Gilbert Rivera's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Dark Knight News, Infinite Comix Reviews: 14
8.0Avg. Review Rating

Batman (2011) #21

Jul 1, 2013

Batman #21 is an amazing issue. Snyder is once again right on point in constructing a wonderful start to a story arc, all the whileeliminating any concern of re-treading. The teases, glimpses, and hints at things to come serve to excite readers, both new and old, and have me chomping at the bit for the next issue. Capullo's art is amazing and its exciting to see him work with such vibrant colors. This issue is an absolute must read.

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Batman (2011) #22

Jul 11, 2013

Batman #22 is more great work from two of DC's finest. Snyder is a machine, continuously building upon Batman's history without disturbing it, all the while adding pieces that feel like they've always belonged. Capullo, too, is unstoppable, as his work not only pushes Snyder's story telling to the next level, but also truly stands on its own. With the promise of issue #23 as "The End of Bruce Wayne" one can't help but wonder how much more surprises this pair has in store for us.

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Batman (2011) #23

Aug 15, 2013

Batman#23 is the reason why I read comics. While part of a larger story, this issue is a seminal piece of that grand picture, and a perfect example of what the comic medium can accomplish. Snyder is a beast and his work with Batman continuously gets better. Writing this strong would be the highlight of any other book, but Capullo's work shines through enough to challenge it for thate top spot. Regardless of what strength you prefer in your books, Batman # 23 has everything you could ask for. If you aren't already picking this series up, run out now and join the many Bat-fans as issue#24 will bring the "Birth of a Legend" and, as Snyder has promised, purple gloves.

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Batman (2011) #24

Oct 10, 2013

Batman#24 is an exciting issue thatis filled with so many great moments, both new and old. Snyder and company continue to add their own touches to the Bat-mythos and truly do something great with it. Dark City: Part Oneis a true example of how you can take familiar elements and not only incorporate them, but also use them as a launching point for a new tale. With the state of Gotham in a very different place than we've ever seen during a Batman origin story, it is easy to look forward to the next issue, as Dark City continues.

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Batman (2011) #25

Nov 13, 2013

Batman#25 is an interesting issue. After its fast-paced predecessor, it initially feels like a grinding halt, but is by no means bad. Snyder continues to display his love for Batman as he manages to add more nods and tributes while still carving his own path. Capullo continues to display his A game here, and Miki's colors continue to take it to triumphant heights. Unfortunately, the backup story seems like a giant ad for this month's Zero Year tie-ins, and as an off-handed note, Rafael Albuquerque's absence as the artist for the backup is noticed. Here's hoping next month's issue brings back the hard-hitting action, as Death Comes To Gotham.

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Batman (2011) #26

Dec 12, 2013

Batman#26 is a bit of a tough sell. While it is a weaker stand alone issue, it is apparent that it fits into the bigger picture. Snyder is building up to something and issues like this are necessary to have those big moments be truly impactful. Similarly, Capullo's skills aren't on display here, but even when not at peak performance, his art still looks great. Hopefully next month's issue brings back the hard-hitting action, as we dig up some Buried Bones.

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Batman (2011) #27

Jan 24, 2014

Batman #27 is a great issue. Snyder, Capullo, and Miki continue to orchestrate an exciting take on the Dark Knight's origin, with twists and turns that have never been seen before. As Zero Year's third arc approaches, one can only be excited to see what they do next. For now though we'll have to continue to wait, as we take a detour into the future with next issue's preview of Batman Eternal.

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Batman / Superman (2013) #8

Mar 1, 2014

On the writing side of things, Greg Pak continues display that great bond between Batman and Superman. Pak treats these characters like two sides of the same coin, sharing many of the same ideas and reactions, while also not vocalizing them to each other. This creates a chess-match-like tension between them, where their respect for each other guides the relationship more than their burgeoning friendship. However, his Power Girl and Huntress read a bit strangely, coming off more as whiney and dopey imitations of their respective counterparts. The issue is a good read and an interesting setup for this multi-series spanning storyline.

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Batman and Robin (2011) #21

Jun 20, 2013

Batman and Batgirl #21 was a strange issue to say the least. I have been following the series for a while and yet, with Batgirl being the focus, I somehow felt like I have missed some issues. I am normally a fan of Tomasi's writing, but I feel like there was some pacing issues, and some of the dialogue just seemed off. The action was solid as always, and while the art was fine, Gleason's absence was certainly felt. Hopefully Catwoman's visit to Batman in the next issue can pull him out of hisDepression.

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Batman and Robin (2011) #22

Jul 21, 2013

Batman and Catwoman #22 is a very disappointing issue. While it is important to give events like Damian's death breathing room, it is also important to have a story that doesn't just feel like filler. Tomasi has proven he can be a good Batman writer but this team up book is clearly creating problems for him. The smaller plot with Carrie Kelley is nice, but the Catwoman portion just feels very tacked on. Next month will feature Nightwing and should cover the final stage of grief, acceptance, so let's hope this series can stop treading water after that.

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Batman and Robin (2011) #23

Aug 22, 2013

Batman and Nightwing #23 is a breath of fresh air. While Damian's death was something that deserved grieving, for a long time it felt like the Batman and" series was just treading water. Luckily this issue is Tomasi at his best, and while it doesn't prove that the series will continue to be necessary per se, it does provide a beautiful story and an emotional end to tragic events. Hopefully next issue will bring more solid writing in its Tale of Two-Faces!

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Harley Quinn (2013) #1

Dec 23, 2013

Harley Quinn #1 is a fun and quick read. Conner and Palmiotti seem to want to bring back that more lighthearted tone that many fans feel is missing from DC. Hopefully they can iron out the wrinkles in some of the dialogue as the series continues, so that the writing can be at the level of the art, as Hardin is bringing quality work. For now though, lets hope next issue will be A Girl's Best Friend.

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Superman / Wonder Woman (2013) #4

Jan 17, 2014

All said Superman/Wonder Woman #4 is a good issue. The story, while a bit sporadic, does create an interesting threat for two of DC's most powerful heroes and the presentation is as beautiful as they are. Hopefully next issue can iron out the kinks when it brings The Deadlier Of The Species.

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Superman / Wonder Woman (2013) #5

Feb 27, 2014

Sadly, these kinds of thematic similarities go largely unexplored, as fighting is mostly what they do in this book. The action is great, with some heavy and intense hits, but it does make this issue a bit of a quick read. As this story progresses, there is still very little explained, and this creates a problem. The book feels like it has a bit of an identity crisis, struggling between being a deep, character developing title, and wanting to be an action-packed flurry of punches, which is really a shame because the calmer moments in the story, are truly the ones that shine.

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