Boris Roberto Aguilar's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Comix I Read Reviews: 88
8.4Avg. Review Rating

A-Force #1

May 20, 2015

A-FORCE #1 was a very strong debut issue. I absolutely loved this issue and feel as though the story was really well set up. We are introduced to our core group of characters, they save the day, they face an problem and we are left with a cliffhanger that makes you want to pick up A-FORCE #2 right away. The art was just amazing and every page was a delight to look at. I cannot stress the need for you to pick this issue up ASAP. Just drop what you are doing, get off the internet and pick up A-FORCE #1 right now.

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Amazing Spider-Man (2014) #9

Nov 6, 2014

This story starts off with a bang. the Spider-Family is introduced and we should be seeing every Spider-Man possible in this arc. This could lead to a facinating story. This could also lead to a over exposure of characters. I am sure that Dan Slott will do a great job of balancing the Spider-Family and their appearances in this arc. I am really excited to continue reading this arc. The art is what really makes this issue stand out and as mentioned before, worth the cover price alone. I would recommend anyone to read this book as its a good jumping on point. 

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Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows #5

Sep 9, 2015

The AMAZING SPIDER-MAN:RENEW YOUR VOWS was an overall good read. While it seemed to rush to the ending, I overall enjoyed the mini-series. This issue in particular was well executed and was a fun read from cover to cover. That said, I was really expecting more. Like many event tie-in books, everything gets wrapped up in a neat little package. While this isn't necessarily a bad thing, I really wanted a better ending to this issue. If you are looking for a fun Spider-Man story then this issue and mini-series is for you.

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Ant-Man (2015) #1

Jan 7, 2014

Ant-Man #1 was a really enjoyable comic book. The creative team does a great job of introducing new readers into the Ant-Man world while having forward progress to long time readers. Scott Lang's decisions in this book will for sure have ramifications and they will be fun to explore over the next few months. I will not spoil the big decision or outcome but I am sure that people will enjoy it. While this series seems serious and realistic at times, it does a great job of using humour to lighten the mood. I would recommend this book to everyone. I will for sure be adding this to my ongoing pull list.

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Archie (2015) #1

Jul 6, 2015

All in all, ARCHIE #1 is a must read for those folks who are already fans and a should read for new fans. I know that I will be adding this to my pull list for the next few issues so they already gained a new fan in me.

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Archie (2015) #2

Aug 18, 2015

ARCHIE #2 was a fun read. Mark Waid's story has been captivating. The characters still feel like their original counterparts but with an updated look and feel. Archie is a screw up, we get some back story on Jughead and we see what Betty meant to Archie during their relationship. This story still feels like CW show, which works since they are creating a show on CW. Fiona Staples, Andre Szymanowicz, Jen Vaughn and Jack Morelli's art really compliments the fun story. The pacing of this story is great and I am really excited to meet some new characters next month. So far, this re-launch and re-telling of ARCHIE has been great and it's really made me a fan of the Archie universe again.

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Batgirl (2011) #35

Oct 8, 2014

This was a good start for the new creative team. This book really felt like an issue 1 of a new series. We were reunited with various ongoing characters and introduced to some new ones. I like the direction that this book is taking and will for sure be checking out more of this run. As mentioned earlier, this is a really good jumping on point for the series. Its very obvious that this book is meant for a younger audience and that is not a bad thing. I think that by having a younger audience, we will be able to captivate a new audience for other Bat-Titles. That said, this didn't feel like it was written for teenagers as some of the themes were very adult in nature. While I overall liked the issue, there wasn't anything that made it epic. I think that this was a very reasonable start for a new direction and I would recommend folks check this book out. 

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Batgirl (2011) #37

Dec 10, 2014

There has been a ton of debate over the feel of this series since the new creative team took over. I am really enjoying the direction that this book is going in. The key part to having a new creative team is that it is creatively new. This book is fun and refreshing. This book is a great change of pace to the various serious and dark Bat centric comic books out there. On top of it all Cameron Stewart, Brenden Fletcher and Babs Tarr have created a mainstream hit. While this book may not be for everyone, there are enough people who this book would be for. We are three issues into this run and we are still at a good jumping on point. I would recommend for people to check this out and give it a try.

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Batgirl (2011) #38

Jan 14, 2015

This issue has built upon the various issues and we are beginning to see where this story is heading. I am really enjoying the social statement and undertones used in this arc. This run has been intelligently written and continues on an upward trend. We are going in a direction that is sure to be good. The art has also been fantastic and really adds to the story. With such a strong story and beautiful art, this issue of Batgirl is a must read.

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Batgirl (2011): Futures End #1

Sep 11, 2014

The tone of this book is dark, and full of discovery. This seems to be the ongoing theme with many of the Future's End book. It was a fitting scenario for the end of a fantastic run. Barbara is similar to the pre-52 run but yet she is so different. Barbara is a multifaceted character. She is far from perfect but she is full of drive and determination. things don't always go Barbara's way but she eventually accepts what life has served to her and embraces it. This book is a perfect end to my favorite Batgirl run. Gail Simone...THANK YOU.

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Batman (2011) #35

Oct 8, 2014

I am VERY excited to see a major character make his somewhat return in this issue. This issue did a fantastic job of setting up the next 5 issues to this arc. This issue is full of action and little story progression but that's okay. The final page of this issue is enough story and left me wanting more RIGHT NOW. Kudos to DC and the internet for not leaking the final page reveal as it will for sure be a hit with several Batman fans wanting more stories containing a certain character. 

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Batman (2011) #40

Apr 29, 2015

From a fantastic and dramatic story to some of the most inspiring art I have ever seen, this arc and particularly this issue is one of the best comic book issues I have read in a very long time.

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Batman (2011) #41

Jun 12, 2015

I went into this issue with no expectations. I also didn't know what to expect. As I kept reading through the comic, I felt assured that this story and new era of Batman will be a fun one. I really enjoyed seeing this new Batman's operations. I also really liked seeing new villains in the mix. The art continues to be outstanding and I for one am completely on board with this new era and cannot wait to see what will happen.

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Batman (2011) #43

Aug 12, 2015

This issue had a fantastic balance of story, horror, suspense and good ol' fashioned Batman ass kicking. Scott Snyder's story continues to be strong. We are given more information regarding Bruce Wayne's fate and am really excited to see where they go with it.

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Batman (2011) #44

Sep 9, 2015

BATMAN #44 contained everything that made me love Batman. We get a very good detective story that takes place in a city so run down that it resorts to further destroying itself. We also get a very compelling and realistic story that can be compared to various people's plight in real life. While different, the art in this issue was just beautiful. The entire team did a wonderful job of capturing the mood of the story with the art. Both story and art together made this a very enjoyable read. If you are a fan of a good ol' Batman story featuring Bruce Wayne then this issue is for you! If you are already loving the current arc then this story is just another purchase from your pull list.

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Batman: Eternal #22

Sep 9, 2014

This is a year long story that can really define the Batman universe for the New 52. This issue was really well done as we finally saw one story span the entire issue. The story itself was really good and I am excited to read the next issue. My overall rating of 3.5 is mainly based on this issue being a progression issue. I liked it but it didn't have the same wow factor the last couple issue have had. The art also brought the score down a bit for me. 

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Batman: Eternal #24

Sep 18, 2014

batman Eternal continues to be a fun, well written series. I am enjoying most issues and this one was a very well done issue. They are building Stephanie Brown's character really well. We are getting insights into how far the villains plan spans and what is involved. We are seeing further progression with the mystery under Arkham. There is a lot going on but the past few issues have done a really good job of focusing on a select number of stories while tying in others to the central plot. 

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Batman: Eternal #26

Oct 2, 2014

Batman Eternal is really turning into a story that will be remembered for a very long time. I am really liking the direction that this title is taking. I am overall enjoying the inclusion of the entire Bat-Family in this book. Stephanie Brown continues to be a high point of the series. Overall, this book was average but not every issue in a weekly series can be jam packed and perfect.

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Batman: Eternal #38

Jan 3, 2015

This issue felt like a side issue, a one-shot even. I wasn't entirely keen on Scarecrow in this issue. While I completely understand that he upset and deranged, he seemed more like a whiny baby.

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Bitch Planet #1

Dec 10, 2014

Bitch Planet is not your typical comic book. This comic book has started off strong with a fantastic story by Kelly Sue DeConnick. A fantastic story paired with wonderful visuals by Valentine De Landro's and Cris Peter make Bitch planet a must read book. Where else will you be able to read a comic book about a female prison on a whole other planet for crimes deemed as being "non-compliant"? We are only one issue in and I am hooked. Do yourself a favour and pick this comic book up before it sells out. It is 100% worth it.

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Burning Fields #1

Jan 20, 2015

BURNING FIELDS is an 8 part mini series that started off really well. I enjoyed the story in this issue and am really excited to read the next issue in this series. The characters are very well written and the whodunnit aspect of the mystery is keeping me on my toes. This is not your typical murder mystery. This story takes place in a very controversial setting and after reading the first few pages, I was sure that this book would tread on the line. I love stories that make you think about the world we live in. Michael Moreci and Tim Daniel have a very well constructed story with fantasitc art byColin Lorimer and Joana Lafuente. I recommend this book to pick up. This story may be too realistic for some, but this is what makes this book a great read.

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Burning Fields #2

Feb 17, 2015

Burning Fields continues to light a spark of thought in its readers. I am really enjoying this series so far and this issue did a fantastic job of taking what was created in the first issue and expanding on it. This series is a political, mysterious thriller that has tons to still unravel. We are at a point now where we know who our main characters are and they are deep into their investigation. While I may have some minor issues with the art, I really enjoy the art style. Through very creative story telling and detailed yet simplistic art, the overall look and feel of Burning Fields #2 is a fantastic read. I would recommend this issue to all who have picked up issue 1. If you haven't picked up #1 you need to do that ASAP.

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Burning Fields #4

Apr 28, 2015

Month after month BURNING FIELDS continues to be a great read. This book has had tons of interesting moments and I'm fully on board and committed to where this story is heading. While I had a minor gripe with the overall brightness of the issue I feel as though it was intentional and it did compliment the tone of the issue. The art work continues to be fantastic and I am really enjoying the layouts and art direction in ths series. I love how this issue felt like a horror comic. From the story to the art, it was a very suspenseful issue.I am SUPER excited to read the next issue.

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Burning Fields #5

Jun 16, 2015

As usual Michael Moreci and Tim Daniel's thriller is really shaping up to be a phenomenal series. I really cannot get enough of the overall story. While the comic book is very plot and story heavy, they do a fantastic job of telling a suspenseful and well thought out story that really keeps the reader wanting more. While I love reading the next issue of this series, I get a bit concerned knowing that we are inching towards the end of the series. If you have not read this series yet, just stop what you're doing right now and get caught up with BURNING FIELDS ASAP! You can't just pick this issue up so you NEED to catch up"do it".do it now!

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Burning Fields #7

Aug 18, 2015

BURNING FIELDS continues to be a great series. I absolutely love where the story has gone and where it's going. While this issue does not progress the overall story much, I felt as though we are really setting up an awesome final issue. I cannot wait to see where our lead characters end up and I feel as though we won't end the series with all of our main characters intact. The art in this issue is amazing. My criticism from a few issues ago has been wiped away and I really enjoyed the line work, colors and letters. This is not a jumping on point sadly but if you haven't kept up to date with the series pick it up when you can! For those of you who are up to date with the series then you will be happy with this comic book issue. All in all this is such a good book.

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Captain America And The Mighty Avengers #7

Apr 16, 2015

I really want to like this series. I am a fan of Falcon and really enjoy Sam as Captain America. I also really like Spider-Man and Spectrum. I wish we got more of Jessica Jones and Luke Cage. Everyone else in this issue was 'meh' at best. This is a team that I want to enjoy. I found that the overall story was confusing and while it answered some questions, we were left with many more unanswered ones. The final page leaves us with a pretty cool cliffhanger. I felt as though the story tried to make itself more complicated and full of layers than it really was. If a lot of the middle was reworked and simpler, I would have given the issue a higher score. The art was wonderful and was the redeeming factor for me. Overall, this issue was average at best. I really expected more. I will continue reading this series but right now I am not sure how long it will stay on my pull list.

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Conan / Red Sonja #1

Jan 12, 2015

I recommend this book for everyone. If you are not familioar with either of these characters don't worry " Zub and Simone do a great job of making this book for everyone. I cannot wait to see what is next for our two heroes.

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Convergence #2

Apr 15, 2015

Final ThoughtsOverall, CONVERGENCE #2 was good. I really enjoyed how Jeff King is trying to build this mystery world. We get a taste of how powerful Telos is in this issue and it will be very interesting to see how they fight him in the future. The overall story of this event is starting to show and it seems pretty good. While it may be hard to follow for new readers, I think that DC has tied themselves up with how they can present this story. I really do think that readers just need to read the books for the entertainment they are. Things may not be perfect in this event but so far its been fun. I am really liking the fact that we are seeing other versions of the familiar characters taking front and center stage. The art in this issue byCarlo Pagulayan,Jason Paz, and Peter Steigerwald is exactly what it should be – neat, colourful and well done. Overall, this issue of Convergence was good and I hope that people are giving it a fair chance.

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Convergence #7

May 20, 2015

Even after writing most of this review I feel as though I have very mixed feelings with this event and this issue. Overall, the event hasn't been horrible and this issue really sets things up for a helluva final issue. This issue felt a bit scrambled but we did get a amount of plot progression. The art continues to be the strong point of this series and I have really enjoyed seeing each and every page. The colors are wonderful and each and every page is fantastic to look at. While this issue of CONVERGENCE was average, I am really excited to read the finale to see where the DC universe stands when its all said and done.

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Convergence: Batman: Shadow of the Bat #1

Apr 16, 2015

The story in this issue intrigued me while the dialog seemed campy and forced. The art was the saving grace for this title. The art team of Philip Tan, Jason Paz, Rob Hunter and Elmer Santos' really made this title worth the price. I liked the story overall and will likely read SHADOW OF THE BAT #2. Seeing Jean-Paul Valley and Bruce Wayne interact with each other had a very nostalgic feeling that made this a cool book to read. I am not entirely sure how this will tie into the Convergence series but lets see"

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Convergence: Suicide Squad #1

Apr 16, 2015

Final ThoughtsThis was a very fun read. I felt like I was reading a book from the late 80's/early 90's. Frank Tieri's story was well executed. There was some mystery built in this issue with a helluva climax at the end. The art by Tom Mandrake and colors by Sian Mandrake really compliment the story being told. Together they created a fun tie-in to the Convergence story. I feel that this tie-in did a good job of mixing in the Convergence series along with a self contained story. Overall this comic book was well done and worth a read.

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Copperhead #2

Oct 9, 2014

Copperhead has had a strong couple issues. I have really enjoyed the series so far. While this issue may not have that 'wow' factor, it sure is an issue you don't want to miss. Zeke and Boo are very fun characters to read about. While I don't want particularly like Clara yet, I can admit that she is also well written. The fact that I feel anything for her proves that she is at least a character that you can have an opinion on. Overall, I think that this series is off to a good start and I am very much looking forward to reading more. 

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Critical Hit #1

Sep 30, 2014

This book was very well done. By the end of the first issue, we know what this series will bring. While that may sound's not. We are in the middle of their first mission and by the end of the issue they are put into a very sticky situation that will be hard for them to get out of. Matt Miner's writing of very real issues is key to the success of this series. His need to really explore key issues is a testament to his dedication to both the larger cause and his form of art - the comic book. While other publishers are too afraid to write about real world issues at times, Matt Miner and the fine folks at Black Mask Studios don't shy away from bringing some real talking points to the forefront of their comics. I would recommend that you pick this up on release day tomorrow (October 1). You can also order direct from Black Mask Studios: 

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Critical Hit #4

Feb 10, 2015

I really cannot recommend this series enough. It was a very well written, character driven story. From beautiful art to a well told story, Critical Hit was just that...a hit.

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Curb Stomp #1

Feb 25, 2015

I really enjoyed CURB STOMP. This comic book may not be for everyone but it is for a lot of us. There is one scene that may be too much for people. The overall tone of this series may also be tough but I think that this was really well done and handled with class. The overall story feels like an exploitation movie from the 70's.I was hooked right away and found myself reacting to each and every page. I would recommend folks to give this book a try. The story is deep and there are tons of real life parallels that can drawn. From the sense of community due to the powers that be being completely out of touch, to the poloiticians being the most currupt people, CURB STOMP does a great job of telling a story with really pretty art. This four part series is going to be added to my pull list.

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D4VE (IDW) #1

Feb 23, 2015

D4ve is a curious comic book. The overall story is one that has been told so many times but there is an obvious twist. We've all watched movies like Terminator and The Matrix but what happens once the war is over and what happens if robots win? Well D4ve does a great job of telling us that story. The writing is superbly executed by Ryan Ferrier. The art really complimented the story.Valentin Ramon does a great job of personifying the basic robot design.Valentin Ramon does a great job of making each robot appear different. I highly recommend this story to everyone. As I told Ryan Ferrier earlier " I have added a new book to my personal pull list!"" you should do the same as well. I am really looking forward to reading the next four issues!

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Daredevil (2014) #15.1

May 21, 2015

Fun stories that told some cool early Daredevil stories. Very nice art throughout the book.

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Dawn of the Planet of the Apes #1

Nov 26, 2014

Dawn of the Planet of the Apes is a well written and well drawn comic book. I usually am not a fan of reading licensed comic books but this one for sure is an exemption. While this story fills in the gap between RISE OF THE PLANET OF THE APES and DAWN OF THE PLANET OF THE APES, it does so in a very smart way. I feel as though it is a very original story that is for sure going to draw the reader in from issue to issue. If you are a fan of the Planet of the Apes franchise then this book is for sure for you. 

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Dead Drop #1

May 4, 2015

Dead Drop #1 starts off right in the middle of the action and is a great way to start this limited series. This book is very well done and can be enjoyed by those who are familiar with the Valiant universe and just an enjoyable for those who aren't. This is possible due to the fantastic story telling by Ales Kot. The art is just fantastic. The art team on this comic book does such a great job and is spearheaded by Adam Gorham's art. This is complimented so well by Michael Spicer's colors and Dave Sharpe's letters. This is a fun, high octane story that by the end of the comic book issue has you on the edge of your seat. I cannot wait to read the next issue of this series. I recommend this book to everyone.

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Deadpool's Secret Secret Wars #1

May 21, 2015

Out of all of the SECRET WARS tie-in books that I've read so far, I feel as though this one was one of the best (just might be the best). If you are a fan of DEADPOOL I suggest you pick this book up.

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Death Of Wolverine #1

Sep 5, 2014

Since his first full appearance in The Incredible Hulk #181 fans everywhere have enjoyed Wolverine. It's a true shame to see this event happen. While the price can be viewed as a bit high, and the extras may not be required or wanted by everyone it is going to be a series for Wolverine fans to collect.  That said, the actual comic book issue was a good read. There was enough set-up to keep me intrigued and the art was fantastic. I am excited to pick up next week's issue.   

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Death Of Wolverine #2

Sep 11, 2014

At the end of the day gimmick or not these books are good. The overall story is strong and we start getting a sense for where this is going. Wolverine is a character cherished by many and the comic community is watching this event with tons of interest. That said, Charles Soule's story and Steve McNiven's art has created this a stand-out story so far. I would recommend this book to anyone.

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Death Of Wolverine #3

Oct 2, 2014

This third chapter in the Death of Wolverine is very good. While it may not be as good as the previous two books, it really sets the stage for what will one of the most watched events in comic book history. This issue really expands on Wolverine's character. He is finally starting to come to grips with his future. What that particular future holds is death but HOW he gets there will be interesting to see. This issue may not be as strong as the previous ones but its still a great read. I cannot wait for October 15th when we see the death of Wolverine. 

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Deep State (2014) #1

Nov 11, 2014

Deep State is a mystery-horror-sci-fi thriller. It's X-Files meets CIS and I cannot be happier with how the first issue ended up. The art was gritty and dark but yet fantastic. The world created by Justin Jordan really comes to life with the fantastic art by Ariela Kristantina and Ben Wilsonham. The real question isn't whether the government will be able to keep their secrets - its how long. This book is fun and exciting.  If you are a sci-fi or conspiracy theory fan then this book is certainly for you. I would recommend this book to anyone and give it the first arc to stay on your pull list. 

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Deep State (2014) #2

Dec 9, 2014

Deep State already has me hooked. Justin Jordan's story is very well though out. The series has an eerie feeling that I just can't shake off. The story is great and very refreshing. This story, while seems overdone and old Justin Jordan adds a fresh take to the entire genre. What makes this story that much better is fantastic art by Ariela Kristantina and Ben Wilsonham. We are only two issues in and I feel like the book is already three arcs in. For those of you who are looking for a great sci-fi read you should pick this series up ASAP. 

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Deep State (2014) #3

Jan 13, 2015

This series has a smart and well executed story that is well complimented with beautiful pictures and colours. Together, this makes for a compelling and enjoyable story. Do yourself a favour and pick this series up. We are only three issues in and your local shop may have the first two issues in.

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Gotham Academy (2014) #1

Oct 1, 2014

This comic book was fantastic. I really enjoyed the premise and the execution. Gotham Academy is in session and i know i don't want to be late for class.I recommend this comic book and you should go pick this up right now before it sells out.

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Grayson #4

Nov 5, 2014

Tim Seeley has taken Dick Grayson to a new chapter in his life. This chapter has so far been exciting. While this issue escapes from it's usual seriousness and spy games, it excels the overall story of Dick Grayson. Tim Seeley has made Grayson a must read book in the New 52's line. While this is a very different book in terms of what to expect from such a classic character, it has added a new and exciting element to the overall New 52 line. I would recommend this issue for anyone who wants to read new stories in Dick Grayson's life. 

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Guardians 3000 #1

Oct 1, 2014

After reading this book I do remember how much I loved these characters. I want to go and pick up my old comics and re-read their adventures from the 80's. I am very intrigued with the scenario that Dan Abnett has created and has pretty much left the door open for tons of crazy things. I will for sure read this comic book for the first arc and decide then whether it should stay on my pull list or not. If you are a sci-fi fan or a Guardians of the Galaxy fan then this book is for you!

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Last Born #3

Nov 18, 2014

This issue also does not serve as a good jumping on point as it has the most story and forward progression out of the three issues. This is a fun, trippy sci-fi comic book that should be read by anyone who likes weird sci-fi stories. The world and story created by Patrick Meaney comes to life with fantastic art by Eric Zawadzki. Reading this comic book feels like reading a story of Sliders meets Star Trek with a dash of "what just happened'. This combination of sci-awesomeness is great. I recommend Last Born to anyone but I would pick up the first two issues before reading this issue. 

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Magneto (2014) #17

Apr 16, 2015

Final ThoughtsWhen a superhero book can read like another genre I feel as though the creative team got something right. This issue of Magneto looked and read like a horror book. The overall theme of someone's past coming back to haunt them was taken literally in this issue and was very well done. Magneto has assumed the role of a leader and with that title, he has taken on all of the responsibility it entails. This issue of Magneto was great and the stunning visuals made the price of the book well worth it.

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Nailbiter #6

Oct 2, 2014

The more I read Nailbiter the more I fear for myself as I think I'm enjoying it too much. Perhaps the Buckaroo curse has infected me, perhaps I'm just that deranged...I'm okay with that. Great story telling with creepy and cringe worthy art makes this book one of the best comic books out on the market today.  Joshua Williamson has only shown us the tip of the iceberg when it comes to this story and I for one cannot wait to dive right in. I recommend that you pick this issue up ASAP.  While you're it, i recommend that you pick up the first trade paper back collecting issues 1-5. That way you can be completely caught up with the ongoings in the fine town of Buckaroo. 

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Nailbiter #7

Nov 5, 2014

Nailbiter is one of the most innovative comics out right now. From well written characters to beautiful art and original layouts, this book is the total package. Joshua Williams and Mike Henderson have created a true horror darling. The town of Buckaroo is such a fascinating little town that it draws me right in month after month. This issue needs to be read by everyone. If you haven't caught up then you must do so right away. 

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Nameless #1

Feb 5, 2015

Grant Morrison is one of the best storytellers around today. His work really makes a person think about what they are reading. NAMELESS is no different. This comic book is really well crafted and you know that you will get your moneys worth. While this series feels confusing right off the bat, you can begin seeing the foundation of what Grant Morrison wants to build. The re-readability of this comic book was very high and you may want to read this a couple times before making your final verdict. This comic book may not be for everyone but for those who are familiar with Grant Morrison's work, you will surely enjoy this book.

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Pirouette #1

Oct 7, 2014

TThis is a very good premier issue of a comic book. This is also a genre that I generally wouldn't read but I overall enjoyed this issue. The whole circus setting is only the tip of the iceberg. This book is creepy and chilling at times. There are some panels that will disgust you but it's done so well that you are on the edge of your chair. The fact that a clown can be so unhappy on the inside is pretty ironic and I can't wait to read on. If horror is your cup of tea, then I suggest you pick this comic book up and give it a shot. This four book series has started off strong and I am already drawn into the story and characters.

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Pirouette #2

Nov 26, 2014

Pirouette continues to be a well done comic book. The story is very original and the art is wonderful. It really gets you thinking about how far down the rabbit hole a person would go to find out where they came from. When someone is desperate for the information they are willing to go to great lengths to get the truth. The overall symbolism contained within this story is so strong that it makes the entire series that much more enjoyable. I would recommend this book to anyone who is a fan of a strong and intelligent story. I would also recommend that you read issue #1. Overall, I cannot wait for issue #3 to see where Mark Miller takes Pirouette.

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Power Up #2

Aug 18, 2015

This book may not be for everyone and that's okay. Not everything needs to be for everyone and that's what makes comic books such a great way to consume stories. The regular "magical girl" book has been changed with this series and I love it. We have different types of characters in this book and the comradery between the team is awesome (even though they just assemble). Kate Leth continues to change the norm and does a fantastic job of doing so with a fun story. Matt Cumming's art is a pleasure to look at. It looks and feels like a manga which makes the plot feel authentic. The line work is beautiful and the colors are bright and make each page pop. Pick this book if you haven't given it a shot, its really worth a read.

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Roche Limit #1

Sep 23, 2014

A mystery Sci-fi comic book is pretty much what I would call a perfect combination of genres. The world created by Malhorta and Moreci is as vast as it is deep. They have a firm grasp of the world and where they want to take the readers. I can't help but see various contrasts to the real world in this book. The world is a gritty parallel to the people living on it. The characters are strong and their intentions are known (for now). For a dbut issue, it was very strong and I would recommend anyone getting their pull list ready for tomorrow to add this to it.

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Roche Limit #2

Oct 30, 2014

There seems to be something very dangerous at play at Roche Limit. This issue continues to explore Roche Limit's past while preparing the readers for the future. This issue is arguably better than the last issue as it can go deeper in the elaborate world created by Malhorta and Moreci. The character development, story progression and fantastic art make Roche Limit a must read. 

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Roche Limit #3

Nov 25, 2014

Roche Limit continues to impress me. The story telling has been fantastic. The art is unique and works for this series. As I've stated previously, I am super excited to dig deeper into the history of Roche Limit and find out what is really happening.  Michael Moreci and Vic Malhotra have created a sci-fi whodunnit that transports me right into Roche Limit with its superb story telling and beautiful art. Please, if you haven't added this comic book into your pull list - DO IT NOW!

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Roche Limit #4

Jan 6, 2014

Month to month Roche Limit continues to be a very entertaining comic book. The story has progressed a lot in this issue. We are now being introduced to further sci-fi elements in the story. I am also really enjoying the theological aspects to the dialog. The final page was so well done that I cannot wait for the next issue to drop. With such a strong story comes strong art. Vic Malhotra does a fantastic job of making the art complimentary to the fantastic story. The combination of line work and colours continues to be a high point for this series. Michael Moreci and Vic Malhotra have really created a strong sci-fi book that crosses into various genres. I do not know where this story is going and I'm loving every second of it. I would absolutely recommend folks to go to their store and pick up Roche Limit #4. If you are behind you may be able to find back comics of previous issues.

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Roche Limit #5

Feb 23, 2015

The first volume of Roche Limit is now over. The ending was well executed and the epilogue left the readers in suspense. I am really excited for the second arc/volume. I have very high expectations for this series. While I did nit pick a bit, I have nothing but praise for this issue (and arc). The constant theme of one's fate is an ongoing theme through the series and I hope that we get to explore this further. I also hope that we see various points of views within Roche Limit. I have so many questions about the universe that Michael Moreci and Vic Malhotra have created. I want more now! I highly recommend this issue and series to anyone. Check your LCS for the back issues. You can also wait until march 25th for the first collected edition of this series. Long story short and do yourself a favour – go out and read Roche Limit.

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Roche Limit: Clandestiny #1

May 5, 2015

ROCHE LIMIT CLANDESTINY #1 was a fantastic read. I am very excited to learn more about the new characters. I hope we get the chance to delve into the characters pasts while advancing the overall story and mythos of Roche Limit and the anomaly. If you have read the previous arc then this new arc feels different but still feels like ROCHE LIMIT. If you are a new reader then don't worry, Michael Moreci has created a new story with new characters that are sure to intrigue you. This book is a great read and is easily enjoyed by old and new readers. If you are a fan of a strong character driven sci-fi comic book with great art thanROCHE LIMIT CLANDESTINY #1 will tickle your fancy.

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Roche Limit: Clandestiny #2

Jun 12, 2015

As usual, ROCHE LIMIT: CLANDESTINY is a hit. I recommend this book to anyone who has seen it on the shelves but isn't sure whether they want to pick it up. From having a fantastic script that mixes several genres to beautiful art that makes the script come to life this book just continues to impress me. Add an overall monologue about humans and humanity and you get a fantastic comic book that keeps me wanting more. While this book doesn't fully go ahead and reveal its full plotwe are left with fantastic character and setting building. This will leave all readers wanting more.

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RunLoveKill #1

Apr 15, 2015

Final ThoughtsRUNKILLLOVE #1 was a fantastic read. The story seems really well thought out and the art is just fantastic. the first 12 pages might be my favorite scene in a comic book in a very long time. While we didn't delve into every character too much, there was a sense of intrigue and mystery built that makes me want to read issue 2 ASAP. I made a lot of assumptions about where this story could be heading. I really have no idea what's next and that's a great feeling. This series had a manga feel to it. I can't put my finger on why but it just felt like it was inspired by various Manga's (which is a good thing). If you are a fan of a well written sci-fy comic book with beautiful art than this book is for you! Do yourself a favor and pick this up ASAP! This series is already on my pull list and I am very excited to read issue #2.

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S.H.I.E.L.D. (2014) #5

Apr 29, 2015

S.H.I.E.L.D #5 really brought this series back on track. I really enjoyed the earlier issues but then was iffy on the last few. I really enjoyed the overall story of this issue. I am a huge fan of seeing how the humans react to the magical characters in the Marvel Universe. I really enjoyed the characters they chose for this issue (minus Fitz) and loved the fact that it had Scarlet Witch. Some of the dialog seemed weird but I overall enjoyed the interaction that each character had. This issue was a fun and enjoyable read and that's really all you can ask for a series like this.

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Silk #1

Feb 19, 2015

I really enjoyed this book. It is not fair to compare this to a Spider-Man book but it's hard not too when it uses the same formula as an older Spider-Man comic. We do see some unique elements in SILK #1 and I believe that Robbie Thompson does a great job of building a foundation that will make Cindy Moon and Silk a new and unique character in the Spider-Verse. The highlight of this issue was the art. Stacy Lee does a fantastic job of making SILK #1 pop. The anime style of her line work was very well done.Ian Herring's colours really makes the comic book vibrant, bright, and cheerful. This book is fun. Yes, I used the infamous three letter word that so many comic fans hate to use. While SILK #1 is not perfect, the creative team does a fantastic job of starting something new. This team is a team to watch out for. I sense great things for this series as long as they get to write new, unique SILK stories and not just make it another Peter Parker book.

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Star Wars (2014) #1

Jan 14, 2015

Star Wars has finally made its re-debut to Marvel and things seem to be heading in the right direction. With Star Wars properties being under one umbrella and with Disney's attention to detail, I am sure that continuity will not be a problem. With this comic being held with such high expectations I believe that Jason Aaron, John Cassaday, Laura Martin, Chris Eliopoulos and team lived up to them. We have a well written, beautiful looking Star Wars comic. The story seems to be going in a very fun direction even though it takes place in the middle of the original trilogy so we know how things will end (for the most part). I would recommend this book to people. It's a fun, easy read with fantastic looking pages.

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Star Wars (2014) #2

Feb 5, 2015

We are two issues in and the comic book is living up to all of my expectations. This truly feels like a Star Wars book. The characters are exactly what you remember fromA New Hope and The Empire Strikes Back. The casual throw backs and hints to future developments leave the reader with a nostalgic feeling that really makes this comic enjoyable. Overall, I would recommend this comic book issue to everyone.

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Starfire #4

Sep 9, 2015

Once again I will say that this was a good comic book but there was not enough substance to say "wow". Month to month STARFIRE has been a fun read but it isn't really on my "must read" list. This is not a bad thing. The comic book is good and I will keep it on my pull list. I am really liking the dialog and humor in this book. I am also really loving the art and in particular the colors. If you want a fun read then this book is good for you. If you want an in depth look into Starfire's character then you will be left with wanting more. While this issue did feel like a set up issue, I think that if things pan out as they seem they will in this book, it will become an awesome read. All in all, I recommend folks to give this series a chance as it is a fun read overall.

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Strange Fruit #1

Jul 7, 2015

STRANGE FRUIT #1 delivers and it delivers a fun and exciting story written by two excellent writers. While the subject matter could be controversial,Mark Waid and J.G Jones create a well thought out and realistic(ish) story that is intriguing. I would have to describe this book as “Of Mice and Men” meet “Superman”. The art was just beautiful. The colors were fantastic and I really love this style of paintings for a comic book. I can't even imagine how long a book like this would take to complete. STRANGE FRUIT is a limited series and I am surely going to pick up the entire series as this issue really impressed me and left me wanting more.

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Superman: American Alien #3

Jan 13, 2016

SUPERMAN: AMERICAN ALIEN #3 was a fun coming of age story for Clark Kent. I liked the story a lot and while there were one too many coincidences, it all worked out and made for a very fun story. Max Landis' does a great job of really geting deep into Clark's thoughts and struggles as a 21 year old. We really get a sense of how Clark went from Young adult to Superman. The art in this book was just awesome. The entire team consisting of Joelle Jones, Rico Renzi, and John Workman did a great job of making a beautiful looking book that added to an awesome script.

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Swords of Sorrow #1

May 7, 2015

Gail Simone andSergio Fernandez Davila have something pretty epic in the works. If you are a fan of any heroine in the Dynamite line then you will want to pick this up. We are very early into the story and there isn't much I think we were treated to a nice intro. I cannot wait to keep reading this mini series.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Casey & April #1

Jun 16, 2015

I really had no expectations with this comic book issue. I am a big fan of Casey Jones so I was very excited to give this a shot. That said, I overall liked it and will likely read the remaining three issues. Mariko Tamaki wrote a very fun and different story that expands on non Turtle characters. Overall, while there were issues that I had with the dynamic in Casey and April's relationship, I really enjoyed their characters. Irene Koh's art was just fantastic. I really loved the manga style. Paul Reinwand's colors really added to the art and the bright colors used were great. If you are currently reading the main TMNT story then I think that this would be a fun read.

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The Fiction #1

Jun 16, 2015

I really enjoyed THE FICTION #1. I liked the four main characters as I was able to identify with them. I found myself caring about them in a very short amount of time. I also really enjoyed the overall premise of the comic book. I feel as though we are in store for a really fun".yes i said fun"story with highs and lows for our characters. While the art is normally not"my style" i really liked the art in this book. David Rubin's art was spot on and what really made this book impressive were Michael Garland's colors. This book just popped right out because of the colours. I also want to point out that Colin Bell's letters were on par because while there was a lot of dialogue, the words never once interfered or took over the panel. If you are a fan of a fun, lighthearted and mysterious comic book then I would recommend THE FICTION #1 to everyone out there.

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The Hunt #1

Jul 26, 2016

All in all, this book will stay on my pull list through the arc and I am super excited to read issue #2.

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The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #1

Jan 7, 2015

While Squirrel Girl may not be your typical super hero, she certainly has a place among marvel's new crop of releases. This book is smart, funny and enjoyable. Those are three adjectives that can't be sued to describe many comic books out today. North, Henderson, and Renzi do a great job of reintroducing Squirrel Girl to the masses. This comic book can be enjoyed by both young and old readers alike and each audience will have their own reasons for enjoying this comic book. I would recommend this book to anyone. For the parents who are looking for a new appropriate series for their children , this book is just right. Do yourself a favour and pick this comic book up. You will not be disappointed.

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Thor (2014) #1

Oct 1, 2014

A new Thor has been introduced and while there are still many questions on the minds of readers, Jason Aaron and Russell Dauterman have done a fantastic job to set the stage for what will for sure a memorable story arc and run. Jason Aaron's character development and story paired together with Russell Dauterman and Matthew Wilson's art makes this book beautiful and a must own.  I recommend that folks read this issue as it is a perfect jumping on point for anyone. 

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Thor (2014) #7

Apr 16, 2015

Final ThoughtsMonth after month, Jason Aaron's THOR continues to impress me. He is able to take relatively simple stories and expand them into the mythical to make them suit the overall tone of what Thor is. I am really loving the fact that the identity of Thor is still a mystery. While we inch closer and closer to figuring out her identity I feel as though having this identity a mystery adds to the overall grandeur of what Thor is.Russell Dauterman andMatthew Wilson's art is just wonderful. I have flipped through this book a few times because of how beautiful everything is. Between great storytelling and fantastic art, this issue of Thor is all sorts of win.

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Toe Tag Riot #1

Nov 25, 2014

Toe Tag Riot is a fun well written book with realistic dialog. The reality of the social issues really make this book enjoyable. When a book can easily talk about lesbians and neo-nazis without making it seem like a huge deal, I feel more willing to read that. I love the concept that a zombie band who looks ugly is ridding the world of the real ugliness in this world. If you are open to non traditional subject matter with the forefront being a rock band then this book is certainly for you. Like many new books, I will keep this on my pull list for the first arc and we will evaluate if it stays there after that.

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Toe Tag Riot #4

Apr 14, 2015

We got exactly what was promised. Toe Tag Riot goes up against the Westboro Baptist Chruch. We see a concert, a fight, some guts, some blood and a great ending to this great series. I really hope that this isn't the end of Toe Tag Riot. I hope we get to see more of them. This series has dealt with very interesting subject matters and while humorous, has been done with tastefully. This series will likely end up high on my favourite series of 2015. If you are a fan of fun, well written and good looking books do yourself a favour and check this issue out. Do yourself another favour and check out the entire series!

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Wayward #2

Sep 23, 2014

Supernatural beings, a deep and confused main character and fantastic art make Wayward issue #2 a must read for this week. I recommend this series. We are only at issue #2 and the debut issue is ready for second printing.  Do yourself a favour and pick this up. Even if you can't find issue #1 this issue explains enough of what happened that it can serve as a jumping on point.

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Wayward #3

Oct 28, 2014

This series has been stellar since the start. Each month more and more is revealed of the story and is really building up to be a proper arc with a beginning, middle and end. The characters are well rounded, and while they may not be perfect they all work well together as team. Jim Zub, Steve Cummings, John Rauch and Tamra Bonvillain have created a wonderful world with a wonderful story. I am very excited to see where the rest of this arc goes. This issue goes on sale on Wednesday October 29th and I suggest you pick this up!

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Wayward #4

Nov 25, 2014

This comic book is great. This book has a great combination of humor, action, fantasy and kick ass moments. Jim Zub's mind and creativity is truly at play in the pages of this book. Combine that fantastic writing with art that stands out from other comic books and you have one of the most original and exciting comic books out.  I cannot recommend this book enough to everyone. The story is fantastic and the art is some of the best in comics today. This comic book truly is one of the most exciting and original out today. Do yourself a favour and check this book out. 

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Wayward #6

Mar 25, 2015

Wayward continues to be a great read. At its core, the story fascinates me. Jim Zub does a great job of pacing the plot. While we did get a new crop of characters, I did appreciate the fact that we saw some characters from the first arc. By introducing new characters and expanding the plot, Jim Zub is doing a fantastic job of creating a Wayward world or "Wayworld". The art is just amazing and deserves to be looked at by your own eyes.The new arc started very strong and I am very excited to conitnue reading WAYWARD for its Wayworld.

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Wayward #7

Apr 28, 2015

WAYWARD continues to be a great series. This issue is takes the entire series and takes it up a notch. As mentioned earlier, this issue bridged the two arcs and is really expanding the Way-World to new heights. I am heavily invested in the plot and characters and cannot wait for what's to come. I 100% recommend this issue. If you aren't up to date with past WAYWARD issues, the TPB containing issues 1-5 is already out and you can find it at a comic shop near you. If you are in luck, you can still find issue#6. Then you are ready to take in WAYWARD #7 and I hope that you enjoy it as much as I did.

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We Can Never Go Home #1

Mar 25, 2015

WE CAN NEVER GO HOME was a very fun read. We have a story we've seen before but told in a very creative way.Matthew Rosenberg and Patrick Kindlonare very talented collaborative writers. The art in this issue is really what makes the issue.Josh Hood andAmanda Scurti created a beautiful looking comic book that compliments a well told story with two very interesting characters who come from very different backgrounds. This book resonated with me. I really enjoyed everything about it. Kudos to Black Mask for releasing this comic book. If you have't checked out other Black Mask titles yet – you are seriously missing out. I cannot even begin to describe how great their releases have been as of late.

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Wytches #1

Oct 9, 2014

Wytches has been on my radar since it was announced at Image Expo in January of this year. The wait and anticipation for this book lead me to hope that I wasn't hyping it too much in my mind. Luckily, this book lived up to every expectation that I had and then some. I am drawn into the characters and their story already. Scott Snyder and Jock have created an intriguing world with so much mystery as there is fear. I cannot wait to read more baout the Rook's family and their encounter with the witches. I would recommend this book for anyone who wants to read a horror.

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