Convergence: Justice League #1
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Convergence: Justice League #1

Event\Storyline: Convergence Writer: Frank Tieri Artist: Vicente Cifuentes Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: April 8, 2015 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 9 User Reviews: 10
6.5Critic Rating
7.1User Rating

STARRING HEROES FROM THE PRE-FLASHPOINT DCU! The Justice League story you never expected to see begins when Supergirl, Zatanna, Vixen and Jade attend Jesse Quicks baby shower, which quickly turns into a life-and-death struggle with Flashpoint Aquaman!

  • 8.5
    Weird Science - Eric Shea Apr 8, 2015

    While the ending got me extremely hyped for the conflict that the next issue promises, the rest of the issue seemed like a laid back time, where old friends get together again after a long time and you're all surprised that it's as if you've never been apart........... Yeah, this was a great issue and not only because of all that action and laid back stuff I was just saying.  It also has some spectacular art that makes you realize how much you've missed these characters. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    All-Comic - Milo Milton Jefferies Apr 14, 2015

    Whilst the book can feel uneven at times, with the transition from the character drama to the action not being pulled off as effective as it could have been, Convergence: Justice League #1 is a very solid start that features the return of characters that fans will enjoy Vixen is another character that makes a welcome addition to the roster here. Frank Tieri handles the character focus well and gives each superheroine enough time in the spotlight, and combined with some decent artwork, this book serves as a fun and enjoyable tie-in to the main event that fans of the characters looking for their Pre-New 52 fix should certainly check out. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Apr 8, 2015

    Vicente Cifuentes' art is solid as well. Certain smaller panels and background figures are a bit lacking in detail, but for the most part Cifuentes brings a vibrant and expressive look to the heroines and their surroundings. The fact that the characters spend most of this issue in civilian attire does nothing to diminish the book's energy. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    The Latest Pull - Eric Tillirson Apr 9, 2015

    It's a shame the book doesn't do a whole lot to sell the involvement of the characters wrapped up in this story nor does it deep dive on the interesting implications of Mera and Flashpoint Aquaman meeting one another. A lot of my favorite characters are on display here, but it's a light read that's hard to recommend at the price point. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Supergirl Comic Box Commentary - Anj Apr 10, 2015

    So what to think of this? I, for the most part, like Supergirl here. Although there is a bit of that edginess from the earliest adventures of this incarnation that rub me the wrong way. I really don't like the treatment of Mera. And the art skews to cheesecake. I guess that means overall it is something of a mixed bag. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    GAMbIT Magazine - J. Luis Apr 10, 2015

    Hey, look at all the fan service we are giving you!Justice League #1 even had the opportunity to dive into the relationship between this world's Mera and the Flashpoint Aquaman, but drops the ball only to have her capture quickly set up next issues big fight. There was the potential of a nice mini-arc there, with the evil Flashpoint Aquaman having lost his world's Mera and that pain driving what could have been an interesting and deeper story and confrontation. Look, I love a good who could win in a fight comic debate as much as the next guy, but Convergence is so far more concerned about fan service and internet poking than it is about providing us with a meaningful event. In the end, what could have been a great book just ends up as falling into the pit of mediocrity. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    DC Comics News - Max Eber Apr 11, 2015

    I wish there was a bit more diversity (poor Doctor Light never gets her chance) but it's still a solid team if you can call it that. Otherwise this"is not written terribly well, nor drawn well either but it isn't so ugly as to write it off completely. It also has very, very little action but plenty of grimdarkness from I'm assuming is Injustice or Flashpoint Aquaman. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Major Spoilers - Matthew Peterson Apr 9, 2015

    An odd-but-charismatic team of heroes, with some bumpy storytelling and odd artistic choices. Pretty much only for the fans of the Robinson JLA era… Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comic Book Resources - Jim Johnson Apr 10, 2015

    All's well that ends well in "Convergence: Justice League" #1 as an uneven story concludes on a high note with a moderately enticing cliffhanger. Alluringly consistent art holds it all together, putting this particular tie-in in the middle of this week's pack, being neither as good as some of its companions nor as bad as it could have been. Read Full Review

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