Nothing in his experience with cutting-edge technology could prepare Batwing for a battle against the vengeful spirits whove taken control of his armor!
The issue as a whole, especially the opening, is a great read. It continues what has to be a six-week hot streak for Batman Eternal at this point. Hop on this train, guys. It's quite the ride. Read Full Review
We are finally here, set for the last act of Batman Eternal. It is shaping up to be a classic showdown, and these two have had many an epic confrontation. Tune in next week Bat-fans, same Bat-time, same Bat-channel! Read Full Review
This issue is equivalent to the feeling you get when you slice a ghost in half. You know the one I'm talking about? Batwing knows…oh, he knows. Read Full Review
Batman Eternal #45 wraps up one plot and then hits with a wallop big enough to make me thankful I only have to wait a week for more. Eternal has been a “big” series since the outset and it's only getting bigger, and with a writing team that is continuing to deliver stories this strong, especially when paired with capable artists like Javi Fernandez, you can't go wrong with Batman Eternal. Read Full Review
This was a good entry intoBatman Eternal and I'm certainly very much looking forward to seeing how it all plays out in the end. If you've not been interested at all inEternalso far, this really isn't the place to jump on and I'm hardly going to convince you to try it. If you're reading it, definitely keep checking it out. If you dropped off somewhere over the previous44 issues, maybe give this one a try now that everything is starting to come together! Pick it up at your LCS or digital comics platform. Read Full Review
I suppose the big reveal could be a red herring but Fawkes and Fernandez do this chapter justice. Given all that we've seen in Batman Eternal and the Bat-books in general, I have a hard time believing that the overall creative team is really going to be able to stick the landing with the ending of this event. Fawkes and Fernandez fulfill their duties here and give us a few of the better character moments that we've seen in recent weeks. With such a scattershot approach to this title, sometimes that's the best you can ask for. Read Full Review
Batman Eternal #45 isn't a terrible book, but it feels like more of the same. I for one want to see this story get moving at a brisker pace because there are a lot of good things they have in play here. I hope next week things get better because that cliffhanger ending gives us the impression it will. Read Full Review
Well I suppose we've made some progress by the end of the issue, unless it turns out to be a red herring and this lead has nothing to do with the person pulling the strings. Either way, the issue was alright (writing and characterization were all okay) but still pretty uneventful and going over ground we've already covered. I really wish things would pick up and move on since this is rather disappointing. Read Full Review
Lastly we have the big reveal! Or do we? In the very end we get dropped a bomb that Ras Al Ghul has been behind the events in Gotham City…however is this real? Or are we simply being thrown a red herring? Neither Ras nor the League of Assassins appeared in the Batman Thanksgiving promo art released last year, so can the Demons Head really be behind this massive story? I mean, it is completely possible. Ras is one of Batmans more powerful allies and is manipulative enough to mastermind all of these events. But, I have always seen Ras Al Ghul as being a villain that enjoys leaving his name on his deeds. Batman always identifies the Demon almost immediately when one of his crimes comes to Gotham City. So, can the Demon really be behind all of this? Or is someone simply putting Ras in Batmans crosshairs so they can continue their reign of terror? Guess we will need to wait and see. Read Full Review
This is an issue that simply moves the story along, with little to add, save the last ending that doesn't have the impact the creators intended. Read Full Review
This was another disappointing issue of Batman: Eternal. Ray Fawkes doesn't do much to push the story forward until the "shocking" cliffhanger that felt like a too little, too late situation in this issue and the series in general. Javi Fernandez's confusing art was just the cherry on the mediocre sundae. I hope things get better rally quickly or a year's work may just go down the drain. Read Full Review
Shadows and ghosts have haunted Gotham from the beginning. The atmosphere of that most famous of comic-book cities has evolved considerably over the years, but it debuted in 1939 as a grim and dangerous place overrun with a superstitious and cowardly lot. Even in Gotham's moments of high camp the bright colors and glaring lights have accentuated the darkness rather than banished it. So the appearance of ghosts and demons of all sorts in Batman Eternal #45 comes as no fundamental shock. And artist Javi Fernandez deftly deploys the modern visual vocabulary of such occult narratives. His blocky, elongated figures, slightly disproportioned and slightly out of focus, call to mind the work of Mike Mignola and Alex Maleev. Dan Brown's color spectrum, favoring blues and purples, lends the scenes the sense of nightmare. Altogether, the look of the comic would not be out-of-place in some iterations of Hellboy or the grittier versions of Daredevil. Read Full Review
Batman Eternal is all over the place, sometimes within the same issue. Read Full Review
While there was a lot of stuff in this issue that I found unnecessarily tedious and completely skippable, I will at least recognize the fact that the dialogue was perfectly sufficient and the characters were at least displaying the appropriate dispositions. Unfortunately, that is the most enthusiasm I can muster for this issue. When everything is said and done, ultimately, this issue was spent tying up loose ends that didn't need tying. Hopefully more effort will be put toward #46 than what was displayed here. Read Full Review