Batman #25

Event\Storyline: Batman: Zero Year Writer: Scott Snyder Artist: Danny Miki, Greg Capullo Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: November 13, 2013 Cover Price: $4.99 Critic Reviews: 35 User Reviews: 47
8.7Critic Rating
8.5User Rating

BATMAN: ZERO YEAR reaches a new level as The Riddler sends Gotham City into total darkness! "Dark City" begins in this issue that features an embossed cover.
And the ZERO YEAR blackout spreads into other titles this month, affecting heroes across the DC Universe!
This issue is also offered as a combo pack edition with a redemption code for a digital download of this issue.

  • 10
    Comicosity - Alison Berry Nov 14, 2013

    There are a lot of questions piling up. Whats the Riddlers long game? What is going on out in the African desert? How is SHE involved in all this? What the hell, Lucius? At least now we know why the GCPD has zeppelins and how Batman got the opportunity to tap into Gothams power grid. With the lights about to go out, Im looking forward to seeing some street-detective Batman, who cannot punch or electronic-gadget his way out of everything. Bring it on. And someone get that dude a toothbrush. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Vine - Tony 'G-Man' Guerrero Nov 13, 2013

    Scott Snyder's journey through Batman's memory lane continues. Zero Year shows there are still moments from Batman's early days we might not be aware of plus the fact that tweaking other moments serves to strengthen the mythos. With Greg Capullo on art and FCO Plascencia on colors, everything looks amazing. We get to see some things and people for the "first time" and revisiting the past has never been so much fun. We are also trated to a cool back up by Snyder, James Tynion IV and Andy Clarke. Zero Year is not over and I couldn't be happier. Zero Year continues to be a must-read for Bat-fans. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Herotaku - Michael A. Espinoza Nov 13, 2013

    Another fantastic issue with well written dialouge, fantastic art and some nice twists and turns. A deffinite buy for this week. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Following The Nerd - Sarah Barclay Nov 17, 2013

    Snyder sure knows how to tell a story. Passion flows from every bit of this title, from the words, to the art, to the coloring, and to everything else. It all just works. This may be a story that takes place in the past, but there are still points that I'm surprised when they happen. For example, that scene with Lucius"say whaaat?! The intricacy of what Snyder's laying down"it's really leaving me speechless here, guys, and in an amazing way. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Major Spoilers - Wayne Hall Nov 14, 2013

    Here at, there's a weekly "Staff Picks" column. I often think we should develop a Hall of Fame we can put Batman in because it's consistently terrific from month to month! Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comics Refueled - superiorchris Nov 14, 2013

    SO GOOD! Snyder writes the tribute to all thing Batman with zero year. It is his love letter to Batman that is expressed by the amazing art from Capullo, Miki, and Fco. The Bat art team are powering through and there is no stopping their visual gorgeousness. If you love any forms of Batman then this is a no brainier. BUY! Read Full Review

  • 10
    Newsarama - Forrest C. Helvie Nov 12, 2013

    At the end of the day, Snyder's decompressed origin story would lose much of its strength if it were not for the artistic talents supporting his script. Capullo's ability to skillfully weave the various nods to Batman's past in ways both obvious and subtle into every panel alongside Miki and Plascencia's control over light and darkness, vibrant color choices and muted, somber tones all lend to a dynamic and compelling story. While there will inevitably be some readers questioning why there needs to be yet another retelling of Batman's origins, there are also fans seeking to understand how Batman's history fits into the New 52 universe. On a practical note, this storyline addresses that second concern; however, the fact that fans continue to clamor for origin stories speaks to our collective desire and need for better understanding the ways regular men and women became the heroes who continue to capture our imagination. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Spectrum - Shawn Hoklas Nov 26, 2013

    If you're not reading this title, you should be. It is simply one of the best titles being published today"consistently. Read Full Review

  • 9.9
    Weird Science - Jim Werner Nov 14, 2013

    Batman #25 is a great issue.  Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo continue the history lesson and it is fresh and exciting.  Gotham's future is dark, but this book's is so bright it's blinding.  A must read. Read Full Review

  • 9.7
    IGN - Melissa Grey Nov 14, 2013

    Metaphorically, the vibrant hues of Gotham's landscape works on a number of levels; the visual feast may be attributed to the book's focus on a younger, lighter Bruce Wayne, but it also breaks with an aesthetic tradition that's been firmly rooted in the Bat mythos for years. Essentially, the creative team is defying the notion that a Batman story needs to be dark in all regards to read as authentic.Situating the story in a time frame before tragedy fundamentally altered Bruce's perception of the world helps keep things light, but Snyder and Capullo have shown that they aren't afraid to get dark even within that context. As we saw with his take on the Joker a few months back, Capullo once again delights in his flair for the grotesque on the issue's final page, as Batman's latest foe is revealed all his monstrous glory. In the grander scheme of Zero Year, Batman #25 is both a love letter to the past and a promise of something fresh and unique. Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Dean Stell Nov 15, 2013

    Another great issue of Batman. You won't find better art in a comic book and it's amazing to think that Capullo has been grinding at this series for 2 years now. He's kinda lapping the field at this point. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Batman-News - Andrew Asberry Nov 13, 2013

    Despite there being surprisingly little Riddler in the first chapter of “Dark City” there are more than enough surprises on hand as well as an intriguing mystery that will get readers very excited about what's to come. I find some of the horror elements to be a bit over-the-top and i'm not a fan of the design of Batman's first car, but putting those nitpicks aside this was a very engaging read. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Good Kind Of Geek - Nikki Yuan Nov 14, 2013

    The back-up story is interesting. It gives us a different point of view for this Dark City event, and re-introduce us to Harper Row as a young girl. This story doesn't really have anything to do with the main story, but I love it regardless. I especially love the spread-page where we get to see all the heroes operating in Gotham City during this event. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Geeks Unleashed - Stephen Hardman Nov 14, 2013

    As a whole there is a lot going on in this issue but it never feels rushed and the panels never feel crowded. It's no secret that I'm a die-hard Batman fan and any week with a Batman comic in it is a good week for me. But I have chosen Batman #25 as my Comic of the Week on the quality of the comic book alone. Because it is a fantastic issue, in a fantastic series. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    AIPT - Jordan Richards Nov 13, 2013

    Batman #25 was enjoyable and solid way to kick off the next part of Zero Year. Lots of storylines starting up, fun nods and cameos for the fans to see, great artwork, and pretty well constructed as well. With this and the last two issues, this comic is back to being one of the best DC is putting at this moment. Make sure to check this out. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Crave Online - Iann Robinson Nov 13, 2013

    The meeting of story and art on this level is rare in comic books. Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo are, quite simply, the Lennon/McCartney of Batman. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Booked - Jeff Hill Nov 14, 2013

    The main feature is a perfect comic. But the continually random price and distracting backup story simply knocked it down to a great one. Read Full Review

  • 8.9
    Geeked Out Nation - Jess Camacho Nov 13, 2013

    Another great issue and I'm really looking forward to the next one. This is still, to me, the best series in DC right now. Read Full Review

  • 8.9
    Multiversity Comics - Zach Wilkerson Nov 13, 2013

    As a Batman story, 'Dark City' is shaping up to be one of the most unconventional of Snyder and Capullo's run thus far. It's from the broody melodrama of 'Court of the Owls' or 'Death of the Family.' Packed with action, mystery, and suspense, "Batman" #25 marks the start of, dare I say it, a legitimately fun Batman story. The game is afoot! Read Full Review

  • 8.6
    Nerds On The Rocks - Josh Raj Nov 13, 2013

    Overall, Batman 25 keeps the Zero Year story at a high pace that this story will go down in Batman lore. Hopefully the Ridder comes back soon just to remind the reader that there is a larger force at play here and Batman has to worry about solving the biggest riddle of all.. Saving Gotham. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    We The Nerdy - Spencer Maxwell Nov 14, 2013

    This issue is an intriguing chapter in the early career of a vigilante protecting his city and making a name for himself. Nothing really jumped out at me, but I am still compelled to read the next issue. Batman #25 combines twisted art and interesting interplay between the heroes of Gotham. Snyder and Capullo once again prove to be an amazing team. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - Justin Partridge, III Nov 14, 2013

    Ambition has always been the hallmark of Scott Snyder's Batman run, and that's what keeps it being a consistently readable comic month after month. Snyder isn't interested in telling small stories within his Batman comics and it makes every arc feel like an event. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    All-Comic - Derek Baker Nov 14, 2013

    Batman #25 is a great example of why Zero Year still matters. Sure, DC will milk this event for all its worth, but theres some solid work being done. If it wasnt for that $4.99 price tag, this would be one of the best values in comics. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Resources - Greg McElhatton Nov 13, 2013

    There's still so much up in the air with "Batman" #25 that it's almost a relief to know that anything can happen. With unexplained elements like the "holy door in the floor" still floating around (and which is especially attention-grabbing thanks to the way that Capullo draws it being opened up), to say nothing of Rene bearing down on Gotham City and the Riddler still at large, there's a lot that remains to be seen. With each new chapter, "Zero Year" feels like a story that will best be appreciated once it's complete. It's already a lot of fun, but watching all the pieces snap into place should prove to be that much more rewarding. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Gotham Spoilers - Gotham Spoilers Nov 13, 2013

    With the start of a new arc, despite the pace slowing down a bit, Zero Year continues to remain surprising, to say the least. Expecting more Riddler? Well, joke's on you, because this issue does what Zero Year does best, and completely screws with any expectations one may have gong in, and screws with them in the best way possible. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Henchman-4-Hire - Sean Ian Mills Nov 16, 2013

    I've said it before and I'll keep saying it: Snyder is very good at writing a solid, entertaining Batman. He doesn't have any wild, controversial ideas like Grant Morrison did. Snyder just seems to want to tell the best, most gripping Batman stories possible. Does he succeed? Yeah, for the most part. I know other critics are absolutely in love with what he's doing, but I remain mostly lukewarm. I'm enjoying the comics, both Snyder and Capullo are highly-skilled, but there's just something missing for me " and yeah, it might be Robin. Or maybe it's just heart in general. There's no spark. This is a very straight-forward, very entertaining, very clever and well-plotted Batman story, but that's all it is. Batman is Batman, and his first year as a crimefighter goes almost exactly how you'd expect. Still fun, though. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics: The Gathering - kanchilr1 Nov 13, 2013

    While it is extremely maddening to have yet another quiet issue of the Zero Year saga, all the build up is handled with extreme care. This may not be the Batman issue we need, but it is the Batman issue we deserve. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    DC Comics News - Z Nov 18, 2013

    Despite slowing down the pace, and changing the direction of the story slighty, Batman #25 is still quite a commendable issue. The introduction of Doctor Death was simultaneously incredibly creepy and nostalgically smart, while the Harper Row back-up story was a great look into her character. This isn't the best issue of "Zero Year", but it is still a pretty good one. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    ComicList - Brandon Borzelli Nov 16, 2013

    Batman is consistently one of the very best reads each and every month. You never get a bad issue. And even the average ones are simply better than just about every other book on the stands. This issue is actually a great place to start reading this book if you have been shy about picking this up. I urge everyone to give this comic a shot. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    GoCollect - @DocBenway Nov 14, 2013

    This creative team doesnt disappoint. The reintroductions keep coming along with fun cameos, surprise developments and as yet unanswered questions. Zero Year is turning out to be spectacular storyline and I cant wait to see where we end up. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Imagination Centre - John McCubbin Nov 30, 2013

    This was a fantastic issue and although the price increase didn't quite feel worth it, the issue was still amazing, setting up the future of the story perfectly. On top of that it would also have a lot of mystery and suspense as although Batman himself doesn't have a huge role in the issue, it would still be very dark and exciting. Due to all this I'd highly recommend this issue as well as the story so far, and if you're short of cash and can't get the story so far, this is a great jumping on point. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Dark Knight News - Gilbert Rivera Nov 13, 2013

    Batman#25 is an interesting issue. After its fast-paced predecessor, it initially feels like a grinding halt, but is by no means bad. Snyder continues to display his love for Batman as he manages to add more nods and tributes while still carving his own path. Capullo continues to display his A game here, and Miki's colors continue to take it to triumphant heights. Unfortunately, the backup story seems like a giant ad for this month's Zero Year tie-ins, and as an off-handed note, Rafael Albuquerque's absence as the artist for the backup is noticed. Here's hoping next month's issue brings back the hard-hitting action, as Death Comes To Gotham. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    GoCollect - @mikebiyad Nov 13, 2013

    If youre reading Snyders Zero Year, then there really is no reason for you not to pick this book up. Although it may seem a little slow, and somewhat of a placeholder for this event, there really is no such thing as a bad Batman issue when Scott Snyder is writing it. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Population Go - Chris Lemmerman Nov 17, 2013

    Perhaps the most underwhelming issue of Batman in a very long time, though this could just be because the story took a very unexpected left turn into uncharted territory and seemed to ignore the storyline that it has spent the last 6 or so issues building up. Even so, Snyder and Capullo on a bad day are still better than most of what the New 52 has to offer, so they get a pass"this time. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Shadowhawk's Shade - Abhinav Jain Nov 13, 2013

    Following on from an issue as spectacular as Batman #24 was always going to be a pretty tough task. And I thought the team could very well prove itself yet again. But that's not how things turn out here. Read Full Review

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