Oh, Killstrike #1
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Oh, Killstrike #1

Writer: Max Bemis Artist: Logan Faerber Publisher: Boom! Studios Release Date: May 20, 2015 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 17 User Reviews: 3
7.6Critic Rating
8.0User Rating

WHAT'S TO LOVE: Say Anything frontman Max Bemis writes a love letter to 1990s superhero comics in this tongue-in-cheek homage to the era, featuring the art stylings of Logan Faerber - reminiscent of works by Chip Zdarsky and Jeff Lemire. Much like Polarity, Oh, Killstrike is very personal to Bemis: It's about a new dad who loves comics from his youth. Part twisted buddy comedy, part profound coming-of-age story, we could not stop smiling when reading Oh, Killstrike.

WHAT IT IS: Jared, a new father, fears parenthood. An old comics fan, he turns to them for comfort. But when he unwittingly lets loose his favorite character, Killstr more

  • 10
    Geekality - Thanos T. Theodoropoulos May 21, 2015

    A book that will surely satisfy long-time comicbook readers and make new ones feel like a part of the group. Masterfully orchestrated by Max Bemis and exquisitely brought to life by Logan Faerber. I devoured it in minutes and Ill be back for seconds. You should too. A rare, Perfect, 10/10 issue.Moving #ComicsForward Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Florida Geek Scene - Raisa Jun 10, 2015

    I think the art fits right in with the vibe of the story. It encompasses thehumor of the book by exaggeratingthe characters' physical features. The facial expressions are especially exaggerated with Jared's giant drops of sweat flying around and Kill Strike's ridiculous makeup. All in all, I recommend this book to readers of all types. It's a light read and it'll only last four issues, so don't miss out! Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Doom Rocket - Andrew Stevens May 25, 2015

    Faerber's art, with Juan Manuel Tumburs' colors, is extremely expressive, and very appealing. It reflects the perfect amount of comedy and depth from Bemis' script, resulting in one of the most entertainingly postmodern superhero satires in recent memory. Even if Gen13 and Youngblood weren't your jam twenty years ago " but especially if they were " this is an impressively engaging series that is not to be missed. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Rhymes With Geek - Wesley Messer May 20, 2015

    Oh, Killstrike is well worth reading, if it's not on your radar already, put it there immediately. Even if you're not familiar with the 90's comic scene you will find a lot here to appreciate. Jared's journey is only beginning along with the vengeance happy Killstrike. It's an amazing adventure that gave more than I could have ever expected. It's only going to get better from here. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    ComicWow!TV - Bhavna Bakshi May 27, 2015

    Oh, Killstrike is a sitcom formatted satire about the comic books from a previously adored and cherished generation of comic books. It has a superhero spoof, a relationship on the rocky side of things, and humor sprinkled throughout the dialogue. Whether you’re a fan of modern comics or the ‘90s comics that Jared longs for, you’ll enjoy the nostalgia of this book. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    ComicBuzz - StephenFn May 20, 2015

    Had lots of fun with this the first issue in what seems to be a witty, odd couple, road trip comedy. Well worth a look to comic readers old and new. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    AIPT - David Brooke May 20, 2015

    Oh, Killstrike is a fun idea written for comic book readers from the 90's with plenty of chuckle-inducing moments to make everyone smile. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    All-Comic - Dan Pennacchia May 20, 2015

    The events that take place from the time that Killstrike comes to Jared's home through to the end of the book are what makes the first chapter of this new series so enjoyable. While it takes a bit of time to get going, Killstrike eventually hits stride. Bemis has created a book that looks to poke fun at a past decade in the comic book industry. But his approach and tone are not heavy-handed or overly critical. Instead, the light-hearted satire winds up being more fun than expected. With Jared and Killstrike setting off for New York City in an attempt to help the character fulfill his required mission for vengeance, the story looks to only get more ridiculous and more entertaining next month. Read Full Review

  • 7.3
    BGCP - Liam Hainey May 20, 2015

    An uneven first issue but with lots to enjoy and look forward to. Read Full Review

  • 7.2
    Multiversity Comics - James Johnston May 21, 2015

    That said, it's not always clear at what level we're meant to take Jared's attitude. On one hand, the overtly indulgent primer on how comic books work seems like it's in place for Say Anything fans who stumble onto this book because of Bemis's name. And yet, it feels like a writer giddily showing off his knowledge of comic history. It's interesting to see exactly where Bemis ends and Jared begins, as Bemis has noted in interviews that the series came from his anxieties in becoming a father. The line between fan and creator is always one present, even more so when that creator is a celebrity. The trick for Bemis and Faerber as this mini-series continues is to find the balance between telling a story about immaturity and telling one about how much they love comics. One story is compelling, the other's been done far too much. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - Gabe Carrasco Jun 2, 2015

    It all seems a bit excessive" but like I said, the comic is simply fun, and as with anything, overthinking it can quickly ruin.. that fun. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Bloody Disgusting - Zac Thompson May 20, 2015

    Oh, Killstrike is a solid first outing for a book thats true potential will take a few more issues to fully evaluate. I can see it becoming a rad late life coming of age story but it could also flounder under too much 90s nostalgia. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Newsarama - Oscar Maltby Apr 27, 2015

    While I was writing this review, I kept self-correcting Killstrike to Bloodstrike, Killstorm and any other random combination of violent words you could possibly think of. That's as good a sign as any that Oh, Killstrike #1 nails the abrasive and try-hard tone of the worst comic books of the '90s. At the end of the day, Oh, Killstrike #1 is a love/hate thing. It'll either resonate with you or it won't. There's a lot to like here, from Max Bemis' perfectly pitched grim 'n' gritty parody to Logan Faerber's purposefully ugly anti-hero, but it won't be for everyone. Faerber's art-style is initially off-putting and Bemis' script doesn't exactly start off strong, but the issue builds into something satisfying and witty with a promise of stronger issues to come. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Newsarama - Kat Vendetti May 21, 2015

    While its wit and premise land, Oh, Killstrike #1's execution errs in its clunky dialogue; hints of a fatherhood theme and Jared's parental anxiety are hidden under his repetitive bewilderment and Killstrike's weirdly convenient understanding of this unlikely duo's upcoming journey, making Oh, Killstrike #1 less of a smooth read despite its charm. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Book Resources - Jim Johnson May 20, 2015

    "Oh, Killstrike" #1 speaks its mind regarding the image (pun intended) of many of the superhero comics from two decades ago, initially with some serious commentary and then with humor that largely succeeds. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Nerdophiles - Kylee Sills May 25, 2015

    If nothing else, listening to Say Anything circa 2008 while writing this review showed me that Bemis really put his stamp on the writing. Let us know what you thought of Oh, Killstrike in the comments (or tell us what terrible pop punk bands you listened to back in the day)! Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    IGN - Levi Hunt May 21, 2015

    It's a solid premise, and there are glints of promise that the rest of the miniseries can recover, but this first issue is about as substantive as the comic books it's roasting. Read Full Review

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