The duo on the run to survive, action, love and disaster ensues with beautiful art. Hands down, one of the best series put out by Image. Read Full Review
“Alex + Ada” is innovative, emotional and absolutely beautiful. This issue is heartbreaking but also moving and beautiful in every way. We have one more issue to but it's safe to say that this is a series we'll all be talking about for years to come. Read Full Review
In this penultimate issue, things take a turn for the worse for our Romeo and Juliet. Read Full Review
Alex + Ada has been special since the first issue, but soon we will be saying goodbye to these fantastic characters. With an emotional ending, Alex + Ada #14 is a chapter that will leave its readers full of dread. What will happen in the final issue is definitely up in the air, with many ways that the final issue can be done. Readers will find themselves looking at calendars, counting down the days to the final issue for some closure (The final issue is set to come out on June 17). Read Full Review
I was actually sad at the tragedy seen at the end of this issue. This story is simple yet moving. One of the most underrated comics currently put out I think.
Tragic and awesome