Grayson: Futures End #1
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Grayson: Futures End #1

Event\Storyline: Futures End Writer: Tom King Artist: Van Jensen, Eddy Barrows Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: September 3, 2014 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 21 User Reviews: 23
6.4Critic Rating
7.4User Rating

Branded a traitor, Dick Grayson has become the most powerful hero in the newly resurgent and dominant Mother Russia - and now, he must battle the Beast from the East in one final struggle for supremacy!

  • 10
    AIPT - Tyler Sewell Sep 4, 2014

    I acknowledge that some people would not consider this a perfect comic, but for any die-hard fan of Dick Grayson, such as myself, this comic will be one of your favorites of the year. For those of you who haven't followed Grayson, this issue will make you fall in love with this character because it's a perfect blend of everything a good Dick Grayson comic needs: a love affair, action scenes, and humor. Tom King and Tim Seeley have done an excellent job with this series and this is a pinnacle of their work thus far. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Batman-News - Jesse Kennedy Sep 4, 2014

    If other Futures End one-shots are half as good as this one, we are in for a treat. The depth of the issue is incredible. The technical aspect of storytelling is done beautifully. It is a showcase in quality writing. We see something here that we don't often see in mainstream comics: change and I can't recommend this issue enough. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comicosity - John Ernenputsch Sep 6, 2014

    Some readers may find issue with some of the characterization choices. Other readers won't be able to help but wonder “What if?” when it comes to the good, but not spectacular, art. Yet overall,King, Seeley, and Mooney have created a great comic book. There won't be another issue this month that takes the narrative approach that this one does, and there won't be one structured the way this one is. The execution of these storytelling techniques are solid, and help elevate what easily could have have been an trainwreck of an issue into something great. At the end of September when readers discuss the best that the Futures End event had to offer, Grayson: Futures End #1 will be in the conversation Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Shadowhawk's Shade - Abhinav Jain Sep 4, 2014

    The art team is made up of penciller Stephen Mooney, colourist Jeromy Cox, letterer Carlos M. Mangual and cover artist Andrew Robinson. The art team is a bit different from that of the regular title, and I found that a bit jarring in the beginning. Especially since Mooney's Helena and Dick are very different to how well Mikel Janin has portrayed them, but still, his characterwork is almost on point throughout and the colours are also good. Again, a bit too bleak, but easily digestible in the end. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Fortress of Solitude - Byron Hendricks Oct 8, 2014

    This was an enjoyable read, one that is a must have for any Nightwing or Bat Family fan. It allows you to see this iconic character in a whole new light and a brand new role. This is a great new look for Dick Grayson as he takes on the role of being a superspy. Thanks to this one shot I will definitely be looking for more issues of this brand new title. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Minhquan Nguyen Sep 6, 2014

    The issue gives you hope that not all the Futures End tie-ins will be a wash, although its impact is still limited. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    The Latest Pull - Cory Robinson Sep 5, 2014

    There are some rough patches and some questionable dialogue, including why Dick kills and why he wants to be with Helena, but the issue is well worth the price to pick up even if you aren't a fan of the direction in which Grayson is going. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Resources - Meagan Damore Sep 8, 2014

    Excellently structured and unexpectedly emotional, "Grayson: Futures End" is just as much of a pleasant surprise as the rest of the series so far. Although the art could be just a bit stronger, King, Seeley and Mooney produce an issue that is well worth the read in its genuine chemistry, character-revealing moments and tight plotting. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Word Of The Nerd - Daniel Kalban Sep 4, 2014

    Grayson continues to be a strong new series, but this one shot doesn't exactly match its two predecessors. The story is there, even with its interesting narrative structure, but the art isn't matching the level of quality found in the other issues of this title. There is also a risk that this one shot happening so soon in the title's run might derail the momentum they had. However, it is still an excellent issue and one you should check out, if just for the novelty of the narrative structure. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Eva Ceja Sep 9, 2014

    Now, he must conquer The Beast, aka President Anatoli Knyazev. With art by Stephen Mooney (Angel), this is sure to get some great coverage. This comic [series] reads the future to past, so at first I was trying to pick up all the hints King leaves as to whom this comic is really about. Everything fell into place very smoothly, and I really enjoyed the ending. There is a bit of romance for Dick within the comic that felt contrived, but the girl was hot, so what else was he supposed to do but get some. Right? Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Dark Knight News - James O'donnell Sep 9, 2014

    Stephen Mooney's somber artwork sets the mood for this grim tale of what could possibly be the end of Dick Grayson. The most enjoyable parts were Dick and Helena's relationship (which gets a somewhat Freudian explanation by Batgirl) and Batman promising the Cowl to Robin "when he's ready." Read Full Review

  • 7.4
    Geeked Out Nation - Jess Camacho Sep 4, 2014

    While this isn't the best of the Future's End tie ins, it's certainly not the worst. There's some very good Dick Grayson character study within this issue and a lot of foreshadowing about his solo series. The way the story is told is certainly interesting in itself. The art does leave more to be desired and in terms of building up the Future's End saga it doesn't really do that. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    All-Comic - Jeremy Matcho Sep 4, 2014

    Futures End: Grayson was a pretty solid standalone issue. Tom King uses his smarts to deliver a cool script that will warrant multiple readings. Stephen Mooney had a few misses in the issue, but if you can get past those panels youll love this book. If Tom King isn't on your radar after this issue, you're doing something wrong. Read Full Review

  • 5.8
    Weird Science - Jim Werner Sep 3, 2014

    Grayson: Futures End #1 is an odd book.  It's a flashback story in an event happening five years in the future and is more a Dick Grayson story than anything else.  Grayson readers won't get much here and Futures End fans can skip it entirely. Read Full Review

  • 4.5
    IGN - Tres Dean Sep 3, 2014

    While the ambitious structure is admirable, if the book were more digestible on more basic levels it would likely succeed in what it sets out to do. The creative team behind the Grayson series has been doing very interesting things with the character lately. This Futures End installment unfortunately does not live up to its predecessors. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    ComicList - Brandon Borzelli Sep 6, 2014

    This comic book is more than a gimmick or a cool cover. It's ambitious storytelling. With that comes a high price for a misstep. I read this book three times before deciding if I loved it or hated it. Just remember to reread the comic and always use the Cluemaster's code. You might find this comic to be brilliant. I think if they had one more page or spent a little more time explaining the change of heart Grayson has with regards to killing then this comic would be near perfect. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Unleash The Fanboy - John McCubbin Sep 4, 2014

    Grayson: Futures End has some interesting concepts, but the overall flow of this story in reverse fails to impress, and thud I can't recommend it. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    The Batman Universe - Corbin Pool Sep 3, 2014

    I'm gonna start from the end, and go to the beginning to avoid confusion. We see the Flying Grayson's as they make their last jump. We see the rope gradually starting to melt away. Next, Dick is in the Batcave, as Batman explains that he is going after Tony Zucco. Later, Dick gets his first costume, and after that, Dick solves a code from Cluemaster. Later, Barbara is telling Dick that he needs a girl with the personality of Batman, not her. Once he joins Spyral, Helena takes him to get a Spyral tattoo. The two develop a relationship, and we see Spyral join with the Soviet Union, who is being lead by KGBeast. Dick does a heroic thing to save some people, where he receives a medal for his bravery. Who is given to him by KGBeast. Dick takes this opportunity to kill him, and is hung for his treason. Read Full Review

  • 3.0
    Infinite Comix - Brandon Stines Sep 4, 2014

    In the end, Future's End: Grayson #1 is a terrible and disappointing entry into the series. Hopefully it is not collected in the trade, and hopefully things return to normal when Tim Seeley and Mikel Janin return next month. Read Full Review

  • 2.0
    Doom Rocket - Jarrod Jones Sep 4, 2014

    It's not clear what King had hoped towring out of this implausible "what if" scenario, but if the future holds that Dick Grayson becomes a killer for the sake of shock value, then count me out.Grayson: Futures End#1 is another grisly reminder of how a bloated crossover can utterly disrupt an otherwise fantastic book with its own capitalistic insistence. Ostensibly all we've done is pay $4 for a pretty cover with nothing worthwhile inside. Read Full Review

  • 1.0
    Newsarama - Aaron Duran Sep 4, 2014

    It's rare to read a book that's this mean, unbalanced, and poorly executed from one of the major publishers. Rare and a real shame. Read Full Review

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