RedNightBatWingMan's Profile

Joined: Feb 14, 2014

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RedNightBatWingMan added Titans (2016) to their pull list Jul 28, 2016

Titans (2016)

After an old ally returns to the team, the Titans set their sights on a dangerous enemy with the power to change reality itself! But the Titans have never faced a threat this massive before, and with so much on the line, will they be able to stand united as a team? Or will their past mistakes be their undoing?

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RedNightBatWingMan added Nightwing (2016) to their pull list Jul 28, 2016

Nightwing (2016)

"BETTER THAN BATMAN" Chapter One: Batman taught Nightwing everything he knows-but what if everything he taught him is wrong? When Dick is stuck with a new mentor who challenges everything Batman taught him, Nightwing has to shatter his concept of justice in order to fight for what he knows is right. Writer Tim Seeley (GRAYSON, BATMAN & ROBIN ETERNA...

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RedNightBatWingMan added Batgirl (2016) to their pull list Jul 28, 2016

Batgirl (2016)

"Beyond Burnside" Chapter One: The Batgirl you know and love is going global with Eisner Award-winning and New York Times best-selling writer Hope Larson (A Wrinkle in Time, Goldie Vance) and all-star artist Rafael Albuquerque (AMERICAN VAMPIRE). In order to up her game, Babs travels to Japan on a quest to train with the most elite modern combat ma...

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RedNightBatWingMan liked this:
Supes' soups reviewed Grayson #19 Apr 27, 2016

After Tom King and Mikel Janin left this book, DC essentially torpedoed this series. This title showed that you can change the status quo and create an excellent story. Even skeptical fans that hated the idea of not having Dick as Nightwing eventually jumped on board. Now it's barely resembling the issues I was reading a few months earlier. Having grown used to Janin's amazing pencils, the new art more

Grayson #19

By: Jackson Lanning, Roge Antonia
Released: Apr 27, 2016

The spy stands alone. Grayson must go rogue from all his former allies, find the truth within the web of lies, and take down Spyral once and for all.

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RedNightBatWingMan reviewed Grayson #18 Mar 23, 2016

So dissappointing it felt like they just pulled the carpet out from under a really good story just so it could get wrapped in a few issues.

I just hope this is NOT a taste of what is to come for Grayson/Nightwing after rebirth.

Grayson #18

By: Jackson Lanzing, Roge Antonio
Released: Mar 23, 2016

Civil war has broken out at Spyral with Dick Grayson stuck in the middle. When true allegiances are revealed, which agents will be left standing?This issue features open-to-order variant covers that will ship in opaque polybags.

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RedNightBatWingMan rated Grayson #16 Feb 6, 2016

Grayson #16

By: Tim Seeley, Jeromy Cox
Released: Jan 27, 2016

Armed with new information concerning Spyrals connections, Dick must seek Tigers help to take Spyral down from within. But when Dicks, his days as a double-agent may soon end in death!

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RedNightBatWingMan reviewed Batgirl #48 Feb 6, 2016

just skip to the end

Batgirl #48

By: Cameron Stewart, Babs Tarr
Released: Feb 3, 2016

When Batgirl is down, its Black Canary to the rescue! Dinah and Barbara reteam to try to discover the identity of the malevolent mastermind making their presence felt in Burnside!

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RedNightBatWingMan reviewed Grayson #14 Nov 27, 2015

Certainly felt a bit filler-y for this issue. Plus not having Janin on art is always missed.

Grayson #14

By: Tom King, Mikel Janin
Released: Nov 25, 2015

Grayson and Tiger battle their way into a secret lab of deceased scientist and Spyral founder Otto Netz. As he searches for clues to the true identity of the mysterious Agent Zero, Grayson finds his foes much closer than expected!

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RedNightBatWingMan rated Grayson #13 Oct 30, 2015

Grayson #13

By: Tim Seeley, Mikel Janin
Released: Oct 28, 2015

Back on the job at Spyral, Dick now has a mission all his own: find out more about Agent Zero. What could this mysterious shadow leader want with Agent 37?

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RedNightBatWingMan reviewed Batgirl #45 Oct 28, 2015

Why did they write Dick as such a DICK? I mean this was really just the worst possible timing in the history of bad timing. Even reading the solicit 3 months ago, while as excited as I was about the possibility of him getting back into the book somehow, I really didn't like the whole "and he's got a lot to say about their future together." While he really didn't have much else to say that wasn't a more

Batgirl #45

By: Brenden Fletcher, Serge LaPointe
Released: Oct 28, 2015

As Barbaras friends gather for a major celebration, a familiar face from her past returnsand hes got a lot to say about their future together!

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Grayson Annual #2

By: Tim Seeley, Ral Fernndez
Released: Sep 30, 2015

When Dick comes home to find that the Batman he knew is gone, he seeks out his mentor, Superman. But both friends have changed since they last met. Can they find common ground and team up to stop Blockbusters plans for Spyral?

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RedNightBatWingMan reviewed Grayson #12 Sep 24, 2015

All the feels in the world.

Grayson #12

By: Tim Seeley, Mikel Janin
Released: Sep 23, 2015

For the first time since he faked his own death, Dick Grayson returns home to Gotham City. But will Spyral ever really let him go for good?

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RedNightBatWingMan reviewed Batgirl #44 Sep 23, 2015

I really liked this character, I've been reading since #1. Even the first arc with the new team was great. Now.... I'm not so sure. I guess Frankie is the arc here, but isn't this a batgirl book? I thought the whole Luke and Babs thing felt forced and random and pretty quick but sure. Plus even the villains seem a bit... villain of the month sort of thing which doesn't seem that compelling. I real more

Batgirl #44

By: Brenden Fletcher, Babs Tarr
Released: Sep 23, 2015

Velvet Tigers got her claws around Luke Foxs throatand only Batgirl can save him!

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RedNightBatWingMan reviewed Grayson #11 Aug 27, 2015

I keep saying that this was the best issue yet a lot but I think... Yeah this was the best one yet.

They have been teasing that they have been trying to make Dick's version of The Joker or Lex Luthor. It would be kind of funny if the villain in this issue ended up being that.

There is so much going on in each panel it's hard to not be totally engaged for the entire issue.

Grayson #11

By: Tim Seeley, Mikel Janin
Released: Aug 26, 2015

Its Grayson versus...Grayson? To save Agent 1, Dick must face his most dangerous enemy yet: himself.

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RedNightBatWingMan rated Grayson #9 Jun 26, 2015

Grayson #9

By: Tim Seeley, Mikel Janin
Released: Jun 24, 2015

Everything changes as Helena takes over SPYRAL! Plus: Grayson gets a new partner!

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This story really deserves a mini series at least. But still liked it all the same. Everything about this issue sums up how I feel about it perfectly, which is that it isn't perfect but the best they should do with constraints.

Convergence: Nightwing / Oracle #2

By: Gail Simone, Jan Duursema
Released: May 6, 2015

STARRING HEROES FROM THE PRE-FLASHPOINT DCU! The fairy tale starring Dick Grayson and Barbara Gordon tries to survive one more night - and a brutal attack by Flashpoint Hawkman and Hawkwoman! This extra-sized issue includes a sneak peek at what's coming up in the DC Universe!

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RedNightBatWingMan reviewed Batman #40 Apr 29, 2015


Batman #40

By: Scott Snyder, FCO Plascencia
Released: Apr 29, 2015

The finale of Endgame is here! Batman risks everything against The Joker! Who will laugh last?

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Art is meh at some times great at others. Storywise expected Gail Simone quality story.

Convergence: Nightwing / Oracle #1

By: Gail Simone, Dan Parsons
Released: Apr 8, 2015

STARRING HEROES FROM THE PRE-FLASHPOINT DCU! Just as they've finally been reunited, the romance between Dick Grayson and Barbara Gordon is sentenced to execution by Flashpoint Hawkman and Hawkwoman!

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RedNightBatWingMan added Convergence: Nightwing / Oracle to their pull list Apr 8, 2015

Convergence: Nightwing / Oracle

STARRING HEROES FROM THE PRE-FLASHPOINT DCU! Just as they've finally been reunited, the romance between Dick Grayson and Barbara Gordon is sentenced to execution by Flashpoint Hawkman and Hawkwoman!

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RedNightBatWingMan reviewed Grayson #8 Mar 4, 2015

As good as it is it feels like it's missing something to make it great.

Grayson #8

By: Tim Seeley, Mikel Janin
Released: Mar 4, 2015

Grayson is about to fly over this issues cliffhanger with no safety net! You wont believe what happens!

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Secret Origins #10

By: Dan Jurgens, Sean Chen
Released: Feb 25, 2015

Get ready for The New 52 origins of Batgirl (written by Cameron Stewart and Brenden Fletcher with art by Irene Koh), Firestorm (courtesy of writer Dan Jurgens and artist Sean Chen) and Poison Ivy (coming your way from writer Christy Marx and artist Stjepan Sejic)!

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Injustice: Year Three #21

By: Brian Buccellato, Bruno Redondo
Released: Feb 18, 2015

Poison Ivy enters the battle, and Batman has a final goodbye with Nightwing.

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RedNightBatWingMan added Injustice: Year Three to their pull list Feb 19, 2015

Injustice: Year Three

The war with the Green Lanterns is over, but it claimed a civilian victim--one whose death John Constantine will not let go unavenged.

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RedNightBatWingMan reviewed Batgirl #39 Feb 18, 2015

Much better than last month's issue and seems to set up the final issue nicely before the convergence break. / /

Likes: Art is nice overall, the story seems to flow much better and is pretty easy to follow. Cliffhanger at the end was nice and really interested to see what's done in the secret origin story. / /

Dislikes: The ending wasn't really too revealing or a very big sh more

Batgirl #39

By: Cameron Stewart, Babs Tarr
Released: Feb 18, 2015

For months, Batgirls been hounded by an unseen threat claiming to be the real Batgirland the truth of her enemys identity will shock her to her very core!

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RedNightBatWingMan reviewed Batman: Eternal #45 Feb 11, 2015

Same reasons as last week --no movement in the story and the art just wasn't good.

Batman: Eternal #45

By: James Tynion IV, Javier Fernandez
Released: Feb 11, 2015

Nothing in his experience with cutting-edge technology could prepare Batwing for a battle against the vengeful spirits whove taken control of his armor!

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RedNightBatWingMan reviewed Grayson #7 Feb 4, 2015

Mooney's art on this issue is getting better and better as he does more of these issues. Overall, while it's still a great read, I have the feeling that it's really going to be tough to have some kind of satisfying grand finale going into convergence as promised. But, this book hasn't let me down yet.

Grayson #7

By: Tom King, Mikel Janin
Released: Feb 4, 2015

Grayson and Helena must battle their old foes, the Fist of Cain!

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The whole batwing storyline has been my least favorite in this series... And you get a heavy dose of that in this issue. What a waste of some nice art at times. The last few issues I keep telling myself maybe something will happen next issue, myself maybe something will happen next issue, and I'm probably going to start saving my three bucks a week after this one. There just doesn't seem to be any more

Batman: Eternal #44

By: Tim Seeley, Aco
Released: Feb 4, 2015

One of the only people who knows what truly happened at Arkham Asylum is about to escape Gotham Citybut not if Batman gets to him first!

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RedNightBatWingMan rated Batgirl #38 Jan 17, 2015

Batgirl #38

By: Cameron Stewart, Babs Tarr
Released: Jan 14, 2015

Things are going surprisingly well in Batgirls new life! But nothing good ever lasts long in Gotham City and the other yellow boot is about to drop...hard!

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RedNightBatWingMan reviewed Grayson #6 Jan 15, 2015

Your nifty Hypnos tech trick may make it so I can't see spyral agents' faces...
...But I'd know that ass anywhere."

Greatest line ever.

Grayson #6

By: Tom King, Mikel Janin
Released: Jan 14, 2015

Its the battle you never thought youd see, as Grayson goes toe to toe with the Midnighter!

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RedNightBatWingMan added to their pull list Dec 31, 2014

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