Cory Robinson's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: The Latest Pull Reviews: 53
7.3Avg. Review Rating

Action Comics (2011) #31

May 17, 2014

The only problem I have with this issue is that you have to read Superman: Doomed to figure out what is going on. Pak makes the most out of his part of the crossover, leaving me wishing that he would write the entire Doomed storyline.

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Action Comics (2011) #32

Jun 10, 2014

The best part of the book (while also the saddest) has to be the last few pages during the encounter between Metallo and Superman. It shows how far Metallo is willing to go to prove his patriotism to a country who turned his back on him, making it a very touching scene while also very brutal. Greg Pak has done a great job making the supporting characters more interesting than Superman himself and right now it's not a bad thing as Geoff Johns and John Romita are getting ready to take over Superman later this month. So far, Greg Pak is doing the best job during the Doomed crossover and it's great to see that he's starting to take over the writing duties for this series.

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Action Comics (2011): Futures End #1

Sep 5, 2014

It's not an essential story to the Futures End storyline, but it has enough little teases to pique ones curiosity. If you were expecting an average run-of-the mill super hero story, one might be a little disappointed, but I wholeheartedly recommond this issue.

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Aquaman (2011): Futures End #1

Sep 5, 2014

It is a little sad to see that most of what Geoff Johns was working on gets undone within one issue, but this issue is surprisingly good and definitely a key part in the Futures End crossover.

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Batgirl (2011): Futures End #1

Sep 12, 2014

Not only is this issue the best Batgirl issue that Simone has written, but one of her best by far because this issue really speaks as a love letter to the fans of Birds of Prey and the former incarnations of Batgirl. If there was anything working against this issue, it would be the fact that Barbara decides of be the female version of Bane while deciding to work with him for a reason that isn't made clear throughout the whole issue, and dressing like a female Bane can look a little ridiculous at times. Everything else in this issue is done really well and it is extremely unfortunate to see that this direction the series could have taken will most likely end here and that is a great shame.

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Batman '66 Meets The Green Hornet #1

Jun 11, 2014

This first issue sort-of sets up the villain and what his plan is instead of showing the origin for the super heroes and their previous encounters together. The plot is pretty thin and I expected the writers to do a little more with it instead of just using it to poke fun of the writing from the original TV shows. It might be nitpicking too much, but again, Jeff Parker has been doing a great job on his series so there is no excuse for not being able to put in a well-balanced script.

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Batman (2011) #31

Jun 2, 2014

Snyder and Capullo have done a great job during their time on Batman, and might even go down as one of the best teams in comics if they can keep hitting home runs. The only negative here is that you must read prior issues in order to understand the story.

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Batman / Superman (2013) #11

May 24, 2014

Batman/Superman #11 felt really rushed and unnecessary to the Superman:Doomed story arc. Oh yeah, and what ever happened to that Selina Kyle backstory that was supposed to be in this issue?

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Batman / Superman (2013): Futures End #1

Sep 20, 2014

If you wanted any information about the Futures End series or the upcoming Earth 2 weekly book and especially what happened to Bruce and Clark, then pick up this issue. If you also wanted a great Batman issue, please pick this book up as it is one of most touching issues I have read in a long time.

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Batman and Robin (2011) #31

May 28, 2014

Tomasi has been doing a great job on this series, and normally I prefer to see Pat Gleason there right along with him, but Doug Mahnke is a perfect substitute. He is a great artist who helped design Grant Morrison's concept of Frankenstein. I hope that Mahnke and Tomasi do something soon again in the future; they seem to work well together. If you're interested in reading Robin: Rising, then you should probably read this issue. The Batman and Robin series is starting to read like a prelude to the resurrection of Damian or another Robin.

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Batman and Robin (2011) #32

Jun 24, 2014

All this issue does is act as a prelude to the next arc, Robin Rises. The art is great as always, but the story feels a little on the weak side as it's possible that Tomasi and company are saving their best work for later. Compared to the great job that Tomasi has been doing on the Batman and Robin book since his start, this is easily one of the weakest issues of his run; I just hope that it doesn't continue.

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Batman and Robin (2011): Futures End #1

Sep 20, 2014

This issue is a great look at what's been going on with Bruce and how he is learning to trust other people again. It also gives the reader hope of a really cool Robin in later story-lines as Duke plays an awesome Robin. I can't wait to see more of him as Robin. Ray Fawkes crafts a great story here and adding Dustin Nguyen as the artist makes this an almost perfect issue. The only problem I had with it was some of the unnecessary fights with Modbod and not enough information on the Al Ghuls, which give the issue a few plot holes that might never be solved. Nonetheless, this is an issue that you need to pick up IMMEDIATELY especially if you are waiting for a new Robin.

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Batman: Eternal #9

Jun 10, 2014

With a ton of shocking events that are definitely taking their toll on the Batman universe, Batman Eternal is a must read. The only problem with the book is that it is very slow paced, even with the big twist at the end of each issue. Unlike The Futures End, the characters aren't being developed much and it feels like the events in the story are too padded, rather than flowing at a natural pace. This could be due to the fact that there are multiple writers taking over the book in chunks instead of an issue a piece. John Layman did a great job on this issue, but it's upsetting to know that he's leaving the book very soon. I still can't wait to find out what happens next and neither should you.

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Batman: Eternal #10

Jun 17, 2014

Snyder and Co. are still doing what they do best, and that's telling damn good stories. Pick up this issue, but be warned that it's not as good as the previous ones, but a decent Snyder/Batman story is still one hell of a story.

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Batwing: Futures End #1

Sep 5, 2014

If you were expecting ties to the Futures End book, you will be very disappointed as it has little to do with that book other than being five years in the future and possibly a Cassandra Cain cameo. But if you are a fan of the Batwing title, then you will be happy to know that the title ends on a high note complete with a pretty good story by Jimmy Palmiotti and Justin Gray, even though the dialogue is a little too campy at times and the action scenes seem a little drawn out.

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Birds Of Prey (2011): Futures End #1

Sep 12, 2014

If you want closure from Birds of Prey, it's better to read the Batgirl issue, but if you were a fan of this run on the book, then pick it up, but you're really not missing much.

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Constantine (2013): Futures End #1

Sep 12, 2014

Even though this issue doesn't answer all the questions, leaving us with some unresolved plot points and the art can be inconsistent at times, it's a really great crossover issue that everyone should pick up.

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Deathstroke (2014) #1

Oct 25, 2014

If you are a Deathstroke fan or a fan of the previous run especially by Kyle Higgins, then you should pick this issue up. Overall it's a decent issue that you're either going to like, or not give a crap about.

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Detective Comics (2011) #31

May 14, 2014

It does, however, take some time for the creative team to establish their ideas and direction of the book. The dynamic between Bruce Wayne and Harvey Bullock could have used a little bit more explaining. Manapul and Buccellato are still fresh to the streets of Gotham, and I fully expect this series to improve as the writers settle in.

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Earth 2: Futures End #1

Sep 5, 2014

If this issue is any indicator on how Daniel H. Wilson might do with the upcoming Earth 2 weekly book, then it's time to start having some concerns. Wilson might be a great science-fiction writer, but not everybody is cut out for comic books.

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Grayson: Futures End #1

Sep 5, 2014

There are some rough patches and some questionable dialogue, including why Dick kills and why he wants to be with Helena, but the issue is well worth the price to pick up even if you aren't a fan of the direction in which Grayson is going.

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Green Lantern Corps (2011): Futures End #1

Sep 5, 2014

Even though the book goes through a rough patch at the beginning, with little explanation given to what is going on in Hal Jordan's life during the events of Futures End, the issue ends on a very touching note and with an interesting ending that might come into effect later in the Futures End series"but if the ending doesn't get brought up again then it comes across as pretty stupid.

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Green Lantern: New Guardians: Futures End #1

Sep 20, 2014

Other than the art by Diogenes Neves, there's not much else to like about this issue unless you want to see another Green Lantern suffer, in that case you just might want to pass on this issue.

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Infinity Man And The Forever People #1

Jun 24, 2014

When I first heard of this book coming out, I immediately thought that this was going to be the most useless book on the market. Don't get me wrong, I liked OMAC but it got cancelled within eight issues, so how long could this book last? From a creative standpoint, this seems like a really good book to pickup and a great idea from DC Comics. From a business standpoint, this is a horrible idea as Bob Harras and Co. have been putting books on the chopping block left and right, so as previous history has shown us, this book will probably last only eight issues leaving very little story for fans of this type of book.

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Infinity Man And The Forever People: Futures End #1

Sep 12, 2014

Other than the stellar art by Phillip Tan, the book feels more like a pass unless you want to complete the whole collection leading up the Green Lantern/New Gods battle coming soon.

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Justice League (2011) #30

May 27, 2014

After Lex Luthor and the villains save the day, the heroes decide to wipe the villains' slate clean, giving them the opportunity to do whatever they desire. The ship between Selina and Bruce has sailed, so throughout the issue, all we get is speculation on what Selina will do next. The majority of the issue deals with Luthor wanting to be a member of the Justice League while supposedly turning a new leaf to the public eye. The greatest aspect of this issue deals with how Clark is now forced to write fluff pieces about Lex Luthor. It kills Clark that such an evil, loathing person is now considered a hero. Just when you think when Lex Luthor is finally one of the good guys, the book ends with an expansion of the twist given away in the last few pages of Forever Evil #7.

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Justice League of America (2013) #14

May 27, 2014

JLA #14 wasn't bad; it just didn't matter as much as the other tie-ins. This issue really didn't explain much that wasn't already said before. The majority of the issue features Green Arrow getting rejection after rejection from various heroes with some witty dialogue. As much as I enjoy Matt Kindt as a writer, it's probably best that he's going to a different company. It's clear that DC is wearing him down; he isn't giving us the quality that he wants to give due to the heavy hand of the DC editorial staff.

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Justice League United #1

May 21, 2014

One of the best things about the book is the chemistry between the characters and how they work well with each other, actually working like a team. These guys have great respect for one another and they want to work together to save the world. It's not about the egos; it's about getting the job done without one person trying to upstage the other. Lemire does such a great job on getting you to root for these B and C list characters.

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New Suicide Squad: Futures End #1

Sep 12, 2014

For all of those that read this book before you looked at this review, I'm sure you were thinking the exact same thing as I was once you put it down, "WHAT THE HELL DID I JUST READ?!?!?" I read this issue an hour ago and I passed the time by literally staring at a wall contemplating on what a terrible issue this was and who exactly gave the okay for this issue to be put on store shelves.

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Nightwing (2011) #30

May 30, 2014

This issue is REALLY BAD. If you had any love of Nightwing, then just read Kyle Higgins' run on the book instead as this issue reads more like Grayson #0 than Nightwing #30. Seeley is normally a good writer, but this issue is too muddled and confusing. Also, with the exception of Mikel Janin, the other last minute artists don't mix well with Seeley's style.

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Red Hood And The Outlaws: Futures End #1

Sep 20, 2014

Overall, if you are a fan of Red Hood and the Outlaws or Jason Todd, then you should pick this issue up or if you are looking for another Futures End one-shot to add to your collection.

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Suicide Squad (2011) #30

Jun 1, 2014

This issue builds up a new Suicide Squad that has more governmental control while virtually giving Amanda Waller almost no power to control her new team. This might make things interesting, having a more controlled team might make for fewer shenanigans on a team that is SUPPOSED to be in secret. The only problem I had with this story is that it never flushes out the rest of the new characters, meaning that it's going to take six issues of the new title to establish them if we go by the plot of this issue. Writer Sean Ryan did a very good job with this issue while giving more back story to some of the main characters, so I hope to see him on the future title"as long as nothing stupid happens on DC's part.

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Superboy (2011): Futures End #1

Sep 12, 2014

The writing is pretty mediocre, resmebeling a mid-nineties teen book. The art is so bad that I couldn't understand the emotions that the writer was trying to imply and what the artist was trying to draw. Unless you really like Superboy and old books like Generation-X, you can give this book a pass as nothing good really happens in it.

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Supergirl (2011): Futures End #1

Sep 20, 2014

I hope we get to see more of this Wanderers team as they are very interesting and it's good to see Supergirl finally be calm for a change while also having a love interest. Here's hoping for some more good story-arcs from Tony Bedard.

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Superman (2011) #31

Jun 1, 2014

You're not missing much from this issue and the book seems like it's moving too slow while two issues ago it was moving too fast. You can pick this up if you want, but it doesn't add much closure to Lobdell's run.

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Superman (2011) #34

Sep 1, 2014

Overall, I suggest you pick up this issue as well as the rest of the arc, but I'm still hoping that it will get better as it goes along. The arc is good, but I was treating this book as the second coming of Christ as I am a huge fan of Geoff Johns and Superman, I'm just building the book up too much. It's still better than half of Johns' Action Comics run, but I'm just going to have to wait patiently for the issues to come out (And it's not enough that I have to wait ANOTHER month because of the Futures End one-shots).

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Superman / Wonder Woman (2013) #8

May 17, 2014

While I didn't enjoy the writing in this issue, the suspense is great because of what Clark is turning into and how afraid he is. And while it makes for an entertaining read, it doesn't really feel like something Clark would do, making him seem stupid and useless.

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Superman / Wonder Woman (2013) #9

Jun 17, 2014

The art by Tony Daniel is fantastic as always (what can I say, the man can draw a good splash page or two). There are dynamic action scenes, but some of his facial features can feel one-dimensional and don't seem to work correctly in the scenes where Wonder Woman is coming close to a nervous breakdown. The issue has some corny dialogue especially when Doomsday starts entering Clark's thoughts and becomes a kid's movie equivalent of a bully, but there are few faults in this issue.

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Superman / Wonder Woman (2013): Futures End #1

Sep 20, 2014

The issue is a step up from the Wonder Woman one shot as the clarity of this issue makes the story an overall better read, even though the previous issue ends up being a cop out.

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Superman: Doomed #1

May 25, 2014

The art by Ken Lashley is very good and it's surprising that he doesn't get more work within this event, or even at DC.

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Swamp Thing (2011): Futures End #1

Sep 5, 2014

If you were hoping for more of Futures End, very little will be found here, but it works as a great end piece to a great book. However, if you haven't read a Swamp Thing title before, picking this one up might be a bad idea.

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Teen Titans (2011) Annual #3

May 14, 2014

Lobdell's run ends with the Titans pulling a Breakfast Club moment as they say their goodbyes. At the end of the book, the Titans think to themselves about how they didn't really suck as a team. They are wrong, they did suck.

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Teen Titans (2011): Futures End #1

Sep 20, 2014

Even if you are a Teen Titans fan, it might be a little hard to recommend this issue to you, but they are a bit more likeable than they were in the Lobdell version and the characters do show some promise.

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The Multiversity #1

Aug 24, 2014

Calvin and his new team have to band together and fight Lord Havok (who looks more and more like Doctor Doom every time I see him) who is trying to steal something called the "genesis egg" that provides some horrifying results leading up to the next issue. Unlike Final Crisis, this book is definitely worth the hype as it is Morrison's love letter to the Multiverse and it seems like he is trying very hard to make this book universal to all comic fans while using his odd writing style to lure in readers. His comic within a comic technique can seem very complex, but he does a great job to engulf the reader in the world he has created. The art by Ivan Reis is fantastic as always and it is a shame that he is only doing one issue, but I have the ultimate faith in Chris Sprouse. Buy this book right away.

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The New 52: Futures End #2

May 18, 2014

Overall, this is a great issue with some fantastic character development and a touching tribute to one of the greatest heroes in the DC Universe. Every issue of this series is getting better and I hope it stays that way.

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The New 52: Futures End #3

May 28, 2014

The issue ends with another crazy twist that involves some more hero casualties during the Earth 2 War. I just hope that Futures End doesn't end up like an aftermath to the more important Earth 2 War book coming soon. The story still reads great, with fantastic art by Dan Jurgens, while also doing a good job keeping a fair amount of intrigue about what happens next. The writers are doing an amazing job, but I feel like this book won't matter when the third weekly series comes out.

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The New 52: Futures End #4

Jun 1, 2014

The book has been great at renewing my interest in the DCU while shining a light on these small time characters. As a big fan of DC Comics, it's great to see characters that had their books cancelled get a second shot at redemption. If you haven't read this series yet, pick it up immediately. It might not be as good as 52, but it's coming in as a close second.

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The New 52: Futures End #5

Jun 9, 2014

Futures End is a good series, but of course, some issues are going to be duds and unfortunately, this is one of those issues. It's probably due to so many characters being introduced, making it difficult to focus on everyone at once. This issue is pretty boring compared to the last five, but we still have a long way to go.

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The New 52: Futures End #6

Jun 18, 2014

This issue is one of the stronger parts of the series so far, meaning that this book is just getting better and better. If you haven't been picking up this book yet, do yourself a favor and run to your local comic store and do so. The art and the writing on this series has been fantastic and every issue just leaves me wanting more, but in a good way. I just hope the writers can keep up the good work.

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The New 52: Futures End #7

Jun 24, 2014

This issue actually answers a lot of questions that I felt were going to be left unanswered for a while. Awesome action and a great cast of characters make this latest installment of the series a very good read.

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The Walking Dead #127

May 19, 2014

Kirkman does a great job introducing all of the new characters, making the reader connect with each one. I like the new characters and I already know that I will soon be extremely upset to see some of them die. This issue makes up for the anti-climactic conclusion to the last arc. While the issue is a little slow as it works to set up the new arc, it ends with a shocking conclusion which leads me to believe that some crazy shit is on the way.

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Wonder Woman (2011): Futures End #1

Sep 20, 2014

This issue falls around the "decent" category with an average storyline and art that rounds out to be average. This issue give you a lot of information and delves more into Wonder Woman becoming the Avatar of War and the responsibility that she must endure.

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World's Finest (2012): Futures End #1

Sep 12, 2014

With some good art by Yildray Cinar and some decent writing by both Keith Giffen and Paul Levitz, it's a must pull if you are a fan of the Futures End weekly book or a fan of Worlds Finest. If you don't regularly read those books, then you might want to pick up a few others before picking this one up.

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