John Ernenputsch's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Comicosity Reviews: 77
8.8Avg. Review Rating

All-New Hawkeye #1

Mar 6, 2015

The dialogue is sharp, and there are signs that the story will become something great. This doesn't change the fact that the plot here was bare, as Lemire seemed to forsake it in order to establish the character dynamics. Some of these flaws are hard to harp on when you have art that looks like the art does here. The work of Prez and Herring is simply astonishing.

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All-New X-Men #22.NOW

Jan 23, 2014

Overall, Bendis opened up the issue strong as he worked in some amazing character work that signifies Bendis at his very best. I just wish the second half of the issue would have found a more interesting way to get the conflict of the crossover started. It never reached the point where the issue was bad, in fact the issue was a great read throughout, but the second half just felt very by the book. Luckily, where the plot may have slightly faltered late in the issue, the script stayed solid and the art team was great throughout. When this creative team is paired together it feels like an A-list event book, and that is no different with this issue. Now that the pieces are in place for the rest of the crossover I am eager to see if Bendis can continue his great character work and make the next five issues as compelling as the last time Jean Grey was on trial.

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All-New X-Men #25

Apr 11, 2014

In the end, All New X-Men #25 is a book both hampered and saved by the art. The story itself was structured in a way to showcase the guest artists, but in doing so there was no forward movement in the ongoing story at all. Bendis may touch on some themes he has brought up over the previous 24 issues, but ultimately it isn't enough to make the issue feel like anything more than filler. With that said, oh what pretty pretty filler it is, as this issue features quite possibly the best collection of artists you will see in a book this year. As a reader you have to ask yourself whether the beautiful art by some of the best in the business can make up for a lackluster story, and extra dollar on the cover price.

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Amazing Spider-Man (2014) #1

Apr 29, 2014

Overall, Amazing Spider-Man #1 is a big issue, featuring a lot of story that sets up the new status quo for the Spider-Man family of books. Slott doesn't run away from what has happened recently, but he makes it as new (or lapsed) reader friendly as possible. The backup stories are even more so, as they not only open the door to the rest of the line for readers, but get readers excited for what's to come. For as much hype as there as been the issue isn't groundbreaking, but the return of Peter, solid storytelling throughout, and a roadmap to the immediate future of Peter & friends make this a worthwhile purchase for anybody interested in the web slinger. On top of it all the first issue of Inhuman is included, and the addition just adds to what is already a big comic book.

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Amazing Spider-Man (2014) #7

Oct 12, 2014

The strengths of Amazing Spider-Man #7are also its biggest faults, as both stories are thoroughly entertaining, but one can't help but wish there was more of each. The way the creative team was able to tell the first meeting of Peter and Kamala while keeping the Spider-Verse momentum going was impressive. Even more impressive is that they were able to do so with the biggest complaint being that there should have been more of these stories. With that said, there will be more of Ms. Marvel in the next issue, and Spider-UK seems poised to play a big role in the coming months, so there's not much to complain about.

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Amazing Spider-Man (2014) #9

Nov 5, 2014

Amazing Spider-Man #9really does feel like the beginning of something special that will celebrate the character of Spider-Man in the biggest, most explosive way possible. When you start thinking about the implications that the dimension hopping story may have on the greater Marvel Universe with Secret Wars coming up, and the scale Slott and company are aiming for becomes even more mind boggling. You can tell that this story is a labor of love from a group of creators that truly love Peter Parker, and Spider-Man in all of his (and her) variations. Believe the hype, Spider-Verse is going to be one wild ride.

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Amazing X-Men (2013) #8

Jun 5, 2014

Despite a few hiccups along the way, Kyle, Yost, and McGuinness keep the streak alive asAmazing X-Men is upeight issues without a dud. With Carlo Barberi taking over penciling duties next issue, it is a shame that McGuinness doesn't go out with his best work, but as mentioned several times already it was far from bad. Ultimately,Amazing X-Men #8serves as both an introduction to Kyle & Yost's take on these characters and to establish the threat of World War Wendigo. The results are an issue that is primarily setup, but it provides enough highlights to make readers excited for what's next. The pieces are now on the board, and I expect even bigger and better going forward with the X-Men and Alpha Flight finding themselves shoulders deep in Wendigo.

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American Vampire: Second Cycle #1

Mar 21, 2014

One really gets the sense with American Vampire: Second Cycle #1 that Snyder and Albuquerque are just as excited to be back working on the book as the readers are to be reading it again. Everything a fan of the series can love is present in this return issue. The characters are awesome, the script is tight, the art is beautiful, the mystery and intrigue are high, theres a lot of action and violence, and plenty of scares. Pearl, Skinner, Scott, and Rafael, it has been awhile. Boy am I glad to have you all back.

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Archie vs. Predator #1

Mar 23, 2015

Overall, the first issue of Archie vs. Predatortakes what would be an average issue of Archieand darkens it up a bit using the Predator. This isn't a straight up horror book like some of the other series' currently being published by Archie Comics. This isn't Riverdale dropped into a horror scenario. If anything, it's a horror scenario dropped into Riverdale, and the creative team seems to be playing off the stark contrast between the two properties to maximum effect. The end result is going to be something unsettling, and unlike anything currently being published, but we only get a glimpse at what that will be here. Now that the pieces are in place, there's no reason to think that the rest of the series isn't going to be absolutely insane, and that's a good thing.

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Avengers (2012) #18

Aug 23, 2013

Overall Infinity is shaping up to be one of the biggest comic book events ever, and if these early issues of the event are any indication, it may just end up being the BEST comic book event ever. Infinity #1 got me excited for the next few months, and Avengers #18 went to show that my excitement was well warranted. If you like superhero comics there is no excuse not to be reading this epic story from one of comics' greatest minds.

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Avengers (2012) #25

Jan 24, 2014

Overall, we are left with an issue that has is full of great ideas, is well executed on both sides, but ultimately falls short of what it should be. The big hook of the issue are visitors from another universe, but that has been done so many times in the past that it doesn't feel special. What this issue does a good job of is establishing excitement for the future. When will the Avengers and the Illuminati come face to face? What role will The Auger and A.I.M. Explorers play in the future of the incursions throughout the multiverse? Who killed the dead Avenger? All of these questions will be answered in future issues, but I was more excited about what will happen than what was happening on the pages in front of me. Luckily, these ideas and the art were enough to elevate what would normally be a bland issue into an okay read, but it wasn't on par with the quality that I've come to expect from Jonathan Hickman.

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Avengers World #1

Jan 11, 2014

The bottom line is that Avengers World is a must read for readers of Avengers that have been hooked since Hickman took over the franchise, but if you are using this issue to try and jump into the franchise you might be a bit lost. It is still a solid comic book, but you won't be nearly as impressed with the book as people who recognize the scenarios and know the newer characters. So in a rare split, if you have been reading and enjoying Avengersover the past year add a half of point to my final score, and if you are looking to this book as an entry point into the current Avengers books then take off a half of point. Overall, I'm excited to see where Hickman, Spencer, Caselli and crew go from here and hope they can balance the scope and character more carefully as the series continues.

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Avengers World #2

Jan 24, 2014

It's funny what difference an issue can make, as my biggest complaint from issue one was rectified almost immediately. If the book jumps around from issue to issue while telling a larger narrative that will be fine. The most important thing is that within those issues the creative team continues to balance the plot and character development as they did in in this issue. Avengers World has gone a long way with its second issue In showing that it will stand alongside of Avengers and New Avengersas the flagship titles of the Avengers line.

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Batman and Robin (2011) #24

Oct 19, 2013

Overall Batman and Two-Face #24was a solid issue that proves that this story arc has a lot of potential. While I may not completely care about Erin McKinnen's role in the origin of Two-Face at this point, there is enough in this issue that leads me to believe that Tomasi will slowly continue to reveal more about her past with Harvey Dent. Throw Carrie Kelley into the mix as we will get next issue, and you have the ingredients for a potentially great story.

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Batman and Robin (2011) #32

Jun 20, 2014

It may only be June, but it is safe to say that Batman and Ra's al Ghul #32 will be one of the best comic books to feature the Dark Knight and/or his allies in all of 2014.

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Batman: Eternal #3

Apr 25, 2014

Overall, the only complaint that one can have about Batman Eternal #3is that it is essentially a setup issue for what's to come. That complaint should be rectified by how the creative team goes about the setting up, and the fact that readers won't have to wait long for what's next. This issue is fast paced with revelations, and shocking developments around every turn. Not to mention the return of (Spoiler Alert… get it?) Stephanie Brown, and the beginning of her journey providing another boost to the issue. By the time readers turn the last page they will have a somewhat clear idea of what Batman will be up against, but who knows what surprises lie ahead. It's hard to believe that the creative team can keep up the pace and intensity for the entire duration of the series, but if they can then we may be in store for an all time classic Batman story.

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Big Trouble In Little China #1

Jun 5, 2014

If you love Big Trouble In Little Chinathere is a great chance you will absolutely adore this issue. It is a direct sequel that continues the story of the movie, complete with story input from creator John Carpenter. It features classic Jack Burton, most of the characters we love, and fun action scenes all rendered in an art style that fits the material perfectly. The first issue isn't going to win over any new fans, but it's not trying to. This a love letter to fans of the movie, and I can't wait to see more of The Continuing Adventures of Jack Burton and The Pork-Chop Express.

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Blackcross #1

Mar 4, 2015

Overall this was a very hard book to review. The opening issue had flashes of brilliance marred by Ellis trying to fit too much from too many places into one issue. Then there's the fact that it really isn't clear whether you're supposed to know these characters or not. I think it's a reboot, but as a new reader to the universe I'm not sure. It doesn't help that the art doesn't elevate the material in the ways that art is able to at times. You are not going to overlook the flaws of the issue because the quality of the art. However, it is easy to see that despite a heavily uneven first issue that Ellis has the makings for a good story here. When it's all said and done this first issue will probably read much clearer in conjunction with the rest of the series. The potential I talked about in the opening is still there, but I'm waiting for Blackcross to unleash it

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Burn The Orphanage: Born to Lose #1

Aug 7, 2013

Overall this is a hard book for me to score. As somebody who grew up on video games of the late 80s and early 90s I feel that I was “in on the joke” so to say, and absolutely loved the book. For somebody not familiar with what the creators were seemingly trying to accomplish then it all depends if you can accept a very simple story in exchange for a lot of action and some great visuals. If you read this review and thought, “Wow this sounds awesome” then it is probably a book you will love and you should buy it immediately. For those of you who had no idea what I was talking about for half of this review then you can take a point off of my final score and know that this is a fun book full of action. I enjoyed this book immensely, loved the little bonus page at the back of the book, and will definitely be looking forward to Demons: Born To Lose Part 2.

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Captain America And The Mighty Avengers #8

May 17, 2015

For many readers, their enjoyment will come out of how much talking they enjoy talking heads. For fans of Jonathan Hickman's Avengers and New Avengerssome of this issue may be a little repetitive, but enough new wrinkles are added by including the thoughts and opinions of another set of characters that it makes Time Runs Outfeel even more epic than it already did. For fans that have just been reading this book enough information is given that it is feasible to be able to jump intoSecret Wars straight from here. Captain America And The Mighty Avengers #8 isn't perfect, but still remains an example of a tie-in of this nature done right. It sets a great example for all “Last Days” titles yet to come. If this is what we can expect from these titles going forward then readers are in for a solid event both on Battleworld and before.

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Captain Midnight #1

Jul 31, 2013

Overall, I am intrigued by this first issue, and recommend it if you are looking for a fun, yet very modern take on a golden age character. Dark Horse went a bit meta by not only reintroducing the comic book reader of 2013 to Captain Midnight, but introducing the character to the year 2013. It may seem like another rehashing of the "man out of time" principle perfected years ago by Captain America, but there is so much more going on. Throw in an added layer of mystery with hints of conspiracy and what seems to be a cast of interesting supporting characters and I'm undoubtedly interested to see what comes next.

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Daredevil (2014) #16

Jun 24, 2015

For over fifteen years Daredevil has arguably been Marvel's most consistent title. First it was Kevin Smith and Joe Quesada relaunching the character to great acclaim, and then it was the great Bendis/Maleev run followed by the superb Brubaker/Lark run. When it's all said and done the creative team of Mark Waid and Chris Samnee may end up being considered the best of the bunch. Daredevil #16 is an example of superhero comics at their best with a creative team at the top of their games. If this was just the beginning of the end, I can't imagine what's in store for the final few issues.

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Deadly Class #1

Jan 22, 2014

Deadly Class #1may not have been exactly what I expected the first issue to be when originally reading the premise of the series, but I feel it turned out even better than I could have imagined. This book had it all from social commentary on mental illness to some jaw dropping action scenes and was just perfectly stylized with all around beautiful art. On top of it all Remender managed to somehow ignore the hook of the series until the very last page of the issue, introduce some very compelling characters and give us just enough information about said characters to make us want to find out what lies behind the mysteries. Deadly Class is on its way to being another Rick Remender special, and that my friends is good for comic books.

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Deadly Class #4

Apr 30, 2014

Deadly Classhasseveral levels of storytelling that can be peeled back like an onion, and that is a testament toa creative team that is firing on all cylinders. Even in an issue where the sole goal seems to be to bring the core group of characters together to bond, it is done so in a daring, innovative way. As in each of the previous three issues, the shocking moments, in this case the heavy drug use, are used to illustrate a deeper point about how damaged these kids are. That's what this book is ultimately about; messed up kids who have fallen between the cracks attempting to survive in a world that has treated them like shit. Deadly Classis a powerful, must read book, and there is really nothing like it in comics

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Deadly Class #10

Jan 10, 2015

Remender, Craig, and Loughridge are turning out one of the best comics currently being published (I say THE best). It's rare to see an entire creative team continually make brave, bold, daring choices and have them continue to payoff time after time. By now you know ifDeadly Classis a book for you. If it's not your cup of tea that's understandable, but for the rest of us we are truly witnessing something special.

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Deadly Class #11

Feb 18, 2015

What a wild ride Deadly Classhas been so far, and I can't wait to see what's next. What this creative team is doing with this series is mind blowing. I can understand the violence not being everyone's cup of tea, and that's okay. What I feel after finishing an issue of this seriesis an almost overwhelming feeling that I had just read the latest issue of the best comic book on the racks. There are a lot of great comic books being published today, but none are better than Deadly Class.

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Deadpool's Secret Secret Wars #1

May 21, 2015

This is a hard review to quantify. I don't love Deadpool, but I like his character when used correctly, and I feel he is here. I am also familiar with the original Secret Wars. Add that up and you get an absolutely glowing review from me. In today's comic market I don't expect many people overall to have read a 30 year old story. While I think the issue could still be enjoyed without having read the original it does lower the score a bit. A great way to read this issue for everyone is to have the original story pulled up on Marvel Unlimited as you're reading. This allows you to make immediate visual connections that will heighten the experience. I honestly didn't know what to expect with this series, but once again I was pleasantly surprised at a Secret Wars book. That's starting to become a trend around here. If you haven't read the 1984 original you can take a half of point off my score below, and even then that still makes it a solid comic.

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Detective Comics (2011) #35

Oct 4, 2014

If you're a fan of Batman you shouldn't pass up on this issue because the names on the cover aren't the regular creative team. If you do pass it up, you will be missing out on a simple, no strings attached, well executed story.

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Fight Club 2 #1

Apr 29, 2015

There is so much more to talk about with the first issue ofFight Club 2, but that would mean taking the joy of finding out information, and seeing different characters for the first time as you turn the page. For Fight Club fans this is a must read comic book that you may not have needed, but always wanted. It carries on the tone and feel of the original while exploring new territory. This holds true whether you identify as a fan of the novel or the movie. There is a lot of overview and setup within these pages. This may make some readers feel that this opening is slow, but it is necessary to remember that this is part one of a ten part series. It may not get off to a blistering start, but the great character work will almost certainly payoff as the story progresses. As I said above, all the ingredients for a worthy sequel to the original are found here. Once they are properly mixed and heated it will be delicious, and mayhem will ensue.

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George Romero's Empire of the Dead: Act One #1

Jan 24, 2014

Empire of the Dead could have easily been a mess. The last few low budget films in Romero's series were not received well, and with his advancing age, Romero could have easily let the series fade away. Fans are going to be glad that he didn't, and even more glad that he decided to make the next installment an epic comic book series. There is no need to worry about a budget when writing a comic book. Then with an artist like Maleev on board, Romero can let his imagination run wild and think bigger than he has previously been able to. Considering where this issue ends off it is clear that thinking bigger was indeed the plan. The first issue of Empire of the Dead is a must read for fans that have been following the series from the beginning, but it also serves as a perfect introduction to what looks to be a contained story. I was worried heading into this issue, but Romero and Maleev make a great team, and this could very well end up being the best Living Dead story in years.

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Gotham Academy (2014) #5

Feb 25, 2015

A lot of people read comic books to have fun and to escape into a world that isn't our own. Gotham Academy is a perfect example of a comic book series that captures these sentiments to a tee. There is literally something for every type of reader. Gotham Academy is all-ages, and can be enjoyed by kids and people that have been reading for thirty years. The book appeals to the casual reader with engaging, unique characters, and eye catching art. The hardcore superhero fanatic will love the deep connection to Batman's history, and the creators' true love of the mythos. Issue #5 may not be the best issue of the series, and it may have a few minor problems, but it is still nothing short of incredible. Sorry, Greg and Scott, but despite your best efforts, Gotham City may have a new best book in town.

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Grayson: Futures End #1

Sep 6, 2014

Some readers may find issue with some of the characterization choices. Other readers won't be able to help but wonder “What if?” when it comes to the good, but not spectacular, art. Yet overall,King, Seeley, and Mooney have created a great comic book. There won't be another issue this month that takes the narrative approach that this one does, and there won't be one structured the way this one is. The execution of these storytelling techniques are solid, and help elevate what easily could have have been an trainwreck of an issue into something great. At the end of September when readers discuss the best that the Futures End event had to offer, Grayson: Futures End #1 will be in the conversation

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Hacktivist #1

Jan 25, 2014

The first issue of Hacktivist is a stellar debut that shouldn't be overlooked or overshadowed by Alyssa Milano's name on the cover. It is a book in its substance and style that truly feels like a comic that is a product of the times, and one inspired by people and ideas that have become everyday topics of conversation over the past few years. Above all, it is a comic that is beautifully put together and well done in all facets of comic book creation. Do yourself a favor and check out the first issue, and see if you are as excited as I am to see where it goes next.

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House Of M (2015) #1

Aug 17, 2015

It may seem like I'm being particularly harsh on this issue, but there is a lot to like. Given the amount of characters being juggled, and having to condense a world we were introduced to through a huge event down into a few issues, this could have been a trainwreck. Seeing the Red Guard in action, the interactions between the three Magnus siblings, the introduction of new characters to the House of M world, and the last page all show that there is plenty of potential here. With all of the first issue setup out of the way I'm excited to see where Hopeless takes the story next. Enough so that despite the problems this issue had I'd still recommend the series to both fans of Dennis Hopeless, and fans of the original that have wanted to see more of this world.

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Imagine Agents #1

Oct 20, 2013

After reading this issue I am eager to see what Joines and Bachan come up with next, in terms of both plot and crazy awesome new figments, as the book quickly established itself as one of the most unique, imaginative books on the racks. Even though most of the issue was devoted to introducing characters and establishing the rules of the world, IMAGINE Agents #1was a great read that can be enjoyed by the entire family, and is one of the most entertaining debut issues of the year. If you remember what it was like to be a kid, and still hold onto the memories of having an imaginary friend that you wished was real then this book is for you. If you have a kid who enjoys comic books then this book is for both of you. Finally, if you are just looking for a fun comic book then this book is for you.

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Invisible Republic #1

Feb 20, 2015

The husband and wife creative team of Gabriel Hardman and Corinna Bechko bring their talents to Image Comics with their new title, Invisible Republic. The gritty, hard piece of science fiction gets off to an intriguing start by playing its cards close to the vest while slowly building the world in which it inhabits. By the time the final page hits the gravitas of what readers just read will hit them, and they will be wondering when they can get their hands on issue two.

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Itty Bitty Hellboy #1

Sep 2, 2013

Baltazar and Franco are the preeminent all ages creative team, and they prove it again with Itty Bitty Hellboy. There is a difference between an “all ages” book and a “children's” book, and this issue illustrates how drastic the difference can be. While kids will laugh at jokes about vegetables and underwear while being drawn to the young characters and bright art, the adults will appreciate the cleverness of the jokes and the comic strip structure. The only complaint that i have is that the characters feel somewhat forced into the concept, and that any group of characters could be swapped in and similar stories told. This complaint doesn't take away from being able to enjoy the book, as the jokes do work with these characters. All in all this is a book for everybody to enjoy, and if you have a young child that enjoys to read comics it should be a crime for you not to pick up this book for the entire family.

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Justice League (2011) #39

Feb 19, 2015

If the creative team of Johns and Fabok can continue building on the momentum set forth here in their first arc together then we may be looking at something special headed our way with the Darkseid War.

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Justice League Dark #24

Oct 28, 2013

Justice League Dark #24 is a great start for the new creative team of DeMatteis and Janin. By the end of the issue readers have an idea of what threat will bring together the supernatural side of the DC Universe for their 18 part crossover, and the new Justice League Dark starts to take form. Throw in the high level of characterization, a few revelations about Pandora's Box, and the always beautiful Mikel Janin pencils and you are left with a very good comic book.

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Kick-Ass 3 #8

Aug 6, 2014

There's a great sense of closure that feels good to have in a superhero comic where most of our favorites continue perpetually.Kick-Ass will never be for everybody, but for those of you that have enjoyed the ride you will not be disappointed. Oh, I never thought I'd say this about an actual comic, but make sure you stick around for the credits.

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Korvac Saga #1

Jun 27, 2015

Korvac Saga #1 is an interesting comic book. There is so much potential in these pages that isn't fully embraced. The series could be one of of the best Secret Wars tie-ins. It just doesn't live up to its potential here, especially in terms of character work and art. Even with that said, there is a great chance that it ends up being one of the more important tie-ins, because the bigger plot is very engaging. I want to know more about the central mystery. I want to see more large scale interaction of Battleworld domains that doesn't consist of them at war with one another. Hopefully Abnett and Schmidt can bring the problematic aspects of this issue to par with what works, because what works does so really well.

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Locke & Key Alpha #2

Dec 18, 2013

To the fans who are going to miss the book I leave you with this, “Death is not the end of your life you know. Your body is a lock. Death is the key. The key turns and you're free. Free to be anywhere. Everywhere.” The story may be over, andLocke & Keymay be”dead” but it is not the end. It will live on in the hearts and minds of all it's fans, in all those fancy collections, and will forever be an example of the best that comics has to offer.

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Magneto (2014) #1

Mar 5, 2014

Overall, the debut issue of Magnetowas everything I wanted it to be and more. I may have been expecting the basic concept, but the execution by Bunn, Walta, and Bellaire help set it apart from your average superhero book. A street level look at one of the last characters you'd expect to see in this light, combined with the complexity that has made Magneto so intriguing makes for a great first issue, and hopefully the beginning of a title unlike any of the other x-titles currently being published.

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Magneto (2014) #18

May 18, 2015

This features a great look into the philosophy of a complicated character, increased tenfold by the end of the world looming. Magneto #18 is a crossover issue done right.

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Master of Kung Fu (2015) #1

May 23, 2015

Hopefully the setup is out of the way, because if given the room to just kick ass this book has the writer and artists with the ability to take the series from good to great in a hurry.

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Nailbiter #1

May 11, 2014

Readers who are fans of the serial killer genre in general, or fans of shows likeHanniballooking to scratch that itch in comic form are going to love Nailbiter. The first issue is an intriguing debut that primarily serves as a setup for what's to come, but does so in a way that is mostly successful. This being a first issue with a lot of pieces to out in place causes some parts to be buried with exposition, but Williamson and Henderson establish such a strong sense of atmosphere, resonating from the central mystery, that these flaws can be overlooked. The sheer amount of possibilities as to what comes next as Finch uncovers the secret of Buckaroo, and the fate of Carroll is extremely exciting, and that excitement is a sign of a successful first issue.

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New Avengers (2013) #8

Jul 30, 2013

If you have been reading New Avengers from the beginning then this is the issue youve been waiting for. With the threat of war on multiple fronts and the looming threat of incursions, there are a lot of moving pieces on the board, but Hickman has put them in position to pay off handsomely. Get ready Avengers fans, because by the end of the issue Infinity is here. I cant say Ive been this excited for a Marvel event in long time, and if the main course is half as well done as the set-up found in the pages of this book (and Avengers), then we are in for a treat.

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Noah #1

Mar 19, 2014

This graphic novel was extremely difficult to review, as the controversy will almost assuredly render my final verdict moot. If you are able to sit down and take the story at face value you can expect a story that is able to go from big, epic battles, to dark, character driven moments. You will find a story with messages about the Earth we live on, the importance of faith during adversity, and family. You will also find one of the best best illustrated comic books of the year. Niko Henrichon has been working on this book for a long time, and now it is time for him to become a star. The least surprising aspect of the story is the storyteller himself. You can always expect Darren Aronofsky to be daring, and bold enough to ensure that people are left discussing his work. This has never been more true than it is for Noah.

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Old Man Logan #1

May 28, 2015

This is a must read, must look at, must consume comic that has just about everything.

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Outcast By Kirkman & Azaceta #1

Jun 28, 2014

Ultimately Outcastis a really good first issue that establishes a strong base for the ongoing story. The conflict and mystery setup here are solid, but made even more intriguing my the fact that Kirkman has created an interesting character in Kyle Barnes. The level of horror found here will vary from person to person depending on your views of religion and demonic possession. The scares weren't found in the somewhat derivative violent parts of the exorcism but rather in the quieter moments of dialogue and facial expressions. I'm intrigued at where Kirkman is heading, and when you consider the size and price, this issue is well worth checking out.

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Planet Hulk #1

May 19, 2015

Planet Hulk #1is a great comic book that doesn't stop moving from beginning to end. The only major complaint with the issue is that it had to end right before business picked up some more, but that's what issue two is for right? This issue featured a great setup to a great concept, and this title has skyrocketed to the top of the List of tie-ins I'll be waiting for with baited breath each month. Ifthe rest of the Secret Warstie-ins are half as good as what Humphries and Laming accomplish here then this event is going to be one of the best ever. It's Captain America meets Gladiator and Escape From New York in a perfect action adventure comic for the summer. If you are on the fence about picking this up you shouldn't be, as tie-in or notPlanet Hulk is just a great comic book.

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Punisher (2014) #1

Feb 6, 2014

Overall Marvel has done with The Punisherwhat they are hoping to do with every All-New Marvel NOW! launch. They have taken a well known, but not necessarily top selling character/concept and made everything fresh again hoping to appeal to new readers while staying true to what current fans love about it. Edmondson and Gerads are a fresh creative team with something new to bring to the world of Frank Castle, and Los Angeles is a fresh, underused setting that brings with a host of possibilities. Everything put together, and there you left with a fresh start, and new direction for a storied character.The Punisheris off to an amazing start and has the potential to be one of the best comic books on the racks.

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Rat Queens #1

Sep 29, 2013

The more I flip through it, and think about it, the more I realize that Rat Queens #1 just may be my favorite first issue of 2013. It is violent, has four strong female leads, references to fantasy RPGs like D&D, with a few jaw dropping final pages, and most important of all this issue is F-U-N, FUN. With its level of vulgarity, this book may not be for everybody, but for those of us that aren't offended, issues like this are why we read comics.

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Rat Queens #2

Oct 23, 2013

In fact, after two amazing issues, it is exciting to think about what Wiebe and Upchurch have in store for the readers when it comes to every aspect of the book. Rat Queens #2 is another great issue that has a little bit of everything, and anybody should find something to enjoy about it. The writing is sharp, the art is solid, and the combination of jokes and violence creates a tone that translates to fun. What more can be said? Buy this book now, and thank me later.

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Saga #13

Aug 14, 2013

Saga isn't a book that one just reads it is a book that one feels and experiences. There doesn't need to be non-stop action every issue, as long as we get to see different sides of these characters, and feel what these characters feel each and every month. Saga is back, and it is still awesome.

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Saga #20

Jun 27, 2014

Overall, it's another issue great issue of Saga.This is one of the best creative teams in comics working on one of the best books in comics. Even in a slower paced issue where not much happens in the action department, there is so much happening emotionally. Vaughan is a master of structure and the curve ball he threw us last issue makes this issue far stronger than it would have been otherwise.

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Secret #3

Aug 28, 2013

It might have taken forever, but Secret is back, and hasn't missed a beat. I am a little bit worried that this issue won't be judged by readers on its own merit as a single issue, but rather judged as a book that is over a year late. So for those readers expecting the issue to be something beyond what we got from the first two issues because of the delay they will be sorely disappointed. There is nothing extra, and as I mentioned, not a hint of even a recap page. All we are left with is a great third issue to what has been a great series from one of the best writers in the industry today

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Secret Avengers (2014) #1

Mar 12, 2014

Overall, Kot and Walsh smashed a home run with this first issue of Secret Avengers. If you like Hawkeye, Zero, Avengers Assembleor fun comics in general than you can't pass up this issue. If you weren't planning on picking up the book or if it just wasn't on your radar, make sure to rectify that immediately. Another great addition to the Marvel lineup, and more proof that the All New Marvel NOW! intitative has been a rousing creative success. I can't wait to see what this creative team has in store for us next.

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Secret Wars: Armor Wars (FCBD 2015) #0.5

May 4, 2015

Overall, Secret Wars: Armor Wars #1/2 is a solid prequel issue that made me far more excited for Secret Wars: Armor Wars coming this June than I had previously been. It's not often that you see a prequel issue offered exclusively to a toy store, and you wouldn't expect a creative team of this caliber to be featured on such a project. In that case this was a pleasant surprise, but there is only so much you can do in twelve pages. While a good introduction to the upcoming series, this issue is by no means a reason to go out and spend $25 at Toys R Us. With that said, if you were planning on buying some Avengers: Age of Ultron toys this issue is a great extra that should persuade you to buy them at the toy store behemoth, especially if you're looking forward to the Secret Wars event

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Sex Criminals #3

Nov 21, 2013

Overall, Sex Criminals #3 is a great comic book. It has a little bit of everything you'd expect and want from a book such as this, and balances it all wonderfully. In fact, I'd say the comic is a lot like sex in general; an act that at anytime can be any combination of awkward, vulgar, dirty, funny, sweet, caring, and full of love. Just like sex, it is a whole lot of fun.

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Southern Bastards #9

Jun 17, 2015

Southern Bastards is a great comic book. The ride might be a little slow for those that want to keep seeing the plot move ahead full throttle. That's not the type of book Aaron and Latour have crafted here. Eventually there will be some reckoning, and shit will hit the fan. Along the way, this creative team are going to make sure we care about Craw County, and get to know her citizens, warts and all. This month it was Sheriff Hardy's turn to be exposed to readers, and his story stands up right next to everything we've seen so far. He went from what seemed like a supporting character to what could be a main character in the span of one issue. The fact that Southern Bastards can pull that off is a beautiful thing.

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Star Wars (2014) #1

Jan 12, 2015

After all of the hype, and talk of it being the best selling comic of the new millenium it was going to be hard for Star Wars #1 to live up to expectations. These expectations were not only met, but exceeded to the point where I'm reminded why I love this fictional universe like I do. The biggest year in the history of the franchise is off to a spectacular start. Bring on Star Wars #2 and subsequent issues. Bring on the launches of Darth Vader, Princess Leia, and Kanan: The Last Padawan. Bring on more episodes of Star Wars:Rebels. Bring on the prose books Heir To The Jedi, Dark Disciple, and Lords of the Sith. Bring on Star Wars: Battlefront. Bring on Episode VII: The Force Awakens. If they are all as good in their respective mediums as this single issue of a comic book was, it's going to be a special year, and I'll be humming the soundtrack to myself quite a bit.

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Star Wars: Kanan #1

Apr 1, 2015

There is no doubt that Kanan – The Last Padawan will be enjoyed more by fans of Star Wars: Rebels, and is easily the least casual of Marvel's first Star Wars comics since reacquiring the license. There's no iconic characters, and no big name creative team, and as a result the book just doesn't feel as special. With that said, this debut still exceeded expectations, and continues Marvel's hot streak with the Star Wars property. While not an issue that will blow anybody away, what it does show me is that Marvel is capable of telling solid Star Wars stories much in the vein of what Dark Horse did for years. Some readers might not know who Kanan is, or what he has been up to in the cartoon, butthere's enough in this first issue to make them care about what happens next young Padawan and his Master. Not only am I excited for the rest of this series, but I can't wait to see what other unestablished characters Marvel will take a stab at fleshing out in the future.

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Star Wars: Shattered Empire #1

Sep 9, 2015

. All I know is that Rucka was given full reign to create brand new characters that are not only bad ass in their own respects, but may end up playing a much larger part in the overall saga than one might expect from comic book characters. Despite a few pacing problems that come along with a four part story, this debut issue was a blast. It is a must read for fans of the Star Wars franchise.

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Starlight #1

Mar 5, 2014

Starlight #1 is an issue that will make you cry, make you laugh, make you smile, and make you want to come back for more. One of the biggest writers in the industry putting his spin on the pulp adventure side of the science fiction genre with a perfect artist for the job should be enough of a reason for readers to take notice, but when the unexpected emotions come and hit you like a ton of bricks, that's when one will realize that Starlighthas the potential to be something special.

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Superman (2011) #41

Jun 24, 2015

As the DC You campaign wraps up its first month everyone involved with not only this title, but the other three titles involved in “Truth” as well, should be proud of how they kicked off this status quo change. There will always be people that disagree, but Superman #41 caps off what I feel has been the best month for Superman since before The New 52 started. TheSuperman line of comics haven't been this good, or this exciting as a whole in years.

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The Saviors #1

Dec 24, 2013

Overall The Saviors #1 offered a decent opening half with a stellar conclusion that left me wanting more. I understood the reasoning and necessity behind the first half of the book, but the only things that saved it for me were the weed jokes, and not everyone will enjoy those. I'm a sucker for the loveable loser types and Tomas certainly fits the bill. I am looking forward to seeing how he gets out of the situation he finds himself in, learning more about the antagonists who are almost assuredly a part of a larger conspiracy, and looking forward to seeing Robinson work the world building magic we get a glimpse of here. It is a small week this week, and I hope this book will find an audience, because the seeds of greatness are there to be sowed and nurtured.

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The Star Wars: Lucas Draft #1

Sep 6, 2013

I'm not sure how many readers will be reading this series without any knowledge of the Star Wars Universe, but I am guessing that number is low. Taking this story on its own, and trying not to compare it to the original movie is hard, because making these comparisons ends up being one of the bright spots of the issue. By itself The Star Wars #1 is beautiful looking,slow, somewhat boring start to a Sci-Fi story. I am hoping that this series becomes more than just a showcase for Mike Mayhew and an exercise in redesign, but for now that is exactly what it is. It is easy to see why this was based off of a first draft of what would become the Star Wars we all know and love.

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The Wicked + The Divine #8

Feb 25, 2015

In fact, the entire issue as a whole is an experience. This whole review has been me trying to capture exactly what makes this issue special. It really is hard to put into words, but it really is something else. This issue is an example of a creative team firing on all cylinders together. Everything for the script to the lettering connect in such a way that is beautiful to behold. I realize that not everyone will look at the issue the same way, and that it's not for everyone. Maybe it really is a generation gap, or a lifestyle disconnect. Lord knows I didn't “get it” for awhile. Years from now whenThe Wicked + The Divine hits issue 250, and we are on our 10th incarnation of the Pantheon, I will look back at this issue as the moment the book went from good to special for me.

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Tomb Raider #1

Feb 26, 2014

I'm not sure how much creative freedom Simone was given to expand upon Lara's character, but it sure feels like a situation where the writer is forced to work within the strict confines of what the IP owner has in store for the character. The issue is just generic and bland with no real selling point other than it takes place after the game. The only people I'd feel even halfway comfortable recommending this to are die-hard fans of the game who need to see what happens next by any means possible. I'm not a fan of being overly negative, as I know that people work hard to entertain us each and every month, but outside of the promising first few pages, and Jonah's character there's not much to be positive about. It's sad that a comic with so much crossover potential, with what sounded like the perfect writer for the project, could be so disappointing.

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Ultimate End #1

May 21, 2015

Overall this was a frustrating first issue. It may be billed as the last hurrah for most of the Ultimate Universe characters, but outside of the promise of the first three pages readers were left confused.

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Uncanny X-Men (2013) #9

Aug 2, 2013

Uncanny X-Men #9 is a beautiful looking issue that features Dazzler, a lot of character development, teenagers being written like teenagers, and a conversation that may be less than two pages but just might be the most thought provoking conversation in comics for at least this week. Throw in an interesting ending that ties in a bit to recent issues of All New X-Men and we are left withanother strong entry in the Bendis X-Men run.

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Uncanny X-Men (2013) #16

Jan 19, 2014

With Uncanny X-Men #16Brian Michael Bendis and Chris Bachalo have crafted an issue that explores the core of one of the oldest X-Men characters, and where he stands in the ever changing landscape of today's Marvel Universe. The plot may move a bit fast to get pieces in place, but the glimmers of insight into what makes Magneto tick, combined with gorgeous art more than makes up for any short comings, including how the Madripoor here co-exists with what's happened in the first issue of Avengers World. This issue is essentially a stand alone that current x-fans will enjoy and one that people planning on picking up Cullen Bunn's upcoming ongoing should pickup to get a good idea of the mindset that Magneto finds himself in heading towards that series.

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Velvet #4

Mar 5, 2014

While not as awesome as the first three issues, the fourth issue of Velvet is another strong entry into the comic industry's premiere spy book. The mix of deep characterization and razor sharp plot progression makes for an awesome combination that is hard to beat. New characters are introduced, more pieces of history revealed, and new revelations shock our spy to the core in a book that has one of the best creative teams in comics clicking on all cylinders.

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Where Monsters Dwell #1

May 31, 2015

This is as pure fun of a comic as I've read from Garth Ennis, and one that a lot of people will find joy in. I can't wait to see what's in store for Karl and Clemmie.

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X-Force (2014) #1

Feb 11, 2014

Overall, the first issue of X-Force is a prime of example of how you can set up a new reader friendly direction for a group of characters without ignoring what has happened to them in the past. Introductions are made, questions asked, and the action started. The mutant black ops team has been done before, but not to this extent, and the concept, as presented by Spurrier's script, has a lot of potential to tell some great stories on the fringes of the Marvel Universe. The only things holding the book back are that the art is very muddled and hard to follow in places, and that after one issue the enemies come off as generic black ops baddies. In the end we are left with a solid, unique addition to the X-Men line of comics, but if Kim's art is given room to breathe, and the antagonists developed into something interesting we can be looking at the start of something great, albeit not for everyone.

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X-Men (2013) #4

Aug 24, 2013

Overall this is another high quality issue of X-Men. Brian Wood has proven over the last few years that not many writers are as well equipped to handle the duties of writing a x-book. His inventive use of mutant powers combined with a focus on the interpersonal relationships within the team have made sure that this title can not only stand next to the other x-books on the stands, but surpass them in many ways. The media may have been focused on the fact that this is a book featuring an all female cast, but ultimately the focus should now shift to just how well Brian Wood gets the X-Men.

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