Old Man Logan #1
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Old Man Logan #1

Writer: Brian Michael Bendis Artist: Andrea Sorrentino Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: May 27, 2015 Cover Price: $4.99 Critic Reviews: 25 User Reviews: 38
8.1Critic Rating
8.1User Rating

Enter the Wastelands...a realm where all heroes have been murdered by their arch-enemies, villains who now rule over the land with an iron fist. In the midst of this dystopian chaos, one man may make a difference...a reluctant warrior who was once the greatest mutant of all...a man known as OLD MAN LOGAN.

  • 10
    Comicosity - John Ernenputsch May 28, 2015

    This is a must read, must look at, must consume comic that has just about everything. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Fanboys Inc - Jeff Ayers May 28, 2015

    Marvel could have tried to just lump this world and the characters together into this expanding Secret Wars/Battleworld story they are telling, but instead they chose to forge ahead with the story at hand, and picked up almost right after the events of the original Old Man Logan. Kudos to Bendis for making it seem so familiar and awesome, and to Sorrentino for taking some risks and revitalizing the characters and the scenery. - See more at: http://fanboysinc.com/comic-book-review-secret-wars-old-man-logan-1-over-the-wall/#sthash.y36EU2dU.dpuf Read Full Review

  • 10
    Newsarama - David Pepose May 27, 2015

    Old Man Logan was one of Marvel's most iconic stories featuring the Ol' Canucklehead in recent years, and you'd be forgiven if you thought no one could top it. But this Secret Wars tie-in shows that Brian Michael Bendis and Andrea Sorrentino are the exact kind of dream team to follow up on Millar and McNiven, showing that sometimes, comic book lighting can strike twice. If you pick up any Marvel book this week, make it this one. Read Full Review

  • 9.4
    Word Of The Nerd - Sean Ian Mills May 29, 2015

    Adding a police force of Thors or a visit to the 1990s X-Men would probably ruin everything Bendis and Sorrentino have built here, but such is the way of Secret Wars. I don't know where Bendis is sending this old man, but hopefully he and his art team maintain the look, feel and power of this first issue. Read Full Review

  • 9.3
    The Latest Pull - Ryan Utterback May 30, 2015

    Simply put, this book was amazing. Bendis is at his best here. The world he builds is desolate but fascinating. The characters are dynamic and intriguing, and the plot moves at just the right pace to keep the reader engaged. Andrea Sorrentino's art is gorgeous as well, and she does an impeccable job of capturing the essence of the characters and the universe they inhabit. This is the strongest Secret Wars tie-in issue I've read yet, and it's definitely worth the $4.99 price tag. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Nerds Unchained - Michael Bowie Jun 2, 2015

    Its good to see Old Man logan back and with a brand new mission, but while the references to the rest of Battleworld were few and far between in this issue, by the way things end, and simply who Logan is, theres really no way he doesnt play a larger role in the larger story of Secret Wars. So, maybe this wont be the standalone series I would like to see, but I did enjoy this issue, and when Brian Michael Bendis is on his game he puts out some very good stories, so for now Ill try to not let my fears outweigh my hopes. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Book Resources - Matt Little May 28, 2015

    By focusing on one protagonist and aiming at a bit more mature storytelling, Bendis' scripting becomes more focused, dramatic and thrilling. Sorrentino's scratchy linework and negative-space panel layouts are gorgeous icing on the cake. The remaining issues of this series have a lot to live up to when the storytelling on a debut issue is this good but, if the creative team can live up to the task, then "Old Man Logan" may become an instant classic. Readers who miss Wolverine or love artful violence need to check out this series posthaste. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Newsarama - Jake Baumgart May 28, 2015

    Although the missing elements in this story would dock it points as a solo issue, Brian Michael Bendis sets the tone and brings the audience back into the fold of the Old Man Logan universe seamlessly, and sets the expectations high for the following installment. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Pop Culture Uncovered - ozlongworthjr May 28, 2015

    Bottom Line: Old Man Logan is off to a tightly written, gorgeous looking start. If every issue goes like this, Bendis' sequel will end up surpassing Millar's original. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    PopMatters - Jack Fisher Jun 1, 2015

    This is a version of Wolverine that has been missed since before he was killed off in the mainline comics. In many respects, Old Man Logan #1 establishes that Wolverine needs to be a little jaded and cantankerous to be the best he is at what he does. He doesn't need Sabretooth tormenting him. He doesn't need Cyclops busting his chops. He just needs to know that something isn't right and while stabbing it might not solve the problem, it certainly makes for a fun, overtly visceral story. Read Full Review

  • 8.6
    IGN - Jeff Lake May 27, 2015

    Bendis and Sorrentino faced a mountain of expectation, and issue #1 sees them almost reach the top. Their Logan is both vicious and heavy, weighted down by the things he's done and the things he's yet to do. Some pacing issues pop up early, but they're quickly corrected by some intriguing developments. Not only is this a must read for fans of the original, it's a must for anyone who likes good comics. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Comic Book Revolution - Kevin May 28, 2015

    Old Man Logan #1 is one of the stronger Secret Wars tie-in comics out there. Brian Bendis brought his A-game to this book with how he is able to further flesh out the world of Old Man Logan. It doesn't hurt that Bendis had Andrea Sorrentino phenomenal artwork to elevate everything about the story. While Logan was the headliner it was Sorrentino's artwork that was the true star of the show. The art alone is reason enough to buy this comic and the fact that the story is so strong is just an added plus. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    ComicBuzz - ChrisG Jun 25, 2015

    So is it a good read? Yes, absolutely, but it does come with baggage. There are things you need to know. But if you know them, you will enjoy a strong debut issue. Read Full Review

  • 8.2
    Geeked Out Nation - Jideobi Odunze May 28, 2015

    The best decision made for this series was having Andrea Sorrentino as artist and Marcelo Maiolo on colors. These two make an amazing team on art capturing the brutal nature of Old Man Logan. From the very first page it feels as though they really had fun with this book. The panel styles, the art styles in general, and the many different gradients of colors constantly shifting and matching the shifting tone of the issue. The colors in particular you should note as vibrant and lively matching the fast pacing of the story, especially when it came to the action scenes. There was also no shortage of red and blood which looked stunning in the beginning with the characters desaturated. Aside from this the effects are something you always recognize because it takes a dedicated art team to add that touch. Smoke, blurred motions, highlights, and much more. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    All-Comic - Jeremy Matcho May 28, 2015

    As far as tie-in books go, Old Man Logan pretty much rocked. Its not often you get to see someone get their foot cut off in a Marvel book, but you do in this one. Brian Michael Bendis wrote a very good first issue that should make everyone an even bigger fan of this alt-world Logan. The art and colors propel the book from very good to great. This is the tie-in to beat so far. Read Full Review

  • 7.8
    Comic Book Herald - Matt Lehn May 31, 2015

    So far, Old Man Logan operates mainly on semi-recent nostalgia- which is not necessarily a bad thing. Rather than glad-handing as winking homage, it commands as an heir apparent. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    SnapPow.com - John McCubbin May 28, 2015

    Though there's a lot I'd change about this tale, Old Man Logan still more than impressed, as though it didn't quite live up to my expectations, it wasn't a million miles off. Having wonderful visuals, and intense action, this comic is bound to draw in old and new fans of the clawed Avenger, with the plot having some intriguing points as well. I can't however shake the nagging feeling that this could have been so much more. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Superior Spider-Talk - Caleb Hennington May 28, 2015

    Old Man Logan #1 is a solid first entry that continues the classic Wolverine epic. The first issue ends at an interesting crossroad that could lead the series in a compelling direction. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Yet Another Media Site - Kevin Finnigan May 28, 2015

    The real draw of OLD MAN LOGAN #1 is the artwork by Andrea Sorrentino. Wolverine's epic fight scene with thugs feels like a movie with the flashes of brutality. This splash page uses the "quick flashes of violence in a fight" more effectively than most action movies. Every panel, even two characters just talking, has a sense of motion that makes the issue feel like it's moving at points. Emma's death has a sense inevitability, and finds moments of quiet amongst the chaos. Sorrentino's color palette is a nice mixture of browns with flashes of the bright spandex of old. The lighting really impressed me, as it lightly reflects the former Iron Man mask that Gladiator wears. It's a small touch, but it shows the attention to detail that Sorrentino has with his artwork. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics: The Gathering - Kalem Lalonde May 27, 2015

    Old Man Logan is a sequel that deserves to exist. The first series left the story open for more and Brian Michael Bendis is here to give us exactly that. Unfortunately, Bendis doesn’t tap into the scale that Millar set-up and paces this story a little too sluggishly if it’s compared to its predecessor. Though, in this first issue, Bendis writes a great portrayal of his protagonist and contributes great ideas to the development of this desolate version of the Marvel Universe. This could be the sequel that fans deserves but it doesn’t quite reach that status yet. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    Overmental - Matt Overstreet May 27, 2015

    All things considered, though, Bendis does a decent job in Old Man Logan#1, and Sorrentino's art is absolutely gorgeous. If you're a fan of Wolverine, or are already invested in Secret Wars, then by all means I recommend this series. If you're looking for something you can pick up and dive right into, though, you may want to look elsewhere. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    We The Nerdy - Jose' Rodriguez May 28, 2015

    This was indeed a disappointment for me. The adrenaline of a thrilling action sequence isn't enough to sate the want for a well-rounded story. Maybe the next issue will clear things up and carve its own path, but for now it isn't enough. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    The Kliq Nation - Timdogg May 26, 2015

    Old Man Logan #1 sets Logan out on an adventure across Battleworld. A mystery is the catalyst for this, so there is the tease to see what this leads to. Plus, this is the first comic to feature a version of Wolverine after he was killed in the 616 universe. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Vine - Mat 'Inferiorego' Elfring May 27, 2015

    Every ounce of the Old Man Logan fanboy in me wants to love this book. I was incredibly excited to jump right into this book and while the art was nothing short of brilliant here and the world that Millar originally created is just as brilliant, the character of Logan is completely different from the original and the story here feels forced and not worth the effort of the main character. If you're looking for a book with great art, check this out. Otherwise, you may be a bit disappointed once the fanboy excitement fades away. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Outright Geekery - Gaumer May 30, 2015

    Secret Wars as a brand has been a bit tricky for me to put my finger on. There are some tie-ins that seem to merely glance by the fact that the events of the series are taking place on Battleworld, while others fully embrace the fact, putting Battleworld and its various nations at the forefront of the storytelling. The most compelling aspect of the Old Man Logan story (after Wolverine goes back to being a hero, that is) are the side-characters and the world itself, and while it appears like we're not going to get either of those in the rest of this series, we definitely didn't get enough of them in this single issue. But, man, that art is almost worth checking out the story til its end. Read Full Review

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