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Joined: Nov 19, 2013

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xiombarg reviewed A.D.: After Death #1 Nov 24, 2016

It seems Image has become the independent comic book company who only publish stories written by writers who work for either Marvel or DC. But with that said here we have another interesting high concept story by Snyder.

A.D.: After Death #1

By: Scott Snyder, Jeff Lemire
Released: Nov 23, 2016


What if we found a cure for death?
Two of comics' most acclaimed creators, SCOTT SNYDER (WYTCHES, Batman, American Vampire) and JEFF LEMIRE (DESCENDER, Moon Knight, Sweet Tooth) unite to create a three-part epic like no other, set in a future where a genetic cure for death has been found. Years after the discovery, one...

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Doctor Strange Annual #1

By: Kathryn Immonen, Leonardo Romero
Released: Sep 28, 2016

• Clea comes back into Doctor Strange's life as he's picking up the pieces from the worst beating he's ever taken.
•  Clea's going to make that battle look like a walk in the park.
•  Also in this issue... WHO ARE THE SORCERERS SUPREME?!
Rated T+

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Beasts of Burden: What The Cat Dragged In #1

By: Evan Dorkin, Jill Thompson
Released: May 4, 2016

This standalone adventure is a perfect entry point for readers new to the award-winning series. When curiosity gets the best of Burden Hill’s cats (and one reluctant raccoon), sleeping demons are awakened and black magic is unleashed on the town of Burden Hill.

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xiombarg reviewed Spider-Man / Deadpool #1 Jan 6, 2016

Wow, this comic must really suck, because Comicosity rated it a 7.0 and they almost never give any book less than an 8.0, especially if it's from Marvel.

Spider-Man / Deadpool #1

By: Joe Kelly, Ed McGuinness
Released: Jan 6, 2016

The Webbed Wonder and the Merc with a Mouth are teaming up for their first ongoing series EVER! It's action, adventure and just a smattering of (b) romance in this episodic epic featuring the WORLD'S GREATEST SUPER HERO and the star of the WORLD'S GREATEST COMICS MAGAZINE. Talk about a REAL dynamic duo!

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xiombarg reviewed Doctor Strange #3 Dec 4, 2015

I'm coming to terms with this reboot. I wasn't expecting this series to be so light or humor driven. It has the snappy flow of Marvel's current house style which seems to make all their characters feel sort of the same and don't carry much weight. All threats seem to only be momentary distractions for breezy quips. But I guess it's fairly entertaining even if it lacks a sense of depth.

Doctor Strange #3

By: Jason Aaron, Chris Bachalo
Released: Dec 2, 2015

• Dr. Strange wakes up, nearly naked with none of his magical tools or spellbooks and no memory of how he got there.
•  Nor does he know where all the monsters chasing him came from.
Rated T+

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xiombarg reviewed The Fade Out #11 Nov 27, 2015

Fade Out never disappoints me. Another great issue.

The Fade Out #11

By: Ed Brubaker, Sean Phillips
Released: Nov 25, 2015

All the threads of the mystery come together, as Charlie and Gil barrel headfirst toward trouble!

Major Plot Point:
A major clue in the murder is revealed.

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xiombarg reviewed The Twilight Children #2 Nov 13, 2015

Good stuff.

The Twilight Children #2

By: Gilbert Hernandez, Darwyn Cooke
Released: Nov 11, 2015

Children will be blinded. Lovers will cheat. Beautiful alien girls will walk the beach. A psychedelic world made of light will present itself to the lucky or the damned. Find out whats making this sleepy Latin American town so surreal.

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xiombarg reviewed Doctor Strange #2 Nov 13, 2015

Aaron is the wrong writer here. Lame attempts at humor, magic seems arbitrary, and worst of all Strange is superficial and worldly.

Doctor Strange #2

By: Jason Aaron, Chris Bachalo
Released: Nov 4, 2015

• Take a tour of Doctor Strange's home-- the Sancto Sanctorum. It's the weirdest and most dangerous place in the Marvel Universe! A place where opening the wrong door can unleash hell on Earth.
•  Unfortunately for you and your fellow visitor, Zelma, Strange's house is infested with something far worse than bed bugs!

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Cosmic Ray reviewed Doctor Strange #2 Nov 7, 2015

Trying to be funny and not succeeding. Art was nice. Coloring could be better. Overall this was a step down from issue one.

Doctor Strange #2

By: Jason Aaron, Chris Bachalo
Released: Nov 4, 2015

• Take a tour of Doctor Strange's home-- the Sancto Sanctorum. It's the weirdest and most dangerous place in the Marvel Universe! A place where opening the wrong door can unleash hell on Earth.
•  Unfortunately for you and your fellow visitor, Zelma, Strange's house is infested with something far worse than bed bugs!

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Synthozoid reviewed The Goddamned #1 Nov 13, 2015

Tarantino does Christian mythology. It doesn't work.

The Goddamned #1

By: Jason Aaron, R. M. Guera
Released: Nov 11, 2015

Writer JASON AARON & artist R.M. GUÉRA, the creators of the seminal crime series SCALPED, reunite for a new ongoing series of stark and brutal biblical noir, which begins with a SPECIAL OVER-SIZED DEBUT ISSUE featuring thirty pages of story.

"And the earth was filled with violence." Genesis 6:11

Its 1655 years after Ed...

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xiombarg reviewed The Goddamned #1 Nov 12, 2015

Thanks, but no thanks. It's well done for what it is, but I'm not into the subject matter at all. Guera's art looks pretty good. Better than Scalped. But again, this isn't what I'm looking for in comics, or any fiction really, and I'm not even really sure why I ordered it. It's well written and filled with all the superficial adult content that Aaron loves, with lots of violence, profanity, rape a more

The Goddamned #1

By: Jason Aaron, R. M. Guera
Released: Nov 11, 2015

Writer JASON AARON & artist R.M. GUÉRA, the creators of the seminal crime series SCALPED, reunite for a new ongoing series of stark and brutal biblical noir, which begins with a SPECIAL OVER-SIZED DEBUT ISSUE featuring thirty pages of story.

"And the earth was filled with violence." Genesis 6:11

Its 1655 years after Ed...

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xiombarg reviewed The Twilight Children #1 Oct 29, 2015

This was a really fun read. I'm sticking with it.

The Twilight Children #1

By: Gilbert Hernandez, Darwyn Cooke
Released: Oct 14, 2015

  For the first time ever, legendary comics creators Gilbert Hernandez (Love and Rockets) and Darwyn Cooke (DC: THE NEW FRONTIER) have joined forces for a surreal project unlike anything you've ever read before!
When a white orb washes up on the shore of a remote Latin American village, a group of children naturally poke at the strang...

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xiombarg reviewed Archie #2 Aug 19, 2015

Engaging and fun.

Archie #2

By: Mark Waid, Fiona Staples
Released: Aug 19, 2015

Comic superstars Mark Waid and Fiona Staples continue their reimagining of an icon! The new school year continues to bring with it daunting new challenges and interesting changes for the teens of Riverdale High. But there's one thing that remains constant: Archie's car is still a piece of garbage! With car problems comes money problems, which means...

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xiombarg reviewed Secret Six #5 Aug 19, 2015

Wow, four versions of Secret Six series in only ten years (four if you count Villains United). And all of them with the same writer even.

Secret Six #5

By: Gail Simone, Dale Eaglesham
Released: Aug 19, 2015

After the initial attack on Big Shots home (and the shocking revelation of one members true identity), the teams suburban retreat has been exposed. As the team starts to fracture, this highly dysfunctional band of outcasts prepares for the next strike from Mockingbird!

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xiombarg reviewed Archie #1 Jul 8, 2015

This was a fun read. I wasn't really sure what to expect from this, but it does a good job of generating a genuine feeling of interesting dynamics while still retaining a sense of fun and looking really good while doing it. Fiona Staples on art is a perfect fit here. Archie and the gang have been moved out of it's older cartoon strip aspects and into something that feels more like a three dimensio more

Archie #1

By: Mark Waid, Fiona Staples
Released: Jul 8, 2015

Comic superstars Mark Waid and Fiona Staples reimagine an icon! Change is coming to Riverdale in this can't-miss kick-off to Archie's new ongoing series! Familiar faces return in new and unexpected ways in this must-have #1 issue! As the new school year approaches, you'd think Archie Andrews would be looking forward to classes and fun-but nothing i...

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xiombarg reviewed Chrononauts #4 Jul 2, 2015

Sort of fun, but dumb as hell. The corny cliche aspects and lame pre-packaged results ultimately just makes it a waste of time.

Chrononauts #4

By: Mark Millar, Sean Gordon Murphy
Released: Jun 10, 2015

MINISERIES CONCLUSION Captured by enemies and robbed of their ability to time travel, Danny and Corbin have created the biggest mess the space-time continuum has ever seen. Now, it’s up to them to defeat the bad guys, fix past wrongs, and escape the wrath of their bosses! The finale to this sci-fi buddy adventure features MORE breathtaking SE...

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As has been the case with pretty much all the Harley Quinn books, I always have to ask myself if this is funny or just dumb?

I like the idea of Harley, and I suppose Power Girl has something going on with her giant breasts that convinces people to buy her books, but my time and money is better spent on almost anything else.

Harley Quinn And Power Girl #1

By: Amanda Conner, Stephane Roux
Released: Jun 17, 2015

Hey, remember the panel gutter between panels 3 and 4 of page 20 of HARLEY QUINN #12? What? You DON'T? It's only, like, the most memorable panel gutter of the twenty-first century. Well, either way, have we got the miniseries for you, in which the full tale of that momentous and momentary pause can be told! It's a cosmic adventure beyond your wild...

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xiombarg reviewed Red One #1 Apr 25, 2015

Big breasts.
This comic isn't bad, but it's not really good either. What is amazing about this book is that "professional reviewers" give it scores of 8s, 9s, and 10s. I guess that goes to show the power of Dodson's ability to draw orbit changing butts and super powered breasts.

Red One #1

By: Xavier Dorison, Rachel Dodson
Released: Mar 18, 2015

What happens when America's greatest hero...is a Russian Spy? Soviet Agent Vera Yelnikov is sent to 1977 Los Angeles by the Kremlin to become an American Superhero and spread communist values in the land of Uncle Sam in a funky superhero romp straight out of a Tarantino film by TERRY & RACHEL DODSON (Uncanny X-Men, Wonder Woman, Spider- Man, Harley...

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Best art I've seen in a comic book series in years. It's so ornately imaginative and flawless in it's designs. It disappoints me that there hasn't been a larger fan response for the art alone, but the story has been excellent as well. It's not deep and it is whimsical, but it's super fun and often genuinely inventive in how it extends some of Windsor McKay's original ideas. I've loved this series, more

Little Nemo: Return to Slumberland #4

By: Eric Shanower, Gabriel Rodriguez
Released: Mar 18, 2015

Nemo's first new adventure in Slumberland concludes in gorgeous and surreal fashion, courtesy of Shanower and Rodriguez!

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xiombarg reviewed Descender #1 Mar 6, 2015

I'm surprised at how many reviewers are willing to just whip out a ten rating for anything good yet nothing new or unique. Is it Jeff Lemire's name on it that excites these guys? This issue is fine but it's not like I cant wait for the next issue. A lot of the elements feel fairly familiar and not as exciting as you might hope based upon the review scores, but it's still relatively well written is more

Descender #1

By: Jeff Lemire, Dustin Nguyen
Released: Mar 4, 2015

One young robot’s struggle to stay alive in a universe where all androids have been outlawed and bounty hunters lurk on every planet. A rip-roaring and heart-felt cosmic odyssey that pits humanity against machine, and world against world, to create a sprawling space opera from the creators of Trillium, Sweet Tooth, and Little Gotham.

xiombarg reviewed D4VE (IDW) #1 Feb 25, 2015

This is a story of humorous irony, presenting the idea of a former robot warrior who was once a great leader in a war where the robots wiped out the entire human race. Now that the war is over and no more humans exist, D4VE is going through a midlife crisis in post-war robot suburbia. The robots have found that they really have no other purpose than to mimic human life and culture, which means hav more

D4VE (IDW) #1

By: Ryan Ferrier, Valentin Ramon
Released: Feb 25, 2015

Primetime TV; mortgages; traffic jams. The robots conquered earth, wiping out all life in the galaxy, but nothing changed. Meet D4VE, the greatest robot war hero, now trapped behind a desk at a soul-sucking day job. Can something, somewhere snap him out of this slump? This is D4VE's mid-life crisis.

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xiombarg reviewed Jupiter's Legacy #5 Jan 14, 2015

I've often been surprised at some of the medium-ish reviews Jupiter's Legacy has received on past issues, especially when comparing it to the other comics with the same rating from the same reviewer. I guess it just shows that some reviewers truly don't know what good and bad is.

So anyway, other than the painful months of waiting and wondering between issues, Jupiter's Legacy is easily more

Jupiter's Legacy #5

By: Mark Millar, Frank Quitely
Released: Jan 14, 2015

Meet BARNABAS WOLFE-a former supervillain with Sherlock Holmesian instincts who hunts heroes for the U.S. government. While Brandon and Uncle Walter struggle with their utopian vision for America, Chloe and family live under the radar in Australia. But their peaceful lives are about to explode when the authorities find suspicious super-activity dow...

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xiombarg reviewed Roche Limit #4 Jan 8, 2015

Roche Limit stirs up a mixture of familiar sci-fi elements into a story that is somewhat interesting, but maybe a little too familiar. The writing seems to make great effort to establish the role of science as a general topic, but then the story immediately goes into pseudo-religious territory under the guise of science. It's sort of a bait and switch. I guess I just felt that everything in this c more

Roche Limit #4

By: Michael Moreci, Vic Malhotra
Released: Jan 7, 2015

Alex and Sonya take a dangerous trip to the anomaly while all hell breaks loose on the colony.

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xiombarg reviewed The Fade Out #4 Jan 8, 2015

This seems to be the only current title that I can depend on these days to be excellent month after month. Of course this is always the case with the Brubaker/Phillips/Breitweiser team. Great story and great art all around.

The Fade Out #4

By: Ed Brubaker, Sean Phillips
Released: Jan 7, 2015

Sex and violence in the Golden Age of Hollywood. Charlie's flashbacks to the war affect his work, and his secret mission to solve a covered up murder.

And remember, like all BRUBAKER/PHILLIPS comics, the back pages of THE FADE OUT are filled with extra art and articles you can only find in the single issues!

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xiombarg reviewed Batwoman #35 Oct 16, 2014

Question: What is a sign that a book is out of ideas?
Answer: When it's sent into outer space.

Ok, so Batwoman in space. Hmmm. Deep existential metaphor? Or how about a dream sequence? Or how about she's been drugged? Nope, this is in fact about as silly of an idea as you're likely to find in comics these days. I mean let's face it, Batwoman has no business being in space throwing more

Batwoman #35

By: Marc Andreyko, Georges Jeanty
Released: Oct 15, 2014

The new storyline Batwoman and the Unknowns starts now with new artist Georges Jeanty (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)! Batwoman is neck-deep in danger with her new allies Ragman, The Demon, Clayface and Red Alice! What is going on and how did Batwoman end up here? Find out beginning in this issue!

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xiombarg reviewed October Faction #1 Oct 12, 2014

Every now and then a set of reviews for a book make me question how reliable our professional critics are, and this is the perfect example. Sometimes it almost feels like comic book reviewers still use the average script from the 1970s as the basis for quality; as if the recipe for quality is 50% action and 50% over the top drama.

Ok, so criticism of the critics aside. I agree that thi more

October Faction #1

By: Steve Niles, Damien Worm
Released: Oct 8, 2014

The creative team behind Monster & Madman would like to introduce you to the ongoing adventures of retired monster-hunter Frederick Allan and his family... which include a thrill-killer, a witch, and a warlock. Because sometimes crazy is the glue that binds a family together.  

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xiombarg reviewed Lobo #1 Oct 5, 2014

Hmm. Well, here's the new clean shaven, generically sexy sort of Lobo. Everything that basically made Lobo a distinct character in the past has been chucked away to be replaced by a more predictable version. Ultraviolent story seems to be DCs intended selling point, but violence as a general theme doesn't get the mileage it once did considering that writers like Garth Ennis, Jason Aaron etc. have more

Lobo #1

By: Cullen Bunn, Reilly Brown
Released: Oct 1, 2014

The all-new Lobo brings the ultraviolence to his new ongoing series! If the first few blood-soaked pages of this issue don't shock you - nothing will!

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xiombarg reviewed The Fade Out #2 Sep 30, 2014

Kids, you have to ditch the idea that the best comic books are predetermined by how flashy the premise is. Fade Out is the perfect example of a comic book that is an intense and highly crafted read that hits every note with mystery and dimension.

Phillips is doing some beautiful work here. I've noticed that he has actually taken a slightly softer and slightly more manicured approach in more

The Fade Out #2

By: Ed Brubaker, Sean Phillips
Released: Oct 1, 2014

Was a murder covered up? Or did the movie starlet commit suicide? And how does the show go on with a dead leading lady and an unfinished film?

BRUBAKER & PHILLIPS' new crime noir masterpiece is just getting started! Remember, every month THE FADE OUT has exclusive back pages articles that are only available in the single issues.

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xiombarg reviewed The Life After #3 Sep 18, 2014

Even though this story is reasonably well done, I can't decide if I really like it. It seems like the gimmick of the last decade in comic books is to offer up extreme re-imaginings of the history of real people or fictional characters that are otherwise relatively well established. This time it's Hemingway and Christian theology. Well, hmm. To be perfectly honest I would much prefer this story if more

The Life After #3

By: Joshua Hale Fialkov, Gabo
Released: Sep 17, 2014

The afterlife is even more perilous than Jude and his new pal Ernest Hemingway thought. Enter deadly angels, forgotten souls, and that most dastardly element of all - bureaucracy. Added Bonus: the complete origin of the universe in three pages! From the twisted mind behind THE BUNKER and the nimble hands of breakout artist Gabo.

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Be aware that we've basically read all this before. Not that it's bad, but this story has all of Morrison's usual tropes... and that's the problem. The multi-dimensional crossover event has been done so many times, not only by Morrison but also by Hickman, Ellis, Moore, Wolfman and dozens of other authors, that the whole concept has been ran into the ground. Morrison shakes up the recipe again, bu more

The Multiversity: Society of Super-Heroes #1

By: Grant Morrison, Karl Story
Released: Sep 17, 2014

The biggest adventure in DC Comics history continues!

Grant Morrison joins modern legend Chris Sprouse (TOM STRONG, BATMAN: RETURN OF BRUCE WAYNE, ACTION COMICS) for a trip to Earth-20 starring a Society of Super Heroes unlike anything you've seen before! It's pulp Super Hero action with a post-modern twist - you can't afford to miss ...

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