Batgirl #37

Writer: Cameron Stewart, Brenden Fletcher Artist: Babs Tarr Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: December 10, 2014 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 26 User Reviews: 21
7.7Critic Rating
5.9User Rating

The Batgirl of Burnside is the name on everyones lipsbut she sure is acting strange since she took up residence in Gotham Citys outer borough! Dangerous joyrides? Photo ops? Sequins? Either Barbara Gordons gone off the deep end or theres a doppelganger under that cowl!

  • 10
    SciFiPulse - Patrick Hayes Dec 23, 2014

    This book just makes me feel good. It's contemporary, but has Batgirl as I remember her acting when I was young. There's no camp or dark Batman-like despair, but fun heroics as a young hero rights wrongs. It makes me feel good to read. Highest possible recommendation. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Graphic Policy - Edward Wendt Dec 10, 2014

    The end result is one of the best single issues that I have read in a long time in comics. The first impression of this issue does lead to the concept of superficiality as the cover suggested, but once the reader realizes that this is meant as a criticism and not as homage, then it becomes clear that something a lot deeper is transpiring here. Although Barbara is a fictional character she lives through challenges that seem real enough, as instead of worrying about stopping an invasion from Apokolips she is dealing with problems that would seem real enough to people in the real world. This is a series with a heart and a soul, and it wears it proudly for all to see, and is really one of the standout series from DC at the moment. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comix I Read - Boris Roberto Aguilar Dec 10, 2014

    There has been a ton of debate over the feel of this series since the new creative team took over. I am really enjoying the direction that this book is going in. The key part to having a new creative team is that it is creatively new. This book is fun and refreshing. This book is a great change of pace to the various serious and dark Bat centric comic books out there. On top of it all Cameron Stewart, Brenden Fletcher and Babs Tarr have created a mainstream hit. While this book may not be for everyone, there are enough people who this book would be for. We are three issues into this run and we are still at a good jumping on point. I would recommend for people to check this out and give it a try. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    AIPT - Jordan Richards Dec 11, 2014

    Batgirl #37 was another fun, if sillier than usual, installment for the series. There's so much fun to be had with this comic — from the enjoyable story and flashy characters to the lovely looking artwork on every single page. Batgirl used to be a rather miserable, gritty, and frankly forgettable read but with its new direction it has done one hell of a 180 and all I can say is that it is for the better. After a great finish for the year, I look forward to where the title goes in 2015. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Dec 16, 2014

    It's a terrific issue - the best of the "new" Batgirl so far. A little dark and edgy, but ultimately uplifting and defining - and adding a wicked new mystery for Batgirl to solve. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Multiversity Comics - Keith Dooley Dec 12, 2014

    Motion is an appropriate word to use when describing this issue. The humor, wit, intelligence, and action quickly fly by and the book is done before you can have a chance to absorb every aspect of its genius. Toward the end of this issue, I immediately saw a connection between this book and the "Batman" 1960s television series. That wit, outrageousness, and vividly bright nature could be the reason. Mostly, though, I saw the similarity in how the creators are having such pure fun with the book. "Batgirl" #37 proves a comic book can contain that same sense of fun while being intelligent and thoughtful. Holy Batgirl, indeed. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comicosity - Eris Walsh Dec 10, 2014

    The highlight of this particular issue was her depiction of a band of no-name criminals. Tarr's artwork for this group of women threw me, unexpectedly, back into my childhood. These ladies could have easily stepped right out of an episode of Jem and the Holograms (much more-so than the artwork I've seen for the actual Jem comic coming out next year from IDW), and I can't begin to describe how happy that made me. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Minhquan Nguyen Dec 12, 2014

    It'd be nice to get some villains of real substance, but pure entertainment is a decent attraction, too. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    IGN - Mike Logsdon Dec 11, 2014

    Batgirl #37 is another fine installment that celebrates the newly reinvigorated youth of our hero, but the plot slows. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Henchman-4-Hire - Sean Ian Mills Dec 13, 2014

    If this new Batgirl hadn't come out so late in the year, it would be in the running for best comic series of 2014. I am loving this comic, with a depth of love I usually only reserve for Kamala Khan. This is just such a splendidly constructed comic. Stewart and Fletcher have created their own little Batgirl world, full of youthful energy, artistic style and a diehard appreciation of modern day social media. I am loving this comic. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Razorfine - Alan Rapp Dec 22, 2014

    The new creative team keeps up the energy and more lighthearted feel of the comic. Although Barbara eventually defeats the fake Batgirl, the artist isn't the one actually responsible for the calculated attacks on Babs. Once again the comic foreshadows a bigger villain in the shadows, one who knows all of Batgirl's secrets and is having way too much fun at our heroine's expense. I'm still betting it's Calculator. Worth a look. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Doom Rocket - Molly Jane Kremer Dec 15, 2014

    As it has since issue #35, Batgirl looks and feels like a comic completely unto itself, and in the New52 (with its rampant house-style) that's an accomplishment as difficult as it is invigorating. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Booked - Kara Sorensen Dec 14, 2014

    I actually enjoyed this story & look forward to finding out whom Dagger's ‘patron' is……..who knows Babs wheelchair secret! My opinion was lessened though by some opinions I read on Twitter. The actions of Dagger…….a man pretending to be a woman to perform illegal & creepy actions…….were found quite offensive to some of the LGBTQ community. While I am not the best judge I feel for this opinion & I can see how this is a problem in a book known for positive portrayals all but abandoning the positive for a very negative. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - David Pepose Dec 11, 2014

    Batgirl continues to be the best-paced, best-drawn book in the DC stable, even if this issue gets upended by some very non-P.C. villainy. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    The Batman Universe - Donovan Grant Dec 11, 2014

    These issues are very straightforward, and theres only so much praise you can heap upon something. This is quickly becoming my favorite comic each month, and its something Ill continually recommend. If you want fun super hero action with a great hero, get into this series right now. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - Corey 'Undeadpool' Schroeder Dec 10, 2014

    Its only been three issues, so its far too soon to write off a book that gets this much right because of a few complaints. This is still one of the most fun, visually interesting books in mainstream comics and its still worth getting into. This issue, in fact, is still a great jumping on point which is handy as back issues are becoming increasingly harder to find. Im hoping the setting asserts itself more strongly and begins to define its characters role in it, but for now Im content with how they simply bounce off each other in fun, delightful ways. Read Full Review

  • 7.4
    Word Of The Nerd - Hollie Cumberland Dec 12, 2014

    The only redeeming quality this time round is the fantastic quality artwork Babs Tarr has provided us with once again. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Nerds Unchained - Michael Bowie Dec 14, 2014

    Theres something here. I know there really is. The overarching story of the person(s) who know Batgirls identity and are working against her is a very interesting one. And the slew of hireling being thrown in Batgirls way as she chases after the real villain is an effective way to draw the story out and build towards the conclusion. I just wish it wasnt such a struggle to fight through everything thats surrounding the quality plot at the foundation of this arc. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Resources - Marykate Jasper Dec 15, 2014

    "Batgirl" #37 is a misstep, but the team's commitment to their viewpoint still leaves me optimistic about this direction for the series. They'll just need to keep the modern politics to go with the modern aesthetic, and "Batgirl" can continue to delight. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Newsarama - Pierce Lydon Dec 10, 2014

    The plotting may ultimately betray the characters and concept in this issue, but on the whole, it's not a bad effort. good writers can make bad decisions and hopefully, this is just a case of the team hitting an early bump in the road. (We are only three issues into their run, after all.) And for it's narrative flaws, Barbara Gordon is still a very strong character. I'm hoping that she'll start to come up against some bigger villains or at least more inventive ones (a la last issue's motorcycle ninjas). Despite this issue's flaws, Babs Tarr should be the real draw for most readers. She's continuing to make this book a great read for new and old fans alike. Read Full Review

  • 6.7
    The Latest Pull - Matt Higgins Dec 12, 2014

    She's not so haunted by memories of her encounter with the Joker, and she's left her terrifying bro back in Gotham to start something new in Burnside. I think she's more like her original self now than she's been in years. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    Batman-News - Elena Carrillo Dec 11, 2014

    I feel a lot like Dinah at the end of this issue in the scene where Batgirl is asking her to take a promotional photo with her phone. The look on Dinah's face is priceless and sums up my frustration with this series: it's got everything going for it, but it's just not coming together for me. I don't hate this by any means and it was an entertaining read, but I do feel like Cameron Stewart and Brenden Fletcher's writing is uneven and there's too much happening that seems irrelevant to the main action and not amounting to much as supporting underpinnings either. This story arc is not over, however: we still don't know who's behind this stalking nightmare, so there's still a chance that the story will redeem itself. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Newsarama - Lilith Wood Dec 16, 2014

    On Saturday, the creative team publicly apologized for offending people with their treatment of the transvestite villain in Batgirl #37. The "queering the villain" incident wasn't a mis-step to apologize for and move on from though, it was a symptom. In the context of this book, inviting people to laugh along with the protagonist at a transvestite made sense. Making fun of transvestites and transgender people is still accepted in our culture, and this Batgirl run is mainstream and uncritical. It can be enjoyed for the brightness of Babs Tarr's work, or treated like a nostalgic pleasure. But if it is smart, it's smart like advertising. There's a lot of grown-up talent on this book's new creative team, but they are only playing at making Batgirl an ode to girl power. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    DC Comics News - Max Eber Dec 11, 2014

    The writers need to stop trying too hard to be young and hip, it's been generally okay but they're starting to rely on mentioning social media and focusing on selfies and cellphones too much; it comes off as contrived. Only old people actually talk about selfies the way people talk about selfies here. The Art is fantastic. Writing is okay and the wheelchair part was really quite offensive and shows some questionable understanding of Babs as a character. I hope people can look beyond the art and see what's going on here writing wise. I give it great props for the art, color but they need to really need to step back and think about what they're writing. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Weird Science - Eric Shea Dec 11, 2014

    I continue to wonder what anyone can see and enjoy with this direction of Batgirl.  I don't know if I'm just too old to get it or if I'm too stuck in my ways and just want what I know because I don't think I'll ever be able to get into this style of the book.  It's just become a girl in a cowl that does stuff online and that's not a superhero to me.  I do have to say that this issue did have one of the most powerful panels in any issue of Batgirl I've ever seen and I have to give the creators credit where it's due, but even being haunted by that image (in a good way), it doesn't make this book good. Read Full Review

  • 4.3
    Major Spoilers - Matthew Peterson Dec 15, 2014

    The first issue of this creative team on Batgirl featured a character who spoke in #hashtags, and the focus on social media and the youth culture of today already feels dated. This book feels like it's trying too hard to show us a young, edgy and topical Batgirl, but what comes out is the equivalent of Bob Haney's 'outtasite, groovy' 60s Teen Titans lingo. The art is very impressive, though, especially the moment where fake Batgirl makes her gold-spangled entrance, proving Babs Tarr to be a talented artist whose skills are well beyond the scripts being delivered. Batgirl #37 is a quandary, a muddled mess of story with really problematic elements married to art that I like a great deal,. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    WhiteLantern Dec 15, 2014

    Batgirl continues to impress, as the new creative team takes over from what Gail Simone did for almost three years. Cameron Stewart and Brendan Fletcher provide another great story, focusing on Batgirl taking down a doppelganger trying to make more money using her name and likeness. Babs Tarr is, of course, fantastic on art duties, delivering a kinetic energy to the book that radiates youth and excitement. The controversy around this book doesn't make sense to me, since the villain isn't identified as trans-gendered, but rather is clearly a performance artist looking for money and fame. It's a clever idea, I think. Overall, a well done issue from this team, as they look to remake Batgirl for the 2010's. Highly recommended.

  • 8.0
    Supes' soups Dec 10, 2014

    Not a huge fan of this new direction and yet three issues in I'm still reading it so maybe I'm warming up to it. That being said, this issue was pretty enjoyable, even made me laugh a few times. It gets pretty ridiculous but that's kind of the charm Batgirl as a title has now, it's not afraid to show some humor. It is still worlds away from Simone's tone of Batgirl and it's gonna stay that way. I'm actually kind of ok with it now. You meet a Batgirl imposter who turns out to be somewhat of a lunatic with an obsession with fame and seems like a satire of everything wrong with today's pop culture figures. Babs still seems kind of clueless when she's a normal civilian, it would probably make Dick Grayson cry. I'm giving this issue a solid scor more

  • 6.5
    Eduardo Lopex Sep 28, 2021

    It's fun. But what the fuck does every Babs issue have to get wet for a different man? Villain horrible

  • 6.5
    Michael71 Dec 10, 2014

    I am still hopeful this will lead to a better story. I am curious to know who is behind all this. Obviously they must know a lot about Batgirl to leave such clues for her. The bottom line is this Batgirl fights hardest to protect her own ego. Then Barbara Gordon has another awkward meeting with a cute guy. My favorite character by far is Dinah. She alone seems to realize just how feckless and shallow Batgirl has become. Plus, her lines are the funniest! The art pops as usual. The coloring is great!

  • 5.0
    transfemmefatale Sep 11, 2016


  • 4.5
    SaraSassypants Dec 29, 2014

    Really close to dropping this series. It's like the writer is trying too hard to be relevant.

  • 4.0
    Vancha Jun 8, 2015

    If this weren't Batgirl, it'd be an average comic book that simply tried way too hard to force some youth culture references in there and I'd probably rate it a 6, but it is Batgirl and it's destroying Barbara Gordon as a character.

    Case in point, at the start of this issue we see someone who looks like Batgirl riding around in the back of a convertible, having the time of her life with her hands in the air and then taking a selfie with two other people in the back seat. The fact that I wasn't immediately sure that this wasn't "our" Batgirl demonstrates the problem. At the other end of the issue, on the final page, we have the real Batgirl striking a pose atop a bridge and having Black Canary take a well-lit picture of her so she more

  • 1.0
    olliequeen Dec 16, 2014

    Just terrible

  • 10
    Hilbut Jan 5, 2016

  • 9.5
    Harperious Sep 14, 2016

  • 9.0
    Russell_326 Dec 23, 2014

  • 8.0
    SwampyCA Dec 27, 2014

  • 8.0
    Tamère Dec 12, 2014

  • 7.5
    iPodwithnomusic Jun 9, 2019

  • 7.0
    Ahmed Ali Jun 24, 2015

  • 7.0
    Redeadhood Dec 17, 2014

  • 6.5
    oshawottt Nov 14, 2021

  • 3.0

  • 2.0
    kokoloko79 Sep 5, 2018

  • 1.0
    BlackStar May 3, 2015

  • 1.0
    eVanDiesel Dec 14, 2014

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