Matt Overstreet's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: 8CN, Overmental Reviews: 40
6.6Avg. Review Rating

Aliens: Fire and Stone #1

Sep 24, 2014

In the end, Aliens: Fire and Stone isn't a bad series, really, especially if you likeAliens like I do. It's just that it's also not really good. There's nothing particularly fresh here, and it also doesn't do what it's doing particularly spectacularly either. Overall, even die-hardAlien fans will not feel like they lost out on much if they don't follow this series.

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All-New Captain America (2014) #1

Nov 12, 2014

We, unfortunately, live in a world where these kinds of things are big events. But comics have never been about living in the real world, and the characters should reflect that. Captain America is about the good guys who fight against evil-doers, and the good guys shouldn't care that Captain America is now African-American or that Thor is now a woman. Because the good guys are role models, and thisAll New Captain America is as good a role model as any other Captain America.

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All-New Hawkeye #1

Mar 4, 2015

Honestly, though, the biggest hurdle that All-New Hawkeye is going to face is finding a way to be judged on its own rather than just compared to the previous iteration of Hakweye (and yes, I'm saying this well aware that I just spent about 500 words doing exactly that). But, honestly, it's off to a pretty good start, and I'm actually quite interested to see where this creative team goes with the character.

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Angela: Asgard's Assassin #1

Dec 4, 2014

I say that it almost makes me want to come back, though, because as much as the ending was done correctly, it doesn't do enough to make me forget the preceeding 20 pages of confusion. More importantly, I have some of the answers by the end, but I still just don't really care.

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Bee and PuppyCat #1

May 14, 2014

Not to say that the humor isn't delightfully irreverent and that the artwork is pleasently light and playful, but this week's recommendation is really pretty easy: if you like what's been shown so far of theBee and Puppycat cartoon, then I would recommend the comic to you.

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Bloodshot: Reborn #1

Apr 15, 2015

That aside, though, I just don't really see Bloodshot Reborn being the intro point to the character that Valiant perhaps wants it to be. If you're already a fan of Valiant comics, then by all means, add this one to your pull list, but the must-read new series of the season, this one is not.

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Convergence #1

Apr 8, 2015

This first issue is big, dumb fun, and I can't fault it for that. What I can fault it for is for trying to be anything else. If you're here to see batman fight batman, you'll almost certainly be pleased. If you're here for something a little more concrete or intellectually stimulating, though, you may want to look elsewhere. But let's be real, who doesn't want to see batman fighting batman.

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E Is For Extinction #1

Jun 24, 2015

Overall, though, I do feel like there is a niche that this title fits into, I'm just not a member of that niche, and I feel like that group is not particularly large. I'd be interested to see where this story goes, but if this first issue is any indication, it's not going anywhere particularly interesting.

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Empire: Uprising #1

Apr 22, 2015

Empire Uprising does what it does real well, it just so happens that what it does isn't, frankly, all that interesting. It's pure comic book filler, with bright colors and extreme characters, but no nuance or subtlety.

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Godzilla: Cataclysm #1

Aug 14, 2014

Overall, if you're into big, action comics, Godzilla: Cataclysm will have plenty to excite you, but I can't really say that it's a particularly good comic.

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Groot #1

Jun 3, 2015

Overall, though, while Groot had it's moments, I have to say it wasn't quite as good as I wish it had been. If you're really pulling for it, or you really like Groot, you may want to give it a couple more issues to see how it develops, but if you're just a fan of Guardians of the Galaxy you can skip this one.

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Hawkeye Vs. Deadpool #0

Sep 4, 2014

All-in-all, though, I really enjoyed Hawkeye Vs. Deadpool, certainly a lot more than I was expecting to. A lot, lot more. If you enjoy either of these characters or have been looking for an intro to them, I would highly recommend Hawkeye Vs. Deadpool.

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Howard The Duck (2015) #1

Mar 11, 2015

Honestly, I haven't had as good a laugh from a comic book in quite a while, and for that alone I would recommend Howard the Duck. However, I recommend it with the caution that if you're not a big Marvel fan, and you're really only familiar with the character through his film appearance(s), you might not get the joke.

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Imperial #1

Aug 6, 2014

Overall, the book is fine, but it's hard to say if I'd recommend it to readers, or if I did, who exactly I'd recommend it to. It's a fun little adventure, but I'm sure with some digging you could find some similar stories, although I don't know if they'd be as well executed. Still, it's an awfully specific niche thatImperial is trying to fill, and for me, as much fun as it is, I can't say that's one niche I'm particularly interested in.

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Justice League: Gods and Monsters - Superman #1

Jul 29, 2015

Overall,Justice League: Gods and Monsters – Superman is definitely an interesting direction to take the character, and he probably serves as the most interesting departure from the main series depiction. However, while I'm definitely interested to see where they go with him, I could also very easily see this turning into an idea that does not sustain itself over multiple issues, so if this does pique your interest, I would recommend it to you, but with caution.

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Madame Frankenstein #1

May 7, 2014

Not thatMadame Frankenstein doesn't have an audience, it's just that even within its niche I think there are better options. Still, while some may find it interesting, for the general public, I'd have to say this is one comic to pass up.

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Memetic (2014) #1

Oct 22, 2014

Still, all the pieces are there, but like the victims in the story, it's hard to get past the sloth in the room. I'm just not sure the internet is a serious enough place, on the whole, (at least as of yet) for any kind of story to be centered around it. I've yet to encounter a work of any kind, predicated on the idea of internet culture, that didn't come off as pretty silly, and unfortunately, for as good as it is,Memeticis the same way.

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Nameless #1

Feb 5, 2015

Still, though, it's a bit hard to grasp as a whole, and while I happened to like this brand of wacky bizzaro writing and the gritty art, it's difficult for me to really recommend it to people. If you've never read a Grant Morrison comic before, I'm not sure this is the best place to start, and if you have read a Grant Morrison comic before, you've probably already read something similar.

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Oddly Normal #1

Sep 18, 2014

That being said, some of the wonkiness of the story in this first issue makes a bit more sense when you view it through that lens, but I still wanted it to be a bit less on-the-nose, and a bit more real in how the characters are portrayed. Overall, though, it's entertaining enough and certainly features some competent cartoon skills, I just wish that the bones of the thing were a bit more solid.

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ODY-C #1

Nov 27, 2014

Sure, this story isn't for everyone. Hell, there will even be those who enjoyed Hawkeye andSex Criminals who will probably hate this. But what Fraciton and Ward have created here is something big and larger than themselves - something that taps into art of the highest caliber. It's something that will sprawl and unfold over the next couple years, undoubtedly, and I can't wait to see it through.

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Old Man Logan #1

May 27, 2015

All things considered, though, Bendis does a decent job in Old Man Logan#1, and Sorrentino's art is absolutely gorgeous. If you're a fan of Wolverine, or are already invested in Secret Wars, then by all means I recommend this series. If you're looking for something you can pick up and dive right into, though, you may want to look elsewhere.

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Outcast By Kirkman & Azaceta #1

Jun 25, 2014

In the end, I can't say I really recommend picking upOutcast, month-to-month, unless demon possession is totally your thing, but I can say that the art here is really superb, and honestly probably one of the best representations of visual story telling in the comic medium that I've seen in a little while. While I'm not drawn in by the story being told, I can't help but look forward to what Azaceta and Breitweister both do next.

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Red One #1

Mar 18, 2015

When you're not actually digging any deeper than "it's so cool how strong she is and how sexy she is," it's really nothing more than fluff. Which, I guess if you're into that sort of thing, go for it, but personally, I want characters with actual traits and stories that actually move somewhere and say something, rather than carrying on about nothing for 32 pages.

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Rise of the Magi #1

Jun 4, 2014

As it is,Rise of the Magi feels strangely rushed and a little sloppy, and while there seems to be something actually pretty interesting at the heart of it all, it's just too damn hard to actually get at the interesting bits. I can't really recommendRise of the Magi - there's just too much other stuff out there like this that's done better.

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Rocket Raccoon (2014) #1

Jul 2, 2014

It's a little early on to say whether not followingGuardians is going to be a huge detriment to your enjoyment ofRocket, but so far it's only a small hindrance. Overall,Rocket Raccoon is one of the most fun comics I've read in a long time, and I would easily recommend it to anyone who doesn't mind their comics with a good sense of fun.

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Secret Wars (2015) #1

May 6, 2015

Overall, it's hard to say whether or not Secret Wars seems like the right way to go about things. Honestly, I feel that the concept is going to be much more interesting than the actual execution. I'm more excited to read recaps once this whole thing is done " to see who wins, who dies, and who lives " than to actually dig through the nitty gritty and figure that stuff out on my own.

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Star Wars: Darth Vader #1

Feb 11, 2015

Overall, I can't really say I recommend this series too strongly. If you're a big Star Wars fan, you've probably already picked this up anyway, but for anyone looking to make this their first foray into the new expanded universe, I have to say you may just want to wait for something a little more interesting.

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Starve #1

Jun 11, 2015

Overall, though, in a world riddled with post-apocalyptic comic series,Starvepresents something entirely different that could still easily be classified into that category. It's fresh and entertaining, and I'm damn interested to see where this is going. It may honestly be one of the best first issues I've read in a long time.

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The Last Broadcast #1

May 22, 2014

Not everyone will likeThe Last Broadcast, but so far I'm pretty intrigued, and I'll definitely be adding it to my pull list. For fans of gothic, neo-noir stories, with a tinge of magic for good measuer, I thinkThe Last Broadcast may fill a comic gap you didn't even know you had.

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The Life After #1

Jul 10, 2014

Unfortunately, this first issue really just begins unraveling the mysteries of this world, so it's hard to say where it will lead. Still, if you're anything like me,Ghost Hemingway will pretty much be all you need.

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The Multiversity #1

Aug 20, 2014

Really, this series feels like Morrison unleashed to a certain extent, Expect more trippy, mind-expanding superhero story from this series, and if that happens to be your thing, then I definitely give The Multiversitya recommendation.

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The Squidder #1

Jul 16, 2014

What the hell is The Squidder about? I read the thing and I'm still not sure. Does it really matter? Probably not. If you're a fan of Templesmith's previous work, like me, expect more of the same and you'll be pleased. If you don't like his previous work, don't expect anything to sway you towards liking him. If you've never read any of Templesmith's work, go pick up Fell. It's really good.

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The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #1

Jan 7, 2015

If this first issue is any indication, we are in for a real treat, and I will be sining the praises of the unbeatable Squirrel Girl for some time to come. It's not often that a major comics publisher like Marvel takes a chance with something so bizarre, and it really works here.

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The Wicked + The Divine #1

Jun 18, 2014

Not that I'm opposed to slow, developing stories, but you have to have something in that initial introduction to get me hooked, and franklyThe Wicked + The Divine just doesn't have that. For others, maybe you like the idea of a story focused on pop stars with the ability to explode people's heads, but if you're anything like me, that's not going to be enough to make you care about who these people are or what they're doing.

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Transformers: Windblade Combiner Wars #1

Mar 25, 2015

Here's what I'd like to say: Transformers Windblade Combiner Wars isn't going to break new ground, but if you're a big Transformers fan, who's already following the comic, then this is a solid entry and you should absolutely pick this up. Here's the truth, though: this whole column has been pretty pointless this week as, if you already know what this is, you'll have probably picked it up, and if you don't know what this is, don't bother. Again, sorry.

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Trees #1

May 28, 2014

Overall, I'm hesitant tonot recommend Trees, if only because I enjoy Ellis' work so much and am fairly confident that once the series gains some momentum it could be something really intriguing and great. For now, though, the first issue really doesn't bring anything to get you hooked on.

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Uncanny Inhumans #0

Apr 1, 2015

Overall, though, you could definitely do worse than Uncanny Inhumans, and for anyone who's been curious enough to read through the Inhumans Wikipedia page, this isn't a bad place to delve into the comics-side of things. If you're a casual fan who knows nothing about the Inhumans, or if you're good pals with 'ol Blackagar Boltagon, though, this one's going to be a harder sell.

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Wayward #1

Aug 27, 2014

Overall, it may have just been the sort-of shocking turn that won me over, but I actually ended up quite enjoying Wayward. Anyone who's a fan of strong females beating the crap out of mystical Japanese turtle creatures, or general adventure romps with the hint of some semi-serious undertones, would do well to check out this book.

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Wild's End #1

Sep 10, 2014

Anyone who enjoys the likes ofWar of the Worlds orWatership Down will definitely like this comic, but more than that, I think they'll find something new and interesting even despite the similarities. For myself, I'm definitely interested in seeing where this story goes from here.

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Wytches #1

Oct 8, 2014

If you're a fan of good, strong art, I would pick this one up. But if you're looking for a combination of good writing and good art, I would give this a couple more issues to see if the writing picks up or starts paying off. The visuals are good enough that it warrants keeping an eye on, but the story isn't strong enough that it's an immediate add to my pull list.

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