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Joined: Aug 18, 2013

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Super dense storytelling with high-stakes action and great character interactions.

Avengers & X-Men: Axis #1

By: Rick Remender, Adam Kubert
Released: Oct 8, 2014

• The Red Skull has exploited the gifts of the world's greatest telepath to broadcast pure hatred across the globe. Now, born of the murder of Charles Xavier, World War Hate has begun.
• Tony Stark discovers a secret truth that will upend not only his life, but also the lives of everyone he cares for.

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LeandroMDuarte rated Moon Knight #6 Aug 8, 2014

Moon Knight #6

By: Warren Ellis, Declan Shalvey
Released: Aug 6, 2014

• A threat from the first issue is back to cause problems for Moon Knight!
•  This mysterious person is the new BLACK SPECTRE and it doesn't mean anything good for the protector of night travelers.
•  Don't miss the conclusion of Warren Ellis, Declan Shalvey and Jordie Bellaire.

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Original Sin: Thor & Loki: The Tenth Realm #3

By: Al Ewing, Simone Bianchi, Lee Garbett
Released: Aug 6, 2014

• Thanks to the events of ORIGINAL SIN, the deepest secret of the Nine Realms is revealed... a Tenth Realm!
• Thor and Loki embark on a quest to discover this strange new world -- and the sister Thor never knew he had... Angela!
• But can Loki be trusted? And will brother and sister murder each other...

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Iron Fist: The Living Weapon #5

By: Kaare Andrews
Released: Aug 6, 2014

• Is everything broken?
• Is Danny Rand an Iron Fist no more?
• What fresh, monstrous hell is soon to be unleashed?

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LeandroMDuarte rated New Avengers #22 Aug 8, 2014

New Avengers #22

By: Jonathan Hickman, Kev Walker
Released: Aug 6, 2014

•  The Illuminati shatters under an exploding planet.

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LeandroMDuarte rated Black Widow #9 Aug 8, 2014

Black Widow #9

By: Nathan Edmondson, Phil Noto
Released: Aug 6, 2014

•  In the pursuit of XAOC, Black Widow finds THE PUNISHER!
•  And they are trapped on an abandoned oil tanker rigged to explode with CROSSBONES and his SKULL SQUAD!
•  Don't miss the other side of this action-packed crossover event in THE PUNISHER #9!

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Yet another issue of super-slow plot development and little emotional payoff. There is also a jarring and annoying switch of artists halfway through.

Guardians of the Galaxy #17

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Michael Avon Oeming
Released: Jul 30, 2014

• With some new faces on the team, it might be time for the Guardians to have a little team-building vacation.
• Or, you know, they could keep fighting alien warlords and galactic empires.
• Guess they'll have to plan that team-building retreat for next month.

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Uncanny Avengers #22

By: Rick Remender, Daniel Acuna
Released: Jul 30, 2014

This is it! The final chapter of the story that began in Dimension Z!
•  Complete unity is established, but is it too late?
•  The fate of the seven prime timelines decided!
•  Kang's ultimate revenge on the Uncanny Avengers revealed.

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Uncanny Avengers Annual #1

By: Rick Remender, Paul Renaud
Released: Apr 30, 2014

• The first appearance of the Avengers of the Supernatural!
•  When the producers of the Mojoverse can't make a hit series they call on Mojo to gather an all-new, all-creepy Avengers!
•  Can the Uncanny Avengers survive the wrath of an unleashed Spirit of Vengeance?

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LeandroMDuarte rated New Avengers #21 Aug 5, 2014

New Avengers #21

By: Jonathan Hickman, Valerio Schiti
Released: Jul 30, 2014

• A world must die! But which New Avenger will find the strength to press the button? And what will come in the aftermath?

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All-New Ghost Rider #5

By: Felipe Smith, Tradd Moore
Released: Jul 30, 2014

•  It's the fight you've been waiting for: GHOST RIDER VS. a modified MR. HYDE
•  ROBBIE REYES' violent neighborhood has become a full-blown urban battlefield. Can he save it? Will he want to?
•  All-out action and a twist that will hit you at a 100mph!

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LeandroMDuarte reviewed Daredevil #5 Jul 30, 2014


Daredevil #5

By: Mark Waid, Chris Samnee
Released: Jul 9, 2014

• What killed Foggy Nelson?
•  And now that he's "dead," what is he supposed to do with his life?

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100th Anniversary: Fantastic Four #1

By: James Stokoe, Joanna Estep
Released: Jul 2, 2014

• It's 2061 and the world of the Fantastic Four has turned upside-down, complete with the granddaughter of Doom...and the Richards-Banner twins?

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LeandroMDuarte reviewed Justice League #30 Jul 29, 2014

Entertaining read, but it also has a couple of terrible lines of dialogue and too many artistic changes.

Justice League #30

By: Geoff Johns, Joe Prado
Released: May 21, 2014

It all changes here with the first chapter of INJUSTICE LEAGUE! The next era of the Justice League begins as heroes quit, villains join and a Justice League roster youve never seen before emerges, led by the worlds greatest hero LEX LUTHOR?! As the dust settles and the bodies are buried, the violent consequences of FOREVER EVIL must be dealt with ...

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100th Anniversary: Spider-Man #1

By: Sean Ryan, In-Hyuk Lee
Released: Jul 9, 2014

It's 100 years after the wall-crawler's creation, but when the Kingpin has taken Spider-Man's ultra-powerful techno-symbiote suit, Spider-Man will need to prove once again why he is the world's greatest super hero.

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LeandroMDuarte rated Daredevil #4 Jul 28, 2014

Daredevil #4

By: Mark Waid, Chris Samnee
Released: Jun 18, 2014

• The Owl is back! But he's not working alone! Watch as the Daredevil team permanently redefines one of DD's oldest enemies deadlier than ever! Plus--whatever happened to Foggy Nelson?

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LeandroMDuarte rated Superman #32 Jul 28, 2014

Superman #32

By: Geoff Johns, John Romita Jr.
Released: Jun 25, 2014

THE MAN OF TOMORROW chapter 1! A NEW ERA for SUPERMAN begins as Geoff Johns takes the reigns and he's joined by the legendary super-talent of John Romita, Jr. in his first-ever work for DC Comics as they introduce Ulysses, the Man of Tomorrow, into the Man of Steels life. This strange visitor shares many of Kal-Els experiences, including having be...

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Original Sin: Thor & Loki: The Tenth Realm #2

By: Al Ewing, Simone Bianchi
Released: Jul 23, 2014

•  Thanks to the events of ORIGINAL SIN, the deepest secret of the Nine Realms is revealed... a Tenth Realm!
•  Thor and Loki embark on a quest to discover this strange new world -- and the sister Thor never knew he had... Angela!
•  But can Loki be trusted? And will brother and sister murder each other...

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Unfortunately, this issue is a mess. The artistic changes and overall rush job on the visual side ruin even further a story that doesn't provide a satisfying conclusion to the confusing plot that has been developed for the past 5 issues.

Wolverine and the X-Men #6

By: Jason Latour, Mahmud A. Asrar
Released: Jul 23, 2014

• The Phoenix Corporation vs. the X-Men and their very future hangs in the balance!
• Jason Latour and Mahmud Asrar conclude chapter one of the smash hit of All New Marvel Now!

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Amazing Spider-Man #4

By: Dan Slott, Humberto Ramos
Released: Jul 23, 2014

•  The radioactive spider that gave Peter Parker his powers bit someone else, too!
•  Who is Silk and where has she been?
•  Don't miss this incredible new character who will be a major Spider-player for the whole year!

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LeandroMDuarte reviewed Storm #1 Jul 25, 2014

Nice first issue. Beautiful art with gorgeous colors. Can't help but feel, though, that the writing could (and should) have avoided some of the clichés that plague the representantion of other countries, especially Mexico. Whenever we see mexicans, they are portrayed as poor people living in desolate small cities in the middle of nowhere, which is boring and dumb.

Storm #1

By: Greg Pak, Victor Ibanez
Released: Jul 23, 2014

Thief. Goddess. Headmistress. Queen. The X-Man called STORM has always defied a single title. And her desire to better the world has never been limited to only her own kind. On a mission to foster goodwill and safeguard the mutant race's continued existence in her own way, Storm will travel the globe, confronting man and mutant, god and monster and...

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LeandroMDuarte reviewed All-New Doop #4 Jul 25, 2014

The weirdest (and most fascinating) issue so far.

All-New Doop #4

By: Peter Milligan, David Lafuente
Released: Jul 23, 2014

• The true horror of Doop rears its ugly head!
•  Kitty Pryde and Doop find themselves in the middle the scariest moment of their lives with no one to turn to!
•  Will Kitty finally accept Doop's proposal of marriage?

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Superior Foes of Spider-Man #13

By: Nick Spencer, Steve Lieber
Released: Jul 9, 2014

• The world's most dangerous villains are up against the world's most dangerous thing - THE TRUTH!
•  The sleeper hit of the year continues, by Spencer, Lieber & Rosenberg!

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LeandroMDuarte rated Daredevil #2 Jul 20, 2014

Daredevil #2

By: Mark Waid, Chris Samnee
Released: Apr 23, 2014

• Daredevil's in over his head in his new hometown, which isn't at all as he remembers it!
•  New threats, new obstacles...and a forgotten Marvel hero steps from the shadows to make him feel MOST unwelcome!

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LeandroMDuarte rated She-Hulk #6 Jul 20, 2014

She-Hulk #6

By: Charles Soule, Ronald Wimberly
Released: Jul 16, 2014

• Last issue, someone important to She-Hulk was killed - and she won't let it stand.
•  But the mysterious blue file turns friend into foe, who can she trust?
•  Charles Soule and Ron Wemberly continue the All New Marvel Now hit everyone's talking about!

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LeandroMDuarte rated Captain Marvel #5 Jul 20, 2014

Captain Marvel #5

By: Kelly Sue DeConnick, David Lopez
Released: Jul 9, 2014

• Ever since she set off on her latest "adventure," Carol Danvers has had her butt handed to her at every turn.
•  She's done with that nonsense. Let's start flipping some tables, shall we?
•  Tic, the Rocket Girl, and Jackie, the Warlord, are getting in on the "Oh no you di'n't!" action too!

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LeandroMDuarte rated Daredevil #1 Jul 20, 2014

Daredevil #1

By: Mark Waid, Chris Samnee
Released: Mar 19, 2014

BECAUSE YOU DEMANDED IT! Join Marvel's fearless hero as he begins his most awe-inspiring adventure yet in the sunny city of San Francisco! Gifted with an imperceptible radar sense and a passion for justice, blind lawyer Matt Murdock—a.k.a. DAREDEVIL—protects the Golden City's streets from all manner of evil. But big changes are in store for Mat...

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LeandroMDuarte reviewed Elektra #4 Jul 19, 2014

The final page will make the wait for the next issue an arduous one...

Elektra #4

By: Haden Blackman, Michael Del
Released: Jul 16, 2014

• After escaping the ruins of Shicheng, Elektra corners the elusive Cape Crow at the edge of the world where she must finally decide his fate.
•  Will the deadliest assassin in the Marvel Universe defeat Cape Crow and collect the biggest bounty of her career, or help the hardened killer and his son escape the psychotic ...

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Good first issue, but I wish we saw a bit more of that war between the realms. If it was as epic as it is said to have been, it deserved some more pages dedicated to the recounting of its story. But not enough space, I suppose.

Original Sin: Thor & Loki: The Tenth Realm #1

By: Al Ewing, Simone Bianchi
Released: Jul 9, 2014

• Thanks to the events of ORIGINAL SIN, the deepest secret of the Nine Realms is revealed... a Tenth Realm!
• Thor and Loki embark on a quest to discover this strange new world -- and the sister Thor never knew he had... Angela!
• But can Loki be trusted? And will brother and sister murder each other...

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Loki: Agent of Asgard #5

By: Al Ewing, Lee Garbett
Released: Jun 4, 2014

• Nobody else would have done it - because nobody else would have the nerve! Loki's crew comes together to crack the deepest dungeons of Asgardia itself!
• It's the ultimate caper - but is there one plot twist too many for even the God of Trickery to handle?
• This movie rated :( for tears before bedtime.

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