Batman and Robin #35

Writer: Peter J. Tomasi Artist: Patrick Gleason, Mick Gray Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: October 15, 2014 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 21 User Reviews: 12
8.3Critic Rating
8.4User Rating

Robin Rises continues as Batman begins his trek on Apokolips to recover his sons body. But will he walk alone?

  • 10
    DC Comics News - Max Eber Oct 16, 2014

    Damian as a giant battery. Everyone's Robin! Blowing stuff up. Parademons and Bruce going on a rampage (he's really scary). It's a bit strange but I really like it. I doubt Babs could wear her new urban chic costume to Apokolips. Read Full Review

  • 9.3
    Weird Science - Eric Shea Oct 15, 2014

    This book looks amazing and I don't know how it's possible but it seems like Patrick Gleason just keeps giving more and more since Robin Rises has started.  I don't know how it's possible, but I truly hopes he keeps it up.  As for the story, I thought that last issue was something special by bringing back the entire Bat Family and actually making them feel like the family we want these characters to be, but this almost completely overshadows the feeling of family that I thought was perfect last month.  Tomasi has also somehow made me miss Damian again when I thought I was over all my grief in losing the Boy Wonder, lousy feelings.  Just a awesome book that's full of feels and brilliant action showing us what the "Hellbat" suit is capable of.  Go check this out because it's not something you'll want to miss. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Infinite Comix - Tyler McGoff Oct 22, 2014

    Batman & Robin #35 is a fun, exciting adventure from the Batcave to the fiery world of Apokolips. As "Robin Rises!" escalates with Godfrey, Kalibak, and the Bat-family, this issue shows the lengths that the family will go for each other. Peter Tomasi and Patrick Gleason are the perfect storytelling team for Batman & Robin. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Newsarama - Pierce Lydon Oct 16, 2014

    Tomasi keeps going bigger and bigger with this story, never shying away from using his characters to their full potential. (You'll see what I mean during the Cyborg scenes.) That might be why Batman and Robin is the most consistently entertaining Batman book on the stands. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Henchman-4-Hire - Sean Ian Mills Oct 18, 2014

    This was a thrilling issue! I was so close to giving it a perfect score based on fan-joy alone! Red Robin and the rest of the Bat-Family standing strong in support of both Batman and Robin was just wonderful! Read Full Review

  • 8.8
    Rhymes With Geek - TJ Heilman Oct 17, 2014

    " Tomasi has a vision for the future of Robin and he is doing it the right way in my opinion. He gives enough information to keep you interested and the art finished the job and keeps you coming back. The secondary storylines with Alfred and the Batfamily coming to rescue Bruce is an interesting way to go and it is almost as good as the main story with Bruce on Apokolips, think about it a family that has been betrayed still will to save their mentor. It shows the families strength and resilience. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    AIPT - Jordan Richards Oct 15, 2014

    Batman and Robin #35 was another stellar, exciting issue to read in the Robin Rises arc. It was exciting, energetic, heartfelt and thrilling. With a solid story, good writing, and fitting artwork I can see this story leading to an epic and heartwarming/heartbreaking conclusion that you won't want to miss. However, that's speculation, so let's just remain hyped for now. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    IGN - Jeff Lake Oct 16, 2014

    Art wise, Patrick Gleason continues to dominate the pages. The opening page is a striking precursor of what's to come, Hellbat's imposing shadow streaking towards the Apokoliptian fire pits. It's yet another example of Gleason turning a fairly mundane image into something terrifically exciting, and he does it repeatedly over the course of the issue. His ability to craft big, iconic imagery lends itself perfectly to this particular arc, as Batman is able to cut loose in ways we aren't used to seeing. Inker Mick Gray and colorist John Kalisz also deserve mention, the former's crisp lines and mammoth shadows working in perfect concert with the latter's vibrant, flame-licked palette. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Minhquan Nguyen Oct 20, 2014

    Tomasi's strengths are readily visible, but whether he can overcome his weaknesses remains to be seen. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - David Pepose Oct 16, 2014

    If there's any one downside to this book, it's in the pacing - namely, because Tomasi has to introduce certain members of Darkseid's family, this story cuts out just a little abruptly, with the last page in particular feeling a big anticlimactic. But even with the ending sputtering out a bit, it doesn't hamper 18 pages of solid storytelling beforehand. If you're looking for hardcore Batman action, Batman and Robin #35 is the place to find it. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Forces Of Geek - Atlee Greene Oct 20, 2014

    It's about Damian, it always has been. Even after Damian died and various villains took his spot on the marquee, Batman was trying to, in his own way, fill a void in his life. Now with that loss seemingly about to be found again, Tomasi is having Batman walk a very slippery slope. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jackie Henley Oct 21, 2014

    While I'll admit I started Peter J. Tomasi's "Robin Rises: Hellbound" a little lost having not read the previous volumes, I will say it was easy enough to fall into step and figure out what was going on within a few pages and frames. It is an uprising of Bats, Robins, Women and Cyborgs all trying to reach Batman and help him on Apokolips despite some on-going League tension. The frames by Patrick Gleason (GLC), Grey, and Salisz are even more detailed than the dialogue, and are the perfect backdrops for each scene from the bowels of hell, to bat caves, to skyscraper rooftops" and what's a Batman & Robin anything without a rooftop scene. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Multiversity Comics - Keith Dooley Oct 17, 2014

    The setting is befitting of such an epic tale with epic ramifications both personal and physical. Batman is in a strange world, yet he is guaranteed to get through it. Although this issue's conclusion may seem spectacularly dire, we know Batman will endure. The journey has been a blast (in more ways than one) so far and it's going to be as much of a blast to see how Bruce survives something as overwhelming as Apokolips. Darkseid doesn't stand a chance. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - Gregg Katzman Oct 15, 2014

    Robin Rises may not be as compelling as Born to Kill (at least not yet) and it may not be as emotional as the five stages arc, but one thing is clear: Robin Rises is a blockbuster. The action is non-stop and exciting; the scope is massive; and there's plenty of jaw-dropping visuals. Batman's done messing around and it's exciting to think that there's still so much left for us to witness. It's just too bad the reveal on Apokolips is such a head-scratcher, but I guess we'll just have to wait and see what this story has in store for the villain. After this issue's developments with the Bat-family and getting a taste of what this armor is capable of, you can bet I'm anxious to read what'll go down next. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Batman-News - Jesse Kennedy Oct 16, 2014

    A good issue that balances action with set-up for future issues. We are getting our feet wet (or burned) in Apokolips, learning who's who, motivations, and interweaving tension. It's almost like a certain white, powdery, illegal substance you snort: it gives you what you want for the moment, but as soon as it's gone you want more. Just please, dear God, don't kill the dog. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    The Batman Universe - Corbin Pool Oct 15, 2014

    Neat symmetry here, as we are seeing Bruce go to extremes for his son, and Kalibak do the same for his Father. Looking forward to next issue! Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    All-Comic - Dan Leicht Oct 19, 2014

    Whats more important than family? Nothing! As Batman is on the hunt for Damien his own family is on the hunt for him but will he accept their help? Or shun them for following him into danger? Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Nerds Unchained - Michael Bowie Oct 16, 2014

    Were definitely headed in the right direction with this story now. Its finally starting to feel like the more personal, intimate story that Ive been saying for months now it should be. Not just for Batman, but for the entire Bat-Family. My only hope now is that the payoff is worth the amount of buildup that has been going into it. Counting Hunt for Robin, this story has been going for seven months now and were not done yet. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Unleash The Fanboy - John McCubbin Oct 16, 2014

    Batman and Robin #35 is a solid entry in the series, keeping me firmly hooked to the Robin Rises arc. It does however fail in captivating me with Batman's journey into Apokolips, with the Bat-Family really saving this issue. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Resources - Greg McElhatton Oct 15, 2014

    "Batman and Robin" #35 is giving us the sort of storyline where it's almost in your best interest to not look ahead in the solicitations to see just how far it's running. Tomasi ups the ante at the end of this issue by making Batman's mission more than just a personal one, and it will be fun to see just how far it goes (both in threat level and just in terms of chapters) before it comes to a conclusion. Right now, though, just sit back, relax and watch the mayhem begin. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Doom Rocket - Gavin Rehfeldt Oct 16, 2014

    There is an opportunity to tell this hugely personal story in an unconventional manner, and that is not being innovated presently. Still, this remains an affecting issue of Batman And Robin, if not a spectacular one. It will all depend on how this saga ends, and if it ends unsatisfactorily, then each issue along the journey can be docked a number grade. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    DarePool53 Oct 20, 2014

    While Snyder and Capullo's work tends to hog the spotlight, Tomasi and Gleason have quietly been putting out the most consistently enjoyable Bat Family book.

    The team of Patrick Gleason, Mick Gray and John Kalisz have been knocking it out of the park on this title for a while now, but they've somehow managed to take it up another gear here. Gleason's signature angular style and rich backgrounds are brought to life by well-balanced inks and some eye-popping colour work. They make Apokolips look truly hellish.

    The story itself progresses quickly, while not neglecting strong characterisation. The way Tomasi sets up what's to come makes you desperate for the next installment, while giving you every reason to truly appre more

  • 9.0
    WhiteLantern Oct 17, 2014

    When I get an issue of Batman and Robin, I expect a lot of heart and interpersonal relationships. So much so, that I can forget just how great Peter Tomasi can write a fight scene. The action in this issue is great, with Batman on the hunt to return Damien to life. And, as established in the previews, he's not going alone, since Batgirl, Red Robin, and the Red Hood are joining him. Patrick Gleason gets a chance to shine, crafting some truly awesome images in the pages of the book, especially the revamped costumes Alfred gives the three younger heroes. One small issue on the art side is that Gleason struggles to draw Barbara's face. It seems like he's trying to match the redesign from "Batgirl" #35, but misses the mark a bit. The inking and more

  • 9.0
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