We Are Robin #4

Writer: Lee Bermejo Artist: James Harvey, Diana Egea, Alex Jaffe Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: September 23, 2015 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 18 User Reviews: 6
8.1Critic Rating
8.4User Rating

In the wake of a huge loss, the Robins are reeling with grief. Riko takes to the rooftops of Burnside to find a symbol of hope, and finds herself living out a dream as she teams up with her personal hero: Batgirl!

  • 10
    Nerdophiles - Jackson Adams Sep 29, 2015

    That attention to detail and knowledge of what DC's characters mean to their own fictional world and their own fans is powerful and wonderful to see portrayed. As someone who found safety and happiness in these characters in the same way Riku and some of the other Robins have, it's wonderful to see DC recognize exactly the relationship between their heroesand their biggest fans. Even without that message, Lee Bermejo and Harvey create an intoxicating world in this issue, something at once realistic and cartoony, silly and achingly heartfelt, a little naive and painfully knowing. It's a balancing act rarely pulled off well and it makes for one of 2015's very best comics. Read Full Review

  • 10
    All-Comic - Dan Leicht Sep 24, 2015

    Issue #4 of We Are Robin goes over the top with its storytelling as well as artwork. Bermejo continues a strong narrative while working with talented artists each issue. It's a Batman story full of teenagers fighting the same crusadekind of like if Batman wasn't a billionaire and had a curfew.Whether you're a bit late to the series or wondering if it's something you'd want to readjust start with this issue and do some backtracking, because once you check this out you'll be hooked! Read Full Review

  • 10
    DC Comics News - Max Eber Sep 26, 2015

    Amazing effort. I liked this one a lot. Keep em coming. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Multiversity Comics - Keith Dooley Sep 28, 2015

    Every aspect of "We Are Robin" #4, from the story to the art and Jared K. Fletcher's letters, is done with such beauty and care. The result is one of the best issues of the month and the year. James Harvey is a man who deserves superstar status. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Comicosity - Matt Santori Sep 23, 2015

    Will I feel as compelled to follow We Are Robin once the focus returns on multiple characters and the regular series art team is back in the saddle? Im not sure, but I do feel like issue #4 was the break in the action I needed to get up to speed and appreciate a little of the psychology behind the book. Bermejo and Harvey have taken us into the books premise in the most thorough way Ive seen so far, and left us with a feast for the eyes and mind in the process. Read Full Review

  • 9.4
    Black Nerd Problems - Omar Holmon Sep 24, 2015

    It could be argued that Troy's death is sudden and moves too fast, not giving enough grievance time. And I felt that way too at first, but then you have to realize that when you take up the cause and become a vigilante, especially in Gotham, your life is on the chopping block 24/7, in and out of costume. Bermeejo is keeping it a hunned from jump street as far as I am concerned. These are the mean streets of Gotham, baby. Riko and the crew learned this ain't a game, this is all for keeps. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    The Rainbow Hub - Ten Van Winkle Sep 24, 2015

    To this point, Riko has been one of the least accessible Robins, too, at least in terms of relating to her fellows. Her constant use of the phone, her talking to Batgirls that aren't there, her hanging back to research has never hindered her functionality–but she hasn't been the easiest to get to know. Getting a peek into one of the more enigmatic characters of the series sheds light on her appearances in previous issues, and is plenty of fun to boot. Harvey's art stirs up the frenetic, acidic mood of a city in turmoil, and this eclectic guest issue will leave you rearing to rock. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Newsarama - Pierce Lydon Sep 23, 2015

    People tend write teenagers off. Their intentions are too idealistic. Their view of the world is too naive. Their ideas are half-baked. And while some of that may be true, where's the joy in killing that kind of optimism? While the new Batman has already reprimanded the Robins for getting involved in Gotham's affairs, it's easy to understand why they wouldn't listen and why Troy's death would strengthen their resolve. Bermejo and Harvey deliver a compelling character piece that stands as a thesis for just about every teenaged hero that's ever existed. To quote the great American Football, "All my teenage feelings/ and the meanings/ they seemed too see-through/To be true." The Robins mission is simple: do good. That's a concept that, understandably, might be too pure for adults to wrap their heads around. It's a good reminder that as we grow older, we lose some of that idealism but if we didn't we might be better for it. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Geeked Out Nation - Jideobi Odunze Sep 23, 2015

    We Are" Robin! #4 took a different approach with a different member of the Robins that captures the heart of this series. At the core this is the experience we are looking for picking up a title that we want to make us care for as these new heroes could be somebody tomorrow. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    IGN - Jeff Lake Sep 24, 2015

    It's a strong issue, one made better by James Harvey's uniquely clustered and slightly retro art. His more free form and eccentric design is a far cry from the angular aggressiveness of past issues and, while not for everyone, it fits this particular chapter well. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Noah Sharma Sep 28, 2015

    We Are Robin #4 is a radically different comic than what's come before, both in the sense of the series and the publisher. The change of priorities bodes well for the series, but only if they can be integrated into the preexisting team book dynamic. The art feels almost screenprinted at times and is quite a sight to behold. Many readers will get a kick out of the wild direction that Bermejo, Harvey, and their peers take the series this month, but it's bound to be a polarizing issue. Both art and story are beautiful but skirt the line between the meaningful and the needlessly arty. For me, both come down on the right side of things, but be aware that your milage may vary. Still, We Are Robin #4 proves that Bermejo and his odd new series have an impressive range. It seems to promise bold things in this series' future. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    The Batman Universe - Bill Heuer Sep 24, 2015

    Overall, I enjoyed this issue very much since Bermejo started to explore other Robins and developed Riko's character. Up until this point, its been difficult to recognize all the Robins but it seems like that is changing. Seeing a Robin hallucinate to some degree and potentially deal with post-traumatic stress disorder was an issue I think needed to be fleshed out. These Robins are normal kids that are trying to tackle real problems and injustices so it only makes sense that the consequences reflect that realistic tone we are getting with We Are Robin. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - David Pepose Sep 28, 2015

    While DC Comics will always go heavy on Batman books, you couldn't help but feel that we were in a period of supersaturation for the Dark Knight, with more than a dozen Bat-family titles going on at any one time. It's easy to get lost in the mix, and I feel that in many ways, that's what's happened with We Are Robin, especially with the already-fresh inclusions of characters like Harper Row and Stephanie Brown. Sometimes it takes a real shake-up to get someone's attention, and in that regard, We Are Robin #4 has definitely earned readers' respect. They might be inexperienced, and they might be hurting, but in the hands of Bermejo and Harvey, at the end of the day, the kids are all right. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Major Spoilers - Matthew Peterson Sep 29, 2015

    A nice look into the life of Robin Riko, featuring some really cool art and coloring… Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Henchman-4-Hire - Sean Ian Mills Sep 26, 2015

    With the first story out of the way, Bermejo and a new guest artist take a step back and start fleshing out the Robins. That's going to be key for this title to really take off. I want to know who they are and why they've taken on this role. This new issue is off to a good start " even if the art won't be to everyone's liking. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comix I Read - Kyle Pitman Sep 24, 2015

    We Are Robin #4 suffers from one of the things we talk about the most on the podcast: artist changeovers. Even though the artwork's beautiful on it's own, it just doesn't mesh well with a story that deals with heavier topics like responsibility and self-awareness. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Batman-News - Brandon Mulholand Sep 24, 2015

    While this story had enjoyable elements, there was just as much about it that I didn't like. And even a few of the positives had drawbacks to them. In general, the book left me with a very neutral feeling. However, the one thing that I can say for certain is that I had absolutely no love for the artwork. Respect, but no love. Fortunately, next issue brings back regular artist Jorge Corona, along with a return to the main plot….now go read Grayson #12! Read Full Review

  • 3.0
    Weird Science - Eric Shea Sep 23, 2015

    This issue definitely hurts the overall positive experience that I've been having with this title.  After what we dealt with in the previous issue, you'd think that this would offer an abundance of emotion, but with us dealing with a pretty much emotionless character that seems to live inside her own head, the impact that this issue should have had just feels like a missed opportunity.  On top of that, the art in this book is just not for me and really clutters the pages with every pop art inclusion that it tries to force in the panels...... it's just not something that I want to look at. Read Full Review

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