RedNightBatWingMan's Profile

Joined: Feb 14, 2014

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Batgirl (2011) #30

Apr 9, 2014

Batgirl (2011) #31

May 14, 2014

Batgirl (2011) #32

Jun 11, 2014

That last scene Black Canary, cool. They're both in B.O.P. makes sense, But Helena Wayne/Huntress? An Earth 2 character who doesn't even know any of the characters in this issue right? Next, Ricky got shot "10 days ago?" No-way. That was way back in issue 23. These things are turning me off this book. The whole Knightfall thing has been going on since issue 1 and neither the book nor character have made much progress since. If you haven't read this book before this, great don't worry about those other 31 issues start now something may happen.

Batgirl (2011) #34

Aug 13, 2014

Batgirl (2011) #35

Oct 8, 2014

Batgirl (2011) #36

Nov 12, 2014

Other than the amazing art, these flashbacks featuring Babs' memory have been by far my favorite part of these last two issues. The art itself really stands out and brings the emotional Disney-esque moment of young Babs watching cartoons come to life. That being said the nerdy tech guy in this issue plus the obviously awkward student teacher 'thing' just seemed cliche'. But aside from that it's Amazing.

Batgirl (2011) #38

Jan 17, 2015

Batgirl (2011) #39

Feb 18, 2015

Much better than last month's issue and seems to set up the final issue nicely before the convergence break. / / Likes: Art is nice overall, the story seems to flow much better and is pretty easy to follow. Cliffhanger at the end was nice and really interested to see what's done in the secret origin story. / / Dislikes: The ending wasn't really too revealing or a very big shocker. It's kind of strange and makes me want to review the previous issues almost. / / Lastly- The two (Nightwing/Grayson) secret origin stories I've read have been real let-downs as far as my expectation of revealing some big secret about a character's origin for a title called secret origins. So last shot of reading a secret origin story hopping it will live up to expectation.

Batgirl (2011) #44

Sep 23, 2015

I really liked this character, I've been reading since #1. Even the first arc with the new team was great. Now.... I'm not so sure. I guess Frankie is the arc here, but isn't this a batgirl book? I thought the whole Luke and Babs thing felt forced and random and pretty quick but sure. Plus even the villains seem a bit... villain of the month sort of thing which doesn't seem that compelling. I really like bengal's art especially the facial expressions, I would love to see another silent issue with that art. But, I will probably give it another issue or two to pickup before I may call it quits.

Batgirl (2011) #45

Oct 28, 2015

Why did they write Dick as such a DICK? I mean this was really just the worst possible timing in the history of bad timing. Even reading the solicit 3 months ago, while as excited as I was about the possibility of him getting back into the book somehow, I really didn't like the whole "and he's got a lot to say about their future together." While he really didn't have much else to say that wasn't already said exactly as in Grayson 12. They did completely nail how Babs should react in this situation. But I really don't understand how he would even approach her at all if she was doing something as important to as planning a wedding. Like hey Babs is really dressed up nice and planning a wedding MAYBE I should come back some other time. It's not like B&R Eternal isn't in Gotham. He just comes off as such a selfish asshole- which isn't him. On top of that it just seems like Luke Fox was just used as a plot device just to make it that much easier to totally shut down this relationship for a while. I don't discount Luke as a good match or anything but damn when did Batgirl and him ever interact before 2 issues ago? But despite portraying Dick at his absolute worst, I would like to give the book the benefit of the doubt if we actually could see some kind of change in Dick's persona if he ever appears in this book anytime soon or you know a Spyral trick that will really hit him where it hurts. In Grayson you see a version of Dick that is pretty cocky and confident and this issue was that version amplified. I wasn't at all disappointed with the story itself just Dick being in it. Didn't Dick learn his lesson (or the writers) in Nightwing annual 1?????? Hello???? "Doesn't work if you force it" oh yeah totally forgot. All of this terrible Dick Grayson appearance totally overshadows what is most important and that was this wedding. Everything that didn't have the triangle romance plot line was fine. It was just a total trainwreck from what just happened in Grayson 12.

Batgirl (2011) #48

Feb 6, 2016

just skip to the end

Batgirl (2011): Futures End #1

Sep 10, 2014

Spoilers ahead* I think this issue really sums up Gail's run and the character perfectly. The beginning showing Barbara's "future husband" getting shot, representing Barbara's tragedy losing her legs. But, the way this was done was so much more heart wrenching it seemed then anything to do with her paralysis. After just reading the preview that showed this moment I hestitated to actually read this because this just seemed to be the darkest moment in the New 52 Batgirl. Then you see what she became... And after all the darkness that was this run I really wasn't expecting it to turn around like it did. Although she became a little too much like a female Batman, it was so great to see that she became more like a beloved older sister (which she became pre-52). The part about her changing her self into a Goddess herself really seemed to speak to how much of a strong, bad-ass character she is. The last page really leaves you excited and hopeful that she can finally start coming out of the darkness.

Batman (2011) #40

Apr 29, 2015


Batman and Robin (2011) #34  
Batman: Eternal #1

Apr 9, 2014

Batman: Eternal #5

May 8, 2014

Batman: Eternal #6

May 14, 2014

Batman: Eternal #10

Jun 11, 2014

Batman: Eternal #24

Sep 17, 2014

Rename this issue. Spoiler Begins. Other than that Good amount of action here.

Batman: Eternal #44

Feb 4, 2015

The whole batwing storyline has been my least favorite in this series... And you get a heavy dose of that in this issue. What a waste of some nice art at times. The last few issues I keep telling myself maybe something will happen next issue, myself maybe something will happen next issue, and I'm probably going to start saving my three bucks a week after this one. There just doesn't seem to be anything terribly interesting about this book now that Endgame has started rolling.

Batman: Eternal #45

Feb 11, 2015

Same reasons as last week --no movement in the story and the art just wasn't good.

Convergence: Nightwing / Oracle #1

Apr 12, 2015

Art is meh at some times great at others. Storywise expected Gail Simone quality story.

Convergence: Nightwing / Oracle #2

May 6, 2015

This story really deserves a mini series at least. But still liked it all the same. Everything about this issue sums up how I feel about it perfectly, which is that it isn't perfect but the best they should do with constraints.

Forever Evil #6

Mar 5, 2014

"Final" ???

Forever Evil #7

May 21, 2014

Grayson #1

Jul 9, 2014

This isn't going to be the same Super-hero book you've seen over and over. A whole new world, lot's of potential, a lot to look forward to.

Grayson #2

Aug 6, 2014

Grayson #3

Oct 1, 2014

Best issue yet

Grayson #4

Nov 8, 2014

Grayson #5

Dec 9, 2014

Grayson #6

Jan 15, 2015

"Heh. Your nifty Hypnos tech trick may make it so I can't see spyral agents' faces... ...But I'd know that ass anywhere." -Midnighter Greatest line ever.

Grayson #7

Feb 4, 2015

Mooney's art on this issue is getting better and better as he does more of these issues. Overall, while it's still a great read, I have the feeling that it's really going to be tough to have some kind of satisfying grand finale going into convergence as promised. But, this book hasn't let me down yet.

Grayson #8

Mar 4, 2015

As good as it is it feels like it's missing something to make it great.

Grayson #9

Jun 26, 2015

Grayson #11

Aug 27, 2015

I keep saying that this was the best issue yet a lot but I think... Yeah this was the best one yet. They have been teasing that they have been trying to make Dick's version of The Joker or Lex Luthor. It would be kind of funny if the villain in this issue ended up being that. There is so much going on in each panel it's hard to not be totally engaged for the entire issue.

Grayson #12

Sep 24, 2015

All the feels in the world.

Grayson #13

Oct 30, 2015

Grayson #14

Nov 27, 2015

Certainly felt a bit filler-y for this issue. Plus not having Janin on art is always missed.

Grayson #16

Feb 6, 2016

Grayson #18

Mar 23, 2016

So dissappointing it felt like they just pulled the carpet out from under a really good story just so it could get wrapped in a few issues. I just hope this is NOT a taste of what is to come for Grayson/Nightwing after rebirth.

Grayson Annual #1

Dec 27, 2014

Grayson Annual #2

Sep 30, 2015

Grayson: Futures End #1

Sep 6, 2014

The art feels wildly inconsistent. In some panels it's amazing and makes you not really miss Janin and others are just like what the - am I looking at. Script wise, you can't really just read it once. You have to read it front to back, and back to front. Even then there are still things you can miss if you aren't paying attention. I've only been reading comics for about a year, but this is one of the most fun issues I've read. For a one-shot what more can you really ask for?

Injustice: Year Three #21

Feb 19, 2015


Justice League United #1  
Nightwing (2011) #28

Feb 14, 2014

*Spoilers* Of course it may seem a bit rushed but, the ending to this series was rather abrupt. Artwork overall is great from the first frame. The only part that bothers me is the EXTREME lack of creativity with the death of Jen's parents. I mean really death by a mugger after a show??? Come-on DC. But, due to her knowing Nightwing's ID it seems like she'll have a big role moving forward. It does seem like Dick was contemplating a major change or possible retirement even before the Forever Evil events based on his walk home after the initial fight and after Sonia leaves. All this has myself looking forward to the last issue before Forever Evil #1.

Nightwing (2011) #29

Mar 20, 2014

Great issue. Can't help but to be disappointed by this character being wasted as nothing more than Batman's damsel in distress for Forever Evil.

Nightwing (2011) #30

May 28, 2014

Red Hood And The Outlaws #34  
Secret Origins #10  
Teen Titans (2011) #28

Feb 27, 2014

What a train wreck. This issue manages to ruin it for all previous issues. If you want an issue to LOOK at it's okay. BUT, I think this issue has made me dumber for having read it. I had hope for these characters earlier in the series but the last shreds blew them to pieces in the final frames of this issue. I hope whoever writes the next Teen Titans series at least puts forth a better effort.

Teen Titans (2011) #29

Mar 26, 2014

I keep going back between this issue and the last, trying to see what I missed. Isn't Solstice turning back to normal a big deal? That isn't even mentioned in the issue. That has been my biggest issue with this book since the beginning, "Am I missing something?" But the art is great, and its great to see the character interactions in this issue. And we finally get Bunker and Beast Boy back.

Teen Titans (2011) Annual #3  
The Walking Dead #127

May 14, 2014

New beginnings indeed

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