Wytches #1
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Wytches #1

Writer: Scott Snyder Artist: Jock Publisher: Image Comics Release Date: October 8, 2014 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 47 User Reviews: 49
8.9Critic Rating
8.8User Rating

Across the globe, century after century, men and women were burned, drowned, hanged, tortured, imprisoned, persecuted, and murdered for witchcraft. None of them were witches. They died protecting a terrible and hidden truth: witches, real witches, are out there. They are ancient, elusive, and deadly creatures that are rarely seen and even more rarely survived. This October, superstar creators SCOTT SNYDER (SEVERED, Batman) and JOCK (SNAPSHOT, Batman) unveil WYTCHES, and introduce you to a world of unimaginable horror.

  • 10
    All-Comic - Erik Gonzalez Oct 9, 2014

    This title is, no doubt, on its way to becoming a piece of iconic horror literature. Wytches will not only please fans of this genre, but any comic book reader eager to find a story that keeps them in suspense. This purchase is a no brainer! Make sure to pick up the preview on Comixology if possible as well. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comix I Read - Boris Roberto Aguilar Oct 9, 2014

    Wytches has been on my radar since it was announced at Image Expo in January of this year. The wait and anticipation for this book lead me to hope that I wasn't hyping it too much in my mind. Luckily, this book lived up to every expectation that I had and then some. I am drawn into the characters and their story already. Scott Snyder and Jock have created an intriguing world with so much mystery as there is fear. I cannot wait to read more baout the Rook's family and their encounter with the witches. I would recommend this book for anyone who wants to read a horror. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Vine - Tony 'G-Man' Guerrero Oct 8, 2014

    If you're a fan of Scott Snyder and Jock, getting this new series is a no-brainer. This is a great first issue that introduces us to new characters and clearly establishes what horrors we can expect to see. This is the sort of comic you'll want to read during the day. There are some definite creepy moments without it ever crossing the line into graphic or grotesque imagery. Be prepared when you pick this issue up. Let your comic shop know to order you a copy. Orders are due by Monday. You don't want to miss out on this one. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Crusaders - Matt Deery Oct 6, 2014

    Snyder says in the back matter that this book is deeply personal to him, from reading this that is plain to see and it is a story that I am happy he has shared with us. From cover to cover you will become absorbed in this world and it will be used as a showpiece for just how effectively horror can be done in a comic. Read Full Review

  • 10
    ComicBook.com - Chase Magnett Sep 11, 2014

    Wytches is the scariest thing you will read all year. You'll want to look away, but will find it impossible. So turn the lights on, lock the doors, and don't look outside. Wytches is coming. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comicosity - Alison Berry Sep 12, 2014

    The abrupt ending is one of the cruelest Ive ever encountered reading comics, but it damn well guarantees that you will be back for the next issue. Whether its dread or excitement driving you, its unlikely you wont wish issue 1 had just ONE more page. Wytches pulls you in, and doesnt let you go, the way truly good nightmares should. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Book Bin - Andy Frisk Oct 27, 2014

    One of the most hyped books of the Fall of 2014, Wytches #1 lives up to it's promise and more. This is a must read. Period. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Hyper Geeky - ClumsyG Oct 17, 2014

    As the first issue, Wytches #1 does more than produce a sharp hook. It will get its fingers around your spine, and fans of the creative team will get to see them work on a title without the tethers that come with producing a comic about a beloved superhero. Wytches is Sndyer, Jock, and Hollingsworth on a difficult mission to keep you awake at night, and so far, their magic is pretty strong. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Horror DNA - James Ferguson Oct 8, 2014

    Wytches has a never-ending sense of tension. It grabs you from page one and never lets go. I'm hooked. I also can't read this in the dark. It delivers true scares in a way that will stick with you long after you've finished the comic. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Newsarama - Justin Partridge, III Oct 13, 2014

    As a horror fan, Wytches was a book that I was hotly anticipating from a creative team that I knew could handle the genre very well. This debut issue did not disappoint. Scott Snyder, Jock, and Matt Hollingsworth have tapped into something primal with Wytches; the idea that evil lurks in the dark corners of our lives forever and will be there long after we are gone. This evil could be family tragedy or constant torture by a bully, but it is still there, no matter the form. The only thing we can do to combat it to face it and come out of the other side of it changed, hopefully for the better. Image Comics recently has been responsible for some of the most personal and ambitious comics of recent memory, and Wytches looks to be another solid entry into that canon using the oldest and strongest emotion known to mankind: fear. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Nerdly - Nicky Johnson Oct 10, 2014

    To emphasise how good I found this comic, I bought it at 4pm day of release, have read it three times already, and have already requested the next issues be held for me at the local comic book store. This is a definite must have for fans of bother Snyder and Jock, as well as horror genre fans. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Rhymes With Geek - Nikki Sherman Oct 7, 2014

    All I can really say after finishing this book is "More please!". This first issue is truly outstanding, and the wait for November's issue is sure to be a long, impatient one. What Snyder, Jock, and Hollingsworth have created here is something people will be talking about for years to come. I know I'll be re-reading it over and over to try to catch all the details, and I'm bound to only enjoy it more as it goes on. Bring on the wytches. Bring on the fun. This book is a masterpiece in the making. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Unleash The Fanboy - John McCubbin Oct 7, 2014

    Wytches #1 does a fabulous job of setting the scene for things to come, with the prelude giving the mysterious horror aspect, and the main story showing how this works around the normal world. The issue also shows some great character development, giving some brilliant introductions, and wonderful dialogue. All these are great reasons to buy this tale, with the fact it's a double sized issue at $2.99 only being a bonus. Highly recommended. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Spectrum - Shawn Hoklas Oct 19, 2014

    It's not very often that a comic book creates genuinely scary moments for me since as the reader, I control the page page turns, the pacing, and the setting in which I'm reading. Wytches by Scott Snyder and Jock have done just that, they have created a book that frightened me, but left me wanting to come back for more as it built on some solid character work and nice takes on the long held tradition of witches. The masterful storytelling gave this book a unique and interesting twist that makes witches feel more dangerous than ever. This first issue also ended on a terrifying and suspenseful cliffhanger that absolutely left me craving the second issue. Read Full Review

  • 10
    The Latest Pull - Eric Tillirson Oct 9, 2014

    This might be the best first issue of a horror series I've ever read. It gives you a hint of what the surrounding lore is without being an info dump. You see, but don't understand the horror that lies in waiting for the rest of the series. We have characters at the center of a clearly incredibly horrifying scenario just waiting to play out. Snyder and Jock have outdone themselves. “Wytches” has potential to be one of the greatest horror series' in years. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Infinite Comix - Dan Gehen Oct 14, 2014

    Wytches #1 is a near-perfect marriage of writing and artwork. Between Scott Snyder's tightly wound script and Jock's disturbing imagery, this looks to be the best horror title on the market today. Fans of the horror genre, and fans of great storytelling in general, need to read this. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Coming Up Comics - Timothy Merritt Oct 7, 2014

    With acclaim already universally positive from both critics and creators alike, Wytches is sure to be the book of the season. Be sure to get to your Local Comic Shop early to pick up a copy, this will sell out, and jump on what looks to be one of the most exciting and original horror stories of the decade. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Kabooooom - Sarah Moran Oct 7, 2014

    If only one gripe can be laid against Wytches, it's that the issue's cliffhanger feels off; as if it's missing a page and there's one last shocking image we need to see. Then again, that may be another trick of not wanting to reveal too much too soon, in which case, I'm more than happy to wait. Read Full Review

  • 9.9
    The Daily Crate - Jennifer Bosier Oct 8, 2014

    The issue ends on uncertain terms, and while we're offered little by way of explanation, it's clear that nothing good comes from the events. As always, Snyder knows just how much to reveal and feed to the reader, making the wait for next issue seemingly unbearable. This is going to be a helluva horror ride. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    We The Nerdy - Guilherme Jacobs Oct 6, 2014

    Speaking of killing, it's all brought to life by Jock's superb art. He's at home here, this is the kind of thing you always wanted Jock to draw, and he more than rises to the occasion. The scary visuals are made even more terrifying by his work. It's sort out of place, lacking precision and distorted, which means it perfectly fits this kind of story. I love how his art is Wytches #1's best weapon to make sure you understand Sailor's struggles, and there are subtle choices he makes that transform the panels into windows to the main character's mind. Then there are the big, loud and bloody moments where he just kills it. From page one, Jock creates unforgettable visuals that elevate the dread you feel. Read Full Review

  • 9.2
    Graphic Policy - Matt Petras Oct 7, 2014

    I was shocked when I hit the last page because the fact that the comic was over was such a surprise. The comic goes by quickly because it's so good and because it's so tense. Wytches begs to be read. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Newsarama - Richard Gray Oct 9, 2014

    It's the versatility of the art that sets it apart, from the quieter clean line-art moments between father and daughter, enhanced with Hollingsworth's pastel colored shades. Yet they too explode into chaos when needed, making for a chilling piece of modern horror that knows all the right buttons to push. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Outright Geekery - Gaumer Oct 8, 2014

    Just in time for Halloween, Image Comics brings us another creator-owned title destined to be a smash hit. The lineup of Snyder and JOCK is a creative dream team that brings a synergy greater than the sum of the separate parts. The story is intriguing, the characters are interesting, and the horror is…well, horrifying. All this adds up to a winner. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    AIPT - Adventures in Poor Taste Oct 8, 2014

    Wytches #1 was a fantastic comic from what we saw. The writing, the artwork, and horror elements here are all sound. While some liked it more than others, we all came away from this comic with an enjoyable and creepy as hell experience. Wytches #1 is definitely recommended and worth a look this Halloween season. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comics: The Gathering - F.D. White Oct 10, 2014

    This is already a comic I want to read every Halloween. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Newsarama - Lan Pitts Sep 16, 2014

    Fans of Snyder's other horror book Severed might be attracted to this more than his American Vampire readers. It's a slice of Americana and family life through a nightmarish filter. True, Wytches makes no bones about being a legit horror comic in the vein as the 1950s EC books, but there's still a family element to it that gives this comic an even more grounded approach. And that might be the most frightening thing about it. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Major Spoilers - George Chimples Oct 10, 2014

    I initially read Wytches #1 the best sort of mood, late at night, in a sleepy, dreamy sort of state, and I got proper freaked out. Re-reading it in the full light of day proves that it still holds up. I don't give out five star reviews lightly; Wytches #1 deserves every single one. It's a heartfelt, well-made horror comic, rife with stunning scenes which will sit with the reader long after the issue has been put down. My expectations for this book was high, and Snyder, Jock and Hollingsworth met every single one. I have no idea where Wytches is going, but I am definitely in for the ride. Check it out. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Book Resources - Meagan Damore Sep 12, 2014

    With an October release, "Wytches" #1 comes out just in time for Halloween and its dark tone could not be more apt to suit the season. Snyder and Jock's "Wytches" is at once outlandish and grotesque and alarmingly intimate in the way it dishes out horror. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Stash My Comics - Jay Inglis Oct 21, 2014

    In summing up, if you enjoy the work of Scott Snyder, then I would recommend that you get on board with this book. It is a perfect example of what a competent writer can do with an opportunity to explore an idea that will keep you guessing and might even hold a fright or two" Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Booked - Julien Loeper Oct 8, 2014

    What Snyder and Jock have created is a masterpiece, plain and simple. To me, the best horror (at least when not in film form) tends to be visually centric, even when its a series of words on a page. I have to be able to create the centralized scene in my head, and not be distracted by lesser details. Jock owns this book, but Snyder's words help complement it instead of being a nuisance (this is why Snyder is one of my favorite writers. Dude's handle on prose and dialogue is ridiculously good).Wytches is a treat for the Halloween season, and is the first thing to scare me in a damn long time. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Newsarama - Forrest C. Helvie Oct 7, 2014

    Overall, this issue does a number of things well from introducing readers to characters who "feel real" and are sympathetic to playing upon both the fears of the reader in addition to drawing upon our collective knowledge of the terrible things mankind is capable of doing to one another without the use of infernal powers. In all, Wytches #1 is off to a strong start, and like many Image firsts, it's compelling narrative and visual appeal will make it an immediate fan-favorite. Read Full Review

  • 8.8
    BGCP - Erik Guenther Oct 7, 2014

    An intriguing, eerie collaboration from the superstar team of Scott Snyder and Jock. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Florida Geek Scene - Brian Reed Nov 23, 2016

    I do wish the art was a little clearer, and I hope they clear up the magical action scenes, but overall I'm really impressed by Wytches. I'll be buying issue 2 just to resolve the excellently handled cliffhanger, but I also expect to be around far beyond that. It's a potentially fascinating topic, and a strong take on it so far. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    The Lost Lighthouse - thelostlighthouse Oct 9, 2014

    Shockingly, I enjoyed this.Wytches#1 is a great start for a horror series, living up to the hype built up around it. This first issue is bound to sell out, but Image are good at extra printings for their titles so more will be out soon. Pick this up either physically or digitally, it should be a great ride. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    IGN - Jeff Lake Sep 16, 2014

    Wytches #1 proves a great debut, driven by the artistic pairing of Scott Snyder and Jock. The narrative, though rushed, is an intriguing one, Snyder ably balancing the mystery with the menace. The art by Jock is both shocking and enticing, made better by the moody colors provided by Matt Hollingsworth. This is a book you'll want to be reading. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Minhquan Nguyen Oct 12, 2014

    An effective opening issue to a comic that fulfills all the major criteria of a horror story. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Doom Rocket - Gavin Rehfeldt Oct 9, 2014

    Wytches is poised to push these characters into that abyss and see if they can recover, which makes for an exciting read especially as the characters and the readers head deeper into the cold and foreboding month of October. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Pop Culture Uncovered - Alex K Oct 9, 2014

    These two working on a horror book is truly a match made heaven (or hell). I don't read many horror comics, but a story like this reminds me of this subgenre and why its one of the most popular genres today. If you're looking for something to get you in that Halloween spirit, this is the book for you. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    PopMatters - Steven Michael Scott Oct 14, 2014

    It's not the greatest #1 I've ever read by a long shot but it shows promise that the horror is just getting started and if Snyder's track record is anything to go by, we're in for a horrifying ride indeed. If you're a fan of horror comics and you're looking for a new series to sink your teeth into, you could do a lot worse than Wytches, which isn't just a blood soaked schlock fest but ultimately is about a family struggling to make the best of their situation and we are rooting for them to overcome the odds. Read Full Review

  • 7.7
    Entertainment Fuse - Jim Bush Oct 17, 2014

    Some of the things that make horror movies (lighting, sudden movement) and horror prose stories (weird sights that readers have to imagine) effective are not possible in the same way for horror comics. In Wytches, Snyder and Jock give some alternative ways to make readers feel uncomfortable (if not actually scared just yet): disturbing themes and unexplained strangeness. Wytches has already been optioned by Plan B Entertainment, so there is a chance we can seeWytches in multiple forms.It can be difficult to sustain a great horror series, but Snyder and Jock are off to a good start in Wytches. Read Full Review

  • 7.2
    Nerds On The Rocks - admin Oct 8, 2014

    Creepy little book for Halloween. This is one to follow. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Multiversity Comics - David Harper Sep 15, 2014

    "Wytches" #1 is a good comic. It's the debut of something with a lot of potential, and throughout its pages you can see true greatness. But it isn't there yet. Not in whole. It has made its pledge to readers with its first issue " the pledge of something great " and gotten its fingers around us, but it hasn't taken us with it yet. With time, it may get there. But for now, all I can tell you is "Wytches" #1 will make you want to go along with Snyder and Jock to see if it does. And that's good enough for now. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Nerds Unchained - Magen Cubed Oct 10, 2014

    Despite these highlights, the issue suffers from some confusion due to the disjointedness of the Rooks storyline. Where did they come from? Where did they move to? How far did they have to move to escape the stigma of Annies disappearance, only to have every kid at Sailors school know immediately who she was? As for Annie herself, her generic motivation and stiff dialogue does little to develop her beyond the sexual violence she means to inflict upon Sailor. Her return at the end of the issue is suitably creepy, but with its abrupt cliffhanger, doesnt even have the same effect of the brutal opening sequence. Perhaps these issues will be dealt with in coming months, but overall Wytches #1 is still an intriguing jaunt into the horror genre. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Inter-Comics Podcast - Mathew R Wilmot Oct 9, 2014

    As stated before, this book will sell because of the names on the front but there is some interesting stuff happening on the inside which make it worth a look, even if the creative team alone didn't grab you. Snyder is clearly going somewhere with this story and is building to it slowly but, with Jock and Hollingsworth taking care of the insides, there's no real complaint about this book being a slow burn. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Bloody Disgusting - Nick Brehmer Oct 8, 2014

    The artwork by Jock is exceptional. If youre reading this review and saying to yourself what was this guy expecting? Ill answer by saying darkness. Im surprised to see the amount of color used in a witch or witch-y themed comic. And I say th Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    ComicList - Brandon Borzelli Oct 11, 2014

    Wytches is a book that gives you a very entertaining read for three bucks. The question now is whether this book will go the slow-burn route or if it will quickly explore the horrors in the woods. Time will tell how this comic book does but this is a pretty good start. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    8CN - Matt Overstreet Oct 8, 2014

    If you're a fan of good, strong art, I would pick this one up. But if you're looking for a combination of good writing and good art, I would give this a couple more issues to see if the writing picks up or starts paying off. The visuals are good enough that it warrants keeping an eye on, but the story isn't strong enough that it's an immediate add to my pull list. Read Full Review

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