Batman and Robin #38

Writer: Peter J. Tomasi Artist: Patrick Gleason, Mick Gray, John Kalisz Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: January 21, 2015 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 22 User Reviews: 16
8.7Critic Rating
8.8User Rating

The team of Batman and Robin are together again! But what is the new dynamic for this crimefighting duo now that Damian has super powers of his own?

  • 10
    Comicosity - Matt Santori Jan 21, 2015

    To say much more would be to give away the awesomeness of the issue, but its fair to say that everything we love about Damian Wayne today is a sincere product of the love of two men. Nay, its not Bruce and Alfred although they too are beautifully rendered in these monthly stories but Tomasi and Gleason who have crafted this boy from what you expect from a child hero in a comic book, to a deeply profound representation of what youd expect to see in a fully rounded hero, child or comic book character notwithstanding. If youve loved this book, heres more of the same. If you havent been on board, heres your chance to fall in love. Just bring some tissues along for the ride. Youll need them. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Vine - Gregg Katzman Jan 21, 2015

    The return of the Dynamic Duo turns out to be a surprisingly insightful and emotional read. After all of the craziness and emotion this series has offered (and not to mention the funny cover), it seemed fair to assume this would be an amusing look at how Damian's using his new powers to fight crime in Gotham and, in turn, how Bruce is struggling to deal with the new scenario. While we do get a fair amount of the latter, the focus on Damian's new situation is surprisingly compelling and, best of all, it often tells the story by showing you something instead of bluntly spelling it out. This one really does offer a perfect blend of action, humor and heart. BATMAN AND ROBIN #38 is a great comic and a fantastic way of reminding us just how terrific the handling of Batman's son has been in this title. Welcome back, little dude. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Word Of The Nerd - Daniel Kalban Jan 23, 2015

    My lone complaint about this thing is that some readers, if they are jumping on (or back on) with Damian's rebirth, then they might be confused by some plot points Tomasi brings back. However, this is a pitch perfect issue to mark Damian's return. Robin with superpowers"it's more fun than you'd imagine! Read Full Review

  • 10
    Batman-News - Terry Miles, Jr. Jan 23, 2015

    Honestly, this issue felt like the annual issues, which I really loved. A sweet short story that brought closure to what we the readers and the Dynamic Duo had been through. Plus the Flash 75 variant cover made it feel like I picked up some sort of anniversary issue. It's a beautiful, fun read that you definitely don't want to miss. The lower price tag than last month's grand finale made me feel like I got it for a steal. Read Full Review

  • 10
    All-Comic - Dan Leicht Jan 21, 2015

    The wait is finally over – and it was well worth it too! Issue #38 of Batman and Robin reminds us why Damien is one of the best Robins, if not the best Robin to ever patrol the streets of Gotham with the Dark Knight himself. But even as Robin is raring to go and drive fear into the scum of Gotham his father makes sureto remind him that he's the one “dressed to scare the bad guys”. Read Full Review

  • 10
    DC Comics News - Max Eber Jan 22, 2015

    I'm scared what the “twist” will be with him having powers, there's gotta be one coming, but this is a great comic, it's all very solid and I'm glad we have Damian back. Tt, not like we missed him much or anything. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Newsarama - Pierce Lydon Jan 22, 2015

    Patrick Gleason's art is sublime. He curates a perfect balance of action, comedy and dramatic tension that brings out the best in Tomasi's script. This team is truly one for the ages. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Newsarama - Michael Moccio Jan 26, 2015

    The one drawback of this issue is how self-contained it feels. You would think Damian's first question would be to ask where "Grayson" was, considering Damian died to protect him or that there would be a scene where Damian's just catching up on current events and reacting to them. Hopefully as the series continues, we'll see more of Damian's interaction the rest of the DC Universe and the Bat-family. It's unclear where the next few issues will take us, especially with Convergence on the way. Tomasi has set himself up in the best possible manner: with most everything in the past now dealt with, he and the creative team can now proceed into the next stories and focus solely on how this new status quo will impact Gotham and their relationship. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Infinite Comix - Max Dweck Jan 29, 2015

    Batman and Robin #38 continues the book's tradition of excellence, and is a great example of why this series still has the same creative team over 3 years after the launch of the New 52. The artwork is engaging, and the stories continue to stay fresh, constantly finding interesting new developments for Bruce and Damian to go through together. After 20 issues of Batman without Robin, it's nice to see Robin back, and what comes next is sure to be great. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Doom Rocket - Jarrod Jones Jan 22, 2015

    What Damian does with this gift is moving enough, but what's so disquieting aboutSuperpower, Part One is what Damian might do once he's home. The years spent on Tomasi and Gleason'sBatman and Robinhave shown us a Robin that will only obey his father when he feels he should, but is only ready to disobey orders when he feels he must. Damian isa kid who's still willing to do what is right, even if it is on his own terms, but with a newfound lease on life – coupled with powers that would make Superman blush – those terms may have to finally be met by his demanding superhero father.Batman and Robin is as strong as it has ever been.And it seemsthat Tomasi and Gleason aren't near finished with the Dynamic Duo. Not by a long shot. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Nerds Unchained - Michael Bowie Jan 26, 2015

    No, Im still not sold on the idea of Damian Wayne now having superpowers, or even his return to the identity of Robin. Personally I was a fan of the idea that upon his inevitable return hed take the opportunity to take on a new identity much as the previous Robins have. That said though, I have to say, this was a very strong issue that did a very good job of making me interested in where things go from here. Read Full Review

  • 8.6
    Nerds On The Rocks - Jonathan Schultz Jan 22, 2015

    The artwork in this issue is very pleasing, Damian's nightmare is pretty creepy and it is oddly satisfying to see Robin flying everywhere. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    AIPT - David Brooke Jan 21, 2015

    While a very fast read it's a strong issue that gives Robin an emotional arc that's fun to watch and promises a new direction for the fan favorite character. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Multiversity Comics - Keith Dooley Jan 22, 2015

    Damian forcefully proclaims that he is "still here". "Batman and Robin" #38 is proof that his return promises to be a great thing. Both Bruce and Damian have endured much heartache and tragedy in their lives, yet both are clearly dealing with it in their own way. Tomasi, Gleason, Gray, and Kalisz demonstrate their love of Damian by giving us an opening chapter of the Waynes' second chance at a life together as a family (with Alfred and Damian's menagerie, of course). Whether you wanted him back or not, this issue is convincing evidence that a layered and deeply personal journey has just begun. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Loukas Jan 27, 2015

    The Elseworlds tales are some of the beststories DC has ever published. Sometimes readers and creators want to put aside the strictures of continuity and setting to explore sheer possibility. From time to time it seems that characters long to escape the confines of their origins and even their personalities in order to experience the freedom of different universes, different timelines, different realities. Batman and Robin supposedly takes place within the main continuity of the DC Universe. Yet, ever since the quest to return Damian Wayne to life began in earnest the title has been suffused with an otherworldly feel, as if it is a half-step to the side of the rest of the DCU. Now that Damian has returned sporting super powers, that feeling has grown especially intense. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - David Pepose Jan 21, 2015

    This comic is an interlude, through and through, but it's one that's thoughtful and endearing, despite its occasional rough edges. Or in other words, it's similar to Damian himself. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Weird Science - Eric Shea Jan 21, 2015

    This issue got a little weird towards the end for me, but besides for that this was a great issue of Batman and Robin.  I had forgotten how much I loved Tomasi writing Damian and we begin a journey where Robin tries to leave his demons behind him so that he can truly be back and not constantly think about his death.  I'm so happy to have my little pumpkin headed boy back that I really didn't notice his superpowers at all.  It was a very personal story and I really appreciated that tone of the book.  All Batman and Robin fans should be reading this. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Following The Nerd - Jake Tanner Jan 25, 2015

    This series is a must read. While I was enjoying Robin Rises, it's great to have Damian back and I can't wait to see the constant evolution of his and Bruce's relationship with one another. I'd suggest going back a few issues to around #34 or #35 so you can catch up on what exactly Bruce has put himself and his team through to revive the Boy Wonder, but after reading #38 all I can say now is, "It's good to have you back Robin!" Read Full Review

  • 7.8
    IGN - Mike Logsdon Jan 21, 2015

    Batman and Robin may be back, but for all the ways things have gone back to normal, they are just as different. This issue gives us a brief and pleasing look at how Robin's powers have changed things for our heroic duo, but Peter J. Tomasi chooses to pull the rug out from under us with a more personal story of Damian. While the story works well in the context of Damian's character, it doesn't quite fit in to how this issue was set up leaving fans with the possibility of disappointment. Patrick Gleason returns to produce some emotionally powerful pages and wonderfully laid out action sequences. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Graphic Policy - Matt Petras Jan 23, 2015

    There's a lot to love in Batman and Robin #38 despite some blatant problems with the transition to what should be a really fresh-feeling status quo. Great moments here work with intriguing plot threads introduced in the "Robin Rises" arc as well as in the last couple issues of Batman Inc., but his superpowers are barely explored in any meaningful way and much of the beginning of the comic comes off as stale. The only part of this comic that comes out of the fray unscathed without any caveat is Gleason's stupendous art. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Henchman-4-Hire - Sean Ian Mills Jan 24, 2015

    Damian is back in the Robin saddle, and Tomasi and Gleason take a low key approach to this new issue. We get a brief look at Damian and his new powers, a brief look at Batman's reaction, and then some slate cleaning. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    The Batman Universe - Ryan Blair Jan 21, 2015

    Overall this was an okay issue, but I am looking forward to see how a Superman-like Damian will continue to fight against the forces of evil. Last note, I really liked the cover to this issue…a classic Superman pose with Damian pulling back his Clark Kent shirt and tie to reveal the Robin costume underneath, complete with a hail of bullets bouncing off his chest. All it needed was a classic “<tt>” to complete the image. Read Full Review

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