Batgirl #36

Writer: Cameron Stewart, Brenden Fletcher Artist: Babs Tarr Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: November 12, 2014 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 29 User Reviews: 22
8.6Critic Rating
7.6User Rating

Batgirls new life is off to a rousing start when her first day of graduate school is interrupted by twin sister assassins on motorcycles!

  • 10
    Newsarama - Pierce Lydon Nov 13, 2014

    This is how you reinvent a character. By basically doing everything in contrast to the rest of the Bat-titles, DC has put together what is easily their best book and what is unequivocally the best take on Barbara Gordon since Batgirl: Year One. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Book Resources - Meagan Damore Nov 17, 2014

    Having just completed my own Masters degree, "Batgirl" #36 hit home in all the right ways -- and I'm sure it will for anyone who has had or looks forward to their own college experience. Stewart, Fletcher and Tarr show a lot of potential even in just their second issue. While their debut laid fantastic groundwork, this issue sets the bar even higher for the series and any book that aspires to be like it. Watch out, world -- Batgirl is here to rock you. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comics Recap - Draven Katayama (loudlysilent) Nov 18, 2014

    Every character interaction in non-action scenes is entertaining: Barbara and Frankie curled up on the couch with wine and their laptops; Barbara and Qadir geeking out about USB or Thunderbolt. It's refreshing that Stewart and Fletcher are giving their protagonist real friends, and friendships are central to the plot, instead of just teammates (think: Avengers titles) or romance (think: Daredevil and Elektra). Barbara's relatability hooked me in this issue from the very first panel. If any book besides Ms. Marvel deserves mainstream attention from those who've never read a comic before, it's this. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Newsarama - David Pepose Nov 12, 2014

    I wish more Bat-books were as good as Batgirl. Hell, I wish more comics were as good as Batgirl. It's smart, funny, a brand-new take on a classic, and it looks absolutely, jaw-droppingly fantastic. Sometimes a change of scenery is all you need for a fresh start - and if this second issue is any indication, it looks like Burnside agrees with Batgirl even more than you might expect. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Vine - Corey 'Undeadpool' Schroeder Nov 12, 2014

    Its great to see a new team on a book not only succeed but succeed to this degree so fast out of the gate. A strong opener has an even stronger follow-up and were now to the point that its clear the writers and artists have a strong, clear vision for this title and that the creative shift wasnt simply to try and drum up interest in a book that may have been flagging in terms of sales. Weve got a brand new creative team for a brand-new age and its given us, despite the character not actually changing, a brand-new Batgirl. And she couldnt be in better hands. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Henchman-4-Hire - Sean Ian Mills Nov 15, 2014

    And not enough can be said about Tarr and Stewart on art. It's just gorgeous. It looks like nothing else in comics, and is just full of personality and spirit. This is art that energizes the comic, filling it with a wonderful sort of life. I love this comic. It makes me want to be a better creator. Read Full Review

  • 10 - Jason Motes Nov 16, 2014

    I just love this book! I'm not even sure how DC approved this drastic change. The past two issues are nothing like those leading up to if after the New 52 relaunch. I kind of wish this was just how the series had launched. But I think it's a change for the better. This is one I'm sticking with for the foreseeable future. Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    SciFiPulse - Patrick Hayes Nov 27, 2014

    This deservesall the hype it's gotten. This is a newBatgirl for the 21st century, yet she's the same strong Barbara fans grew up with. I'll follow this team on this book for as long as they're on it. Read Full Review

  • 9.2
    IGN - Mike Logsdon Nov 12, 2014

    Babs Tarr is undoubtedly a major factor into just how well this new run is shaping up. Her new designs fit perfectly with the tone that our new writers are establishing, and the creative team work perfectly together in designing Batgirl's new world. That said, some of the characters come off a little bit rushed in certain areas which slightly blemishes this newfound beauty. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Minhquan Nguyen Nov 17, 2014

    Density's usually not a virtue in comics, but it is when every line of text simultaneously offers necessary information, advances the plot, fleshes out a character, or expands the world of Burnside, doing the same amount of work it would take other comics several issues to accomplish. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    We The Nerdy - Henry Varona Nov 18, 2014

    Babs Tarr on art is my favorite thing about this book. Everything about her work is stunning, from the incredible detail of her pages to the outfits that her characters wear. These things help to make the book feel more lived in and genuine, something that makes Tarr unique in the market right now. Her humble origins mean that she is out to prove herself, providing mesmerizing work that is sure to get recognition. Cameron Stewart does the breakdowns for the issue, which I'm sure is a huge help to Tarr. Having an industry veteran like Stewart helping this young talent assure me that she will do great things with this title as it evolves. You can already see how her action sequences, body posture, and character expression set her apart from others. Special shout out to colorist Maris Wicks, who compliments Tarr and brings her work to life, adding excellent tones to clothing and set designs. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Nov 18, 2014

    The story also sets up some mysteries for the future - which, guided by the creative team of writers Cameron Stewart and Brenden Fletcher, and artists Babs Tarr and Stewart (again), holds a lot of promise. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    The Batman Universe - Donovan Grant Nov 13, 2014

    Overall this is probably my favorite comic Ive read this month, which includes various Spider-Verse tie-ins, Miles Morales and Ms. Marvel. The new creative team has definitively made their mark on this character, and Im dying to check out the next issue. It feels so good to say that. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    AIPT - Jordan Richards Nov 13, 2014

    Batgirl #36 still remains very tonally different than the previous run and it's all for the better. The story and characters are a ton of fun to read about, the writing is stellar and shines brightly, and the artwork is kinetic and really lovely to look at. This book is still definitely recommended and worth your time if you want something bright and colorful from your superhero books. Read Full Review

  • 8.7
    Graphic Policy - Edward Wendt Nov 12, 2014

    Without the proper balance this would fall apart, but the creative team has their story as compact and as fluid as possible. In all honesty, the two villains that were introduced here were pretty weak, but the two of them seem to be more like throwaway villains, ones that likely won't be seen again. It is in the other areas where this issue succeeds, in the characterization of its heroine and even adding depth to the secondary characters. DC now has two exceptional Gotham based titles on its hands, neither of which have to do directly with Batman. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Comicosity - Jessica Boyd Nov 12, 2014

    Fans of this new direction will get more confirmation about the bold style of where things are headed. Those who were initially thinking this book was not for them might find things to enjoy and have them sticking around, continuing to try future issues. Both groups will get campy, whimsical interactions, fast paced fight scenes and pop-culture references. They'll also get a reason to stick around with more clues dropped about the strange stalker that seems to know Batgirl's secret identity. Don't you want to know where that's headed? I do. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Dark Knight News - Eric Joseph Nov 13, 2014

    The book balances the dual lives of Barbara Gordon and Batgirl rather well. A possible new love interest is also introduced. I was on the fence with this title even though last month's issue was pretty good, but now I have much more confidence in it. Give it a chance if you haven't already. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Razorfine - Alan Rapp Nov 24, 2014

    My only disappoint with Batgirl #36 is the fact that neither the flashbacks to Barbara's past nor the investigation into the anime lead to Barbara eventually defeating the evil duo as she simply beats them using her usual skill-set. Batgirl #36 is a good example of where the new New 52 series gets into trouble by trying to make Barbara appear younger and inexperienced but still include her lengthy history and experience (which comes and goes as need-be). Despite these issues it's still pretty darn entertaining. Worth a look. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    All-Comic - Milo Milton Jefferies Nov 17, 2014

    With this issue being pretty spectacular, itll be great to see what Stewart, Fletcher, Tarr and Wicks can come up with next month. This reviewer has full confidence in the new incarnation of Batgirl after an incredible second issue for the new creative team. This is becoming one of the best titles at DC right now, and if youre not reading it already, then you really should consider jumping on whilst theres not too much catching up required. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Word Of The Nerd - Hollie Cumberland Nov 14, 2014

    This is therefore a solid issue in the continuing Batgirl series. It's not the best, the storyline could have been a bit more exciting, but I understand that even Superheroes need a slow day. It's just not what comic book fans want to read, but hopefully things will heat up for Babs, and I hope (selfishly so) Dinah will be along for the ride. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Geeked Out Nation - Jess Camacho Nov 12, 2014

    I was critical of “Batgirl” #35 but “Batgirl” #36 has changed my initial reaction. I'm into where this is going if this issue is any indication of what we're going to get going forward. It's fun, light hearted but still kicks ass. I don't know if I'm totally won over but I can guarantee that I'll be back for “Batgirl” #37. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    DC Comics News - Max Eber Nov 13, 2014

    Again, if this was an alternate AU where she wasn't shot and this was a sequel to a Year One situation; I'd all be for it. If this was the rebooted Babs from the get go, I'd be more or less okay. I just don't think this return to a Babs this green and small time was worth sacrificing Oracle, Cass and Steph. As a comic however? It's glorious. But it won't get a fifth star because of the plot holes and lack of continuity. Love the cast. Love the art. I just don't want this in the regular continuity; it would be killer (and it is killer) otherwise. It is too much of a (fun) anomaly. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Nerds Unchained - Michael Bowie Nov 15, 2014

    I have to say, Im still not totally sold on the new tone of the book, but the art style is starting to grow on me (despite Barbara looking like a kid) and as I said, the overall story here is definitely intriguing to me, so were moving in the right direction here. If this thing doesnt end with a full-costume Batgirl vs. Batgirl fight though, im going to be very disappointed. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    ComicList - Brandon Borzelli Nov 15, 2014

    Batgirl is in uncharted territory. She is out from Batman and all the crazy villains she normally squares off with. In some ways this is a reboot of the character. This one is making her way through everyday life while turning into Batgirl when a real problem arises instead of trying to watch the streets every night. This is a fun comic book and a nice take on the character. This is one to pick up. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Word Of The Nerd - Hollie Cumberland Nov 14, 2014

    This is therefore a solid issue in the continuing Batgirl series. It's not the best, the storyline could have been a bit more exciting, but I understand that even Superheroes need a slow day. It's just not what comic book fans want to read, but hopefully things will heat up for Babs, and I hope (selfishly so) Dinah will be along for the ride. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Batman-News - Elena Carrillo Nov 12, 2014

    I can't make up my mind whether this book is up my alley, but that's partly because it doesn't feel very firmly entrenched yet for any specific audience. It's definitely not going for the former (Gail Simone's) Batgirl crowd. It's also not catering to stodgy old-timers like me. The important thing is that it's still entertaining to read, despite some weak plotting, and this issue might be setting up a cool new Batgirl villain. Sorry if the score feels waffly, but while I liked this book better than the last one, I still don't feel like I'm on terra firma yet. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Infinite Comix - Z Nov 16, 2014

    Batgirl #36 is a big step forward from the previous issue. Barbara is back in character, and most of the issue is devoted to Batgirl action. The writing has greatly improved, and the art is very unique. Read Full Review

  • 7.0 - Chase Magnett Nov 13, 2014

    Batgirl #36 reveals a learning curve, one that shows the promise of this title and creative team. The incredible strength of Stewarts layouts, Tarrs art, and Wicks colors are consistent and make for one of the most visually engaging comics released this month. Although there are still issues with the plotting and scripting of the series, they see marked improvements in this issue. Theres a lot of potential to be found in this series and evidence that is being more fully realized as it continues. Read Full Review

  • 3.5
    Weird Science - Eric Shea Nov 12, 2014

    While I came into this book with an open mind and tried to put away my hate for last month's issue, this comic just wouldn't let me.  Everything I hated about the last issue was present here and I really can't recommend this book to anyone.  I'll lay off on the art because it's Babs Tarr's style and as her style, it's fine but it just doesn't work in Batgirl.  Barbara Gordon has been turned from a strong female character to one that is just embarrassing.  RIP Batgirl. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    RSnoRSno Apr 28, 2016

    Babs Tarr's Batgirl, anime-influenced villains and plot, a Japanese pop culture shop owner who's too cool for school, twin sisters with katanas and motorcycles??? Yep, you want this issue.

  • 9.0
    BCohen94 Nov 15, 2014

    It's good.

  • 9.0
    WhiteLantern Nov 13, 2014

    Reading as many of DC's books a month as I do (somewhere around 21), you tend to forget that bright colors and fun are things that can exist in a good story. While I love DC's books, Batgirl occupies a special place because it's bright and fun. People are complaining that Barbara doesn't seem as strong as she was when Gail Simone was writing her, but I completely disagree. She's just as strong and independent as she was before, but now she's also fun to be with. She speaks like a regular 21 year old woman, and still holds her own as a fighter and crimefighter. Brenden Fletcher and Cameron Stewart are delivering great stories that, while they're building up to something big, each book feels like a complete story - having a beginning, middle, more

  • 9.0
    RedNightBatWingMan Nov 12, 2014

    Other than the amazing art, these flashbacks featuring Babs' memory have been by far my favorite part of these last two issues. The art itself really stands out and brings the emotional Disney-esque moment of young Babs watching cartoons come to life. That being said the nerdy tech guy in this issue plus the obviously awkward student teacher 'thing' just seemed cliche'. But aside from that it's Amazing.

  • 7.5
    Supes' soups Nov 12, 2014

    Batgirl is a polarizing book, you either hate it or love it but I'm gonna go ahead and contradict myself and say I'm still on the fence about it. I get they're trying to reinvent Babs for a hipper more youthful crowd of today's society. But to be honest it's kind of gotten silly. The motorcycle twins don't have as much intrigue as Knightfall (Although Simone gave them the short end of the stick with her last issue) in terms of villains. Also, it's kind of hard fitting in the bright and joyous world Babs lives in now with the rest of the Bat family. Grayson becoming a super-spy as least retains that mysteriousness of the Bat-family but shopping for outfits at the mall???? Such a departure from the Oracle character, Babs has become.

  • 5.5
    Michael71 Nov 22, 2014

    I am not so sure about this issue. I don't know why but I was expecting Batgirl to be a little more edgy. I wish I had started with Gail Simone's. There is an emptiness to this character, and to Burnside. The twin sister assassins were no real threat. More of the book was shopping and bumping into boys on the first day of graduate school. Yikes! I might give this title another month.

  • 5.0
    Hydrahead Nov 23, 2014

    Dropped from my pull list.

  • 1.0
    olliequeen Nov 14, 2014

    So of course the issue starts off with shopping, because all girls just want to buy pretty things. Then of course she has clumsily fall into a boy, because that's what girls do when they meet cute boys. Batgirl apparently travels to an anime world when she fights. This comic may be geared towards girls. So they took a powerful, strong character and diminished her to a bubble-headed sexist girl trope. There is nothing redeemable about this comic. Reviewers will gush over anything different. But different can be bad. This is just awful. I have canceled my Batgirl subscription. Don't bother picking this up; go read Ms. Marvel instead.

  • 10
    transfemmefatale Sep 11, 2016

  • 10
    Hilbut Jan 5, 2016

  • 10
    Rotivv Mar 7, 2015

  • 9.5
    Harperious Sep 14, 2016

  • 9.0
    Russell_326 Dec 9, 2014

  • 8.5
    Ahmed Ali Jun 24, 2015

  • 8.5
    SwampyCA Nov 22, 2014

  • 8.5
    Redeadhood Nov 18, 2014

  • 8.0
    Eduardo Lopex Sep 28, 2021

  • 8.0
    Tamère Nov 12, 2014

  • 7.5
    oshawottt Nov 14, 2021

  • 7.0
    iPodwithnomusic Jun 9, 2019

  • 6.5

  • 1.0
    kokoloko79 Sep 5, 2018

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