Death Of Wolverine #1
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Death Of Wolverine #1

Event\Storyline: Death of Wolverine Writer: Charles Soule Artist: Steve McNiven Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: September 3, 2014 Cover Price: $4.99 Critic Reviews: 37 User Reviews: 31
8.3Critic Rating
8.2User Rating

• The beginning of the end is now here ... THE DEATH OF WOLVERINE!
• THREE MONTHS TO DIE, the loss of Wolverine's healing factor--all led to this, the single most important X-Men event of the decade.
• Logan has spent over a century being the best there is at what he does...but even the best fade away eventually.
• Over the years, Logan has been a warrior, a hero, a renegade, a samurai, a teacher-and so much more. But now, the greatest X-Men hero will play a role he's never played before in this special weekly event brought to you by industry supers more

  • 10
    All-Comic - Jeremy Matcho Sep 3, 2014

    The Death of Wolverine is off to a fantastic start. Charles Soule turns in a great script that has great characterization. The art and colors by Steve McNiven and Justin Ponsor are such an amazing compliment to the story that should leave everyone engaged and impressed. This is killing off an iconic character the right way, with a talented team of superstars. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Vine - Tony 'G-Man' Guerrero Sep 1, 2014

    Wolverine made his first appearance forty years ago and now it's time for him to die. We've been reading about his coming death month after month but this final story arc starts off with a bang. Charles Soule immediately sets the perfect tone for the series and brings to light some aspects of Wolverine's condition that weren't given much attention. The story is presented in a way that newer readers can easily dive into the issue. Steve McNiven's art brings up the energy of the story, giving it an even bigger feel. Knowing that the end is finally in sight, you can't help but feel the excitement and anticipation thanks to Soule and McNiven. It should be obvious--this is a Wolverine story that should not be missed. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Kabooooom - Marcus Hammond Sep 4, 2014

    Overall, Soule, McNiven, and the rest of the creative team of this issue do an excellent job of dispelling andiffidence people may have with this series by constructing a well written, beautifully constructed story. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comics Refueled - vashmcdash Sep 8, 2014

    A very strong set up for the beginning of the end. Soule has left me with the feeling this is only a small scale of how intense this story will be in its emotional and action packed story telling. I personally don't think a better art team could have been put together for this than McNiven, Leisten, and Ponsor. Surprisingly, being that I've never been a big Wolverine fan, this story made me realize how sad I feel forthe character's impending death. At least I know he's going out with a very bloody and explosive bang with this creative team. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Forces Of Geek - Atlee Greene Sep 8, 2014

    I think this speaks volumes to how well Death of Wolverine was produced because while he will be resurrected at some point, the road along the way towards his finale already boasts a sense of bereavement that is gripping and chocked full of exciting possibilities. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Book Herald - Jeff Ayers Sep 3, 2014

    Not going to lie, this first issue hooked me, and I can't wait for issue two, next week! Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comics: The Gathering - ToriBee Sep 4, 2014

    Death of Wolverine so far proves to be multi-faceted and is certainly created in honour of the character with a lot of respect going into the creation of his character's final series. It no doubt will be emotional and fans of Wolverine will appreciate it for what it will deliver. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Spectrum - Gabe Bustamantez Sep 6, 2014

    Will Wolverine stay dead? Of course not. Len Wein even stated in the back-up interview, "Let's be honest-he's not staying away. He's the most lucrative character Marvel has these days." So we know something will happen that will allow for the return of Logan, it's not if he will come back but rather when and how he will come back. But that should not take away from the great story being produced to document his “death”. I'll be back for the rest of this very enjoyable series. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Sep 5, 2014

    But over it all hangs the air of cynicism. I have no doubt that Wolverine will "die" - for a while - but if anyone thinks this is really the end for Marvel's most popular mutant, they have a lot to learn about how comics work. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Needless Essentials Online - Stan Ford Sep 4, 2014

    Yeah, I'm recommending it, but only if you're a fan of Wolverine. Don't get it just to be in the loop of what's happening. It's well done, but not earth-shattering and will not change the way comics are made. Marvel and DC have cheapened character's deaths so badly over the decades that this is just the latest event to promise that "Things Will Never Be The Same Again." Want to impress me, Marvel? Keep him dead. Publish stories set in Logan's past, and you can even frame them around characters he's known getting together over a beer to share a story. That was the best part of the Death of Superman, World Without A Superman. Don't try to have someone step into his boots to carry on the legacy. There is no legacy, there is only one Wolverine. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comicosity - Aaron Long Sep 1, 2014

    The title says it all, Wolverine isn't getting out of this tussle alive, but Soule and McNiven make it very clear in Death of Wolverine #1 that the most prevalent mutant in comics is not just going to fade away. Logan is going out swinging, and this creative team has launched this issue on one hell of a high note. Soule and McNiven are bringing their best to this send off, and readers looking for a classic Wolverine story are going to be very happy with this comic. This is a brilliantly paced issue that will get lapsed readers caught up to speed while also satisfying long time Wolverine readers, and I can't wait to get my hands on #2. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    We The Nerdy - Justin Micallef Sep 4, 2014

    All in all, while the price tag may be a little steep ($5 for artificially padded special features?!), this is a wholly worthwhile entry into the canon of Wolverine and seems to set up the endgame for the emotional gut punch its being touted as. I just pray this isn't Soule's last chance to write Wolverine for it is too good of an opportunity for him to only get one outing. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Unleash The Fanboy - John McCubbin Sep 4, 2014

    Death of Wolverine has so far proven to be the kind of story Logan needs prior to his death, and if it continues in this fashion it could easily become a classic. The issue itself is also worth the extra money, as bar the fancy cover, you also get sketches from McNiven, an interview from Wolverine creator Len Wein, and a directors cut featuring Soule's original script. Highly recommended. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    BGCP - Brendan Doig Sep 3, 2014

    An exceptional start to this mini series, onwards til Death. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Shadowhawk's Shade - Abhinav Jain Sep 4, 2014

    All in all, a great start to a new mini-event from Marvel. Read Full Review

  • 8.8
    Rhymes With Geek - Matt Lune Sep 5, 2014

    Both surprisingly (this event has practically been told through adverts/solicits before it's begun) and unsurprisingly (Soule and McNiven are both serious talent) Death of Wolverine #1 is a solid read and a great start to the end of an icon. Read Full Review

  • 8.8
    Graphic Policy - Brett Schenker Sep 2, 2014

    Logan has lived a hard life, and you feel the weight of it all coming down on him. I myself went in with a bit of cynicism about death in comics, but really who cares. The story is fantastic, the art is amazing. The combination of the two, perfect (add in beautiful coloring too). Wolverine deserves a solid send-off, and in this first issue it looks like he'll get one that befits him. Read Full Review

  • 8.6
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Sep 1, 2014

    The Death of Wolverine is off to a great start so far. This first issue is easily accessible to Wolverine fans of all kinds. It offers a clean, straightforward beginning to Logan's last adventure, but doesn't skimp on the bloodshed or drama. McNiven proves that he's still a giant among Wolverine artists, while Soule's approach to writing the hero instantly sets him apart from the crowd. It's actually kind of a shame that Soule is getting his start with the character by killing him off. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Geeked Out Nation - Jess Camacho Sep 3, 2014

    Death of Wolverine #1 is a solid read. It's all introduction to the plot and what leads to Wolverine's death so it is exposition heavy. It is also easy to get into for any one who hasn't been reading the Wolverine series (like myself). The price point is a bit of a downer though as the bonus material is cool but not necessary. Wolverine's death, as funny as this may sound, is off to a good start. Time will tell if this ends up being a compelling “last” story for Wolverine or not. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    The Kliq Nation - Timdogg Sep 2, 2014

    I am intrigued by the storySoule has crafted for this four-issue goodbye to Wolverine. Someone has put a unique hit out on Wolverine. Normally a bounty would want the person terminated, but this one sees Wolverine more valuable brought back alive. The person behind the bounty is familiar to Logan's history. Things will only get more bloodier before its culmination. Read Full Review

  • 8.0 - Stuart Conover Sep 6, 2014

    I went into ‘Death of Wolverine' not sure of what to expect and closed the last page with a smile on my face. We're going to get the brawler for one last go as he carves through some of his enemies for a final confrontation that he won't be walking away from. I'm a little annoyed with the longer angle they are playing but even with that, I want to read more. Is it a perfect issue? No. But after the last year of ‘Wolverine' it is refreshing to see the Logan we know and I think he's going to go out in style. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Den Of Geek! - Gavin Jasper Sep 4, 2014

    As a first issue, it works well enough and I have enough faith that Soule can deliver in the end. We've yet to really get an idea of what makes this final adventure so much more special than the others outside of Wolverine's death, but the weekly release of the miniseries certainly helps. If Wolverine refuses to slow down, it's fitting that the series refuses to rest several weeks to a month. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Nerdist - Eric Diaz Sep 3, 2014

    Issue #1 of The Death of Wolverine has provided for an interesting start to this story, but I could also see how it could get tiresome very fast, or how it could overstay its welcome (four issues is a bit long for a story like this after all, one that so far is mostly fight scenes, although cool ones.) But for a first issue, I have to say that the combo of Soule and McNiven pulled me in, and I'm at least on board for the first half of this story. I only hope it all doesn't lost steam before all is said and done. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - David Pepose Sep 4, 2014

    Charles Soule and Steve McNiven team up for a strong first outing of Death of Wolverine, which doesn't progress far in plot but looks absolutely gorgeous. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Lance Paul Sep 9, 2014

    The Death of Wolverine is one of the prettiest comics on the shelves this weeks, thanks to Steve McNiven (Civil War) and his talented pencils skills. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comix I Read - Boris Roberto Aguilar Sep 5, 2014

    Since his first full appearance in The Incredible Hulk #181 fans everywhere have enjoyed Wolverine. It's a true shame to see this event happen. While the price can be viewed as a bit high, and the extras may not be required or wanted by everyone it is going to be a series for Wolverine fans to collect.  That said, the actual comic book issue was a good read. There was enough set-up to keep me intrigued and the art was fantastic. I am excited to pick up next week's issue.    Read Full Review

  • 8.0 - Chase Magnett Sep 2, 2014

    After months of advertisements and promotions all screaming that Wolverine will die, I'm surprised to say this, but I'm excited to read The Death of Wolverine. Soule and McNiven share a grasp of the character and understand what it will take to make this story work on its own merits. Wolverine is going to die. We knew that already. This comic may give us a reason to care. Read Full Review

  • 7.4
    Multiversity Comics - James Johnston Sep 4, 2014

    I hate to be vulgar, but imagine if you went to a really hyped-upcircusand fifteen minutes into the show the clowns came out and started jerking off to themselves. Then, before anyone finishes, they zip up their pants and claim they'll continue the show next week at the same extravagant price you already paid for with the intent of seeingtwo hours of circus. Now you have to go home and wait a week for the rest of the show knowing full well that you're still going to have to sit through another round of carnies jerking each other off. There's no promise of what the actual show will entail for the next three rounds; the only certainty you have in this situation is clown cock being waved in your face. Sure, they may get the circus's founder to come out and say some words about the show's early days but that doesn't excuse the groupof clowns circle jerking around him. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Newsarama - Pierce Lydon Sep 2, 2014

    But at the end of the day, all we’ve gotten is a familiar set-up for a familiar final splash page. This is a comic book well-made, no doubt about that, but it’s not exactly breaking any new ground. Soule definitely shows an adept understanding of Logan and his situation. McNiven and the rest of the art team have clearly gone for a certain tone and they nailed it. But for an issue that represents a quarter of the “Death of Wolverine” story, there are absolutely no surprises thus far, and that’s somewhat disappointing. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    ComicList - Brandon Borzelli Sep 6, 2014

    So Wolverine is apparently going to die. This comic starts the reader down that path. There are a lot of faceless assassins gunning for him and a C-list villain, which oddly fits. The book is a nice setup of what's to come presumably, with some fantastic artwork and plenty of back matter. It's worth checking out but doesn't quite reach anywhere near a classic reads category. Give it a shot. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    PopMatters - Jack Fisher Sep 8, 2014

    Even if Wolverine's death is destined to be temporary, the story in Death of Wolverine #1 offers a compelling foundation for an emotionally charged story. This firmly established to be Wolverine's final battle, at least for a while. Like the movie Snakes on a Plane, there is little ambiguity with respect to the content of the story. The success or failure of the story hinges on its ability to generate the right emotional impact. It might not be possible to evoke all right emotions due to the nature of death in comics, but this issue does succeed in laying the foundation. It might be a foundation built on unstable shores, but it's one that could still support a strong story. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Booked - Newell Turner Sep 3, 2014

    One thing that bugged me about this book is the fact that it's $4.99. I'm not a huge Wolverine, nor am I his biggest detractor, so shelling out this kind of money for a death story that will most likely be undone in the not too distant future was kind of painful. Fortunately, the book was pretty decent, and Marvel provided some extra content to make up for the extra dollars spent. There's samples of McNiven's rough pencil's with commentary by the artist, an interview with Len Wein (Wolverine's creator), and a Director's Cut, which shows the art through various stages from start to finish, along with excerpts from Soule's script. These extras may not do it for everyone, but if you're a process nerd like me, they're kind of cool. I'm not sure if they're five bucks cool, but cool nonetheless. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Resources - Meagan Damore Sep 1, 2014

    In "Death of Wolverine" #1, Charles Soule, Steve McNiven, and Jay Leisten provide a solid overview of Wolverine as a character -- no more, no less. Well written, wonderfully drawn, the issue is beautiful and brutal all at once but its story lacks a certain oomph to drive it home. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Word Of The Nerd - Sean Ian Mills Sep 5, 2014

    On the one hand, Death of Wolverine #1 is a very well-written and well-drawn start to what could be a very powerful Wolverine story. The character is as strong as ever, but both Soule and McNiven give him a world-weariness that we don't see very often. Wolverine really feels like he's on his last legs, mentally and physically, and that makes this series unique. On the other hand, who really cares that Wolverine is going to die in a fight with his classic villains? It's a fight we've seen dozens of times before, and the death probably won't even last a full year. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    Buccaneer Book Reviews - Zafar Khurshid Sep 5, 2014

    I'm interested to see if they'll actually go through with finishing him off, so I'm gonna read on (though let's face it, they probably won't, Wolverine never loses). Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Major Spoilers - Matthew Peterson Sep 4, 2014

    The Death Of Wolverine #1 feels and reads like an important book, and while it's not the perfect single issue tale, it's still a well-written and well-drawn chunk of story that creates real tension for Wolverine. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Eye On Comics - Don MacPherson Sep 4, 2014

    Back in 1992, everyone knew DC Comics wasn't really going to kill Superman, not permanently, but the epic caught people's imaginations with the level of the hero's sacrifice, with the introduction of new characters, with an exploration of grief and with the effect of a void no one ever thought would exist. But the stunt's been pulled so many times in the past couple of decades, by both Marvel and DC, it's definitely grown stale. There was a time when readers could ignore an inherent lie such as the one in the title of this limited series, but that time is far behind us. Read Full Review

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