Free of Ras al Ghuls control at last, Black Canary claims her rightful place as the head of the League of Assassins!
Here's to hoping next month's issue is going to be full of surprises. Read Full Review
The art, overall, is fairly well-done throughout the issue by Robson Rocha, making Birds of Prey: Futures End is one of the more gratifying reads of this event. Read Full Review
Even though this issue doesn't stick the landing, it's a decently enjoyable and well illustrated read and a thematically fitting send-off to the series as a whole. Read Full Review
Birds of Prey: Futures End #1 is a decent enough send off to the series, even if there are some plot problems going on. It's a fine one-shot and with decent characterization and artwork. Where Black Canary goes after this is anyone's guess, but hopefully it's to a good book where she can get the best treatment she deserves. Read Full Review
This issue was better than I expected it to be, and more enjoyable then what I've covered during the run of the series. It's a shame that the creative team couldn't pull this type of focus during the book's actual run. If they had, this book might not have been cancelled. This book focuses on Dinah, so if you're hoping to see what Strix or Condor are up to, you're out of luck. Read Full Review
If you want closure from Birds of Prey, it's better to read the Batgirl issue, but if you were a fan of this run on the book, then pick it up, but you're really not missing much. Read Full Review
This female-driven comic really sets itself apart with the intriguing story line and twist and turns. Throw in some excellent visuals from Robson Rocha (Superboy) and Oclair Albert (Demon Knights), and this one-shot winds up a simple " yet highly enjoyable " comic, with just the right feminist edge. Thank you DC and Christy Marx. Well played. Read Full Review
With a promising core idea, "Birds of Prey: Futures End" #1 fails to deliver its promise with poor story execution. Though the book is lovely to look at, it has flimsy substance that buckles under the pressure of a closer look. Read Full Review
As a Futures End tie-in, this book sucked. As an issue of Birds of Prey, this book sucked. As anything you could possibly imagine this is, this book sucked. Read Full Review