Max Eber's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: DC Comics News Reviews: 109
8.0Avg. Review Rating

Aquaman And The Others #4

Jul 4, 2014

I like this a lot! Magic! Snark! Not too much endless violence! The ending twist is very interesting; I really want to know how that happened! I'd heartily reccomend this; it's got a touch of the scientific, a lotta bit of occult and magic. I feel this is just overall a pretty solid book. DC is really doing a good job in revitilizing Aquaman as a character and I feel this not only is great stuff, but a great way to carry the character as well! Nearly perfect really. For me slightly more stylized art would really send it further to even higher level of greatness; but by all means this is top notch stuff! Don't miss it!

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Aquaman And The Others #5

Aug 7, 2014

I really think this series deserves a lot more attention. Aquaman being a viable character is the last thing many people ever imagined after so many years of being treated as second fiddle and then being killed. The fact he has a really cool occult-y fantasy team book in addition to his regular title, well that's really intriguing. The additional fact it's so diverse is nothing to dismiss either and people should point this out when dealing with arguments that DC isn't doing anything. They're certainly not perfect and in general aren't doing enough, no, but again they do have this, and it's pretty solid stuff.

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Arkham Manor #1

Oct 23, 2014

I'd say pick it up, it's sorta pulpy and grizzled in a way that's sort of different but sort of familiar but sort of retro and it better written than you'd think but I'm still really skeptical of the concept. This is actually a good score, since I had no expectations whatsoever. Give it a shot, this may be exactly what you're looking for. How this can drag on, though, I'm not sure.

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Bat-Mite #1

Jun 5, 2015

Pick it up and share it with younger siblings or if you are like me with a limited maturity level, enjoy it all by yourself. This is a cute read that I'm glad to see DC trying. Is this the best move they could do? Probably not (rather they need to look at Lumberjanes) but it shows a concentrated effort and effort rather than apathy is better than nothing.

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Bat-Mite #2

Jul 4, 2015

Cute and well, refreshing mini worth looking at if you're a fan of non sequitur and screwball antics. I can't say it's for kids because the jokes are way too aware and self-referential. It's not earth shattering but it will do. Next issue features I'm going to presume Damian so I'm quite excited for that one.

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Batgirl (2011) #35

Oct 14, 2014

This rates high due to its individual parts, and I think it will be fun if you think of it as an AU, but as a whole I am still ultimately disappointed and wonder how this Babs will gel with the rest of the Batfamily in crossovers. Hopefully they won't let us down and finally let Babs grow.

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Batgirl (2011) #36

Nov 13, 2014

Again, if this was an alternate AU where she wasn't shot and this was a sequel to a Year One situation; I'd all be for it. If this was the rebooted Babs from the get go, I'd be more or less okay. I just don't think this return to a Babs this green and small time was worth sacrificing Oracle, Cass and Steph. As a comic however? It's glorious. But it won't get a fifth star because of the plot holes and lack of continuity. Love the cast. Love the art. I just don't want this in the regular continuity; it would be killer (and it is killer) otherwise. It is too much of a (fun) anomaly.

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Batgirl (2011) #37

Dec 11, 2014

The writers need to stop trying too hard to be young and hip, it's been generally okay but they're starting to rely on mentioning social media and focusing on selfies and cellphones too much; it comes off as contrived. Only old people actually talk about selfies the way people talk about selfies here. The Art is fantastic. Writing is okay and the wheelchair part was really quite offensive and shows some questionable understanding of Babs as a character. I hope people can look beyond the art and see what's going on here writing wise. I give it great props for the art, color but they need to really need to step back and think about what they're writing.

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Batgirl (2011) #40

Mar 19, 2015

I understand what they're doing and they mean well and I do think it will get better but Batgirl continues to not fully understand what made Babs great. Batgirl did not make Babs great. Babs made Babs great. Oracle was a reflection of that. So let her really be great. Please. Give her power back.

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Batgirl (2011) #41

Jun 27, 2015

It's good. This issue brings Livewire back supped up adding some harder hitting bad guys to nuBabs current roster which has been mostly a hodge podge. I'm not fond of the going after your own daughter thing either I think that's been done to death. Let's try something new!

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Batgirl (2011) #42

Aug 2, 2015

Better action. Better Batgirl this issue. I'm still not 100% for this version, I think she comes off as a bit too young, but it's definitely hitting all the right notes for those that are or are lining up for her. As far a comic I really can't complain too much, it's at the least well made and for that it scores highly.

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Batgirl (2011) #44

Sep 28, 2015

Okay art from Bengal who is solid but not as “pretty” as Tarr's work marks a slightly different feeling this issue but nice color palettes save this from total mediocrity. As does Frankie, who is, without a doubt, quite cool.

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Batgirl (2011) #46

Dec 20, 2015

I'm glad Stephanie has made it back into a Batgirl book. She was given a great action scene. Babs seems a bit better overall, even though she's currently struggling (again) in her book. She needs a vacation! (But her nightmares surely mean she won't be getting one anytime soon!) Stay tuned.

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Batgirl (2011) Annual #3

Aug 4, 2015

This is fun and I like the story with its interwoven arcs and elements. I'm quite impressed to see what the writers are able to do when they actually allow Babs all over Gotham instead of confining her to just Burnside. It's so much more appealing to give her these more intricate plots. I think it's funny they acknowledged this through Helena as well. In all a good show for Batgirl and Batfam fans.

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Batman (2011) #41

Jun 12, 2015

NEGATIVES And that's what brings me to the true "negative" is that Snyder's work, while fun and often of a reasonably tempered tone, often feels like a rehash of arcs and things that just happened not that long ago in comics. His Owls arc,The Death of A Family,it all felt derivative if not a rehash and retooling of much of Morrison's work. And I am not a particular Morrison defender but it's what I notice. Ms. Powers training cops to be Batman? Feels like a rehash of the experiment that created the "evil" Batmans that lead up to RIP and what is finished in Damian's 666 future. Bruce "dying" and someone taking over? See the above. Bruce walking around with probably amnesia like a bum? Also see above. Hey even the Batman of Zur-En-Arrh colors are shown as an option for the bat-mech, which was actually a great and funny nod to the story. But what does this offer other than making Jim Gordon even more bad-ass? A voice in my head says that's enough in its

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Batman (2011) #42

Jul 12, 2015

This is really good. It's different but the whole set up sort of works. I wish Gordon could have kept his mustache in a way, it would have been interesting. Otherwise not much else to say other than a solid effort.

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Batman (2011) #45

Oct 17, 2015

This was an okay issue. Everything is certainly brewing and Mr. Bloom is definitely scary. Nothing mind blowing however.

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Batman and Robin (2011) #32

Jun 18, 2014

A very good penultimate issue or rather prequel for ROBIN RISES: OMEGA #1 which if looking into some context clues and the shock character arrival at the end, well, it's going to be rather “out of this world”. Buy it! (it has pretty art, you want it anyway!)

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Batman and Robin (2011) #33

Jul 24, 2014

Go buy it? That's really I can think of; this is poised to be rather great I don't think you want to miss it.

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Batman and Robin (2011) #35

Oct 16, 2014

Damian as a giant battery. Everyone's Robin! Blowing stuff up. Parademons and Bruce going on a rampage (he's really scary). It's a bit strange but I really like it. I doubt Babs could wear her new urban chic costume to Apokolips.

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Batman and Robin (2011) #36

Nov 20, 2014

Despite the utter ridiculousness of the premise of this arc, because I mean this isn't cerebral writing here, but for some reason I really can't complain much about it. Tomasi knows how to write fun action. It's cool, all people involved both fictional and on creative team are competent, so I'm digging it. Keep it up. Cause I wanna see how Damian wakes up.

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Batman and Robin (2011) #37

Dec 18, 2014

I can't wait to see how this turns out, if this means Carrie Kelly will be returning shortly into the fold (she was Damian's friend after all), what his powers mean, how long will they last, what the twist will be because I'm sure there's a twist. I hope our joy at having the young Robin back doesn't turn into tears in the Batman and Robin book anytime soon!

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Batman and Robin (2011) #38

Jan 22, 2015

I'm scared what the “twist” will be with him having powers, there's gotta be one coming, but this is a great comic, it's all very solid and I'm glad we have Damian back. Tt, not like we missed him much or anything.

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Batman and Robin (2011) #40

Mar 27, 2015

A great wonderful end with gentle dry humor (Bruce is hilarious people forget how funny this guy is) to a pretty much a great series. Sad to see Batman And Robin go. But having a Robin solo after a period of no Robin solo since the early 90s, well, it's about time.

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Batman and Robin (2011) Annual #3

Apr 4, 2015

This is a great ultimately heartfelt one-shot. No life shattering consequences, no “big reveals” or Lincoln Marches or Black Gloves or Dr. Hurt's or anything. Just zany pretty well-drawn comics about Batman spending time with his son. It's perfect.

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Batman and Robin (2011): Futures End #1

Sep 18, 2014

Solid issue; classic (as in not learning anything) Bruce being stubborn and Robin wanting to help. It's slick and well drawn, better than most of these issues. Pick it up. We might be seeing more of Duke yet. I can't give it 5 out of 5 because it's so…vague. Is this really the future? Is any of this actually going to stick? Or is it all AU that won't come to pass? We shall see.

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Convergence: Batgirl #2

May 8, 2015

The writing is markedly better this issue but it's still not very memorable. It does give a good end to those who like Tim and Steph together (I do, but I acknowledge there is a lot of toxic stuff and this two issue extended oneshot may not have been the place to do it). The lack of Cass as well as Steph and Cass is a disappointment as is the art, which muddles what could have been some dynamic fighting and earlier in the issue, emoting. Still worth picking up if you're a fan, it's just not picture perfect. These girls deserve much more.

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Convergence: Batman and the Outsiders #1

Apr 24, 2015

Better than most with a writer I tend to like, this one seems more solid and likable than the "abduct the still living version of your wife/love from this world" seen in other issues. Batman And The Outsiders is a good team and I like the respect they're generally given here.

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Convergence: Batman and the Outsiders #2

May 22, 2015

This is one of the better Convergence two parters, it's flashy enough or perhaps solid enough art-wise to set it apart from some of the more slapdash issues. Convergence Batman And The Outsiders #2 is nothing stellar but it's also a lot better and it's cool to see the Outsiders in any capacity after Batman Incorporated.

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Convergence: Batman: Shadow of the Bat #1

Apr 20, 2015

Not sure where Convergence Shadow of the Bat is going but Azrael is back so that's interesting. Bruce provides some great humanizing comments that make him reason to Jean's zealousness. In all moderate stuff.

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Convergence: Batman: Shadow of the Bat #2

May 15, 2015

Like a lot of these Convergence issues which start somewhat interesting, this is another case of losing steam, both in art and writing. Had the coloring been more dynamic. It's filler, and it feels like it, which is a shame as it is nice. It has elements here that could have much more successful legs. Batman + children here saves it from a 2/5 star rating for blandness.

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Convergence: Blue Beetle #1

Apr 30, 2015

Generally fun, pretty inoffensive with some topical commentary from The Question which is pretty resonant given our current news, people vs authority. They could have gone for the really heavy Watchmen feel but they didn't really, which is good. Worth a read.

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Convergence: Blue Beetle #2

May 29, 2015

This is much lighter than the first issue and is surprisingly good. If Lobdell learns how to restrain himself I think he'd be a lot better writer consistently and we wouldn't have had to deal with his attempts at edginess with his Teen Titans and Red Hood & The Outlawsruns.

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Convergence: Booster Gold #1

May 1, 2015

This is fun, Skeets is a gold mine, the Booster dying thing is somewhat melodramatic, but ultimately a pretty rewarding read which handles the overlap of characters much better than some other issues. It just "feels" more complete. I'd say this is definitely one of the better Convergence issues due to it's importance in a greater narrative outside of the event. We're not sure what the future means for the rest of all of these different time plucked cities and heroes, in many cases it's all rather hand waive-y, but this clues into something much larger and that's interesting. While Shazam andQuestion are thus far is the best of all the Convergence issues due to their teams and art; Booster Gold is nothing to shrug off.

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Convergence: Booster Gold #2

May 28, 2015

Out of most of the books I would consider Booster Gold (and perhaps Blue Beetle) to be ancillary to the main event and makes the event feel actually real and not just an Elseworlds Super Smash Bros to distract people. Is it quality? In large swaths no but meatier books like Convergence Booster Gold #2 make it a lot better.

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Convergence: Justice League #1

Apr 11, 2015

I wish there was a bit more diversity (poor Doctor Light never gets her chance) but it's still a solid team if you can call it that. Otherwise this"is not written terribly well, nor drawn well either but it isn't so ugly as to write it off completely. It also has very, very little action but plenty of grimdarkness from I'm assuming is Injustice or Flashpoint Aquaman.

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Convergence: Justice League International #1

Apr 22, 2015

While a quiet issue overall, ending with Kingdom Come heroes appearing en masse, we only have jut gotten a taste of what our old Justice League International pals can do. While I do think some bolder fresher art across the entire medium (bring all these cool alt-cover artists onto interiors?) I'm willing to give this one a shot since it features Ted and highlights him lovingly so. I'd say bring it on please!

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Convergence: Justice League International #2

May 16, 2015

If you love Ted Kord and don't mind just "okay" art, check this issue out, but ultimately you're not missing much. Convergence Shazam is making it hard for a lot of issues to look good. A cute ending and two quipping Beetles made this passable but ultimately still bland forgettable fare.

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Convergence: Justice League Of America #1

Apr 25, 2015

Yet another Convergence issue that ends with our heroes truly about to skirmish. It won't be until next month that we'll know where this event is really going. It's fun for what it is getting characters off the bench in a way but I'm not going to be happy if they're then slaughtered. Hopefully with Justice League of America we'll be rewarded with a bombastic showdown between this motley team versus that of Tangent.

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Convergence: Superman #1

Apr 10, 2015

Surprisingly straightforward. Protect these two to death. They're too important. DC don't mess this up.

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Convergence: Superman #2

May 9, 2015

Far less insidious than the last issue suggested it was going to be and just like Bruce, Bat!Thomas is at his core a sentimental and soft man. It's all obviously surreal and the labor scene is both touching but a bit bizarre but in all a strangely cute affair.

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Detective Comics (2011) #33

Jul 10, 2014

Buy it, duh. This is great Batman doing Batman things. I wish it had a few more sidekicks around doing regular sleuthing or helping out like they used to, but so far this is great stuff and you shouldn't miss it. Not one bit. You may need a bib to stop the drool.

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Detective Comics (2011) #41

Jul 2, 2015

Grade A. I usually love Detective in general for it's tone and I'm liking what I'm seeing here. La Morte isn't that interesting, and probably brings this down a bit. Everything else is gold.

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Detective Comics (2011) #42

Jul 2, 2015

Grade A. I usually love Detective in general for it's tone and I'm liking what I'm seeing here. La Morte isn't that interesting, and probably brings this down a bit. Everything else is gold.

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Detective Comics (2011) #43

Aug 7, 2015

This is the right balance between realist street-level crime (mysterious deals and hit contracts, police procedure) and over the top Superhero action that leave me thrilled. This also feels really appropriate for Detective.

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Detective Comics (2011) #44

Sep 7, 2015

I hope this is literally the end of Joker's Daughter, I thought this new version of the character was just awful there's really no reason to bring her back from Arkham or rehabilitation. But you know how comics go…

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Detective Comics (2011) Annual #3

Jul 31, 2014

I'm going to be short and blunt; buy it, read it, (nibble that gorgeous art), whatever you do, you need it.

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Doomed #1

Jun 19, 2015

I hope this gets a chance to actually survive as a series. I doubt it will sell well, so people check this out and support it, it seems promising enough and is a lot more charming and endearing than the scary red dude may suggest. It's nothing new, but could lead to some fun things. Check out Clark's cameo as well. Give it a shot it looks fun!

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Flash (2011) #34

Aug 28, 2014

I really am not digging the tone of this version of The Flash, but I can't deny that compared to other books this is still an okay product that will still most likely satisfy the casual comic book reader. I'm just looking for fresher ideas, and you'd think the book with the guy who can run so fast he can hop through time could deliver those with ease. But it's not currently there (something Barry apparently has a problem with, so maybe this fits more than I think.)

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Flash (2011): Futures End #1

Sep 26, 2014

If you've been following the story and have been engrossed; pick it up. Otherwise pass it. The Flash can be a fun hero but this really isn't working for me. Wally finally gets his powers but his costume isn't great looking so I'm not too excited.

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Gotham Academy (2014) #1

Oct 2, 2014

Did you read the first few lines of the review? Buy this. Show DC that experimenting with fresher, younger content and tones is profitable if not more profitable than what they've been doing tonal-wise. That's the only way to get the company to listen to change and grow. Girls matter. Teenagers matter. 40 year old white guys reading the same junk over and over again; don't matter.

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Gotham Academy (2014) #2

Nov 6, 2014

REVIEW: GOTHAM ACADEMY #2Something spooky's going on in GOTHAM ACADEMY #2 written by Brenden Fletcher & Becky Cloonan with art by Karl Kerschl, and you shouldn't miss it.

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Gotham Academy (2014) #3

Dec 4, 2014

I love this a lot, it's got a lot of diversity, a cool feel to the mystery thing and I'd love to learn more about Olive's family and if she actually has supernatural abilities or not (it was sort of unclear). It has cooled on me a little but I really feel this a great series worth investing in!

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Gotham Academy (2014) #4

Jan 31, 2015

I really like this series. Please go support Gotham Academy, it's great for younger teens and is such a refreshing departure from the regular superhero slog.

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Gotham Academy (2014) #5

Feb 26, 2015

Getting better. In general Gotham Academy is pretty spooky and all the kids that attend the titular school are sort of odd. Is this a school for special case kids and metahumans? There's so much more here that needs explaining and while I like how they've been telling the story, I can't help but think some of the method's they're using to tell it, such as Tristan's “telling” versus showing flashback account of Olive in the North Hall with the fire, while showing it via comic, is a bit clumsy. It's been so from the start, so I feel in some way it's not quite hitting that sweet spot it really needs to but I think it can get there.

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Gotham Academy (2014) #6

Mar 26, 2015

This is a good book, Gotham Academy has very appealing characters, is more or less teen and kid friendly, gorgeous artwork and a cool aesthetic begging to be made into an animated series; no reason not to invest so go get it!

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Gotham Academy (2014) #7

Jun 11, 2015

The story itself is nothing over the top but the cute and funny dialogue and Chens art makes Gotham Academy #7 super appealing for all ages. Go throw money at it cause it deserves it big time. I really think this type of stuff will be the way to go for DC's survival, and it's different so I can't offer anything but highest marks because of it standing out. Gotham Academy is worth every penny.

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Gotham Academy (2014) #8

Aug 13, 2015

Keep supporting this book! It's just getting warmed up. Gotham Academy is fantastic overall and now that the plot is really taking hold it's a lot more enjoyable. I like the characters and want to see where this story leads for them. What is the mystery behind the Silverlock family and their fire (powers?)? Is Olive's mom really dead? We'll have to see!

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Gotham Academy (2014) #9

Aug 13, 2015

I'm a bit sad it's taken this long for Gotham Academy to get certain plot elements to the forefront and there's still something slightly off about pacing and story structure but in all a good read. Keep supporting this.

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Gotham Academy (2014) #10

Sep 12, 2015

Still going strong and the mysteries surrounding Olive's mom and the Calamity entity and Olive's own powers are all really good. I'm excited to see where it continues to go but I think plotting needs to be a bit more weight and decompression. Just seems odd at times.

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Gotham Academy (2014) #11

Oct 24, 2015

I feel like things are moving a bit better, and I'm still guessing what's up with Olive's family and their longstanding history of pyrokenesis. It's wildly interesting and Kyle's disappearance is bothersome. Is he a suspect? Go find out!

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Gotham Academy (2014): Endgame #1

Apr 5, 2015

For an Endgame issue this one is nice. I like one and done stories and would love to see them more from DC.

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Justice League (2011) #35

Oct 16, 2014

I think this is interesting. I'm not excited for the Amazo Virus. Bruce is doing like 500 things right now he's really going to have to deal with a rampant virus. I think it's pretty solid, maybe a bit boring of an issue but still solid. Had the art been a little less wonky I'd be a bit happier, its really nothing special. It's not that offensive either. Just there. Competent. But just there. That's not a…bad thing either.

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Justice League (2011) #36

Nov 20, 2014

This is surprisingly restrained in the right ways, same-old same-old in a lot of other ways, and a lot better than what I'd assume it to be at first glance. Johns is no way doing anything new here, virus narratives are a dime a dozen, but the staid approach is working and as such, he's doing it rather, well, solid. While it's not completely my cup of tea, I can't ignore the individual work gone into this, other mainstream comics should aim to be this well rounded if they're not going to aim for any type of stylization. I prefer super stylized, but if they can't be, they might as well look like this.

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Justice League (2011) #37

Dec 18, 2014

Gritty with house color palette (which I could take or leave) but with slightly over-average art makes this Justice League romp a continued narrative that's at the least intriguing and actually gives Diana something to do too in the midst of Superman and Batman's continued sausage-fest (I do like the humor here between them, despite the tone there are quite a few funny quips to keep you entertained).

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Justice League (2011) #38

Jan 23, 2015

This isn't ground breaking and it totally went to where I didn't want it to go regarding the Amazo Virus being made to cripple Superman (a petty stupid idea on Lex's part but his assertion regarding the Phantom Zone is particularly valid) it's still moderately well done and it's sum of its parts are much better than a lot of other comics right now looks wise too so I'd still rate this as pretty passable traditional fare.

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Justice League (2011) #39

Feb 21, 2015

This was an interesting end to the last arc and introduces Amos Fortune as the person who put the hit on Lex Luthor, an origin story for Amazo, as well as sets the stage for brand new meta-humans. It sort of reminds me of when Marvel spilled the Terrigen Mists to create more Inhumans in the mutant manner due to Fox owning the rights to X-Men in the films and Marvel position the Inhumans as their general replacement (RIP X-Men relevance). Who will come forth with these new powers will be interesting to see. Otherwise this is a bit underwhelming of an end but it works so in all I give it a solid score. (Minus points for bringing back Hal Jordan god what a bore)

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Justice League (2011) #41

Jun 5, 2015

Stinging iodine Batman this is violent. I really would like something fresher than this "radical" extreme out of nowhere "daughter" to Darkseid pontificating everywhere which feels a bit"done. I've seen this before. It's a trope. I've liked what Johns can do, I feel this is a bit heavy handed. The dynamic coloring and effects give this a flashy look though so I cannot deny the hard work that went into this issue.

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Justice League (2011) #42

Jul 18, 2015

If you like your superheroes big and flashy and cinematic this is the comic for you. It's got all of it. Fabok is a good artist, some questionable posing but his ladies are not completely back broken. Wonder Woman was used very well, its a shame we weren't allowed a few more pages of her and Grail fighting. You can't argue this isn't a well made comic.

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Justice League (2011) #43

Aug 21, 2015

The comic is pretty well done as an entity. It's over the top, but you can't put it down as not dynamic work. And while the coloring follows DC's current house palette of choice and could use a slight more touch of stylized coloring, it is nonetheless rich with cinematic flair that matches Fabok's weighty work and paneling. I don't know what is going to happen next; that is a good sign.

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Justice League (2011) #44

Oct 4, 2015

This marks a huge change for the Anti-Monitor, a new origin I think people may be very split on. But you can't argue this is well done work. It's over the top, it's semi-classic clashes tipped in grit, it's very much Johns.

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Justice League (2011) #45

Oct 26, 2015

The art, while beautiful is indeed quite different so the change is a bit jarring but this is not dock much points (why would it?). Otherwise the Forgotten People thing seems quite sudden and they move fast. Pacing has been all over the place and while I appreciate movement this felt slightly squished. I'm sure it will level out. I'm feeling like Wonder Woman will get a huge role from now on to try to release her teammates from their New God possessions and I'm quite excited. This does, as I mentioned earlier have Final Crisis elements to it, and given Wonder Woman was purposefully more or less put out of commission for the event (becoming a Female Fury, freed from the Anti-Life equation off panel and shown bounding Darkseid with her lasso…that's about it…) this almost feels like a spiritual answer to that story (the Death of Darkseid) but with Diana now sort of given more to do. Hopefully. Let's see what comes next.

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Justice League (2011) #46

Dec 23, 2015

Not a ton happens this issue, but what does happen, like Big Barda herself, the moments are big and pack a punch. Definitely great . The art switch has definitely helped keep this storyline fresh and interesting.

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Justice League (2011) #47

Jan 7, 2016

The story continues to be outrageous and I'm loving every minute of Mister Miracle and Big Barda. Excited to see where it goes.

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Justice League United #3

Jul 10, 2014

I really do see the potential here; it's got some good moments, and I'm waiting for Alanna to be revealed to be an alien (just give it to me already! They can't possibly have made her human) but I feel like if they maybe leaned more towards the outrageous nature of their motley crew instead of the cliched “yet another superhero team comic” tone we'd actually have something more unique and memorable.

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Justice League United #4

Aug 14, 2014

This has so many elements of something that could be really great, but somewhat off art is ultimately hurting it, as well a little bland storytelling that could be a bit more innovative. It's still extremely solid, much better than other things out right now so now that the arc is over, check it out. I really am excited to see more of Equinox down the line!

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Justice League United #7

Dec 11, 2014

Sort of middle of the run but if it were a movie it would be a popcorn muncher. Cheesy. Oh so cheesy. But after the stylish but ultimately hollow Batgirl, this is a good example of heroes actually heroing for a change (surprise huh?)

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Justice League United #8

Jan 16, 2015

If you're a Legion fan, check it out, if you've been following the book, keep getting it. It you want classic super sci-fi Silver and Bronze age style action (this is like a mini Anti-Monitor) this is for you too. I'd like more emphasis on other characters but it's pretty clear Martian Manhunter and Supergirl are the true leads of this book. Better art would have made this score even better by a half point or so (it's closer to a 3.5 out of 5) but please check it out if space-y shenanigans are your thing!

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Justice League United #9

Feb 15, 2015

Shlocky old fashioned space age fighting, loads of Legion superheroes, breathing in space! Moving in space! Flying in space! It's all here. I feel like the current team is way too underpowered for this kind of grand space opera stuff, and it hurts for it. The ladies of the legion and Supergirl (and to extent Stargirl and Equinox) however save this issue with their high involvement and ultimate role in subduing Blythe.

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Justice League United Annual #1

Oct 30, 2014

Lemire has this strangely on the cusp of being unique, so much so that I think it's a worthy read, but it's not as strong as it could be on all other legs. I like the offbeat nature, they should really run with it. It's solid but better art would have made this much better. Supergirl and the loop Adam and Alanna are caught in are definite highlights. DC should let Lemire do his wild thing and let him loose.

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Justice League United: Futures End #1

Sep 11, 2014

Pick it up to support a poc female lead and a diverse cast even if just for one issue where everything has gone horribly. It's nothing great but it's certainly nothing that will make you tear your hair out too much either. Jeff Lemire seems to either do either really good or really mediocre work. I think more horror based narratives fit him better.

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Lobo (2014) #1

Oct 2, 2014

This catches my interest, but they really should embrace the legacy of Lobo as a parody character fully instead of setting out to tell something that is 100% serious. A little more Space Dandyif you will. With more murder. If they do intend to do that, then ramp that up baby, cause people will react better. This will seem somewhat low, but it's not; I think this has a lot of promise and you should definitely pick it up (though not for the squeamish). They just need to let loose.

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Lobo (2014) #2

Nov 7, 2014

This book is looking a lot more promising than the first issue, which wasn't as fun. I'm pleasantly surprised and urge people to check it out, especially if the supporting characters stick around (fingers crossed).

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Lobo (2014) #3

Dec 4, 2014

Surprisingly effective, brutal, but still just slightly better than average this series does surprise and I'd certainly recommend it for the current diversity and potential for outrageousness. Whether the former will stay and the latter come forth we'll just have to see.

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Lobo (2014) #4

Jan 8, 2015

Pick up Lobo it's a decent book. I can't say it's fantastic but it's always a relatively pleasant surprise and not a chore to look at either.

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Lobo (2014) #5

Feb 5, 2015

This is an interesting book because its not flawless but it has exceeded expectations for sure since they announced it and the revamped character. I've been impressed even though not everything is perfect and want to keep being impressed. Let's hope it keeps impressing!

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Lobo (2014) #6

Mar 5, 2015

While the art is not my cup of tea this issue and quite frankly I'm pissed at the fridging and loss of potential for these characters independent to Lobo, I can say the art is sophisticated enough and well drawn enough to put this higher than most other mainstream books, who can have pretty atrocious looking art. It's weighty and fits the gritty tone. I really would like the level of parody and again Tarantino-esque humor be really played up but it seems like Bunn is bent on playing it pretty straight for the most part. We'll see. The book is still rather decent, though it definitely loses points for how Luna died. That was not cool. At all.

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Robin Rises: Omega #1

Jul 17, 2014

You need this. It's a no brainer. If you're a superhero fan this is exactly what you need to be reading for Batman goodness.

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Robin War #2

Jan 18, 2016

I'd reason this had good intentions but I find the entire event somewhat rushed and sloppy and the main actual Robins don't come off very well. I feel like this could have been handled a lot better? Perhaps it's due to the Owls, who as a concept I've never particularly liked. Do check it out to support the “We Are Robin” crowd as they are part of the next-gen Batman family after all, and we'll be seeing them rise in importance for sure.

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Robin: Son of Batman (2015) #2

Jul 16, 2015

I like the book. It's atmospheric, with gorgeous art and colors, fine peppering of humor to keep it level, and a new supporting female character of color that looks like will be sticking around for a while. I'm interesting to see where all of Damian's missions will take them. It's so nice to have Robin book again.

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Robin: Son of Batman (2015) #3

Aug 20, 2015

I enjoy this immensely. Robin: Son of Batman is everything I want in a comic book. The possibilty of redemption for Talia along with Damian is so important to me and I think should make a lot of people happy. Go get it already!

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Robin: Son of Batman (2015) #4

Sep 19, 2015

A great issue, not completely outstanding but it's an important step in Maya's arc and adds yet another selfless moment from Damian. I can't wait to see where this all leads.

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Robin: Son of Batman (2015) #5

Oct 29, 2015

What the hell are you doing? Buy this book!! Its violence keeps it from being a good book for younger preteens but I think this is a great book for teenagers who love action, mystery, spy and Indiana Jones type swashbucklery. This means cameos from the more occult side of DC could very well happen down the line. In general it has all the ingredients. Check it out.

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Robin: Son of Batman (2015) #7

Dec 30, 2015

If you enjoy We Are Robin, which you should as it's an interesting concept they should have done ages ago, and are a fan of books interacting more, then is will be right up your alley. Nothing in particular stands out and the art is cartoony, competent, not particularly striking, but it's not objectively bad in any sense.

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Sinestro #3

Jun 26, 2014

POSITIVESI actually really liked the pacing here; this issue is not very action heavy; consisting of mostly confrontations and conversations; particularly a big long one between Sinestro and Green Lantern Soranik, Sinestro's long lost daughter who is sort of but not really but pretty much prisoner or designated liaison. While it's sort of groan inducing that the green lantern that is accompanying them is his daughter because “family must stick together or you owe them” sort of nonsense but this does indeed make for some interesting writing; their relationship is complicated and that shows very nicely without bowing to most conventions to make it so.

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Sinestro #4

Jul 31, 2014

If you like the Lantern Corps, I wholeheartedly recommend this, it's actually really solid work, not enough to make me hop around with joy, but it's definitely worth checking out! Sinestro's narrative is an interesting one, can't wait to see where this goes.

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Sinestro #5

Aug 28, 2014

I think this is a solid title, not groundbreaking and not flashy, but still rather solid. It's better than average. The art is solid and artful. But its nice. It's a lot nicer than say, Brett Booth when it comes to drawing people (or aliens…or aliens that are basically people with different colored skin and ears oop). It's a bit dialogue heavy so it requires some thinking too. I generally have little to talk about given the pacing is moderate and thus not much actually occurs rather than Sinestro demonstrating his ability to control Parallax (for the time being, never trust Parallax) like a Pokemon that comes from his chest. It's shocking, but that's the extent of the action. If you can handle something a bit less “black and white” when it comes to morality and enjoys conflicted personalities such as Sinestro, then really do check this book out. Soranik is an amazing character and anywhere she shows up you should support it so please do!

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Sinestro: Futures End #1

Sep 26, 2014

I liked it. It's extra, like most of these, and a bit troubling, but it's nowhere near as horrific as other Future's End issues where everything is literally awful just to be awful. It could have been way worse and I'm glad they decided not to. Pick it up. This is a good shades of grey book.

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Superman (2011) #35

Oct 23, 2014

This is standard stuff. If you enjoy Superman, get it. If you really need a reason to not get, I really can't say no it's not worth picking up either. Again, in the middle. Johns needs to spice things up a bit and try to think a little fresher. Otherwise, solid, if not already done narrative, with some interesting elements. Check it, leave it, it's solid enough to stand either way.

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Superman (2011) #36

Nov 27, 2014

This is pretty safe superhero comics. It's dynamic but not stylish enough to be that memorable. Clark is Clark and is always trying to do the right thing, which is good because I dislike when DC decides to have Clark doubting things or himself. Pick it up, check it out. I think they really good do a lot better with visual presentation here. I'd probably score it higher accordingly. This doesn't mean it's bad per se, the art just comes off as a little lazy, and I do not like Ulysses' design at all. I was unsure last issue and now it's really irritating.

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Superman (2011) #38

Feb 6, 2015

Great coloring but Romita's spotty artwork make this both a strange pleasure and eye stabber of a book. Johns knows how to write pretty classic stories that are neither great nor sub-par. This issue may be remembered for introducing a new power to Superman and has some great moments, but otherwise it's not particularly a stand-out outside of those moments.

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Teen Titans (2011): Futures End #1

Sep 18, 2014

Pick it up if you like rag-tag teams. I really don't see the point of showing off all these characters if they're not particularly going to be used anytime soon? Why endear us to teams we probably won't see again for a while if at all? Since this is sort of a “what if” future anyway? And Klarion without a cat? Sacrilege.

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Teen Titans (2014) #1

Jul 17, 2014

It's not perfect, but they're trying for a younger feel. I see what they're doing, and if they keep at it I think they have something here. It's not quite on the money as a Marvel title would be (looking at you Ms. Marvel) but at the least they're trying. The mysterious terrorist and planned enemy is enigmatic and I'm curious to see what's to come. I just hope it doesn't fall prey to the gritty twists that have ruined nearly every Teen Titans creative team and arc for the past seven years. It's also not Lobdell. Let's see where this goes!

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Telos #1

Oct 12, 2015

If you are invested in Convergence and like to see redemption arcs, this will be right up your alley. It's not terrible, what's here isn't offensive to read nor is the art too much of anything other than competent, but it's such a normal and heavy book (as this is a direct sequel) it really doesn't feel like it's particularly special either. DC needs to push more stylistically. I know they have been and that's great, but they need to do it even more.

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Tiny Titans: Return To The Treehouse #2

Jul 4, 2014

Being said, I love Tiny Titans and what it stands for. It's fun. It's refreshing. GO BUY IT.

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Tiny Titans: Return To The Treehouse #4

Sep 4, 2014

I love this series so much. It's so cute, so simple, and so effective. Some people may think it too simple, but I adore it. You should pick up you know, like 50 copies. Give it to everyone. Seriously.

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We Are Robin #2

Jul 25, 2015

Good book! A great start with decent pacing and a cool underlying mystery building on various angles. I like the team so far and really excited to see where this goes and what it brings to the “Young Gotham” line of books which is becoming rather strong.

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We Are Robin #3

Aug 28, 2015

While I'm skeptical about the big reveal, with the very fatal turn We Are Robin is firmly an entirely different portrayal of teens and twenty-somethings and socio-economic play than say Batgirl and Babs' Burnside, it doesn't even feel like the same city. I'm extremely excited to see how Batgirl will mesh in this comic and I've gotten some inklings that it will be great. I like the alternate take on Riko's costume on the alternate cover here. Well worth your interest.

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We Are Robin #4

Sep 26, 2015

Amazing effort. I liked this one a lot. Keep em coming.

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