Batman #45

Writer: Scott Snyder Artist: Danny Miki, Greg Capullo Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: October 14, 2015 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 30 User Reviews: 42
8.0Critic Rating
8.1User Rating

When Batman almost gets taken out by a new threat, Jim Gordon might have to reevaluate what it means to wear the cowl before its too late for Gotham City!

  • 10
    Comic Booked - Jesse Peterson Oct 15, 2015

    Batman #45 is a powerhouse issue. With each issue getting bigger and badder, can they keep the momentum? Superheavy might be at its halfway point and this is where Batman stories tend to waver, but if it keeps going strong and hitting hard, it can be one of the best Batman stories in the New 52. Read Full Review

  • 10
    The Rainbow Hub - Emma Houxbois Oct 15, 2015

    By bookending a great issue of sweeping metaphors and intimate dialogues about survival and trauma with spectacular action sequences, Snyder, Capullo, Miki, and Plascencia have achieved a whole new synthesis of the visceral and cerebral elements that can make up a superhero story. A Simple Case may easily be the best single Batman story in a generation, but this issue proves that it ought to be first and foremost, an integral part of this arc which continues to raise the bar with every entry. Read Full Review

  • 9.2
    Comic Crusaders - Cedbill Oct 21, 2015

    This series is seriously a superstar every month. I, like many others, was saddened to hear that Capullo is leaving Batman after issue #50 for a short hiatus, though I'm excited to see who they pick up to replace him (cough, Kenneth Rocafort, perhaps?). Honestly, as much as I love New 52 Batman though, I'd love to see this entire team up and move to a different book, bring some magic to someone else in the DCU. The other two Trinity books are definitely needing(with lackluster art and a boring story inSuperman and a whole mess of problems inWonder Woman), so maybe they could find a new home there? Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Fanboys Inc - Buddy Beaudoin Oct 29, 2015

    "Batman #45" was a great read. Theres so much to this issue that I didnt even begin to cover in an attempt to review and not blog or dissect. If youre feeling let down by DC or the New 52, or feeling lost in the continuity of their ongoing universe, youre not alone, but I implore you to read all four amazing years of Batman. In six months, Snyder and Capullo move out of Gotham, and I think that these years together may be some of the most iconic for the history of the Batman. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Black Nerd Problems - Oz Longworth Oct 15, 2015

    This is probably the most effective installment of the Superheavy saga yet. Snyder and Capullo have done a great job of balancing the journey of the Old and New Batman, making for a richer mythology. Read Full Review

  • 8.7
    Good Kind Of Geek - Nikki Yuan Oct 15, 2015

    This is once again another intense issue. Batman's partnership with his mech suit is awesome, and I'm glad to see Bruce doing good on his own. Mr.Bloom appearance is terrifying and I can't wait to read the next issue. Read Full Review

  • 8.7
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Oct 15, 2015

    This latest issue puts Jim Gordon back in the spotlight, and the results are very enjoyable. Between last month's flashback issue and now this chapter, the tone and direction of Superheavy is beginning to solidify. It makes for a very different type of Batman comic, and certainly an exciting one to read. Read Full Review

  • 8.6
    Word Of The Nerd - Daniel Kalban Oct 16, 2015

    Overall, its a solid book, but it does leave you wanting more instead of at the edge of your seat. Gordon is proving to be a good Batman, and while people wait for Bruce to be back in the cowl, its interesting to see him fight Gotham's despair from his new position. However, the closing pages promise that the next issue will be a white knuckle ride. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Graphic Policy - Brett Oct 14, 2015

    Snyder and Capullo continue to make Batman a must read and consistently the best comic DC is putting out right now. Awesome with every issue. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Comicsverse - Sean Bartley Oct 16, 2015

    Thus far, Scott Snyder has written three different characters as Batman, each one with different voices, mannerisms and difficulties to overcome. Rumors have swirled about the potential for DC to pull the plug on this iteration of Batman sooner than Snyder planned, which would be unfortunate because clearly there's still a lot for us to learn about Jim Gordon and Bruce Wayne through this lens. Snyder and Capullo have been firing on all cylinders throughout this story arc, and while this may be the weakest issue of “Superheavy” so far, it's still a great character examination of its main characters and pushes the conflict between Batman and Mr. Bloom to the forefront. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Nerds Unchained - Jeremy Radick Oct 15, 2015

    Batman continues to be perhaps the best book DC is putting out, and Snyder and Capullo continue to be the best creative, most creative, most energized creative team at the company. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Nerdophiles - Jackson Adams Oct 15, 2015

    Fans who've flocked to this run of Batman for its blockbuster action may be disappointed by this issue but it's a powerful example of a distinct creative team doing what they do best, filling in the margins of this twisted version of Gotham City they clearly love with characters just doing their best to fight for another day. There's little more I could ask for. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    All-Comic - Ron Watson Oct 16, 2015

    In Snyder's hands, this book continues to deliver both shocking and surprising moments. While we can't expect this current status quo to last too long, the entire creative team is doing the most with it. It's not perfect, but this chapter, with its diverse array of moods, settings, and character beats, is a very enjoyable read. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Resources - Jim Johnson Oct 14, 2015

    "Batman" #45 continues to shock and surprise. While Snyder seems to reveal that the new baseline won't last long, Capullo and Plascencia continue to awe with a diverse array of settings and moods to make this chapter of the Robo-Bat arc their usual kind of strong. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    The Batman Universe - Corbin Pool Oct 14, 2015

    Later that night, while Geri is making a speech to set Jim up for the resignation… Julia give Jim a pep talk to fight to stay Batman when he suddenly notices the bat-blimp approaching the building. He runs through the crowd to get to Geri, telling everyone to get down. He tackles Geri to the floor, saving her JUST as the blimp crashes through. A bunch of needle-like projectiles start killing people in the crowd. Mr. Bloom has arrived. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - Tony 'G-Man' Guerrero Oct 14, 2015

    After last month's flashback issue dipping into the story of Mr. Bloom, we're back in the present with Jim Gordon fighting for his life. Some may be patiently waiting for Bruce Wayne to somehow return to the bat-cowl but having a new Batman adds a new twist to the story and keeps throwing the unexpected our way. Snyder, Capullo, Miki, and Plascencia are keeping the 75+ year old character fresh but throwing different things at us. This issue does feel like it's still setting up pieces to the bigger story. We're getting closer to seeing the full wrath and capabilities of Mr. Bloom. There's no doubt things are going to get pretty crazy next issue. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comicosity - Aaron Long Oct 16, 2015

    Batman #45 is a solid issue with some intriguing story elements. I like the angle that is being taken for both Gordon and Bruce thus far and I'm looking forward to reading the fallout of the hell that has breaking loose. 45 issues in, Batman‘s still flying high. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - David Pepose Oct 14, 2015

    Granted, this isn't a perfect comic by any means - whenever Jim Gordon isn't on the page, the story does slow down dramatically, as the amnesiac Bruce Wayne feels a bit too maudlin to command our attention, while the homicidal Mister Bloom's murderous rampage doesn't quite feel creepy enough to really grab us, even with the show-stopping final scene. But ultimately, that's not why we're reading this book - most people aren't eagerly awaiting Bruce Wayne's return, as much as they want to see if Jim Gordon can live up to his potential with his brand-new suit, his brand-new team, and his brand-new way of doing things. And as Jim Gordon has learned, you can't beat City Hall - but it's surprisingly fun watching City Hall beat him. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Batman-News - Brandon Mulholand Oct 15, 2015

    The story uses classic Batman imagery and elements but in an unexpected and sometimes shocking manor. Death traps, over sized villain props, a skylight break through, and all manner of other instantly recognizableBatman iconography populate the landscape of this chapter. I'll admit to being super resistant to the current arc, so the fact that I found this issue as enjoyable as I did is a testament to Snyder and Capullo's ability to take something that I am actively resisting and still find a way to make me enjoy it. Much respect to them. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    ComicList - Brandon Borzelli Oct 17, 2015

    "Batman" provides an entertaining and compelling read this month. Gordon finds himself in hot water with villains and with his boss. Things seem to be going poorly for Gordon, while the life of Bruce Wayne couldn't be going better. This comic is one of the strongest reads month after month, but that is as much because of the artwork as it is for the storytelling. I highly recommend checking this issue out. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Flickering Myth - Ricky Church Oct 15, 2015

    Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo continue to knock it out of the park in 'Superheavy'. Gordon's time as Batman remains a highlight of the current story and, though it can be seen as a gimmick, it really is finding new layers of the character to discover and explore. This pair hasn't let fans down yet with the their stories, making it more of a shame that Capullo will be departing in a few months, even if it is for a short while. Let's hope he'll be back on the Batman title sooner rather than later. Read Full Review

  • 7.5 - John McCubbin Oct 15, 2015

    Batman #45 continues to build upon an already intriguing premise, as although I'm still missing the classic Batman, it is definitely intriguing to see Jim Gordon in the role. Add in the gripping climax and clever twists in this issue and you can be sure that we're eager to dive into the next. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    AIPT - David Brooke Oct 14, 2015

    Some interesting elements make this a fine issue as Bruce subtly reveals he might do something heroic yet and Jim Gordon is still compelling as he attempts to find his Batman footing. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Newsarama - Justin Partridge, III Oct 15, 2015

    While it may not be another blockbuster, Batman #45 is still worth more than a passing glance. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Weird Science - Eric Shea Oct 14, 2015

    The Batman story moves along here and sets up some interesting things to look forward to like the future of Jim Gordon as Batman and what's really going on inside Bruce's head.  While I would have liked to see more of the physical consequences that go along with being Batman here, I found myself enjoying this issue and can't wait to see where it goes. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Henchman-4-Hire - Sean Ian Mills Oct 17, 2015

    Batman remains one of DC's best comics, but I don't think Snyder's doing a very good job introducing his new villain. At least Robo-Batman remains a fascinating read. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    DC Comics News - Max Eber Oct 17, 2015

    This was an okay issue. Everything is certainly brewing and Mr. Bloom is definitely scary. Nothing mind blowing however. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Oct 19, 2015

    Given the title of the book, one would hope it would include more actual Batman content. My patience with this story is running out fast. Read Full Review

  • 6.9
    PopOptiq - Adam Todd Oct 15, 2015

    Batman #45 sets up Gordon against Mr. Bloom finally. Gordon has acquitted himself well as Batman so far and Mr. Bloom is able to kill with the touch of one finger. Gordon hasa tough test ahead of him. Snyder and team continue to push Batman into new territory. Reading a little between the lines it's easy to see Bruce and Gordon teaming up in issue #46. Don't turn your back on this one yet. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Dark Knight News - Ryan Lower Oct 15, 2015

    Overall, "Superheavy" is feeling just that. It's not that I can't wait to see what will happen next, but I can't wait for it to be over which pains me to say because I will buy anything Scott Snyder writes. The words here just aren't doing it for me. Read Full Review

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