Batman and his new team are after a band of thieves in Gotham Citybut theyre about to develop a new weapon that will make them much harder to stop!
This is the right balance between realist street-level crime (mysterious deals and hit contracts, police procedure) and over the top Superhero action that leave me thrilled. This also feels really appropriate for Detective. Read Full Review
Things are about to explode in Gotham...literally. Brian Buccellato is making sure that the finish to his run is going to be huge by introducing crazy guest stars and a cliffhanger that is larger than life. He also doesn't forget what has made his run special by showing Gordon struggle as Batman while keeping the spotlight on Bullock as well. It's all coming to a head and I will be there in the front row when the crap hits the fan. Read Full Review
“Detective Comics” #43 is a solid issue of this series that's been on a streak the last year or so. It's going to be exciting to see how this storyline concludes and if there are any changes in the power balance. Jim Gordon's new job as Batman is overshadowed by Harvey Bullock and Renee Montoya and that's okay, because we desperately need a series that focuses solely on the GCPD. Read Full Review
Detective Comics has been one of DC's sure-fire Batman titles for a while now, and now that Jim Gordon is in the suit, the streak is still alive and well. Read Full Review
The most interestingfacet to this iteration ofBatman continues to be (for me anyway)Harvey Bullock. I'm thoroughly enjoying seeing this new world through his eyes, and if I'm honest that's pretty much the only reason I'm continuing to pick this up.Detective Comics #43 is a solid story set against a backdrop of a city that has lost it's hero, and strives to fill that gap, but the comic itself seems like it's merely treading water untilBruce Wayne eventually returns.Yes, it's a decent comic book – and many may really enjoy it – but this wasn't really for me. It was okay, but it wasn't great. Read Full Review
Personally, I'd prefer this in a trade. For Batman fans alike, do ya'self and pick it up! Read Full Review
This book is far from perfect, but it's far from bad. It's had ups and downs, but knowing its true potential is part of the problem. If you have been reading Detective Comics for a while now, this story just seems like a let down. I want more from the book, but I enjoy what I have. Read Full Review
Blanco's art has its moments as he captures Bullock and Gotham so well. On the flip side, Gordon looks extremely young which detracts from the realism presented in his actions and body language, and there's another cop who's drawn later in the issue that looks exactly like Scarlett Johansson, which took me right out of the story. Overall this issue has it's highs and low points which gives the book an inconsistent feel, and left me questioning what kind of book it's ultimately trying to be. I'm hoping for a GCPD book with a little bit of Batman sprinkled throughout but after the last page, I feel as though it's headed in the opposite direction. Read Full Review
Jim goes home to rest, while the GCPD are transporting La Morte when they are attacked. Gordon is called in, runs to the Bat-Blimp, gets suited up, and sees… A GIANT JOKER-BOT?! Read Full Review
Detective Comics continues to struggle with its identity in the new Gordon-as-Batman world. Read Full Review
Nonetheless, there's strong character work in Detective Comics #43 and the developing plot points make the series worth reading as it continues. Read Full Review
With each new issue of this arc, I have the unfortunate responsibility to report to you that it's not getting any better. When you find yourself enjoying the latest exploits of Bat-Mite more than the adventures of Gotham's finest, you know something isn't right. Read Full Review
I m really getting in to the focus on the police here and there were some good layouts in the panel work - a very natural and intuitive flow. Just make this book full-on GCPD with RoboBat as the occasional heavy.