Batgirl #39

Writer: Cameron Stewart, Brenden Fletcher Artist: Babs Tarr, Cameron Stewart, Maris Wicks Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: February 18, 2015 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 20 User Reviews: 17
7.9Critic Rating
7.8User Rating

For months, Batgirls been hounded by an unseen threat claiming to be the real Batgirland the truth of her enemys identity will shock her to her very core!

  • 10
    Word Of The Nerd - Hollie Cumberland Feb 20, 2015

    Overall, this is a fantastic issue, and it leads in nicely to what I'm expecting to be an action-packed issue next month, not only that, I can't wait to see who the fake Batgirl really is. Check out Secret Origins #10 before the next Batgirl(#40) issue to find out! Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Comicosity - Matt Santori Feb 18, 2015

    A moving and revelatory chapter that is moving us fast and furious toward a first arc conclusion next month not to mention the arrival of Black Canary #1 in June Batgirl #39 is the issue that starts tying up all the loose ends and bringing all the characters and their suspicions onto the same page at last. The creative team is running on all cylinders and it shows. Heres hoping we have a long line of Batgirl issues to look forward to from all of them. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Feb 23, 2015

    So, no spoilers - but if you like surprises, you'll probably want to pick up this issue. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Graphic Policy - Edward Wendt Feb 18, 2015

    This issue is maybe not the best example of the new direction for the series and the character, but there is still nothing to especially to criticize, nor to cite as an example of why the spread of this new outlook on female characters will fail. Instead this remains one of DC's most readable titles, and and probably especially so by non-fans of the medium. Batgirl is a hero, but she is a person first, and this story never lets the reader forget that. Read Full Review

  • 8.3
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Feb 18, 2015

    The overall effect on this personal and professional drama is to ramp up the tension in her life and set the stage for the big twist. This issue becomes progressively more engrossing as Babs gets closer to the truth behind the supposed "real Batgirl" plaguing her life. This issue proves that Babs Tarr's slick and expressive art style can handle emotional drama as easily as it can flamboyant superheroics and scenes of 20-somethings partying it up. And when the big twist hits, it's impossible not to be excited for this books future. It's tough to say how far the creative team are going with the revelation, but here's hoping they have something bold and dramatic in store for next month's installment. Read Full Review

  • 8.3
    The Latest Pull - Feb 19, 2015

    This series is always entertaining. It's funny, the artwork is great, and most importantly, it is well written. Just because this book has a lighter tone doesn't mean that the writers don't understand the character. The dilemma of balancing a social life and crime fighting has been the theme as of late, and the creative team does an awesome job at making Barbara human. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - Oscar Maltby Feb 18, 2015

    Batgirl #39 is a comic for the Vice generation, a fast-paced young-adult oriented title that puts equal weight on both sides of Batgirl's identity to provide a well-rounded window into the life of an incredibly well-realized character. Tarr's artwork plays well with Fletcher and Stewart's punchy script, and while it's almost too contemporary to stand the test of time, in the here and now Batgirl is a damn fine comic book. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    GAMbIT Magazine - J. Luis Feb 18, 2015

    While Batgirl #39 might not be everyone's cup of tea, Ithoroughly enjoyed it. The book also has a pretty awesome ending that will make you want to keep reading next month. I highly recommend picking this one up. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Henchman-4-Hire - Sean Ian Mills Feb 21, 2015

    The new Batgirl hasn't lost any of its steam as it nears the end of its first story arc. The world is as dynamic as that first issue, and the characters are all people first, superheroes second. Fletcher and Stewart have a nice blend when it comes to the life of Barbara Gordon, and Babs Tarr continues to be the series star. Her art is unlike anything else in comics, and that keeps the book in quality storytelling. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Infinite Comix - Z Feb 22, 2015

    Batgirl #39 is a solid issue that definitely amps up the mystery element of the book. All members of the creative team are on point, making the issue feel particularly high quality. The wait for issue #40 will be unbearable. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Minhquan Nguyen Feb 22, 2015

    Can you believe it's only been five issues into this new run? Feels longer, doesn't it? The specific vibe and characters of Burnside feel so fully realized, so warm and familiar, that at times you get the impression Babs has lived here her whole life. But more than that, a lot has happened since Babs arrived: a wealth of new friends at home and at school, academic struggles, Dinah moving in and moving out, several romantic entanglements, and most of all, newfound celebrity and infamy. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    The Batman Universe - Donovan Grant Feb 19, 2015

    This is another bulls-eye for the writing team. The mystery is legitimately engaging and not at all predictable. Cant wait to see where it leads. It should be noted that were told to read Secret Origins #10 before catching the next issue of Batgirl, so I suppose Ill check back in with that before review #40! Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - Michael Moccio Feb 19, 2015

    Aesthetically, this book hits all the right points. Babs Tarr and Maris Wicks are the stars of this issue - not only is it great that Cameron Stewart and Brenden Fletcher have written such a diverse cast, the art team renders it beautifully and ensures that the population of Burnside reflects the world in which we live. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    AIPT - Jordan Richards Feb 18, 2015

    Batgirl #39 was an enjoyable issue overall from the series, but not as good as previous issues. That's not to say the book is bad by any means, just that it has been better. Either way, it still has good writing, great artwork, and some solid characterization happening here. With the finale to the first arc of the new creative team almost upon us, now's not the time to give up. The next issue is promising a very interesting clash" Read Full Review

  • 7.8
    Geeked Out Nation - Logan Dalton Feb 18, 2015

    In conclusion, the overarching plot ofBatgirl#39 isall over the place, but Fletcherand Stewart really dig into Barbara's characterandshow real growth in her relationships, schoolwork,and even superhero work. Babs Tarr's character designsand settings continue to be detailed and adorable as ever,and sheand Fletcher switch up panelarrangements to showa contrast between Barbara's verbal sparringand Batgirl's physical sparring to makeBatgirl#39a stylish comic that is starting to have some substance. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    PopMatters - Tyler Edwards Mar 4, 2015

    If this were a lesser quality series, the more individualized issues would bother me, but the side characters and side plots are the heart and soul of Batgirl, and these shine in every issue. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Resources - Doug Zawisza Feb 19, 2015

    The last page sets up a cliffhanger but points the reader to both the next issue of "Batgirl" as well as "Secret Origins" #10. Given that Stewart and Fletcher are writing that installment as well, it should congeal nicely with the rest of this series, but it seems ill-timed as "Batgirl" #39 takes readers right up to the bleeding edge of this sweeping adventure. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Weird Science - Eric Shea Feb 19, 2015

    I have been a avid hater of this new take on Batgirl, so it surprised the hell out of me that when I finished this issue that I didn't hate it.  Yeah, it still has some problems in the way that Batgirl is presented but it really does it's damnedest to try and tell us that Barbara Gordon is on her way back to the character that we all knew and loved.  So yeah, that's pretty awesome.  Add that to a mind blowing cliffhanger and you have yourself the best issue of Batgirl of Burnside. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    Batman-News - Elena Carrillo Feb 19, 2015

    The problems with this book are manifold, but it still manages to entertain, the artwork continues to be lively and sometimes even surprising, and there is still hope of Batgirl growing into the person that her readers deserve. She's not there yet and I know a lot of you have dropped this book, but for those intrepid few hanging on and hanging in, I haven't given up yet and I think the book still deserves consideration–even if only as a conversation-starter about the interesting issues of diversity this book is trying to undertake. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Razorfine - Alan Rapp Feb 24, 2015

    Once again the art of Babs Tarr is the highlight of the issue, but the style and look of the series in and of themselves can't hide the fact that better storytelling is needed. For fans. Read Full Review

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