Gotham Academy #5

Writer: Brenden Fletcher, Becky Cloonan Artist: Karl Kerschl Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: February 25, 2015 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 21 User Reviews: 14
8.5Critic Rating
8.8User Rating

This months assignment: Uncover the hideous secrets of Gotham Academys North Hall! Also: smooching?!

  • 10
    Major Spoilers - Ashley Victoria Robinson Mar 3, 2015

    Gotham Academy #5 has some nice easter eggs for long time Batman readers as Olive, Maps and their compatriots sneak through underground tunnels in the most beautiful issue to come out this week. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Book Herald - Connor McGuckin Feb 28, 2015

    In its 5th issue, DC's Gotham Academy has cemented itself not only as a truly great all-ages comic, but as one of the best tiles in the entire New 52 lineup. Often described as a tantalizing mixture of Harry Potter and Batman: The Animated Series, Brendan Fletcher and Becky Cloonan's story is one that balances dark mysteries with teen drama and actual, genuine fun. Plus, they have the benefit of Karl Kerschl's amazing manga/comic art. It's new, fresh, and completely right for this story. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Vine - Mat 'Inferiorego' Elfring Feb 25, 2015

    GOTHAM ACADEMY is a series that won me over right away, lost me for an issue, but then grabbed me right back in. It's easily one of the most interesting books DC currently puts out and breaks the mold from what DC is traditionally done in the best way possible. It's a much more light-hearted and fun book with dark and mysterious undertones to it and this issue really highlights the ideas of adventure and camaraderie. This is quickly becoming one of my favorite on-going series and I highly recommend checking this book out. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Comicosity - John Ernenputsch Feb 25, 2015

    A lot of people read comic books to have fun and to escape into a world that isn't our own. Gotham Academy is a perfect example of a comic book series that captures these sentiments to a tee. There is literally something for every type of reader. Gotham Academy is all-ages, and can be enjoyed by kids and people that have been reading for thirty years. The book appeals to the casual reader with engaging, unique characters, and eye catching art. The hardcore superhero fanatic will love the deep connection to Batman's history, and the creators' true love of the mythos. Issue #5 may not be the best issue of the series, and it may have a few minor problems, but it is still nothing short of incredible. Sorry, Greg and Scott, but despite your best efforts, Gotham City may have a new best book in town. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Weird Science - Jim Werner Mar 17, 2015

    Personal protest aside, I loved this issue and I continue to love every bit of this book.  How could I not?  I love the characters, setting, story and art.  Like I said, I love every bit of this book.  If you haven't been reading yet, jump on in.  Unless you have some dumb, personal protest or something. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    AIPT - Jordan Richards Feb 25, 2015

    Gotham Academy #5 is a turning point for the first story arc. We start getting a lot of reveals in this issue that put a lot of the events we've seen into context. The writing is still top-notch, the characters are really enjoyable, and the artwork is as good as always. With the final issue for this opening story arc coming next month, I am more curious than ever to learn the truth and see how it ends. This ought to be good. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Batman-News - Joshua McDonald Feb 27, 2015

    Gotham Academy is an absolute joy, and continues to prove itself each month! I look forward to spending time with these characters, and this issue delivers unlike any issue before it! Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Newsarama - Brendan McGuirk Mar 2, 2015

    Gotham Academy earns honors. Kerschl, Cloonan and Fletcher's storytelling is a breeze, and stands out not only from other comic books, but of commercial storytelling throughout popular media. It is a testament to the power of diversity, not only of representation, but of perspective and priority. That its flavor is so unique among its peers makes it a savory reward to enjoy. Maybe Gotham Academy's greatest lesson is that the extraordinarily normal kids of Batman's world have stories to tell that are as gripping as those of the Caped Crusader himself. Read Full Review

  • 8.9
    Graphic Policy - Edward Wendt Feb 27, 2015

    This series is still one of the standouts among the big two, and while others are being rolled out to compete with the success of this and Batgirl, it is evident that (while the newer series are not necessarily bad) that this is a step above. The characters are approachable and the story is enchanting and engaging, and this series remains a success story and provides an example of how to do comics right. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Nerds Unchained - Connor Frigon Mar 3, 2015

    Kerschls art gives Gotham Academy the look of fine, hand-drawn animation. The expressions, the designs, all of it shapes the series, putting it in stark contrast to DCs other teen books. Its excellent stuff, and you can find more of his art in the excellent webcomic The Abominable Charles Christopher. Its too good not to share. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    IGN - Tres Dean Feb 26, 2015

    Writers Becky Cloonan and Brendan Fletcher have crafted two absolutely unforgettable characters in their protagonists and readers young and old are sure to love them. Similarly, Karl Kerschl's art suits the book perfectly and is a pure visual pleasure. Gotham Academy remains one of the most intriguing corners of the Batman universe. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Mar 5, 2015

    Though I felt uncertain about this title at the start, largely because there felt like there was such a gap in trying to figure out the basics of what's going on, Gotham Academy has really become one of my top must-read books. The first five issues have told an engaging tale with a lot of layers to it while largely avoiding the trappings of the larger DC Comics universe.Granted, we had a Bruce Wayne appearance before and now we have Croc, and a Batman appearance at the end, but these feel like smaller parts of the whole. And the whole is just beautifully illustrated and filled with characters that have layers to them that are being peeled away and explored as they interact more and come to grips with some of what's going on in the Academy. This is a series that feels like it could have a hundred issues ahead of it easily – and an animated series to bring it all to life – and I'm desperately hoping it gets the chance for all of it and more. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Minhquan Nguyen Mar 2, 2015

    The placid, straightforward pace of the last couple issues made me wonder whether Gotham Academy was really as good as it was cracked up to be, or whether it was just okay beneath a gorgeous surface. The story had interesting pieces, but nothing that you could examine all over to invest in, and the characters were mostly likable on their own, but weren't totally clicking taken together. Up until last issue, I could still see the series going either way in the awesome/blah department. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    The Batman Universe - TBU Contributor Feb 26, 2015

    Maps going to the dance with her dateless roommate is a perfect little detail. It gives you huge insight into what kind of friend she is.Another issue another callback to Batman history. This week Killer Croc tells his infamous and then I threw a rock at him. story.I mentioned this above but its worth noting it again Msassyk and LaPointes coloring on this book is just insane. Kerschls pencils are so detailed that coloring it just has to be an absolute nightmare. How this book comes out on time is beyond me. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Henchman-4-Hire - Sean Ian Mills Feb 28, 2015

    Gotham Academy remains delightful, with a stellar cast of unique and interesting characters, and far more mysteries and adventure than were found at my grade school. Clearly I was missing out. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Resources - Greg McElhatton Feb 26, 2015

    I'm delighted that "Gotham Academy" will continue post-"Convergence," because it really is a great series that deserves time to build an audience. If you haven't checked the series out, you're in luck: this issue may be in the middle of a storyline, but Cloonan, Fletcher and Kerschl continue to keep the comic new-reader-friendly. This is the sort of strong, inventive, fun series that the big publishers should be backing. "Gotham Academy" #5 hits all of those buttons. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - Tony 'G-Man' Guerrero Mar 25, 2015

    GOTHAM ACADEMY has reached the conclusion of the first arc and it's been a great ride. We've learned some of the secrets of the school and Olive Silverlock. This series is like a beacon shining in the Bat-Universe titles, giving us a great different set of characters and stories while still retaining a bit of a connection to Batman. GOTHAM ACADEMY remains at the top of my list of books I truly enjoy each month. It's going to be a long wait until June for the next issue. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    DC Comics News - Max Eber Feb 26, 2015

    Getting better. In general Gotham Academy is pretty spooky and all the kids that attend the titular school are sort of odd. Is this a school for special case kids and metahumans? There's so much more here that needs explaining and while I like how they've been telling the story, I can't help but think some of the method's they're using to tell it, such as Tristan's “telling” versus showing flashback account of Olive in the North Hall with the fire, while showing it via comic, is a bit clumsy. It's been so from the start, so I feel in some way it's not quite hitting that sweet spot it really needs to but I think it can get there. Read Full Review

  • 7.1
    Geeked Out Nation - Draven Katayama (loudlysilent) Feb 27, 2015

    It's refreshing to see a cast where rivalry isn't the primary focus. Pomeline and Colton are still snarky and a little mean, sure, but they aren't true antagonists to Olive and Maps like, say, Draco was to Harry. With so much happening in each issue, interactions between two characters feel too brief: Olive and Maps; Olive and Kyle; Olive and Tristan. Despite world-building instead of heavily deepening drama between character pairs, Gotham Academy is a lot of fun and a visual treat. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Multiversity Comics - David Harper Feb 27, 2015

    Overall, it's another solid issue. I'm enjoying this book quite a bit, and if the colorists regulate, I think the book will be better overall. Either way, if you're in the market for a fun book that's less focused on continuity and more focused on engaging you actively, this book may be for you. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Newsarama - Oscar Maltby Feb 25, 2015

    All in all, Gotham Academy #5 isn't a very compelling read. Cloonan and Fletcher's light-hearted approach has produced a light-weight comic book, free from tangible threat and consequence. Even the imposing man-eater Killer Croc has been reduced down to a harmless oaf in an appearance which conflicts a little with his usual characterization. There's no denying the craft that has gone into the visual elements of this comic book, but there's little here to recommend other than as a shallow feast for the eyes. Read Full Review

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