Yam09's Profile

Joined: May 07, 2017

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Yam09 reviewed Future State: Nightwing #2 Feb 16, 2021

It is nice to see Nightwing being written in character again. Recommended for Nightwing fans.

Future State: Nightwing #2

By: Andrew Constant, Nicola Scott
Released: Feb 17, 2021

It’s an all-new dynamic for the Dynamic Duo when Nightwing and Gotham’s mysterious new Batman join forces against the Magistrate. But when the totalitarian force controlling the city declares the two heroes their primary targets, Nightwing will need to call on the full force of his hidden resistance, including two Batgirls, Huntress, and Two-Fa...

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Yam09 reviewed Future State: Nightwing #1 Jan 19, 2021

After a long time, an issue worthy of the name Nightwing.

Future State: Nightwing #1

By: Andrew Constant, Nicola Scott
Released: Jan 20, 2021

Batman is gone! Now, Nightwing has taken on the mission of keeping the citizens of Gotham City safe from the Magistrate. But to do that, he’ll have stay one step ahead of the Magistrate! And you know things have gotten bad in Gotham when the safest place for Dick to hide out is the abandoned Arkham Asylum! When Nightwing gets a visit from a mask ...

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Yam09 reviewed Batgirl #50 Oct 27, 2020

I was nuetral about Batgirl before. Now, I do NOT like her at all. Not a tiny iny bit.

Batgirl #50

By: Cecil Castellucci, Aneke
Released: Oct 28, 2020

Series finale! All good things must come to an end, as we wrap up this run of Batgirl with one final oversized celebratory issue! In the aftermath of “The Joker War,” Gotham is left in pieces that need to be picked up by Barbara and Alejo’s team-but is Gotham a city worth saving anymore, and how much longer does our girl have it in her to kee...

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Yam09 reviewed Nightwing #72 Oct 20, 2020

Bea. The only good thing in this Ric mess.

Nightwing #72

By: Dan Jurgens, Ronan Cliquet
Released: Jul 15, 2020

Dick Grayson has learned the truth: that “fixing” his identity lies with none other than Barbara Gordon. He must go to Gotham to find Batgirl-and runs into The Joker’s new henchperson, Punchline. Unlike Harley Quinn, Punchline’s deadpan black humor matches the deadly knives she uses on her victims…and for her next joke, Ric Grayson is the...

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Yam09 reviewed Nightwing #71 Oct 20, 2020

Joker is a great Nightwing villain.

Nightwing #71

By: Dan Jurgens, Ronan Cliquet
Released: Jun 10, 2020

Having a chat with the Clown Prince of Crime is scary enough...being captured, tied down, and forced to listen to him is something else! Especially when you're Ric Grayson, and The Joker just wants you out of action so he can get to the Dark Knight. With no idea what his history with The Joker might be, Ric doesn't find this situation one bit funny...

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Yam09 reviewed Nightwing #70 Oct 20, 2020

Slow pace but Joker is in character.

Nightwing #70

By: Dan Jurgens, Ryan Benjamin
Released: Mar 18, 2020

How many Nightwings does it take for one Joker to strike to get to the real one? Four Nightwings. And that's not even the punchline-how will Ric interact with the Joker when he's not quite sure which one of his two memories is the real one...and exactly how dangerous this clown standing before him is?

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Yam09 reviewed Justice League #55 Oct 20, 2020

Death Metal stakes without it going into the "what the hell is even happening". Snyder please.

Justice League #55

By: Joshua Williamson, Robson Rocha
Released: Oct 21, 2020

The motley crew of “Doom Metal” sets sail for the cliffs of insanity, captained by Nightwing-or so he thinks! The team fractures, and Detective Chimp reveals the horrible secret wish in his heart. And speaking of hearts, Hawkgirl will stop at nothing to find Martian Manhunter, even if she jeopardizes the League’s mission and their souls. Part...

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Yam09 reviewed Nightwing #75 Oct 20, 2020

Nightwing is back, baby! Masterpiece.

Nightwing #75

By: Dan Jurgens, Ronan Cliquet
Released: Oct 21, 2020

In the wake of “The Joker War,” Nightwing is back-but is he back for good? And does he remember Bea? With the help of Batman, Batgirl, his Teen Titans friends, and even Alfred, Nightwing must decide for himself which path to take. Then, when KGBeast discovers Nightwing is still alive, his street credibility is on the line if he doesn’t go to ...

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Yam09 reviewed Red Hood and the Outlaws #40 Oct 20, 2020

Boring villain.

Red Hood and the Outlaws #40

By: Scott Lobdell, David Messina
Released: Nov 27, 2019

After their first mission in the field, all the Outlaws want is to head back to the Block for some R&R. Unfortunately, no sooner do they get home than they find themselves under assault from Shay Veritas' clones! It's like Night of the Living Duplicates in there, and Red Hood is nowhere to be found. Is he teaching them a dangerous (but hopefully va...

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Yam09 reviewed Red Hood and the Outlaws #41 Oct 20, 2020

Suspense is lacking.

Red Hood and the Outlaws #41

By: Scott Lobdell, David Messina
Released: Jan 1, 2020

It's the shocking return of Artemis and Bizarro! But when did these old friends become foes? Red Hood's former Outlaws are ready to kill Jason Todd, and the kids of Generation Outlaw might be the only ones who can stand in their way! Sure, they're the super-villains of tomorrow, but for today they're just kids trying to learn how to survive in this...

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Yam09 reviewed Red Hood and the Outlaws #42 Oct 20, 2020

Red Hood needs to get dating advices.

Red Hood and the Outlaws #42

By: Scott Lobdell, Paolo Pantalena
Released: Jan 22, 2020

No one was harmed in the making of this issue! Red Hood is thrilled Artemis and Bizarro are back...but so much has changed for the Outlaws. For the moment they're mentors to the next generation of super-villains, and if you don't think the kids are going to challenge their new teacher, Bizarro...then you don't know Generation Outlaw! Plus, Jason an...

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Yam09 reviewed Red Hood and the Outlaws #43 Oct 20, 2020

This is just bad. I need to stop making myself suffer.

Red Hood and the Outlaws #43

By: Scott Lobdell, ChrisCross
Released: Feb 26, 2020

We're living in strange times! Magic and metahumans are everywhere, but good and evil are easy to spot-right? The heroes of the world would never let anything happen to it...unless it happened already. Red Hood and the Outlaws are about to discover that the line between moral and immoral is very thin indeed.

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Yam09 reviewed Red Hood and the Outlaws #44 Oct 20, 2020

It's trying to be deep. Only ending up as shallow.

Red Hood and the Outlaws #44

By: Scott Lobdell, ChrisCross
Released: Mar 25, 2020

When tracking down an ancient evil that can hide in anyone, Red Hood and his Outlaws have to surreptitiously sniff out their enemy by similarly hiding in plain sight...Are you ready for the Outlaws to go undercover? The Untitled are unlike any foe they've ever faced, so if the Outlaws are going to win, they're going to need to improvise!

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Yam09 reviewed Red Hood and the Outlaws #45 Oct 20, 2020

Untitled makes me uninterested.

Red Hood and the Outlaws #45

By: Scott Lobdell, Paolo Pantalena
Released: May 20, 2020

Red Hood, Artemis, and Bizarro have battled many threats together...but they've never faced a veritable army of the damned! Which is what is happening during the protests on the streets of Qurac as the Untitled prepare to strike at the heart of humanity! At the same time Artemis has to go sword-to-word with Essence. As the enemy gathers its forces,...

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Yam09 reviewed Red Hood and the Outlaws #46 Oct 20, 2020

Trigon needs to stay away from this book. Wasted potential.

Red Hood and the Outlaws #46

By: Scott Lobdell, Paolo Pantalena
Released: Jun 24, 2020

Red Hood, Artemis, and Bizarro have their hands full-and until now they thought the biggest problem they had to face was the uprising of the Untitled during the political protests in Qurac! They're about to learn this ancient race might very well be the lesser of two evils when the Outlaws square off against one of the oldest and most dangerous thr...

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Yam09 reviewed Red Hood and the Outlaws #47 Oct 20, 2020

They repeated the storyline. Oh Lord, don't buy.

Red Hood and the Outlaws #47

By: Scott Lobdell, Paolo Pantalena
Released: Jul 29, 2020

The Chamber of All has been excavated by the Untitled in Qurac, which means it’s up to Red Hood, Artemis, Bizarro and Essence to prevent an unspeakable horror from wiping out all of humanity once and for all. Sounds like a tall order for the Outlaws? Don’t worry, they get help from the most unexpected (and misunderstood) super-team of all time:...

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Yam09 reviewed Red Hood and the Outlaws #48 Oct 20, 2020

Nerf Nightwing for Jason to shine (Yet Jason can't still beat him in this issue LOL). That's okay. I can give it a 5/10. But female Joker makes this 1/10.

Red Hood and the Outlaws #48

By: Scott Lobdell, Brett Booth
Released: Aug 26, 2020

In the aftermath of the war between Batman and The Joker, Jason Todd has a few decisions to make. Does Gotham City-or the world at large-really need the Red Hood? If Jason contemplates retiring the Red Hood mask altogether, what does that mean for Artemis and Bizarro? Can the Outlaws continue to exist without their leader? A family reunion with Ric...

Yam09 reviewed Red Hood and the Outlaws #49 Oct 20, 2020

It looks like the series will end in a bummer.

Red Hood and the Outlaws #49

By: Scott Lobdell, Paolo Pantalena
Released: Sep 30, 2020

Jason’s ongoing war against the Untitled comes to a sudden, startling and tragic end with the help of…Red Hood and the Outlaws?! But to protect the world, one of his teammates must make the ultimate sacrifice for the greater good!

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Yam09 reviewed Nightwing #73 Oct 20, 2020

Babs really loves Dick. Phrasing.

Nightwing #73

By: Dan Jurgens, Ryan Benjamin
Released: Aug 19, 2020

The Joker knows Dick Grayson is Nightwing-and the plans the Clown Prince of Crime has set in motion in “The Joker War” will haunt Batman forever. Under the control of The Joker’s new henchperson, Punchline, Nightwing must battle the people he once loved most: Batgirl, the Robins, and…himself.

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Yam09 reviewed Nightwing #74 Oct 20, 2020

I love the fights.

Nightwing #74

By: Dan Jurgens, Ryan Benjamin
Released: Sep 9, 2020

The Joker has poisoned Ric Grayson’s mind with false memories and pitted him against Batgirl, the Robins, and Batman. As Batgirl realizes the key to ending this nightmare is through the crystal around The Joker’s neck, it’s up to Grayson to use it on himself and fight for who he really is: Nightwing! And if he doesn’t get stuck in his own m...

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Yam09 rated Nightwing Annual #3 Jun 16, 2020

Nightwing Annual #3

By: Dan Jurgens, Scott Godlewski
Released: Jun 17, 2020

Dick Grayson has been many things in his life-Robin, agent of Spyral, even Batman...but will he have a choice when the Condors try to recruit him for their cause? And will they take no for an answer? A thrilling, high-octane adventure awaits over the skies of Gotham City!

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Yam09 rated Birds of Prey #1 Jun 3, 2020

Birds of Prey #1

By: Brian Azzarello, Emanuela Lupacchino
Released: Jun 3, 2020

Black Canary's life has spiraled out of control: her personal life is going through the ringer and her band is in crisis when an old flame resurfaces only to flicker out and set her on an all-new mission against an all-new opponent. The only thing she has to be grateful for is the fact that she's not alone, as Huntress finds herself on a collision ...

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Yam09 reviewed Heroes In Crisis #9 May 29, 2019


Heroes In Crisis #9

By: Tom King, Clay Mann
Released: May 29, 2019

The most-talked-about miniseries of the year reaches its stunning finale! The mystery behind the murders at Sanctuary is solved, but the mind behind it is one the heroes never expected. With their deepest secrets exposed, the Trinity has to consider how to carry on. Should the tragedy cause them to redouble their efforts to help their hurting comra...

Yam09 commented on this:
TP reviewed Heroes In Crisis #4 Jan 2, 2019

Sexualization of trauma, objectification of women's body in contrast with the treatment of male characters, decompression with literally empty, copy pasted panels and heroes worrying more about their egos rather than a slaughter in their own safe space.

I know that there is a fetish thing with the Killing Joke but Heroes in Crisis goes a step further with this idea. Good art is not enou more

Heroes In Crisis #4

By: Tom King, Clay Mann
Released: Jan 2, 2019

Wonder Woman versus...Booster Gold?! Diana finds out the hard way that Booster can be a formidable opponent when his back's against the wall. Of course, being the prime suspect in a superhero massacre and exposing a secret trauma hospital for metahumans will do just that. Meanwhile, Batman and the Flash combine their detective skills to investigate...

+ LikeComments (21)
Æther - Jan 3, 2019

It's a short mystery Crisis story... in league with something like Identity Crisis, but much better so far. This story has far more personality, while balancing its dramatic themes well and clearly with imposing force. But, if you hate the characterizations I guess there would be no saving this one for you. I just think writers should have a chance to work with characters that are more malleable, and not bound by other interpretations in such a rigid way.

Darkseid24 - Jan 3, 2019

In my opinion Identity Crisis is a far better story than HiC. Identity Crisis qquestioned the heroes methods, but there is no real plot in HiC yet apart from deaths for shock value.

Yam09 reviewed Heroes In Crisis #4 Jan 2, 2019

I love Tom King, but this is so bad. One of the worst comics I ever read. It's trying to be deep, but only ending up as edgy.

Heroes In Crisis #4

By: Tom King, Clay Mann
Released: Jan 2, 2019

Wonder Woman versus...Booster Gold?! Diana finds out the hard way that Booster can be a formidable opponent when his back's against the wall. Of course, being the prime suspect in a superhero massacre and exposing a secret trauma hospital for metahumans will do just that. Meanwhile, Batman and the Flash combine their detective skills to investigate...

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Yam09 rated Nightwing #53 Nov 21, 2018

Nightwing #53

By: Scott Lobdell, Travis Moore
Released: Nov 21, 2018

Nightwing was shot in the head...and now, only Grayson remains, caught in the clutches of the Knight Terrors! As the group of vigilantes take on the persona and mantle of Nightwing, he is forced to ante up his hand when one of his close friends is murdered... Will he cast his lot with his old super hero friends to take down these rogues, or will he...

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Yam09 reviewed Nightwing #52 Nov 7, 2018

A slow burner worth reading. The art is amazing too. Perfect for a story as dark as this. If DC keeps this up for a year or two, Nightwing will evolve again like the 80's or when he became Batman.

Nightwing #52

By: Scott Lobdell, Chris Mooneyham
Released: Nov 7, 2018

The city of Bludhaven is descending into madness...with citizens falling victim to not only a group of vigilantes taking justice into their own hands, but to a new brand of fear focused on the past. While Grayson is happy to simply look to the future and move forward with his life, how will he deal with a threat that originates in his past? A threa...

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Yam09 rated Heroes In Crisis #2 Oct 31, 2018

Heroes In Crisis #2

By: Tom King, Clay Mann
Released: Oct 31, 2018

Suspected of murder, [REDACTED] and [REDACTED] find themselves on the run from the super-hospital called Sanctuary -with each thinking the other one is the real killer! It's up to Batman to solve this heinous crime, but suspicion falls on him when Superman and Wonder Woman ponder just how much Sanctuary's A.I. is telling them. Meanwhile, [REDACTED]...

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Yam09 reviewed Batman #57 Oct 17, 2018

"I won't kill you. But I don't have to save you."
-Batman killing someone.

When people say Batman doesn't kill, It's like we are not reading or watching the same thing. Issues like this just give fuel to the fire.

Batman #57

By: Tom King, Tony Daniel
Released: Oct 17, 2018

The KGBeast isn't working alone. As the Cold War between Batman and the Russian killer heats up, Batman's nose for mystery gets to twitching when he suspects there's more to the KGBeast's attacks than initially thought. Not only does this tie back to the court case Bruce Wayne sat on involving Mr. Freeze, there's another villainous Gotham ghoul in ...

Yam09 reviewed Nightwing #51 Oct 17, 2018

Dick Grayson has the circus blood.

Dick became Nightwing to escape Robin. He became Ric to escape Nightwing. Isn't that poetic and ironic, Mr. Grayson?

Nightwing #51

By: Scott Lobdell, Garry Brown
Released: Oct 17, 2018

Don't forget, this issue features an enhanced foil cover by Mike Perkins!
After the cataclysmic events of BATMAN #55, our hero doesn't remember training to fight, being a member of the Bat family, or being a superhero...and he could not be more content. It's his life, and he's happy to just live it with new friends and a roof over his head (wh...

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