The Fade Out #4

Writer: Ed Brubaker Artist: Sean Phillips Publisher: Image Comics Release Date: January 7, 2015 Cover Price: $3.5 Critic Reviews: 11 User Reviews: 16
9.1Critic Rating
8.8User Rating

Sex and violence in the Golden Age of Hollywood. Charlie's flashbacks to the war affect his work, and his secret mission to solve a covered up murder.

And remember, like all BRUBAKER/PHILLIPS comics, the back pages of THE FADE OUT are filled with extra art and articles you can only find in the single issues!

  • 10 - Chase Magnett Jan 5, 2015

    Its important to remember that The Fade Out is not Brubaker and Phillips work alone. It is the work of Breitweiser as colorist, Lopez as flatter, David Brothers as editor, and many others who helped bring it to publication. When admiring The Fade Out #4, its worth lingering a little while longer on each panel and examining how colors bring this story to life. The Fade Out is one of the best looking comics being published today and thats an accomplishment shared by everyone involved. Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    Geeked Out Nation - Logan Dalton Jan 7, 2015

    This issue ofThe Fade Outtruly exists in the shadows. In many scenes, Phillips obscures Charlie's face,and colorist Elizabeth Breitweiser mutes her palette in most panels. The light might catch the glass ofa picture frame ora window in the back ofa restaurant, but the charactersare shady in both their motivesandartistic depiction. However, Breitweiser indulges in bright colorsand melodrama for one big scene to show how unrealistic it is compared to the events of the rest of the story. This conflict between realityand facade has been in play throughout the whole series,and The Fade Out#4 brings it toa climax while fleshing out Charlie's characterand backstoryand showcasing Phillipsand Breitweiser's skillat blending the Golden Age of Hollywoodand film noir through theirart. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Nerds Unchained - Jeremy Radick Jan 8, 2015

    The Fade Out continues to be a hugely enjoyable dive into darkness, and the creative team's efforts in this issue to broaden the plot proves this is going to be more than a simple murder story, but rather an evocation of the darkest part of a particular American era. If that sounds too pretentious, don't worry, it's still hard as a sap to the skull. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Multiversity Comics - Matt Dodge Jan 8, 2015

    The creative team describes this issue as the end of act one of the series, and it's interesting to note how satisfying a read it has been while exactly zero mysteries have been solved. From the outset, however, Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips have stay away from any indication that this is a traditional whodunit story. There is no detailed investigation, or a careful examination of possible subject. There is only a motley crew of morally dubious characters as they try to use the bright lights of Hollywood to keep their shadows at bay. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Crusaders - Martin Ferretti Jan 8, 2015

    The Fade Out has a fascinating and very intricate story with beautiful art which will keep you coming back for more. While this type of murder mystery tale may not be of interest to many comic book readers, it is delightful to see such a gritty noir story being published among such a vast number of typical hero books. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Doom Rocket - Andrew Stevens Jan 8, 2015

    For Charlie it seems that the red scare, a wilderness of secrets, and lack of dating skills will be the least of his problems when he advances into Act Two, but this likely ensures for the readers that whatever teems beneath the Golden Era of Hollywood will burst forth in the next issue. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Book Resources - Jim Johnson Jan 7, 2015

    Phillips and Breitweiser collaboration creates several, totally different art styles; more photorealistic images and greytones are used to represent photographs, for example, and much darker and appropriately blurrier images portray the vague and fragmented flashes from Charlie's nightmares. The diverse art is symbolic of the eclectically blended story; human drama, strong characterization and an ever-present murder all combine to make "The Fade Out" #4 not only a tremendous issue in the series but a typically stellar example of the kind of synergy Brubaker and Phillips bring to their stories. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Booked - Rob George Jan 15, 2015

    For the third time in four issues we are treated to an issue that takes us deeper down the rabbit hole of this world and shown there is so much more interesting happening here than Val Sommers Murder. Issue #4 of The Fade Out a must read. Read Full Review

  • 8.9
    Entertainment Fuse - Jim Bush Jan 11, 2015

    The introduction of the FBI agent certainly deepens the mystery occurring in The Fade Out, but I really like the pace of this series. The mystery is compelling and driving the plot, but it doesnt feel like the point of the series. Instead, the issues are mainly concerned with showing the flawed personalities that were involved in Hollywood and motion pictures during the 1940s. These two elements dovetail wonderfully in The Fade Out #4, which makes it hard to wait for the next issue to appear. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    ComicBuzz - Aj Davidson Mar 3, 2015

    I have always been a massive fan of noir for many years and this comic captures the genre beautifully. The darkness of the subject juxtaposes starkly with the image of fame and glitz that comes with Hollywood. In this world the PR person rules and an actors job does not end when the cameras stop rolling. Shady characters pull strings and influential people play a game of ideologies, sex and manipulation all the while the protagonist struggles with his own guilt and fragile safety near the top of the Hollywood food chain. In issue #4 as Charlie begins to remember more of the fateful night where a woman was murdered in cold blood in a lonely Hollywood condo. We begin to get a greater sense that a bigger game is being played behind the murder and I look forward o finding out how dark this series can really get. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Coming Up Comics - David Melton Jan 6, 2015

    The Fade Out is a wonderful journey into the past that continues to excite. As always, there's a true story in the back of this issue. Written by Megan Abbott, it's about the disappearance of Jean Spangler. Read Full Review

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