Roche Limit #4

Writer: Michael Moreci Artist: Vic Malhotra Publisher: Image Comics Release Date: January 7, 2015 Cover Price: $3.5 Critic Reviews: 11 User Reviews: 4
8.7Critic Rating
7.4User Rating

Alex and Sonya take a dangerous trip to the anomaly while all hell breaks loose on the colony.

  • 10
    Big Comic Page - Craig Neilson Jan 6, 2015

    To go into detail about the events of this issue would be to completely undermine the stellar work Moreci has done to build things up to this point, so Ill gloss over any potential spoilers in favour of – well –you picking this issueup yourself. What I will say however is that while the series may have started off as something of a slow burner, Roche Limit is rapidly picking up a pace that seems unlikely to slow down any time soon. Morecis skilful world-building and Malhotras uniquely expressive artwork combine here to create something truly memorable; a noir-soaked sci-fi masterclass complete with twists, turns and dramatic, character-driven moments. Plus, as Ive just proved myself, its stillnot too late to get up to speed with this impressive series, and I strongly advise anyone reading this whos still on the fence to do just that. Trust me, you wont regret it. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comix I Read - Boris Roberto Aguilar Jan 6, 2014

    Month to month Roche Limit continues to be a very entertaining comic book. The story has progressed a lot in this issue. We are now being introduced to further sci-fi elements in the story. I am also really enjoying the theological aspects to the dialog. The final page was so well done that I cannot wait for the next issue to drop. With such a strong story comes strong art. Vic Malhotra does a fantastic job of making the art complimentary to the fantastic story. The combination of line work and colours continues to be a high point for this series. Michael Moreci and Vic Malhotra have really created a strong sci-fi book that crosses into various genres. I do not know where this story is going and I'm loving every second of it. I would absolutely recommend folks to go to their store and pick up Roche Limit #4. If you are behind you may be able to find back comics of previous issues. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Bloody Disgusting - Torin Chambers Jan 7, 2015

    Morecis Roche Limit openings are bar none some of the best in comics today. Im as giddy as a school girl every issue to see how hes going to open my mind in an exciting and meaningful new way. Theyre the silky smooth chocolate covering the delectable st Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Rhymes With Geek - Nikki Sherman Jan 5, 2015

    Go out and get Roche Limit #4. Pick up the whole series if you haven't done so yet. This is a book that grows nearer and dearer to my heart with each issue, and it's never too late to jump aboard the awesome train. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Geeked Out Nation - Jess Camacho Jan 7, 2015

    “Roche Limit” continues to be one of the very best comics being put out by Image Comics. It's certainly the best science fiction outside of “Saga”. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Horror DNA - James Ferguson Jan 11, 2015

    Roche Limit has blended elements of science fiction and noir in a way that manages to emphasize the best parts of both genres, making them stronger for it. This issue is a bit more in the sci-fi side of things, but it is packed with a level of tension that runs through every page. Something is about to give on this space colony and there's a body count that's going to come with it. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comics Bulletin - Michael Bettendorf Jan 6, 2015

    There is a lot that happens in this issue. Threads are braided together into a fluid, but still mysterious strand. The pacing of the action sequences and visual clues help balance out the dense dialogue and ideas that are represented in Roche Limit. The revelations discovered in this issue are critical to the characters in the story and whats left is to see how theyre transformed. How about you, will you be transformed? Read Full Review

  • 8.9
    Multiversity Comics - Keith Dooley Jan 8, 2015

    "Change your world" is the final admonishment from the explorer at the beginning of this issue. With "Roche Limit", Moreci and Malhotra are taking that character's advice and succeeding at upending expectations of a science fiction story and regaling us with their tale the way they want to tell it. Through great art comes questioning of perception or simply exciting experiences. This artistic team has succeeded at both. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Infinite Comix - Cory Copeland Jan 3, 2015

    It may have taken Roche Limit four issues to find its identity, but now that it has found it, the book has become very interesting. The first few issues buried the lede in favor of sci-fi world building character introductions. Unfortunately, it meant that Roche Limit took four issues to stand out from the myriad of science fiction comics on the rack. With issue 4, Roche Limit has clearly drawn out territory that belongs solely to it. It is ambitious and it has my attention now. It should have your attention as well. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics: The Gathering - F.D. White Dec 24, 2014

    As we approach the finale of the first arc, the stakes have been raised to catastrophic levels. Moreci has noted that the next arc will be removed from this current one so I look forward to the chaos that might ensue next month! Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    All-Comic - Dan Pennacchia Jan 5, 2015

    Just as it occurs many times within each issue, Moreci ends the fourth chapter of Roche Limit on a cliffhanger. Even though it looks like things are coming together, the lead characters find themselves facing jeopardy while, elsewhere, Moscow looks to take apart the entire population. The stakes continue to climb as the series pushes forward. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    xiombarg Jan 8, 2015

    Roche Limit stirs up a mixture of familiar sci-fi elements into a story that is somewhat interesting, but maybe a little too familiar. The writing seems to make great effort to establish the role of science as a general topic, but then the story immediately goes into pseudo-religious territory under the guise of science. It's sort of a bait and switch. I guess I just felt that everything in this comic is a bit weak. The art is so-so, the story reads like a drawn out episode of Star Trek New Generation (with more swearing), and the characters don't grab me. As a whole it's not bad, but not really compelling either.

  • 8.0
    Deltron0 Sep 29, 2015

  • 8.0
    bl0odshot Apr 4, 2015

  • 7.5
    havok1977 Feb 3, 2015

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