds a world of outcasts that appreciate more

  • 10
    Comics Bulletin - CW Cooke Feb 25, 2014

    From the cover by Alexis Ziritt to the opening credits page designed by Scott Newman all the way to the final page, this is a beautiful book. Jerry Gaylord knocks the art out of the park. And Eric? Eric M. Esquivel is pure rock and roll. His version of Loki is fresh and new. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Rhymes With Geek - Wesley Messer Feb 22, 2014

    Yes, Loki: Ragnarok and Roll #1 is definitely setting the stage for a clever series. Jerry Gaylord was having as much fun drawing this as Esquivel was having writing this comic. They work well off each other, Gaylord and Esquivel are an amazing team, which gives me high hopes for the rest of the run. Loki: Ragnarok and Roll is going to be one amazing story if this issue is a sign of things to come. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Newsarama - Michael Moccio Feb 20, 2014

    As the Flying Spaghetti Monster in the delegation of gods hosted by Odin would say, Loki Ragnorak and Roll is #brilliant. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comicosity - Alison Berry Feb 21, 2014

    This mini-series is going to be a treat for fans of rock music, the Norse god of mischief, put-upon smarter siblings and laughter. If you hate this book I can only assume you hate fun and good times. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Culture Mass - K.M. Cone Dec 31, 1969

    Snarky inner monologues by Loki. Raw, edgy art by Jerry Gaylord. Tons of fun. Makes me wish (again) that Marvel realized what they had with Loki. And I want one of those Loki & The Tricksters t-shirts. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    AIPT - Sean M. Thompson Feb 19, 2014

    Yeah, it's a fun book. Kind of has that cliche rock vibe, since it most likely won't deal with freebasing heroin and cleaning up dead groupies and keeping it out of the press, but it's a blast to read. I was wondering about a line at the end where they mention in next issue there will be "Deicide in drop D!" There is a death metal band called Deicide, but I don't think this was meant as a shout out to them. Oh, and fair is fair. I listened to Eminem, Foster the People, and Tomahawk while writing this. So, Ragnarok and Roll's playlist is way rockinger than mine. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - Justin Partridge, III Mar 5, 2014

    Loki lies, but now it seems that his lying in pursuit of ill deeds is over. Or is it? That will certainly be the question that each issue of Agent of Asgard will ask, and it's a question that I have yet to mind pouring over as I read the series. Al Ewing has tapped into something special here with Loki, and while it is understandably not for everyone, its definitely something that can only get better as it goes on. Often, comics and comic writers seem to fear comedy and comedic takes on characters, but Al Ewing is throwing himself into Loki's insane world, and he isn't afraid to let him tell a few jokes and look ridiculous. Comics can be immensely clever, and Loki: Agent of Asgard is arguably one of the most clever comics on shelves. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Resources - Jim Johnson Feb 19, 2014

    "Loki: Ragnarok and Roll" #1 is the first part of a four issue series, and a strong one it is. It's fun to see a different, lighter take on Norse mythology than most comics fans have gotten used to, and with a different twist thrown in to make it truly unique. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    All-Comic - Ian Stephen Feb 18, 2014

    This first issue was a good start to a series that most people might glance over and not think twice about. However, if you give it a chance, you may find yourself surprised by how much Loki: Ragnarok and Roll will make you smile while reading it. Loki: Ragnarok and Roll is a well written series that doesn't take itself too seriously and is just here to entertain you, so you should just sit back and enjoy it for what it is and join me into looking forward to the next issue. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Spectrum - Bob Bretall Mar 1, 2014

    Loki sets off on a discovery of Rock & Roll culture, and determines it's right in his wheelhouse, ending up in a band called (quite appropriately) Trickster. The pacing of the issue could have been a bit tighter, I'd have liked to see less of Loki/Thor before the banishment and more of Loki's journey of discovery of the Rock & Roll culture, there was some nice humor in both the dialog and visuals of what we did get, so I felt more would have been better. At the end, it was still a really good read and I'm going to be on board for the entire 4-issue series, I'm very curious as to how the last page hook is going to play out in #2. Hopefully it will ROCK HARD! Read Full Review

  • 7.8
    Multiversity Comics - James Johnston Feb 20, 2014

    If there's a fault to be had in “Loki: Ragnarok and Roll” it's the seeming lack of any stakes. Even though Loki's been banished to Midgard, there seems to be no reason for him to go back. There's hints of a great plot at work but they're hidden under an examination of what it means to be the rebellious son and LA culture. Honestly though, there's something to be said for books that take the time to relax the way “Ragnarok and Roll” does. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Word Of The Nerd - William Mercado Feb 20, 2014

    Still, the story seemed a bit lacking and the characters seemed more-than-off for me. I definitely enjoyed the ride, but with a $4 price tag per issue on a very limited run, it just feels like the ride is going a bit too fast to really seem worth while. Give me more content, more depth. Read Full Review

  • 5.7
    Geeked Out Nation - Benny Morduchowitz Feb 21, 2014

    I assume Eric M. Esquivel is packing his scripts with these fun and fantastic details, because the background of the banquet was a little heavy handed but still an absolute visual delight. There were four songs listed as recommended listening on the title page, but I'll admit I didn't notice them until afterwards. I don't know how much they would have enhanced the story, but I wouldn't mind if in the future Esquivel writes a text free and visually lush script for Gaylord to present, because I would love to just experience this as musical and visual rip roaring fun fest and not the bloated and barely original story that it is with the current text. Read Full Review

  • 0.0
    Crave Online - Iann Robinson Feb 19, 2014

    Jerry Gaylord's art doesn't fair any better. He is so preoccupied with making every panel over the top that they just become goofy. I appreciate the attempt at frenetic energy, but it fails here because it is empty. A bad story with art that tries too hard does nothing but give you a headache. Much like the clich characters, Gaylord's illustrations of them, especially in the club, are laughable creations of somebody who must have never set foot in a nightclub in his life. Girls with names like "Impurity"? Give me a break. Read Full Review

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