Terry Miles, Jr.'s Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Batman-News Reviews: 55
8.1Avg. Review Rating

Batman / Superman (2013) #18

Jan 23, 2015

The story is well paced. It shows believable reactions from the entire cast and really establishes the relationship between each player. The inclusion of Kryptonian behavior and information was nicely sprinkled in. Also, there's a Justice League cameo that sets up the next issue. This arc is off to a great start and has easily become one of my favorite titles. It's a fun read that looks to explore more of Superman's past andfuture and continue rad team up of DC's finest!

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Batman / Superman (2013) #19

Feb 20, 2015

Greg Pak is building a story that's very personal to Superman and offers some more history on Krypton. With the Fortress of Solitude still out of commission, it's nice to see that we can still receive some Kryptonian information. Bruce, Clark, and Kara make a great team and this issue sets up what appears to be an pivotal next act. Worth the price $3.99 price tag.

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Batman / Superman (2013) #20

Mar 20, 2015

The overall story was great and this was a good issue. My criticism mainly comes from judging the arc as a whole. However, I still think the the creative team gave us a fitting end to the conflict. Absolutely loved Superman's culture being explored and having an enemy go directly for him instead of Metropolis or the entire globe. Fun story

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Batman / Superman (2013) #21

Jun 11, 2015

Batman #41 serves as a bridge to reconnect Batman and Superman after their drastic changes. Mostly a Superman title, it offered great introspection into Superman's mind on how he feels about everything. It'll be great to see how things play out as the arc progresses and the other titles get involved as well. One of the most interesting things taken from this issue was the humanity and relatable factor of Superman in his current state. The drama should kick up a notch as he and Batman figure out if they can trust each other and work together as the World's Finest.

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Batman / Superman (2013) #22

Jul 11, 2015

Overall:I've enjoyedTRUTHso far, but this one was probably my least favorite of the story. It's not a bad issue at all, I just imagined Batman and Superman's meeting to be more entertaining. I'm definitely biased though because currently I'm really only interested in Superman. I did enjoy Superman's hard edge and his snarky attitude towards Gordon's Batman. The buddy cop formula works well enough to carry my interest to the next issue, especially with a depowered Superman throwing himself in harm's way. The revelation of a secret organization being involved ups the ante, so it'll be nice to learn more about them. Hopefully the two heroes learn to trust one another before all subterranean hell breaks loose.

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Batman / Superman (2013) #23

Aug 19, 2015

As I mentioned before, it appeared to me to be a more Superman centric issue, and actually an arc for that matter. Maybe because we still have Clark as Superman, but Bruce is no longer Batman. Either way, even the Superman portions played out more like a story of Hercules, complete with large monsters, labors, and a Poseidon type character. TRUTH has been fun, but this was probably my least favorite out of all the issues so far. I really wish Bruce were here to help Superman navigate his way through this hard time for him. Or at least that Batman and Superman's dynamic wasn't so boring. I'm sure things will pick up as more players enter the fray and Gordon finally decides to make a move. Be sure to be on the lookout for the TRUTHrecap as well to keep up and discuss what's going on in Superman's world.

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Batman / Superman (2013) #24

Nov 15, 2015

Gordon and Kent both prove that without a doubt, they're willing to put everything on the line to do what's right and protect everyone. They still have their differences, but they're starting to realize that they need one another to get to the bottom of the situation. Watching Superman hold his own against King Arthur of Atlantis was a treat although holding his own meant being able to take a few punches. I think the Subterranea plot helped to establish some heart and soul into the overall story, and I would like to see some more emotion and higher stakes that really challenge the world's finest Batman and Superman to their core.

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Batman / Superman (2013) #25

Oct 16, 2015

Essentially this has become just another Superman title, only having Batman sprinkled in here or there, but the addition of other characters and finding out more info on Dawn Command keeps the story fresh. We'll see where Superman's ingenuity or lack thereof leads him. There's a legitimate plot to take out Superman, so he'll need all the help he can get during his time of weakness. Clark has to rely on more than just his brawn. And for God sakes, Kent, learn how to fight!

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Batman / Superman (2013) #26

Nov 15, 2015

I was bit flabbergasted at the quality of this issue. Greg Pak is a great writer in my opinion, and I really felt like this issue was phoned in.

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Batman / Superman (2013) Annual #2

Apr 2, 2015

The annual was visually appealing and the story was a fun simple concept. A powered down Superman and a squad of certified killers sent to kill Clark Kent. I figured it was an easygoing story until the very end. If you enjoyed the last arc and have a few bucks to spare, go ahead and pick this issue up. SHOW SPOILER Clark catches a knife to the side, and Batman's not around to offer any sort of aid? I'm intrigued to say the least

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Batman and Robin (2011) #38

Jan 23, 2015

Honestly, this issue felt like the annual issues, which I really loved. A sweet short story that brought closure to what we the readers and the Dynamic Duo had been through. Plus the Flash 75 variant cover made it feel like I picked up some sort of anniversary issue. It's a beautiful, fun read that you definitely don't want to miss. The lower price tag than last month's grand finale made me feel like I got it for a steal.

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Batman and Robin (2011) #39

Feb 20, 2015

The action is low, but the talking doesn't bog this issue down. The quick failing of Damian's powers lead me to think that they're not permanent and that a hard learnt lesson is on its way, but we'll see. Bruce and Damian are still working on their relationship, but they seem to be heading in a good direction. And how can you not get pumped up for the next issue with Batman, Robin, Superman, and Shazam going on a mission together? This issue is a nice set up.

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Batman and Robin (2011) #40

Mar 26, 2015

This issue was fantastic. Visually, it looked amazing and it was a very fitting end to the title as a whole. I personally enjoyed issue #38 a tad bit more and would've been fine if that had been the finale, but I was delighted to get an extra treat and see Damian tag along with the Justice League. My only complaint about this title doesn't even really have to do with this issue at all. It was the loose end of Carrie Kelly's involvement. That was something that I really wanted to see be fleshed out, but other than that, I was completely satisfied with Tomasi and Gleason's work. There's only the annual and two Convergence issues, and then it's bye byeBatman and Robin.Be sure to treat yourself to what turned out to be a fantastic era for the Dynamic Duo.

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Batman and Robin (2011) Annual #3

Apr 2, 2015

Batman and Robin has always been one of my favorite titles in DC's stable so it's sad to see it go. At least it ended on a high note. What do you do when you reach the top? Go even higher. This issue took our heroes to space and showed us they can still hold their own. No need for big revelations or cliffhangers, just an average day in the life of the Dark Knight and the Boy Wonder.

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Batman: Earth One #2

May 6, 2015

The book definitely improves on the foundation that was established in the first volume. It's fun spotting the differences between this world and the main continuity. Seeing the trial and errors of Batman was intriguing. I really enjoyed the small scenes with Lucius Fox. It's definitely worth a read, just a little difficult standing up against more interesting Batmans in the Multiverse.

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Black Canary (2015) #1

Jun 17, 2015

This was a decent start to the new title, and interesting twist on Black Canary. Most of the history that we associate with Dinah isn't necessarily gone. We can just assume that it's part of her past that she's desperately trying to hide. There's even a small scene where a reporter catches Dinah off guard when they ask about a previous marriage. There's the original Dinah and her daughter Dinah who takes up the Canary mantle later. I'm not too sure which one this is or if they've just merged the histories together, but what we have here is a rockin' entry into a new chapter in Canary's life.

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Black Canary (2015) #2

Jul 23, 2015

The band aspect is kind of neat. I like the little touches that they place in each issue that makes it feel like you're really keeping up with the band. It's sort of like following Paramore and realizing that Haley Williams had a dark and mysterious past. With that being said, hopefully with more of Dinah's past coming to light, they'll focus on more what makes Black Canary, Black Canary. Dinah and Ditto are currently the most interesting characters, but I can see Paloma garnering some extra attention. Not to mention the introduction of the band's former lead singer was a nice touch. I'd like to see the stakes raised a little to build cohesiveness in the group or cause a rift. Also, maybe some gnarly mosh pits. Only two issues in, so I'm looking forward to fleshing out Dinah's world in the next coming installments.

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Black Canary (2015) #3

Sep 11, 2015

I like the band elements, but it works so much better when we get to have more information about Dinah as well as what's going on in her world. Obviously, something big of her husband who was thought to be dead is now present and trying to protect her. Plus, special little Ditto has some secrets about her that I'm anxious to find out about. It was nice seeing the fear and sense of urgency in the band's eyes during the highway scene, and that D.D.'s training paid off. Paloma is sharp with the pistol. Digging more into Canary's past is exactly the direction I'm hoping the book goes, plus the addition of the band's former singer adds some zany fun to a serious situation.

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Black Canary (2015) #4

Sep 20, 2015

This issue focused on Canary and the band the least, but I felt it was still one of the stronger issues. Getting some background on a character proved to be a nice touch for the story. The events that occurred also set up the book for the long run for some of these loose threads to play out. Luckily for Ditto, she has some great friends that will go to the ends of the Earth looking for her. Miss Tavana aka Bo Maeve might want to look into getting herself a good support system around her because she's not making the best of decisions. There's still more questions than answers, but that has me coming back for more. I'm really digging this title and looking forward to it more and more.

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Black Canary (2015) #5

Oct 30, 2015

The title is very fun and has a few comical moments throughout. I wasn't sure how the book would fare when it was first announced, but I look forward to the issue whenever it's released. This issue did well at keeping my attention and having me guessing as to what will happen next. There's definitely something fishy going on, and as of now, it could be linked to a number of people. Kurt seems to be protective over Dinah, but there's still an air of suspicion around him. Of course, Bo is going to be a problem, but I think her part in all of this is straightforward. I'm waiting to see more about the ninja, Ditto, and surprisingly Paloma. She's always had a few snarky comments to say about the entire situation, plus she didn't seem to bothered that no family or friends showed up to their recent gig in her hometown. Very suspect. Also, the band aspect is making things interesting. With next issue's Battle of the Bands occurring, socks and skulls are bound to be rocked.

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Convergence: Batman and Robin #1

Apr 9, 2015

This issue was a case of high expectations and low results. The issue is far from terrible, but seeing how this is such a large event spanning over the next two months, I was really hoping this would be an interesting tie-in. Nothing really happened in the issue besides a few scuffles, and the emotional element that I expected to be present from Batman dealing with his protgs seemed stale. There's still time for things to kick into overdrive and there's bound to be some fun parts with Jason and Damian working together. These tie-ins are returning to some fan favorite eras. Let's hope they can really celebrate the history of DC and usher in the new with a bang.

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Convergence: Batman and Robin #2

May 7, 2015

I was very disappointed in this tie-in. Batman and Robin has been one of the stronger titles in DC's monthly line up, and the last issues a few duds. Luckily, the main story ended on a high note so these don't count. There's a quick supercameo at the end of the issue, but the conversation seemed a bit off. The entire issue felt like it was rushed.Pre-New52 Gotham was a very fond time in comics for me, yet this comic presented no reason as to why any of it should remain. If this was Telos Idol, I would not vote for this city. Tough break, Batman and Robin.

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Convergence: Crime Syndicate #1

Apr 29, 2015

No need for spoiler tags or going into much detail about what occurred in this issue. Even if you're not hip to everything that's going on in Convergencethis is just a great issue. Sort of like theNew Teen Titansissue I reviewed, Convergence is kind of an afterthought in the story. It's going on, but the cast all have these other situations that take precedence for most of the issue. It works well here. Brian Buccellato writes the story well so that the transitions between the teams is seamless. Not only can you compare these teams to the originals, but also against each other. Can't wait for the the second issue of this series. I was blown away.

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Convergence: Crime Syndicate #2

May 30, 2015

This was a unique story featuring some fan favorite squads. One of the stronger books in this crossover event, this was an intriguing look if these characters ever crossed paths. The read was quite entertaining, and it didn't end the way I expected. Going off a particular panel in theConvergence: Shazambook, these stories don't necessarily hve cookie cut endings, just expressed moments in the lives of the characters. That worked well here and as a result, this is a story that was a treat to read.

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Convergence: New Teen Titans #1

Apr 24, 2015

I was pulled into the issue rather quickly as the story unfolded. I stated above that theConvergenceaspect of the book seems to occur in the background as the Titans also deal with various conflicts that they're facing. It worked in the books favor so that formula didn't feel stale. This was only the beginning of the story so I'm interested to see how things develop from here. Off to a great start with the old…original, New Titans.

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Convergence: New Teen Titans #2

May 21, 2015

Honestly, the book is what you expect from a Titans story. The action and emotion is there. The biggest problem for me was the ending of the issue. It led to absolutely nothing. Most of the tie-ins end with a conclusion to the two city skirmishes, and comment on the character of the protagonist(s) involved. This conclusion left me scratching my head and wanting more, but by that point I really didn't even care.

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Convergence: Shazam #1

May 28, 2015

My Convergence experience has been a roller-coaster ride. Overall, I enjoy it, but then I coke across a bump in the road and I want this stuff out of my face. That may be a bit of an exaggeration, but this title reminded me how cool this concept could be. These issues are definitely a great pick up even if you haven't kept up with Convergence. Parker and Shaner nail what makes the concept work in ine panel.

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Justice League (2011) #38

Jan 23, 2015

This issue does well balancing the action and speaking portions to set up what looks like a big upcoming battle. Some questions were answered, but a whole lot more just popped up. An interesting arc indeed, you don't want to miss it.

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Justice League (2011) #39

Feb 20, 2015

I am thoroughly satisfied with Jason Fabok and Geoff Johns' initial run together and I'm betting on more of the same high quality work on their next arc. Johns writes wonderfully for the various characters in the book, really showcasing their individual personalities and showing great development for each main player as events unfold. Besides the awesome artwork, the TWO reveals at the end of the book is what kicked the score up for me. A fitting end to a great story. SHOW SPOILER Lex Luthor was so deadset on being the hero that as a result, he ended getting his first very own rogue gallery member"Amazo. I like this version of the villain and can't wait to see if he's brought back into the mix. Welcome to the big leagues, Lex. Also, the other reveal was the return of Hal Jordan, the Green Lantern. My mind is already racing as I anxiously wait to see what's next!

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Justice League (2011) #40

Apr 30, 2015

Some folks don't like Johns' direction for the League, but I think he's done a swell job so far. He touches on what's currently going on in DC in comic book form, and got my anticipation up to high levels for this book, and here's the kicker" the Justice League weren't even in this book (save for a small cameo). Having so many folks working on the art of the issue and making it all work cohesively should be commended. My prediction: a whole lot of destruction and some wonderful character development. I'm ready for the Free Comic Book Day issue and #41 already.

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Justice League (2011) #41

Jun 4, 2015

The issue is well written and wonderfully drawn. Geoff Johns crams a ton of material in here, but never does it feel overwhelming. A lot is going on here, and it seems like each member will travel down some very interesting journeys. Plenty of peril and doom is to be found in these pages, and the sheer scope of the story is exciting. It appears to be a very large story, but the great thing is that it is its own contained event. It doesn't have to necessarily carry over into other books, and here we have a Kryptonian suit wearing, slick-haired Superman, and a Chappie-less Batman (that's still Bruce). I'm all for the changes, but this title gave me a bit of what I wanted: some good ol' fashioned superhero drama.

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Justice League (2011) #42

Jul 16, 2015

A quick read, the issue is similar to watching an after school cartoon, and “To be continued…” flashes across the screen. And it's Friday and the show doesn't come on during the weekend. The Justice League definitely have their work cut out for them with their backs against the wall, but they may have been provided some assistance after this issue's cliffhanger. Jason Fabok and Geoff Johns are an awesome tag team combo right now. They're like the Sting and Ultimate Warrior of comic books [or insert a more relevant duo here]! Most of the game pieces are all on the board, just waiting to see how the dominoes will fall.

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Justice League (2011) #43

Aug 21, 2015

Geoff Johns is carefully placing his dominos in a large pattern that is sure to be spectacular when all the pieces fall. The question is, what will remain? Darkseid Waris its own event, so any ramifications that result in this story, for the most part will be self contained. Nonetheless, the ramifications appear to be drastic with a few casualties most likely on the way. The physical action between Darkseid and the Anti-Monitor has begun, but the rest of the war is just getting started. There's a lot going on that is sure to turn the tides of battle. Only thing is, how can there be a true clean victory in a fight such as this? Things are sure to be shaken up, but it's not a company wide event. The results of this war will most likely affect the characters on a personal level. Lives taken, relationships shaken, and the earth a quaking (sorry, I was reading Dr. Seuss earlier). This story will definitely be a great trade because I want all of the issues NOW!

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Justice League (2011) #44

Oct 2, 2015

The art has been nothing short of stunning, and the plot has been quite engaging. This issue finally brought the fight I had been so desperately longing to see. Frankly, the fight felt like purchasing an expensive pay per view fight, only to see the bout end early. There was still a knockout, and it was highly entertaining, but it left me wanting more (not a bad thing). Luckily, more is exactly what we're going to get. A series of one-shots are spinning out of the pages of this title which should be interesting.

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Justice League (2011) #45

Oct 23, 2015

I was on the edge of my seat while reading this issue. Mainly because I don't sit properly in my chair, but I was also highly entertained but what unfolded. Essentially the conclusion to something big, and the start of something bigger Justice League #45 is terrific, start to finish. Although the main fight is done Justice League have their hands full with the multiple changes within the team.

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Justice League United #11

Jul 14, 2015

I really like this story simply for the different feel of aJustice Leaguetitle. Obviously, there's a threat big enough to summon a large team to respond, but the nature of the threat (and the personnel available) require a special kind of team. Everything comes together organically, and there's a real sense of danger for the team. The artwork fits the surreal feel of the book perfectly, and is consistently detailed each panel.Justice League Unitedis a fun title with a unique flare. The book had my curiosity, now it has my attention.

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Justice League United #12

Aug 14, 2015

If you were initially reading JLU and dropped it, now is the time to start picking it back up.

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Justice League United #13

Nov 15, 2015

Thanks to the allotted number of characters that pass through the lineup of the JLU and the nature of the story, this title is able to venture off into numerous genres and interesting dilemmas. The concept of Breakers could be an entire season or even a main driving force of a show. A time warped battlefield makes for great material, and having it tie back to Savage made the story worthwhile. I think these serve as great subplots to the overarching story dealing with Alanna and Adam Strange. This is just a fun title and I really enjoy it every time.

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Justice League United #14

Nov 11, 2015

This wasn't the best of issues, but not because of anything wrong with it. I'm just hoping for more. The story has some great concepts and the array of characters keep things fresh. A lot is going on in the book, but never does it feel bloated or confusing. It is really great because I can't imagine what it's going to take to bring an end to this predicament, but I imagine it's going to be a grand group effort. There seems to be a few hidden factors that could alter the outcome of the situation, and a not so very hidden factor. I'd like to see more about the Zeta Beam and Adam Strange's ordeal, but for the time being, I'm enjoying the ride. All in all, I feel like this is a sleeper title that readers are sure to enjoy if given the chance. SHOW SPOILER Things went from “this ain't too bad” to “Holy crap it's OMAC”!

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Justice League: Darkseid War: Batman #1

Oct 30, 2015

Peter J. Tomasi takes the helm on the writing duties. I enjoy the way he writes Batman as a fierce guardian dedicated to his mission. It's how he appeared in Batman and Robin, and in Tomasi's Batman: Arkham Knight.

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Justice League: Darkseid War: Superman #1

Nov 11, 2015


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Justice League: Darkseid War: The Flash #1

Nov 11, 2015


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Robin: Son of Batman (2015) #1

Jun 18, 2015

Quite a bit is crammed into this book and it may take a couple reads to really get a grasp on everything, but this was definitely a step in the right direction.

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Robin: Son of Batman (2015) #2

Jul 16, 2015

The Born to Kill arc in Batman and Robin was one of my favorite volumes not only from the New 52, but in general. Gleason adding another layer to that storyline is smart. That was a pivotal time and Bruce and Damian's life, so as of now, it's working well during this important time in Robin's life. Digging into Damian's past is a highlight for me, so I'm all onboard for issues such as this. I'm excited for what else is in store during the Year of Blood, and more importantly the Year of Atonement.

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Robin: Son of Batman (2015) #3

Aug 23, 2015

I'm a big fan of Damian, so I enjoy mostly anything with him in it (when written well). Not as strong as the first two issues, this one was still a great read. There's still a lot of background to be explored on Goliath and this ominous ‘Year of Blood' which I'm excited for. The rocky relationship between Damian and Maya is cute, and it serves well in contrast to showcase how far Damian has come along in his journey. It felt like watching your little brother or cousin growing up and getting a girlfriend even though he insists that she's gross and riddled with cooties. I'm anticipating the story to really take off after the next issue.

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Robin: Son of Batman (2015) #4

Sep 20, 2015

Gleason already had me as a fan from his pencils alone, but his writing is really growing on me as well. Working so long on the character with Peter J. Tomasi, Pat Gleason has a firm handle on Damian's tone and personality.

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Robin: Son of Batman (2015) #5

Oct 30, 2015

With a very touching moment involving the "Sons of Batman", this title proves that it has the action and heart that we expect from a Damian-centric story. Kudos

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Teen Titans (2014) #6

Jan 23, 2015

I'd like to learn some more about Manchester Black since he's become such a pivotal character to the story. The solicit for this issue mentioned that the fight for the soul of theTeen Titanscontinues. I believe this is figuratively within the events of the story as well as the title itself. This story arc is definitely worth checking out if you plan on following this book.

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Teen Titans (2014) #7

Feb 21, 2015

The story and the danger within is pretty brief in this one, but like I said there's some good foundation work being laid here. This is part one of this particular arc, and the cliffhanger makes you want to stay tuned to see what's unfolding. Pfeifer is providing humble beginnings for these young heroes and this was indeed, a brief shining moment.

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Teen Titans (2014) #8

Mar 19, 2015

The issue is the end of a filler arc, but it helped progress the feel of the book along. I no longer have to comment on the title trying to find itself and get to enjoy the story that's being presented. Nothing spectacularly over the top, but it definitely was amusing. With the ground work finally laid, I'm ready to see Superboy tear everything down. In a good way, hopefully.

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Teen Titans (2014) #9

Jun 25, 2015

Not exactly a “filler episode”, but little happens in terms of the overall story. Nonetheless, it is entertaining as a set up issue. Will Pfeifer handles the different personalities well through clever dialogue and the pairing of certain characters with one another. Looks like we'll get a big showdown next time, but this issue was a nice return to our regularly scheduled monthly book.

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Teen Titans (2014) #10

Jul 23, 2015

The formula's nothing new, but it does feel interesting with the characters involved and it makes you really want to figure out what caused the situation. Superboy is very direct and anxious to end any conflicts as quickly as possible. The rest of the characters might view that as him being a defensive criminal, but the expressions on his face tell a different story. The story of a man who desperately wants to clear his name. Manchester's smug attitude should also be listed as a character. He punches Drake and then proceeds to smoke a cigarette as he gives them a solution to their problem. Somebody's gotta clean his clock at least one good time. A big draw here for me were the action scenes. Superboy takes on The Elite and finishes the fight with a Battle against Wonder Girl. It happens quickly, but satisfying nonetheless. This arc is coming along nicely.

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Teen Titans (2014) #11

Nov 15, 2015

The action, the drama, and the stakes are all cranked up to the max in this issue.

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Teen Titans (2014) #12

Oct 30, 2015

This was a great issue that pulled on the heartstrings and is a nice segway into what's coming up next

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Teen Titans (2014) Annual #1

Apr 2, 2015

I really enjoy reading this title whenever a new issue drops, and the drama surrounding Superboy's return is just what I needed to keep me going. Looks like the Titans are headed for some uncharted territory that will differ greatly from their celebrity days they were just getting use to. If you haven't kept up with the Titans, now's a great chance to hop onboard.

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