Justice League United #14

Writer: Jeff Parker Artist: Rob Hunter, Paul Pelletier Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: October 14, 2015 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 5 User Reviews: 4
7.3Critic Rating
6.9User Rating

Warzone continues as more long-lost DC heroes join the fray! What bizarre force is causing Sgt. Rock, Enemy Ace and the Creature Commandos to fight the same, insane war over and over again, and how can the team of Stargirl, Batgirl, Steel, Robotman, and Vandal Savage set things right?

  • 8.0
    Batman-News - Terry Miles, Jr. Nov 11, 2015

    This wasn't the best of issues, but not because of anything wrong with it. I'm just hoping for more. The story has some great concepts and the array of characters keep things fresh. A lot is going on in the book, but never does it feel bloated or confusing. It is really great because I can't imagine what it's going to take to bring an end to this predicament, but I imagine it's going to be a grand group effort. There seems to be a few hidden factors that could alter the outcome of the situation, and a not so very hidden factor. I'd like to see more about the Zeta Beam and Adam Strange's ordeal, but for the time being, I'm enjoying the ride. All in all, I feel like this is a sleeper title that readers are sure to enjoy if given the chance. SHOW SPOILER Things went from “this ain't too bad” to “Holy crap it's OMAC”! Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    The Rainbow Hub - Sam Riedel Oct 17, 2015

    "War Zone" wraps up next month, followed by the series conclusion in December. And that is a crying shame, because of all the weird adventure team-up stories DC has ever put out, Justice League United might be the one I'm least conflicted about giving to a comics newbie. I can only hope that JLU's cancellation was merely to make way for an even cooler execution of this concept–because if not, DC just threw away something unique, something they may never be able to recapture. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Razorfine - Alan Rapp Oct 21, 2015

    Ever since the launch of the New 52 DC has had trouble with the inconsistency of their various Justice League books. There's a joy and love deep at the heart of this issue for all these characters that has been missing in far too many of those other stories. Even if we don't get any interaction between Batgirl and Stargirl both heroines steal plenty of moments separately between the insanity of battle most of the other characters wage through. The story may not make a hell of a lot of sense to me but I certainly applaud the spirit of the issue. Worth a look. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    The Batman Universe - Ryan Blair Oct 16, 2015

    Overall I am really enjoying this series change of direction…having gone back and read some of the beginning of JLU, I rather enjoy the alternating team ups that see different groups of characters appear throughout the series. I will be rather sad to see this book leave come December due to its cancellation. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    Weird Science - Jim Werner Oct 18, 2015

    It seems that I am one of the few people who have enjoyed this book since it's DC You switch, but this issue may be a case of too much of a good thing.  Jeff Parker goes out of his way to throw a ton of characters at the reader and while they are some of the coolest in DC history, the story suffers.  In fact, we really don't get much of a story as we fly from scene to scene and explosion to explosion.  I enjoyed Paul Pelletier's art, but even he seemed to struggle to keep up with the chaos.  All in all, this was an okay issue that might be crumbling under it's own weight.  Still, I will be sticking it out until the end and am interested to see how Parker wraps it all up. Read Full Review

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