Geoff Johns and John Romita Jr. continue their stunning work on SUPERMAN with THE MEN OF TOMORROW chapter five! Superman and Ulysses are an unstoppable team, thwarting the plot of one super-villain after another, but when Ulysses sees a larger menace threatening Earth why does the Man of Steel refuse to help him? Plus, Superman is about to undergo a metamorphosis...but what is it?This issue is also offered as a combo pack edition with a redemption code for a digital download of this issue.Combo pack edition: $4.99 US
An awesome story that holds many questions with clues being given in bursts. The visuals are amazing. This is perfect comic reading that will make you feel young. Read Full Review
Jack Kirby famously said Superman was such a great character that it wouldn't be possible to tell a bad story with him. We've seen that he was wrong there - I've seen quite a few bad Superman stories. It's wonderful to see a great one. Read Full Review
This was slow in the beginning but "Superman" really becomes a strong series with this issue Read Full Review
There'd be a more challenging story here if the plot didn't flee towards the most convenient escape hatch. Read Full Review
So that is a big reveal. And worthy of a cliffhanger. But next issue better be a huge exposition issue to explain everything, leading to the ultimate climax in the final issue. I worry here ... as I worried with Lobdell ... that I will have to fill in a lot of gaps myself. I don't need everything handed to me as a reader. But plot essentials are ... well ... essential. This issue moved things along as much as prior issues , a couple of baby steps. But the finish line is approaching. I keep hoping for more 'story' to be packed into my 20 pages. Read Full Review
Superman #36 finally gets things going on Johns and Romita Jr's run. We finally get to see that things aren't as good as they seem and while Superman is on the case, I'm not sure who the bad guy really is. I do know that I can't wait for next issue to learn more. Read Full Review
Men of Tomorrow continues to deliver on every level. This is without a doubt one of the few books that deserves to be read immediately. Drama, heart, action and suspense are all represented in this issue…one cant ask for much more! Read Full Review
This is still a perfectly enjoyable comic, but hopefully issue #37 will kick things back into gear. Read Full Review
Issue #36 won't say anything new to regular readers when it comes to the values Superman espouses and the value he places on free will; however, Johns does strike the right tone and balance for Superman, and he continues to deliver a story those same fans should enjoy for those very same reasons. Read Full Review
With two other blas Superman epics in the can (the easily forgettable Superman: Doomed and the hopefully forgettable Superman Unchained), Men of Tomorrow has an opportunity to pull out ahead and become the preeminent Superman tale of the New52, but it can't seem to help itself from stuttering all over the place. It's admirable for Johns and Romita to be taking this much risk with Superman " especially after the last three regrettable years of New52 nonsense " but if Johns truly wants to have the Man of Steel "enter the unknown" (as he's brazenly stated before), he can't simply throw the hero into the fray, he has to convince us that we want to follow him. Read Full Review
That's not to say that Superman #36 is a bad book, or even one that won't feel like a decent chapter in the context of the story as a whole. But as far as singular installments, it does feel like an uneven experience. Ulysses is a character with a lot of potential, and on paper, Geoff Johns' high concept is actually one that could fuel not just one story, but several. But the placement of this chapter feels strange, and the lengthy exposition leaves readers feeling unprepared for the striking fight sequence that comes after. All in all, this does feel like a bit of a missed opportunity to say more about Superman, Ulysses, and humanity as a whole - things that make all the rainy debates and energy-laden fight scenes in the world feel secondary. Read Full Review
This is pretty safe superhero comics. It's dynamic but not stylish enough to be that memorable. Clark is Clark and is always trying to do the right thing, which is good because I dislike when DC decides to have Clark doubting things or himself. Pick it up, check it out. I think they really good do a lot better with visual presentation here. I'd probably score it higher accordingly. This doesn't mean it's bad per se, the art just comes off as a little lazy, and I do not like Ulysses' design at all. I was unsure last issue and now it's really irritating. Read Full Review
Superman #36 is a Superman story that follows the basic model and shape of most other Superman stories spread over six or more issues. There's a bad guy threatening Earth who Superman will need to punch very hard to stop. The script and visuals both pretend to have depth and majesty that simply is not there. It's an unremarkable superhero story that becomes a victim of its own ego and hype. Read Full Review
There are still aspects to Ulysses' plan that haven't been revealed, but his quick reversion to a proto-Zod takes away from what was such a compelling concept. Superman #36 put Superman in an uncomfortable position where he had to confront some uncomfortable truths about his principles. Then, like a kid getting a snow day before mid-terms, he ends up not having to confront anything. It turns into just another struggle against a Superman wannabe gone bad. Ulysses' offer is still a viable concept, but now somebody else will have to steal it to see if it could work. Read Full Review