Daredevil #1
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Daredevil #1

Writer: Mark Waid Artist: Chris Samnee Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: March 19, 2014 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 31 User Reviews: 38
9.1Critic Rating
9.1User Rating

BECAUSE YOU DEMANDED IT! Join Marvel's fearless hero as he begins his most awe-inspiring adventure yet in the sunny city of San Francisco! Gifted with an imperceptible radar sense and a passion for justice, blind lawyer Matt Murdock—a.k.a. DAREDEVIL—protects the Golden City's streets from all manner of evil. But big changes are in store for Matt Murdock as old haunts and familiar faces rise to give the devil his due. Hold on tight, because here comes Daredevil…the Man Without Fear!

  • 10
    Following The Nerd - Jake Tanner Mar 20, 2014

    This issue is the perfect jumping on point for anyone that's been interested in the character. The Dynamic Duo of Waid and Samnee continue to prove why they're one of the best, most underrated creative teams in all of comics. This book has a great sense of humor, action, and adventure that we don't often see blended so well in a book. While some people who didn't read the last series might be slightly confused as to why Matt Murdock is in San Fran, other than that slight hang-up, this was the absolutely perfect first issue! Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comicosity - Alison Berry Mar 20, 2014

    While the fouled pun on page 9 is still somewhere between YES and WHY, this issue is a piece of comic book treasure. The final page makes it impossible not to buy the next one. Daredevil remains one of the best, most accessible books being published today. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Vine - Tony 'G-Man' Guerrero Mar 19, 2014

    Its another All-New Marvel NOW! success. It may be a new #1 but if youve been reading Mark Waid and Chris Samnees DAREDEVIL before, you know exactly what youll be getting here. Although, with Daredevil now in San Francisco, hell have some new problems to deal with. Were off to a great start, but then again, Waid and Samnee have been working on DAREDEVIL for a while so it should not be a surprise how much youll love this issue. New York City is a great city but its going to be really refreshing to see some action in a new city. The fact that it happens to be San Francisco is just a huge coincidence. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comics Refueled - vashmcdash Mar 19, 2014

    Everything I loved about the last series is completely present in this one. The change of scenery is something I'm excited about and I can only hope Waid, Samnee, and Rodriguez have some great surprises in store for us for the future. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Max Level Geek - Jonathan Semoneit Mar 19, 2014

    It's all too apparent that Matt is unfamiliar with this new city as he's falling off buildings, miscalculating jumps and requiring navigation help from friend, Kirsten McDuffie, by way of an ear-bud communicator. Just like Daredevil, we too are being thrust into a new world. It's probably even scary for some long time fans; Daredevil leaving New York and all, but it's a damn good time! This is easily one of the best comic books being published right now, period. If I could have it my way, Waid and Samnee would be on this book for a thousand more issues. In the meantime I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Read Full Review

  • 10
    ScienceFiction.com - Stuart Conover Mar 21, 2014

    Overall? This is probably the best ‘#1′ issue I've read out of Marvel since ‘X-Men: Legacy' restarted giving us the amazing story of David Haller that I clearly am taken with. Those are big shoes to fill so I can't say that this will be able to keep up the enjoyment of the first issue but for a jumping in point, a solidly constructed story and with some amazing visuals. I can say that this is almost a must buy for anyone out there. Oh, and they give us a pretty great cliffhanger to boot. Read Full Review

  • 10
    All-Comic - Tyler Goulet Mar 19, 2014

    Have eyes and enjoy comics? Read. This. New. Series. Get the picture? No holding back here: you're an idiot if you didn't pick up this new number one issue. There's something for everybody to enjoy, it's done with the utmost care and respect to the character and the comic medium and it's easily, EASILY, one of the best things you'll spend $3.99 on, ever. Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Minhquan Nguyen Mar 22, 2014

    A treasure for new and old fans alike, this issue perfectly encapsulates what has made Waid and Samnee's Daredevil a hidden gem for the last few years. Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Mar 20, 2014

    This year marks the 50th Anniversary for ol' Hornhead - glad to see Marvel's doing him up right. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    We The Nerdy - Patrick McAleer Mar 21, 2014

    This is comic-booking of the highest calibre. Jump on now so you don't miss out. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    AIPT - Sam Roche Mar 19, 2014

    Hell yeah! I'm definitely on board for this run, even though I missed the last one, and recommend you come aboard as well. Also, I might have scored this issue high just for the horns on the second “D” in the logo. That's a great little touch. Read Full Review

  • 9.2
    Geeked Out Nation - Andrew Royce Mar 20, 2014

    Daredevil #1 continues the great run by Mark Waid and Chris Samnee. Many may complain about the book going back to #1 and jumping to the $3.99 price tag. Though it has the same creative team, this does feel like a new volume and I think the #1 is with good reason. And while $3.99 isn't easy to pay in this economy, this is one of the highest quality superhero books on the shelf. I will gladly pay it to keep Mr. Waid and Mr. Samnee working on this character for years to come. It's a fresh new start for fans of The Man Without Fear. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    IGN - Mike Logsdon Mar 20, 2014

    What has been crafted here is something that feels like a fresh start for our main players. At the same time though, long time readers will be glad to see nothing less than the continuation of the deep and engrossing story that Waid has built since his original first issue. Readers will find the same spellbinding characterizations paired with new locales, challenges, and mysteries. If you haven't been reading this title up to this point, then now is definitely the time to start. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Newsarama - George Marston Mar 24, 2014

    Mark Waid and Chris Samnee have already proven themselves the shepherds of one of Daredevil's classic runs. And while a relaunch with the same creative team can occasionally feel like a bit of a waste of that apparently still important "#1" on the cover, Waid and Samnee are already proving that, not only is Marvel's "season" format working for Daredevil, but ol' Hornhead's storytellers still have new ground to break as well. Daredevil #1 may not be a groundbreaking reboot, but it is a new direction, a new city, and a new style for the swashbuckler in scarlet, and one that fits damn well. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    GoCollect - @UrbanRemnant Mar 20, 2014

    "Daredevil #1" is a good jumping off point for those interested in reading this book. I can't wait to see what Waid, Samnee and Rodriguez has in store for us. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Booked - David Hinspeter May 8, 2014

    I was on the fence about getting this new Daredevil series because, like most beloved characters, writers both talented and disappointing have gotten a hold of him numerous times in the past. Like the new Hulk series, Daredevil brings flaws to the forefront, while reminding readers of just how powerful the protagonist really is. The comedy is down to earth and refreshing, only showing up when it isn't a distraction to what is really important on the glossies in front of the reader. I think we will be enjoying this new Daredevil for a long time. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Geeks Unleashed - joedwardlewis Mar 20, 2014

    This is not a radical new direction but a continuation of one of this decade's finest comics because, according to Marvel, we demanded it. New readers, jump on board. Old readers, carry on. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Rhymes With Geek - : Dante Cianni Mar 20, 2014

    Anyone suffering from team-fatigue and looking for a single-character series should definitely pick up Daredevil #1. If you're just coming into the new Daredevil relaunch, this week's book isn't a bad place to start as it's all about new beginnings. If you don't want to walk into it blindly, check out at the Wade's earlier 36-issue volume (Sept 2011-Jan 2013) or the 4-part Daredevil: Road Warrior digital that runs right into this #1. Wherever you start, I promise you won't be disappointed. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Capeless Crusader - Asaph Bitner Mar 25, 2014

    “Daredevil #1″ is a great first issue for veteran daredevil fans and quite a good first issue for new fans. If you want to start here, you'll be able to, but I would suggest that you read the previous volume first; not only will it add to your enjoyment of this first issue, but it will create enjoyment on its own (it's a great run)! Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Nerds Unchained - Connor Frigon Mar 21, 2014

    Daredevil #1 uses the all-new reboot in the smoothest way so far. Mark Waid and Chris Samnee make every issue look effortless. Theres intrigue, high-stakes terrorism and above all an overwhelming sense of fun. It comes highly recommended. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Crave Online - Iann Robinson Mar 19, 2014

    I seriously hope Chris Samnee stays on Daredevil for as long as Waid does. They work perfectly together. Samnee has the same light touch to his art that Waid does to his writing. While not the same style, Samnee has the same appeal that Steve Ditko or Jack Kirby had " that ability to make the work leap right off the page. The bold lines and heavy inks give everything a strong presence, while the slim details in the background give pop to the foreground art. Waid and Samnee are a winning team, one that I hope stays with the red-horned hero for years to come. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Newsarama - Justin Partridge, III Mar 19, 2014

    As I said before, Team Daredevil doesn't exactly break new ground here, but they didn't really have to. Waid, Samnee and Rodriguez have proven their mettle time and time again, and Daredevil #1 is just the latest example of their creative synchronicity. They don't have to completely blow up their own format or give us something that we haven't seen before. They just have to give us a fun comic, and that they deliver in spades. The only thing we have to do it hold on tight and enjoy the ride. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Book Resources - Meagan Damore Mar 21, 2014

    Fans need not fear: "Daredevil" continues to be one of Marvel Now's most vibrant, spectacular books. With distinct symmetry between Waid's writing and Samnee's art, this issue comes together in a burst of thrilling sensation. "Daredevil" #1 is storytelling at its finest. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Multiversity Comics - Matt Dodge Feb 27, 2015

    The last Waid/Samnee "Daredevil" story-arc kicks off with an issue that highlights have far they have developed these characters, while only setting up the large threat of the Owl. Waid addresses the concerns of Matt Murdock, and the character's fans, that he might be doomed to a series of tragic relationships, and assures Matt and the readers that Kirsten McDuffie is not a stereotypical superhero love interest. Chris Samnee returns after a very brief break to prove why he will go down as one of the best artists who has ever worked on the series, and fills a book that features little action with page after page of visually striking art. This is a great duo, and this fun and exciting issue displays every indication that their last story-arc while be the perfect summarization of their whole run. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Book Revolution - Kevin Mar 20, 2014

    Daredevil #1 did exactly what a first issue should do and that is to set-up a comic book world that makes the reader want to come back for more. Mark Waid took a more one-and-done approach with the story that he told in this first issue as Daredevil was able to save the day by the end of the issue. At the same time, Waid left enough on the table that we still have some questions we want answers to. The most pressing question that the final page of this issue brought up was the whereabouts of Foggy Nelson. This mystery along with Matts continued adjustment to his new surroundings will make the direction that this series takes even more exciting to see play out. If you have not read a Daredevil comic before than do yourself a favor by picking up Daredevil #1 that is part of All-New Marvel Now. This is a comic that is just a joy to read. Read Full Review

  • 8.7
    Multiversity Comics - James Johnston Mar 21, 2014

    If there's anything to be taken from this “reboot”, it's consequences. Aside from the mini-mystery I talked a little about earlier, “Daredevil” is finally feeling like a true “Man Without Fear” simply by giving us, the readers, something to fear. The fact that we're seeing a Murdock who genuinely knows next-to-nothing about the environment around doesn't allow us to sit back and just think “Yeah, of course you're going to land it.” The shift to San Francisco, aside from giving Samnee a ton of opportunity to draw some incredibly stellar backgrounds, also revitalizes “Daredevil” in ways we didn't even realize it needed. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Entertainment Fuse - Jim Bush Mar 29, 2014

    In some ways, this issue feels somewhat light since there is no shocking or world-breaking event teased. Still, its a very well-crafted issue in terms of story, character, art, and writing. I dont mind Daredevil being relaunched if it means that more fans get to see what tremendous work is being done each month with Murdock and company by Waid and Samnee. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Razorfine - Alan Rapp Mar 25, 2014

    Daredevil #1 sets up the new series with McDuffie helping Murdock in both the courtroom and as an extra pair of eyes on the unfamiliar streets as the vigilante attempts to save a kidnapped girl who terrorists plan to use as a living bomb. My only real complaint with the issue how hard it works to stay away from the subject of Foggy Nelson before the inevitable tease of the outcome of his cancer treatment. And no, I'm not buying Waid and Samnee killed him off-panel. Worth a look. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Corey Janzen Mar 25, 2014

    I have to say that I was disappointed in the overall quality of the detail and finish of the visual outlines. It's one thing to harken back to classic comic styles of the past but in this decade I found the lack of development disappointing. It is adequate, however, and the overall presentation of both the story and its presentation do make me want to keep looking in to see where this story will lead. Final verdict: this first issue is fun and makes me want more. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics: The Gathering - kanchilr1 Mar 19, 2014

    This issue of Daredevil is a great new entry into the series by Samnee and Waid, even if it isn’t 100% worthy of a new #1. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Backwards Compatible - Paul Fiander May 6, 2014

    Daredevil’s move to San Francisco looks to be a great new challenge for our lawyer come crime fighter, but as a reader I fell straight into the narrative without a problem. The move is still in its infancy and I am really looking forward to see how Matt adapts to life on the west coast. Read Full Review

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