Superior Foes of Spider-Man #17
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Superior Foes of Spider-Man #17

Writer: Nick Spencer Artist: Steve Lieber Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: November 26, 2014 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 12 User Reviews: 15
8.9Critic Rating
9.3User Rating

• This is it! The end! The finale! The big wrapuperoo!!
Rated T+

  • 10 - Stuart Conover Nov 29, 2014

    The final verdict of the final issue? If you haven't been picking up the ‘The Superior Foes of Spider-Man' you've been missing out and you should order the first two collections right now to get you caught up. It's a funny book that tells a good tale at the same time and was much more entertaining than it probably had any right to be. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    We The Nerdy - Dennis Burns Dec 1, 2014

    This book is now over, but I am delighted that it even made it to issue 17. At the end of the day, this was one of the funniest books on the stands month in and month out. Using some of the same styles and visual gags asHawkeye, this comic tried to make readers care about some D-list villains in ways that would never have been attempted even five or ten years ago by the Big 2. That alone, in my opinion, is a win. Readers can also take consolation in the fact that Spencer and Lieber will be creating another book together for Image Comics in the near future, so this collaboration is over but their partnership will continue. I'm hopeful that this new comic (though not much has been revealed about it yet) will continue for longer than 17 issues and that it will find the audience whichSuperior Foes struggled to find. Any comic which puts out panels like the one below deserves to be made. Spencer and Lieber. Those guys, right? Read Full Review

  • 9.1
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Nov 26, 2014

    It's only fitting that Steve Lieber is on board for this finale, as his art has been as vital in establishing the unique tone and storytelling sensibilities of this series as anything. This is a more subdued issue in many ways. The scope is generally smaller, and many scenes take place in a dimly lit bar as Boomerang wraps up his long-winded story. But through it all, Lieber gives the issue a spark of life and a sense of visual playfulness. It's heartening to know that, even though this series is done, Spencer and Lieber will continue their collaboration on a new project. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Danny Wall Dec 3, 2014

    It's the kind of book that makes you laugh, 'cause even if you can't sympathize with Boomerang or his crew, you can at least understand their struggles and ambition. I don't think you are supposed to identify with a supervillain, per se, but the first-person narration, the brilliant sequential panel work, and emotive colors will make you feel kinship for a group of ragtag costumed criminals. Unless you are already running with that kind of crew, in which case, you better start modeling your career path after the Shocker, which is, in fact, quite shocking. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Infinite Comix - Thomas Crawford Nov 30, 2014

    This entire series, beginning to end, has been a thing of beauty. It's a real labor of love, and it shows in every page (literally on the cover, as the cast sit around laughing while Nick and Steve smile in the background). It's a brilliant book that offers heists, laugh out loud funny gags, and memorable characters. To that end, fare thee well, Superior Foes of Spider-Man, you shall be remembered fondly. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Geeks Unleashed - joedwardlewis Dec 1, 2014

    SuFo # 17 was a fantastic end to a superior comic book series " long live the Superior Foes of Spider-Man. Read Full Review

  • 9.0 - Chase Magnett Nov 27, 2014

    The Superior Foes of Spider-Man ends here. It was a comic filled with attitude, gags, and heists all told with inimitable style, and now it's gone for good. That finality serves as a fine conclusion to the series though. This was never a comic about winning. It was a comic about losing and being too stupid or too romantic or too strong willed to accept that. Spencer and Lieber created fifteen of the best issues published by Marvel in years because they recognized it's better to be a loser who tried than a winner who played it safe. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Superior Spider-Talk - Brad Brown Nov 28, 2014

    Superior Foes of Spider-Man #17 satisfactorily brings to a close the best series we didn't know we wanted. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Henchman-4-Hire - Sean Ian Mills Nov 29, 2014

    There's not much more I can say about this series and this finale beyond total praise. It was routinely funny, had some great, character-based storytelling, and really fleshed out an often overlooked corner of the Marvel Universe. The art by Lieber was always top notch and expressive, taking the style laid out by David Aja in Hawkeye and making it his own. This series had everything going for it, but sometimes good comics just don't stick around. At least we can all say we were there and we read it, and sometimes that has to be enough. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Spectrum - Gabe Bustamantez Dec 1, 2014

    I'm impressed and proud that Nick Spencer and Steve Lieber were able to bring The Superior Foes of Spider-Man all the way to the finish line. Too many series land flat on their faces or have their storylines abandoned once the cancellation notice are given, but Spencer and Lieber were able to give us an ending to the series that provided closure and felt genuine. I highly recommend that you give this series a chance in collected edition or as back-issue bin acquisitions. It was short-lived but was still able to provided a great overarching storyline that lived on the sidelines of the Marvel U, and didn't get sidetracked during the big Marvel events. It satisfies the "something new and different" itch that many of us are looking to scratch these days. And if you became a fan of the Nick Spencer / Steven Lieber creative team you'll be able to follow them over to their new Image Comics series called "The Fix" that is starting in 2015. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Resources - Doug Zawisza Dec 1, 2014

    This series has been an oasis of ridiculousness, which as handled by Spencer and Lieber, makes for entertaining, top-of-the-stack reading, and this final issue of the series is no different. "The Superior Foes of Spider-Man" #17 includes appearances from the Owl, Black Cat, Doctor Doom, the Punisher, Iron Man and more as Boomerang regales the readership -- and a mysterious, but incredibly relevant shadowy figure -- with the culmination of events over the course of this series. Rather than tidy everything up in a nice, final bow, Spencer and Lieber bring readers a satisfactory conclusion, but leave the world they've created prepped and waiting for future visits. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - David Pepose Dec 1, 2014

    While some of the usual caveats may apply - it's still super-late, and there's no making up for the momentum Spencer and company have lost with all these delays - and some might see this conclusion as too cheeky for its own good, I think that this conclusion really distills the charm of Superior Foes of Spider-Man. It's funny, it's all over the place, and it's not afraid to admit its own rough edges. If only more books could be similiarly flawed. Read Full Review

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