Gabe Bustamantez's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Comic Spectrum Reviews: 19
8.4Avg. Review Rating

All-New Ghost Rider #6

Aug 20, 2014

This issue is a great jumping on point for anyone who may have missed the previous 5 issues, but wants to get in on the series. Felipe Smith and Damion Scott have created a story that should familiarize new readers with this world while still keeping the attention of regular readers. Smith & Scott were able to progress the over-all story of Robbie and Gabe's relationship while introducing some new story elements that new and regular readers can grab on to and make them want to dig in for the rest of the ride. I'm letting them drive me along for more issues of this series.

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All-New X-Men #32

Sep 22, 2014

It is very fitting that the second time characters from these two Marvel Universes have crossed over and shared a story together is happening in a comic all about a team of time displaced younger X-Men characters. The mini-series "Spider-Men" was the first time the two universes collide and gets referenced in this issue. Dimension hopping has always been a part of the X-Men lure, now we get to see these young X-Men deal with being in the Ultimate Universe where there are almost no X-Men left. The issue is a very quick read that serves as set up to the remaining story and the side stories. The smaller stories for each character within the larger main story really helped to make the issue feel like I was getting much more which kept my interest and will bring me back for the rest of this story arc.

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Amazing Spider-Man (2014) #9

Nov 9, 2014

Dan Slott loves Spider-Man it is taking all of his Spider-Geek knowledge to hold down this much story. I highly recommend Amazing Spider-Man #9 is the perfect jumping on point for anyone that is at all curious about Spider-Verse and may have missed the Edge of Spider-Verse issues, or any other tie-in issues because this issue has everything you need to catch up. It provides the drama and the suspense to feel invested in the a story where Spider-Man after Spider-Man is murdered, this is the first, of hopefully many, big pay off issues in the Spider-Verse storyline. All the hints and teases start to take form in this story, which is basically a Spider-Man version of a "getting the team together" story. So, check this issue out and get ready for some big adventure with high end art.

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Ant-Man (2015) #1

Jan 11, 2015

Issue #1 of Ant-Man is one of the best first issues I've read in recent memory. Nick Spencer used the interview scene as a creative way to catch the reader up on Scott Lang's origin. If you've been completely in the dark about Ant-Man and Scott Lang you'll get everything you need in the first few pages of this issue. This was a classic Marvel style story and character. Scott Lang is a normal person with normal everyday problems that I could really identify with who just happens to have a suit that gives him super abilities. But the suit can't fix his relationship with his ex-wife or keep his family from moving away from him. This issue is highly recommend, especially if you have kids, or an ex-wife, or even if you just know someone who can't get out of his own way like Scott Lang.

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Avengers (2012) #40

Jan 21, 2015

If you're not reading the ‘Time Runs Out' Avenger issues, then you're missing the real "event" storyline happening in Marvel Comics. An event that will lead into the larger Secret Wars story. Hickman's years of seeding stories is starting to bear fruit, some of those story beats were planted pre-Infinity and shows that Hickman had all of these planned out from the start. I think this issue would be a great point for lapsed readers of Hickman's run to return and continue going forward into Secret Wars.

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Batgirl (2011): Futures End #1

Sep 14, 2014

This issue of Batgirl marks the end to Gail Simone's run. She is one of the last original creators who launched the New 52 line 3 years ago and has written every issue of this Batgirl series. Since this issue is a part of a "potential future" we are left wondering if any of these stories will still be a part of the DC Universe once Futures End has wrapped up. On the plus side, we have what looks to be an interesting new take (perhaps soft reboot) happening with Batgirl in issue #35.

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Catwoman (2011) #35

Oct 27, 2014

Right now is the best time in years to check out Catwoman. Everything from her new image to her new station within Gotham City is providing the perfect chance to follow what feels like a title with a purpose and a story that's not “just the same” as so many others. Even though this issue is a fresh start with a revamped Catwoman it still comes with a learning curve. It's almost a prerequisite to read the recent issues of Batman Eternal to fully understand when and how these changes started, unless you're prepared to just jump in and take the new status quo at face value. You're not given enough backstory on Selina's quick rise to power in this issue and that confusion made me want to hunt down those issue to see how it all happened. That said, there is more than enough here to make me want to stay with the title and see where this story is going and what kind of trouble Selina will get herself into.

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Daredevil (2014) #9

Oct 20, 2014

Everything about Daredevil #9 is well put together, using two of comics best creators who make it look like creating comics is easy. This issue is a tale of abused children stolen by a monster, they fought to get away after getting the ability to finally stand up for themselves. One thing is for sure; I will continue to read and follow this series because Mark Waid and Chris Samnee really seem like they're having a fun time with this Daredevil series and that enthusiasm for comics infects me and causes me to have a fun time reading their stories.

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Death Of Wolverine #1

Sep 6, 2014

Will Wolverine stay dead? Of course not. Len Wein even stated in the back-up interview, "Let's be honest-he's not staying away. He's the most lucrative character Marvel has these days." So we know something will happen that will allow for the return of Logan, it's not if he will come back but rather when and how he will come back. But that should not take away from the great story being produced to document his “death”. I'll be back for the rest of this very enjoyable series.

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Fantastic Four (2014) #13

Nov 29, 2014

With this great and well put together story that Robinson and Kirk have been set up it's sad to know the series will soon be ending again (but for how long?). Even with an end in sight, it does not take away from the excellent work that FF fans have been getting in the pages of this current series. Even with elements from Original Sin shoe-horned in Robinson has been able to keep his story on track not allowing it to become a mess.

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Harley Quinn (2013) Annual #1

Nov 5, 2014

The Harley Quinn Annual is a fun and silly stand alone story with a beginning, middle and an end that includes art from so many great artists. For a comic that is double the normal cover price the added element of the scents are fun and interesting and the extra pages are nice since you get to see so many great artists draw Harley for the first time. If you're at all interested in reading this issue with the addition of the 'Rub n Smell' gimmick then you will need to go buy yourself a physical copy of this issue, since that may be the only way to get the added effects of the scents. It's an interesting notion and seems to be the main selling point justifying the $5.99 cover price, so if it's “cool to you” look for this at your local shop. while it's still available

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Red Lanterns #34

Aug 29, 2014

This issue may not have been the best issue to start off with due to all the new characters introduced recently, like Judge, or all the big changes that have occurred during Charles Soule's run. Did you know Supergirl was a Red Lantern? But, this issue had enough going on for it and I was given enough information to enjoy the ending and feel satisfied with the new direction that will be taking place soon. The direction this title is heading at the end of this story along with the big battles, crazy developments, and kinetic art have made me intrigued and I'm a new fan of The Red Lanterns series. I will continue to follow this series from here on and also catch up with back issues. If you like action, check this issue out!

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Robin Rises: Alpha #1

Dec 30, 2014

I think Robin Rises: Alpha #1 as a stand alone 1-shot comic would be really hard to follow without having read the rest of the Robin Rises issues. But, how many people are going to pick this up without already being invested in the series from the beginning? Having read this story from the beginning this was a very disappointing issue to end an otherwise enjoyable storyline. The story was already told, and the rest of the story in the issue was a quick fight scene and the "putting back the pieces" type ending. It felt like filler. Not exactly what I expected from a $4.99 comic book. Unless you're a completionist and need this issue to finish up the series or for your collection, you can skip this issue and not miss out on much.

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S.H.I.E.L.D. (2014) #1

Jan 3, 2015

I felt that this issue was a charming and accessible first issue. Even for someone like myself who is not very familiar with the TV show, since I checked out after the first few episodes of Season 1. I know–I've been told the series gets much better later on. This is how I hoped the TV series would have been. S.H.I.E.L.D is the first comic series about the organization Marvel has put out in a long time, and I enjoyed the done-in-one format of this issue, I hope it stays going forward with this series, with Coulson and his team being assigned a mission and calling in any Marvel characters he needs to get the job done. This series reminds me of a Marvel Super Heroes version of Warren Ellis' Global Frequency series. The next issue features the new Ms. Marvel, Kamala Khan, so I will be back to check that out.

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Spider-Man & The X-Men #1

Dec 15, 2014

I would recommend this series to anyone that enjoyed Avengers Academy, Young Avengers, or the original volume of Wolverine and X-Men. The creative team has a pretty good grasp on Spider-Man and I'm willing to stick around to see that grow and to see where this story will take us. If this issue is any indication, Spider-Man and his Sweat-Hogs could end up anywhere.

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Superior Foes of Spider-Man #17

Dec 1, 2014

I'm impressed and proud that Nick Spencer and Steve Lieber were able to bring The Superior Foes of Spider-Man all the way to the finish line. Too many series land flat on their faces or have their storylines abandoned once the cancellation notice are given, but Spencer and Lieber were able to give us an ending to the series that provided closure and felt genuine. I highly recommend that you give this series a chance in collected edition or as back-issue bin acquisitions. It was short-lived but was still able to provided a great overarching storyline that lived on the sidelines of the Marvel U, and didn't get sidetracked during the big Marvel events. It satisfies the "something new and different" itch that many of us are looking to scratch these days. And if you became a fan of the Nick Spencer / Steven Lieber creative team you'll be able to follow them over to their new Image Comics series called "The Fix" that is starting in 2015.

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Superior Iron Man #1

Nov 15, 2014

If you were like me, and felt skeptical about another comic with another "hero turned bad" story, then allow Tom Taylor and Yildiray Cinar a chance to win you over with a perfect first issue that has a cliffhanger ending that will make you want to add this title to your pull list just to make sure issue 2 is there for you.

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Thanos vs. Hulk (2015) #1

Dec 7, 2014

Take your time when reading this, Jim Starlin is obviously putting a lot of effort to write and drawn this story. Add it to your list, and read an issue any time you feel like you need a break to step away from all the Inversions, Incursions and other title spanning crossover tales.

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The Multiversity: Thunderworld Adventures #1

Dec 23, 2014

Even though parts of the story were hard to understand I would still recommend this issue, especially if you're a fan of Cameron Stewart's art like I am. Multiversity Thunderworld Adventures provides a great feel for Captain Marvel and the Marvel Family of characters. Multiversity as a whole is very, very heavy with the comic book meta and commentary, but Thunderworld is very enjoyable as a stand alone story. I can only hope that this version of Captain Marvel, set on Earth 5, can some how be allowed to live on past the Multiversity saga with its own series set outside the regular New 52 universe and continuity.

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