Superman #34

Writer: Geoff Johns Artist: John Romita Jr., Klaus Janson, Laura Martin Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: August 27, 2014 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 17 User Reviews: 15
7.6Critic Rating
8.3User Rating

Geoff Johns and John Romita, Jr. continue their epic Superman run with THE MEN OF TOMORROW chapter 3! Introducing the bizarre villain known as The Machinist the man behind the recent technological attacks on Metropolis. But what is his strange connection to Superman? Where is he from? And what does The Machinist want with The Daily Planet? Plus, the mystery behind the disaster at the Ulysses Research Lab sends Clark on an investigation that will reveal a dark secret from his past.This issue is also offered as a combo pack edition with a redemption code for a digital download of this issue.Combo pack edition: $4.99

  • 10
    Comic Vine - Tony 'G-Man' Guerrero Aug 27, 2014

    I've often laid out my opinion on Superman in the New 52. He hasn't felt like the character I grew up with but more and more, I'm starting to get interested in him again. Geoff Johns and John Romita Jr. have introduced a new character in Ulysses that has been making us look at Superman in different ways as we learn who this new character is. The brash behavior the New 52 Superman often displayed is gone as we see more compassion exuding from the character. We're seeing new characters and mysteries and that's making this title exciting. I didn't think I'd care about Ulysses, but with him, and now the Machinist, I can't wait for the next issue to arrive. This comic brought a smile to my face. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Minhquan Nguyen Aug 28, 2014

    Relatively sophisticated and understated for Johns, at least in parts. Read Full Review

  • 8.1
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Aug 27, 2014

    Some readers may find the pacing on Superman too slow and plodding right now. Perhaps this book will read better in collected form. But it offers plenty of enjoyment already despite the methodical storytelling approach. Johns is succeeding in molding Ulysses into a worthy Superman ally, and it looks as though he'll be able to do the same for The Machinist. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    The Latest Pull - Cory Robinson Sep 1, 2014

    Overall, I suggest you pick up this issue as well as the rest of the arc, but I'm still hoping that it will get better as it goes along. The arc is good, but I was treating this book as the second coming of Christ as I am a huge fan of Geoff Johns and Superman, I'm just building the book up too much. It's still better than half of Johns' Action Comics run, but I'm just going to have to wait patiently for the issues to come out (And it's not enough that I have to wait ANOTHER month because of the Futures End one-shots). Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    SciFiPulse - Patrick Hayes Aug 31, 2014

    Fun, with a decent story and better than average visuals. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Supergirl Comic Box Commentary - Anj Sep 3, 2014

    I enjoyed this issue more when I read it the second time. It moves the story forward. But it felt like a baby step. And I was hoping for a stride. I know. I can't have it both ways. I can't like the long character scenes and then bemoan the lack of story progression. But I thought the first issues by this team struck that perfect mix. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comicosity - Matt Santori Aug 27, 2014

    A beautifully crafted story that really gets the essence of Superman in personality and dialogue, but loses its way in the final rendering, Superman #34 gives us some moments that could easily be defining for the Man of Tomorrow. Its a hard decision for me whether Ill be back next month to see what comes of Ulysses and Clarks friendship. I want to. I really do. But more than ever before, I really see how important story AND art are to a storys success, and the latter is really holding me back. My hope is that it doesnt for you. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Weird Science - Jim Werner Aug 28, 2014

    Superman #34 continues the rehabilitation of Superman's character.  Geoff Johns is giving the reader a Superman you can get behind because he's just a damn nice guy.  We get more of Ulysses back story and a mysterious Villain I really want to see more of.  I can't wait to see what happens next. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    All-Comic - Erik Gonzalez Aug 29, 2014

    The Men of Tomorrow continues to be a brilliant story arc for Superman and delivers on the premise of an iconic creative collaboration. Geoff and Johns talents and sensibilities mesh very well together and allow readers to truly immerse themselves in the narrative and relate to Superman, which has always been a problem. These guys make it look easy. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Steven Cain Sep 2, 2014

    If there is one thing lacking in this story it is a lack of testing Superman's hope. With all the talk about the limits of hope in this issue I would have expected to see his limit pushed. There are still a few more issues, so I'd say there's a good chance that's still on the way. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - Richard Gray Aug 27, 2014

    As Johns and Romita Jr. continue their first arc on this title, next month's Future's End issue notwithstanding, reader faith has been rewarded. This arc is a perfect jumping-on point for the New 52 version of the character, boiling him down to the essentials, although signaling some changes on the horizon for one of DC's flagship character. This is your daddy's Superman - just turned up to 11. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    ComicList - Brandon Borzelli Aug 30, 2014

    Superman is a tough character to get behind. He seems too boring and doesn't really have that great of a rogues gallery. However, Johns is giving us his carbon copy and is putting the pair through a few gates together to see how they differ in their reactions. Things seem to be heating up in this issue. I recommend checking it out. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Doom Rocket - Jarrod Jones Aug 27, 2014

    Superman#34 is a well-conceived entry in theMen Of Tomorrow saga, rife with moments imbued with real emotion (the time spentbetween Superman and Ulysses' biological parents made this writer yearn for the return of Ma and Pa Kent in a very potent way), and real intrigue (who is the Machinist, and how is he connected to Ulysses?). The cover blastsThe Machinations Of The Machinist!, and though the book does a fine job of introducing this new threat, real answers look like they will have to wait. With this much going on at once, Superman's life isvery busy all of a sudden, and the adventures going on inSuperman are the most thrilling the Man of Steel has faced since DC underwent their chaotic company-wide reboot.Men Of Tomorrowshows that in order to improve Superman in this post-Flashpoint universe, it's time to inject new ideas. To continue clinging to the past – and everything that goes with it – means that the Superman books are already doomed. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Resources - Greg McElhatton Aug 27, 2014

    "Superman" #34 is fun, and the book is clearly in good hands. Now that we're three issues in, I think we should all have a good feel for what the Johns, Romita, Janson and Martin run on the title will be like. And based on that, I'm sticking around. You may see what's coming before it actually appears, but it's executed with skill in a way that you won't really mind. Read Full Review

  • 6.8
    Multiversity Comics - David Henderson Aug 29, 2014

    This issue marks a continued stride towards a brighter future for "Superman" in the hands of Geoff Johns and John Romita Jr. While there are times in this issue that the storyline could come off as clich, the fact that there hasn't been a really strong story in the pages of "Superman" in over thirty issues means a clich story is better than nothing. Even if that wasn't the case, at least Johns is bringing back shades of the writing from his run on "Action Comics" with a focus on exploring the humanity and duality of Clark Kent and Superman. Teaming him with John Romita Jr. would have made this a run to take notice of, even if it hadn't lived up to the expectations; thankfully it did, as both Romita and Johns seem to be putting their all into making this the run that brings Superman back to the fore of DC's publishing. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Razorfine - Alan Rapp Sep 9, 2014

    Next month's issue will tell readers quite a bit of what Geoff Johns has planned for Ulysses and how Superman reacts to his new friend's use of deadly force. (Zack Snyder suggests a high five.) Too by-the-numbers for my taste, “Men of Tomorrow” seems to have taken its expected dark turn leaving the continued bromance between the new friends in serious doubt. For fans. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Henchman-4-Hire - Sean Ian Mills Aug 30, 2014

    I want to read a comic about Superman, not about Geoff Johns' bland neworiginal character. At least the art remains as legendary as its artist. Read Full Review

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