Catwoman #35

Writer: Genevieve Valentine Artist: Lee Loughridge, Garry Brown Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: October 22, 2014 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 19 User Reviews: 12
8.4Critic Rating
8.3User Rating

Meet Selina Kyle Crime Boss of Gotham City! Spinning out of events in BATMAN ETERNAL Selina has accepted the family mantle and embraced her true criminal side, but is Gotham City ready for her reign? And with the Cat away, whos the stranger haunting the empty rooftops of the city? Dont miss the start of a bold new direction for Selina Kyle by the new creative team of novelist Genevieve Valentine and Garry Brown (Five Ghosts, Iron Patriot).

  • 10
    Comicosity - Matt Santori Oct 22, 2014

    Like The Godfather Part II crossed with The Dark Knight, the new direction on Catwoman beginning in #35 is a magnificent revitalization not just for the ongoing title, but also for Selina Kyle herself. Valentine has solidified everything hopeful and true about Selina without any sense of artificiality in the process. I cant recommend this book highly enough. Read Full Review

  • 10
    All-Comic - Milo Milton Jef"feries Oct 27, 2014

    Catwoman #35 is everything that readers could have hoped for from a new creative team, and this reviewer can't recommend this issue enough. From start to finish, it's excellent, and gives readers a great idea as to what to look out for next. The Black Mask is the primary threat established in this issue and it'll be very good indeed to see where Valentine takes Selina from here, because this is a book that will certainly have you sticking around for more. The creative change has injected fresh life into a weak series, and if you've been wanting to read Catwoman for ages but have been put off by the negative reception that the book has been getting so far, then #35 is certainly the book for you. Read Full Review

  • 9.1
    Geeked Out Nation - Draven Katayama (loudlysilent) Oct 23, 2014

    Where has Garry Brown been my whole life? Brown's deeply shaded pencils are reminiscent of the Bat canon's high-water mark:David Mazzucchelli's <em>Batman: Year One</em>. Valentine's mature, sophisticated story is a breath of fresh air from both Selina's unsatisfactory recent stories and the dominant event-driven culture of comics today. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Nerds Unchained - Connor Frigon Oct 23, 2014

    Garry Brown is a talented artist, and his work makes a solid impact, even during quiet moments. I love the way he draws Selina. Her frame is more powerful than we usually see, and her look in the suit (my god I love the suit) is total alpha female. Black Mask is positioning himself as Selina's rival, and his look under Brown's hand is chilling. Occasionally his details slip away in the big picture, but not enough to annoy a demanding reader like myself. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    AIPT - Jordan Richards Oct 22, 2014

    Catwoman #35 is a little miracle. The new creative team gives this book just what it needed: an intriguing story, a well-written main characters, solid writing, and fantastic looking artwork. It's been a long time since I've been so excited and happy to read Catwoman, and I hope that this joy and the quality of the book will continue in future issues. Highly recommended, especially if you are a fan of the character and of Batman Eternal. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Shadowhawk's Shade - AJ Oct 26, 2014

    Garry Brown is the artist here with Lee Loughridge on colours and lettering duties shared by Sal Cipriano and Taylor Esposito while Jae Lee and June Chung provide the cover. The combination of Garry and Lee means that the art on this issue veers close to awesome. There are some panels where the female characters, particularly Selina and her female cousin look too alike and the differentiation really is lacking, but overall the art was quite solid. Gone is Selina's "cat-walk", now she is a bold and confident major player in Gotham's hidden politics and she has the body language to match all of that. Plus the artists are really able to capture how she feels about being a major mob boss really well, so I'm definitely not complaining in any way. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Needless Essentials Online - Stan Ford Oct 22, 2014

    Ultimately, that's what this story is about, and why it can be so relatable. This isn't a story about a woman running a crime family. This isn't even a story about Catwoman. It's all about someone who pauses to look around andfinds themselves in a position in their life that they'd never thought that they'd be in, but are going with it, because that's where they are. It's about those points in our lives where we honestly can't believe we're here and wonder how we got here. That's what this story is about, not about Selina Kyle trying to run Gotham City's crime families, but about something far more personal, and that is something that I can actually get behind. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Batman-News - Joshua McDonald Oct 23, 2014

    Valentine and Brown team up to bring a smart and sexy interpretation of Catwoman. The new direction is a risk, but turns out to be a home run! I feel like Selina is at her best when she's cloaked in complexity, and there's definitely plenty of that here! Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Doom Rocket - Molly Jane Kremer Oct 23, 2014

    Catwoman #35, with its fantastic ear for dialog, has the cinematic feel of a great TV crime-drama, and atone one would typically expect from Vertigo and Image's finer offerings. It has the accessibility all first-issues should aspire to, and gives a solid foundation of what this book is and where it intends to go. While the other aforementioned new-to-the-block Bat-books have a decided (and purposeful) teen appeal, this is a book for adults, full of intricate complexities, featuring that ever-sought "strong female protagonist". Valentine seems determined to give Selina's story the gravitas and sophistication it deserves, and pantsuit or not, Catwoman is now serious business. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Minhquan Nguyen Oct 28, 2014

    A direction for Selina that makes her the powerful woman she should be, not just Batman's guilty pleasure. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Unleash The Fanboy - John McCubbin Oct 23, 2014

    Catwoman #35 is exactly the kind of fresh take that both the series and character has needed for a long time. Though the story may need some work, the general premise sends things in the right direction, leaving me hooked for the next issue. Highly recommended. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Spectrum - Gabe Bustamantez Oct 27, 2014

    Right now is the best time in years to check out Catwoman. Everything from her new image to her new station within Gotham City is providing the perfect chance to follow what feels like a title with a purpose and a story that's not “just the same” as so many others. Even though this issue is a fresh start with a revamped Catwoman it still comes with a learning curve. It's almost a prerequisite to read the recent issues of Batman Eternal to fully understand when and how these changes started, unless you're prepared to just jump in and take the new status quo at face value. You're not given enough backstory on Selina's quick rise to power in this issue and that confusion made me want to hunt down those issue to see how it all happened. That said, there is more than enough here to make me want to stay with the title and see where this story is going and what kind of trouble Selina will get herself into. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - Lan Pitts Oct 27, 2014

    From cat suit to pants suit, Selina Kyle has got it going on. With some of the Batbooks recently aiming for a younger audience, Catwoman goes right in the opposite with a more "grown up" approach. This isn't really an issue about moments that move the story, but how Catwoman is presented. It's like Valentine and company have buried the previous installments and have started laying the ground work for a really nice mansion on top of it. Valentine's sensibilities give Selina the revitalization she was in desperate need of, and the start of something new that both new readers and longtime fans can embrace. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - Tony 'G-Man' Guerrero Oct 22, 2014

    It's time to check out CATWOMAN once again. There's a new creative team and a whole new direction for Selina Kyle. As we see her make her move to try to fix certain things in Gotham City, there's also an element of mystery going on. The new level of complexity being added to her character is something we will relish. Garry Brown's art fits the tone of the story nicely. If you've been wondering what Catwoman has been up to lately, this is a great place to jump in. There may be some tiny moments of confusion but you'll want to stick around to find out more. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Eva Ceja Oct 27, 2014

    This is a fun new take on Catwoman that really makes her a strong character, not to mention resemble the HECK out of Anne Hathaway (approve!). I would have liked to see Miss Annie in a little more action in the catsuit, but I am excited to see what the new issues brings for Gothams head nemesis. They try to compare her to the leader of England, Elizabeth I, but I feel as though maybe Selina will come back to the side she knew before and fight alongside her desired bat-toy. One can only dream. Kudos to artist Brown for making Batman oh-so-kissable, with just a touch of man scruff. I will sleep well tonight. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Multiversity Comics - Jess Camacho Oct 24, 2014

    Selina Kyle is very much back. She's not an object or assistant to anyone anymore. She's living a much darker life now that will test her morality and place in the Bat-Family, but the future is bright thanks to this creative team. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Newsarama - Pierce Lydon Oct 23, 2014

    But overall, coupled with Lee Loughridge's colors, Catwoman feels like a crime noir title and that's a good thing for a book that had little identity before. Read Full Review

  • 6.8
    Weird Science - Jim Werner Oct 27, 2014

    Catwoman #35 is a strange title for me to review.  I can see how it could appeal to some people, but it just isn't my cup of tea.  I want a fun Catwoman and while this book is well written, it's not much fun at all.  I'm glad that Catwoman fans are finally getting a better book, I just wonder if this is the one they wanted. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Book Resources - Doug Zawisza Oct 23, 2014

    "Catwoman" #35 looks like a Vertigo book, which is appropriate with editor Mark Doyle on the helm, but an odd choice at this juncture in the series' run. With issues of "Batman Eternal" still to be published, it seems like a peculiar time to tie Selina Kyle's activities into that series so tightly. This issue is a dynamic departure from anything the series has delivered to this point, as "Catwoman" takes a backseat for now while Selina Kyle sets out to show Gotham how to do business. It makes for a fine jumping on point and adds another option to those seeking diversity from the Bat-family of titles. Read Full Review

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