The Infinitus Saga begins as the Legion of Super-Heroes arrive with the shocking news that the 31st century has been destroyed! Now its up to the Justice League United to save the future!
This Annual really took me on an excellent adventure and I finally feel like this whole Justice League United thing is going somewhere. *air guitar* I've felt that the majority of this series' run has been a little bit on the boring side, but this over sized book really grabbed me and I couldn't turn the pages fast enough. Just a great looking book with a great story and I hope that this book continues to keep me in the awe that it put me in here. Check it out because it looks like this is really going to be something epic in scope. Read Full Review
In short, Justice League United Annual #1 makes for a good looking issue, with a strong story that even makes me want to read about Hawkman. Read Full Review
Justice League United Annual #1 was a lot of fun and made for an enjoyable start to this arc. While it may not redefine or bring much new to cosmic superhero stories, what it does bring to the table is a wonderful and lively superhero tale with great characters and solid artwork. Sometimes you just don't need to recreate the wheel to make a great story, or at least the start to one, as seen here. Read Full Review
Justice League United Annual #1 is pure example of a book finally finding its own voice. After a lackluster opening arc, Lemire and his team seem to finally feel comfortable with their team as a whole, and with that comfort comes ambition. No one wants to read a comic that plays it safe and tells a middling superhero story that audiences have read time and time again. While the story of this annual isn't going to bust open a new paradigm within comics, it is the kind of breathlessly huge story that audiences gravitate toward. I would much rather read something that shoots for the moon and misses than a story that doesn't even try to aim. Justice League United Annual #1 not only shoots for the moon, it shoots for a moon in a neighboring universe. Time will tell if its aim is true, but for now, long live the Legion and the JLU. Read Full Review
As I said, the art is a step up from Timothy Green and is better suited for this title. In particular, the flashforward into the future with a double splash of the Legion and the emergence of Infinitus were excellent. I guess I'll have to see where it goes! Read Full Review
Like I said, I'm coming back for the rest of storyline, but as of right now, I won't follow Justice League United after that. Read Full Review
So far this storyline is making the right steps. Fans of the Legion will be happy to see them still alive and intact in the future (and it sounds like all the issues with time travel that had come up in "Legion Lost" are gone, with the insinuation that the missing members are now back in the 31st century), and every character getting a nice bit of characterization. This is much more along the lines of what I'd expected from "Justice League United," and it's nice to see the kinks worked out. Full speed ahead! Read Full Review
"Justice League United" Annual #1 is quite ambitious, to its own detriment. With the new characters, all the expositions and the Arrow-led team's planet hopping side adventures, it's just too much going on all at once. The return of the Legion of Super-Heroes is a welcome development and they fight much better into "United" than in their previous New 52 incarnation. Lemire fills the issue with fun and interesting character moments, and Edwards' art makes the long flashbacks much more interesting, but readers will find it hard to keep track of everything going on. There is a lot of fun adventure to be had, just don't try to understand everything. Read Full Review
Neil Edwards is an artist who is quite good with featuring close-up shots of our heroes and presenting action sequences in dynamic angles. However, there is a limit to this unfortunately with many background characters coming off looking rushed as well as more than one instance of angles that are just too odd to work. Read Full Review
Jeff Lemire's Justice League United captures the spirit of humanity and cosmic action pioneered by JLI, but an inability to balance those elements hurts more than it helps. Read Full Review
The B-story involves Green Arrow, Animal Man, Supergirl, and Stargirl tracking down the villainous Bith and discovering that their dead teammate Hawkman isn't so dead (although he's apparently now working for the other side). For an annual the issue works well kicking off the next arc of the series which (even for someone who isn't a bit Legion fan) should get interesting with the number of characters making appearances before all is said and done. Worth a look. Read Full Review
Lemire has this strangely on the cusp of being unique, so much so that I think it's a worthy read, but it's not as strong as it could be on all other legs. I like the offbeat nature, they should really run with it. It's solid but better art would have made this much better. Supergirl and the loop Adam and Alanna are caught in are definite highlights. DC should let Lemire do his wild thing and let him loose. Read Full Review
This was an odd outing for the Legion, and not the best one for the JLU. It sort of left me with a "Was that it?" feeling. Read Full Review
A letdown in several ways. Legion fans, I feel your pain. Read Full Review
I want to like this series, I really do, but with so much going on it's difficult to enjoy it all. Read Full Review