Justice League #30

Writer: Geoff Johns Artist: Joe Prado, Ivan Reis Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: May 21, 2014 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 23 User Reviews: 31
8.0Critic Rating
8.3User Rating

It all changes here with the first chapter of INJUSTICE LEAGUE! The next era of the Justice League begins as heroes quit, villains join and a Justice League roster youve never seen before emerges, led by the worlds greatest hero LEX LUTHOR?! As the dust settles and the bodies are buried, the violent consequences of FOREVER EVIL must be dealt with while a mysterious new force sets its target on the League. But is this force friend or enemy? And why does he want Luthor dead? (If you ask Batman, its a long list.)This issue is also offered as a combo pack edition with a redemption code for a digital download of this issue.Combo pack edition: $4 more

  • 10
    Nerds On The Rocks - Frank Fuentes May 22, 2014

    Justice League #30 is a book that can stand on its own as a jumping on point for new readers but to really enjoye and appreciate it, it should be read after reading *Forever Evil * #7. It's almost like a #0 book because it feels like the start of a new era for the team. For the first time, the team roster will be shook up. This isn't counting the pre-Trinity changes because those didn't stick. Lex, Shazam and Captain Cold look like they'll be staying for the foreseeable future. With such a shift in the status quo, Johns should have no trouble exciting readers. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Booked - Jeff Hill May 22, 2014

    This is how you do an epilogue, folks. You reference past events, build toward future stories, and do it all with some beautiful artwork that leaves plenty of space for realistic dialogue and great character-building opportunities. There's a reason Geoff Johns is in charge over at DC these days. He's a man with a plan. And though the events of Forever Evil might be over, the story is just beginning. Though there are plenty of unanswered questions (I mean, come on" It's only part one!) I've can sum up my anticipation for the next several issues in three words: Count. Me. In! Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck May 24, 2014

    The Justice League continues to be one of the best of the "New 52" (and one of only a few that I continue to follow), so it's good to see it continuing to showcase strong story and excellent art. That's how it's supposed to be. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Weird Science - Eric Shea May 22, 2014

    Well I guess I can officially send away for the Geoff Johns fan club membership card because I'm working towards becoming his stalker after finishing Forever Evil then reading this.  All the characters are written perfectly, and even jerk off Superman feels right in a world where Lex Luthor is carried on people's shoulders and praised as a hero.  As any of you long time readers will know you can't go wrong with Ivan Reis and Doug Mahnke on art, and I'll be sending away for their decoder rings as well.  Just a awesome all new Justice League that I can't wait to dive into month after month, and everyone out there should take the plunge with me. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    ScienceFiction.com - Jason Motes May 24, 2014

    This issue was solid and it's nice to see the ‘Forever Evil' storyline wrapped up (satisfactorily), but to continue to feel the ramifications. This is indeed a new status quo for the Justice League and it will be interesting to see two villains on the team. It should also be fun to see Captai… Shazam. I didn't really enjoy his backup features in earlier issues of this series, but since then he's been handled pretty entertainingly. And we see some glimpse of what's left of the Crime Syndicate on Earth. All in all, this was a solid issue and one that will prove essential in the coming months. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Nerds Unchained - David Staniusz May 25, 2014

    Justice League started off the whole New 52 hype. However after Origins, it kind of leveled off and maintained being good but not great for a really long time now. However Johns has all the gears in motion and this looks to be one of his best and most creatives arcs ever. I for one can not wait to see how things turn out. Read Full Review

  • 8.7
    Good Kind Of Geek - Nikki Yuan May 22, 2014

    Overall, this is a good issue that introduced us to the world after Forever Evil. Lex Luthor is as interesting as ever, and I cannot wait to read the next issue. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    AIPT - Jordan Richards May 21, 2014

    Justice League #30 is a great return and new direction for the series after the events of Forever Evil. Where it is going and what new storylines that are developing are intriguing, along with having some great writing and artwork for the most part. It has some problems that hold it back from being super good, but there is plenty to like with the comic and more than enough to make you curious about where exactly it is heading. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    IGN - Mike Logsdon May 21, 2014

    Justice League #30 gives us a very intriguing new wrinkle in the form of Lex Luthor that is sure to play out in the issues to come. This issue clearly marks the start of a new chapter for our heroes (and villains). It includes several brief, but detailed, introductions to other characters new to the book. It also features some great comedic relief moments from Flash, though the Wonder Woman moments just don't feel quite right. Lastly, the art is mostly a treat to see, though a few shots do come off feeling somewhat rushed. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Batman-News - Jesse Kennedy Jun 24, 2014

    Our heroes are faced with the threat" of a nice Lex Luthor. Johns does all but convince us of Luthor's real intentions thanks to good use of the Lasso of Truth. This issue looks great. It's a good continuation of what came before and it's a good teaser for what is to come. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Multiversity Comics - Matt Dodge May 22, 2014

    "Justice League" #30 kicks off an exciting new chapter for the series. Geoff Johns makes the issue feel like a new start, not a re-tread of the end of "Forever Evil", and makes up for a lack of action with character development and fun lighter moments. The art team of Ivan Reis and Doug Mahnke handle the transition between them quite will, and keep the book looking consistent and high quality. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Infinite Comix - Jay Mattson May 27, 2014

    Justice League #30 is the beginning of a new era for the Justice League. Though the "Forever Evil" banner still hangs at the top of the cover, it's more of an aftermath issue that starts the story of how the League deals with the fallout of a worldwide catastrophe unlike anyone has ever seen. It's another stunning issue in a series that Geoff Johns has used as a world-building title since the beginning of the New 52. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - Tony 'G-Man' Guerrero May 21, 2014

    It's a new dawn for the Justice League. The League managed to survive against the Crime Syndicate but at the price of Lex Luthor now seen as a hero. Lex on the League seems like a crazy idea but seeing how it works out will add some spice to the title. Who doesn't like seeing tension between team members? Now that FOREVER EVIL is over, we can get ready for what's next. By the look of things here, it's not going to be easy for the team. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Crave Online - Blair Marnell May 21, 2014

    Setting that moment aside, the rest of the issue is genuinely exciting. Lex makes use of his new information about Batman to confront a familiar face from Batman's allies while two other supervillains appear to be coming to the League: Captain Cold and the new Power Ring. I haven't been this interested in the Justice League since the New 52 began. I want to see where this goes before I recommit to anything from DC. But it's got my attention. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    All-Comic - Erik Gonzalez May 22, 2014

    This issue is another great installment in this flagship title. Absolutely worth the read!! Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Comicosity - Aaron Long May 22, 2014

    Justice League #30 shifts down a couple gears after Forever Evil and that is a good thing. Seeing the band back together, with the interesting dynamic Luthor and Cold will bring was fun to read and, based on the final page, there is going to be a lot of interesting story coming in Justice League. This isn't the most explosive comic you'll find on stands this week, but it is a solid read that is worth the money for Justice League fans. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Minhquan Nguyen May 25, 2014

    A very slow issue, but one that promises to change not only the composition of the League, but its entire dynamic. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Resources - Doug Zawisza May 22, 2014

    "Justice League" #30 feels more like a Justice League book than many of the issues of this series have, especially with the Leaguers beating up criminals and developing a plan for how to adjust to the future they see coming. That said, Johns is still using this book as a test lab for new ideas, giving a pair of pages to the quest for a new Power Ring and squeezing in a shadowed appearance by the mysterious new Doom Patrol. If one title were to be at the heart of the DC Universe, it should be "Justice League." Johns has made that apparent in his run, specifically in this issue, but he needs to make sure the book stays balanced between the team and the rest of the DC Universe. "Justice League" #30 is a nice start. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    The Latest Pull - Cory Robinson May 27, 2014

    After Lex Luthor and the villains save the day, the heroes decide to wipe the villains' slate clean, giving them the opportunity to do whatever they desire. The ship between Selina and Bruce has sailed, so throughout the issue, all we get is speculation on what Selina will do next. The majority of the issue deals with Luthor wanting to be a member of the Justice League while supposedly turning a new leaf to the public eye. The greatest aspect of this issue deals with how Clark is now forced to write fluff pieces about Lex Luthor. It kills Clark that such an evil, loathing person is now considered a hero. Just when you think when Lex Luthor is finally one of the good guys, the book ends with an expansion of the twist given away in the last few pages of Forever Evil #7. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Henchman-4-Hire - Sean Ian Mills May 24, 2014

    Whereas the final issue of Forever Evil was just a jumbled mess of plot points, twists and action beats, the first issue of Justice League in the aftermath of that event is much more enjoyable. In this issue, Johns is able to focus on the fallout from a personable level, and it's simply a better comic. Forever Evil was all comic book action and spectacle, while Justice League #30 tells the meaningful story. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    GAMbIT Magazine - J. Luis May 30, 2014

    If you are looking for a good read, you'll find one underneath all the mediocre art work presented here. The entire middle chunk of the book pitting Lex Luthor and the Justice League in a battle of words over the events leading up to this point has some mighty fine writing. I also have to bring up the cliffhanger scene that closes out our book that honestly left me shocked and surprised, something that doesn't happen quite often. It's the kind of moment that makes you really excited about what's coming next. And we want to see what comes next. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    DC Comics News - Gregg Hamm May 22, 2014

    Verdict Overall this issue does a great job of following up the events of Forever Evil, and setting up the things to come. While the issue suffers from heavy dialogue at parts and a noticeable artist transition, there are plenty of hints of things to come to keep your attention. Read Full Review

  • 5.5
    DC Collectors - Wayland Smith May 25, 2014

    I think of the League as a gathering of heroes, and this isn't it. Read Full Review

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